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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

Page 30

by R A Baker

  “I want you to take some of my blood inside you.” I shook my head. Hell no was I taking his blood. Was he crazy? “I promise you won’t become a vampire, Katja. Just enough so I can be inside you like your blood is inside me.”

  I cringed at the thought of blood swirling in my mouth. I decided to try at least. This was their time, I guess. “Okay.”

  I heard something slide across skin. It sounded like the time I cut up a steak, meat tearing. A moment later Sven held his wrist to my mouth. I fought against him for a second. “The cut will close, Katja. Please?” I opened my mouth and he pressed his bleeding wrist to my mouth.

  Sven moaned softly as I continued to suckle on him. Almost immediately my senses sharpened further. I could hear rustling and far away pounding. I didn’t know what it was. He started to take his wrist away.

  I wanted more. I moved with him. The blood was lessening as I sucked. I started to use my teeth to open a bigger wound but he pulled his wrist away. I groaned. “I want more,” I murmured, willing to beg for it if I had to. He chuckled.

  The far off pounding got closer as his blood swirled through me. I could identify it now. It was heart beats. My sense of smell heightened too. I could smell the alcohol and the sex and the soap. I could smell something else but I couldn’t tell what it was. I sniffed. It was Sven. His own unique scent. Like spice cake or a strong spicy aroma. It was mouthwatering. I leaned into him and ran my nose against his chest.

  I ran my tongue along his skin. I could taste the spice now, along with the blood and other odors. I pulled back and said, “You taste good.” He laughed softly. “I want more,” I murmured against his skin.

  “No, Katja. If you take too much you’ll be something you won’t want.”

  “What will that be?” I sniffed him again and ran my tongue across his skin. I followed his ribs until I came to his nipple. I flicked my tongue out. He grabbed my arms in a death grip as I put my mouth fully on his nipple and sucked on him.

  He pulled me back and let out a shaky breath. “You’ve seen Dracula, right?” The reference wasn’t lost on me. I was huge a horror movie fan.

  “Yeah?” I struggled against his grip to get back to his skin.

  “If you take too much more you’ll become like the character Renfield, except this will be for real not fictitious.”

  “So, I’d be your slave or something?” I chuckled and leaned forward trying to get to him.

  “Something like that.”

  I moved on his lap. He let out a whisper of air that washed over me. I breathed in his scent. Spice with a slight under scent of blood. The blood smelled good. “Just a little more?”

  “No, Katja.” He distracted me by lifting me and entering me.

  I breathed deeply as he moved inside me. I could feel him inside me with more clarity. His muscle was hard yet pliable. I could feel that he fit inside me easily but filled me completely. He moved us slowly, gently.

  I could hear the guys talking in the other room. They were talking about their time with me and how much they had enjoyed it. They wanted more. I took a deep breath. “Is this what you hear and smell all the time?”

  “Yes,” he whispered against my neck.

  “I can’t concentrate. I can hear their hearts beating strongly in their chests. I can smell everything. I can taste scents on my tongue as I speak to you. How do you do it?”

  “I’ve learned over two centuries. At first it’s difficult to control the heightened senses. I had a difficult few decades.” He had stopped moving. “It’ll wear off shortly.” He kissed my shoulder.

  “Bite me, Sven.” He obliged. His fangs slid into my skin. I could feel his fangs, their hardness as they entered my skin and slid into the artery.

  I could feel my blood pump out of the two small wounds. I could feel his neck muscles convulse as he swallowed. He bent me back so that I was almost lying on the floor. He moved within me as he sucked on my neck. I could feel his orgasm building, as well as, feel my own orgasm building. I waited until I felt that he was ready and let my body have its fun. I came screaming and struggling against my bindings. He cried out above me.

  I heard the bindings snap as I applied too much pressure. I wrapped my arms around him. I felt his flesh, hard and warm against my arms. I clawed lightly at his back as he brought me again with his bite.

  I let my hands fall off his back and went limp. He held me to him, his muscles strong and hard against my ribs and back.

  He leaned back with me in his grasp and sat up. He took the blindfold off and I blinked into the bright light of the chandelier. I could see better with his blood flowing through me. I looked at Sven and saw his pale skin glow and under the glow was a faint pink light that travelled his entire body. I stood up and walked away from him. I wanted to see what that faint pink light was.

  I walked into the bedroom and found my men lounging on the bed. I looked at them closely and saw the same faint pink light travelling through their bodies. I felt, rather than heard, Sven walk up behind me. “What’s that faint pink that I see?”

  He put his hands on my shoulders and said, “That’s their blood, Katja.” I took a sharp breath. I watched the light travel along their bodies, speeding up when they got excited or slowing down when they relaxed. I stalked up to them. The pink light travelled faster.

  I put my nose to Todd’s skin first and breathed in his scent, slightly musky but mostly cinnamony. I sniffed Trace next. His scent was like fine water from a mountain spring, clean and crisp. Erick was next. I scented him. His was a mix between smoke and ice. He was fire and ice made human.

  “Kat, what’cha doin’?” Todd asked.

  I looked at him, causing him to jerk back. “I’m smelling you.”

  “I can see that. But why?”

  I looked at him. I could watch as the pink light hit certain areas with more force than others. Arteries. “You smell good.”

  I ran my hands on Erick’s chest, the bindings still around my wrists. I ran my tongue along his neck and tasted that smoky flavor slide along my tongue. A yummy scent caught my attention. It was like vanilla ice cream.

  “Sven? What’s that vanilla ice cream taste at the back of my tongue?” I asked without looking back.

  “That would be blood, Kat.” I sighed as I ran my hands over Erick’s arms, feeling the muscles and the blood flowing through his skin.

  I wrapped my hand around his dick and brought him to full length with a few strokes. I straddled him when he was fully hard, running my hands over his muscular chest, flicking his nipples with my fingertips.

  I bent my head to his neck and growled low in my throat as I smelled his blood so near the surface of his skin. I could hear his heart beating rapidly as I moved on top of him. I bit his neck hard enough to draw blood and started licking it like a cat with milk, making small noises in my throat.

  Blood welled to the surface of Erick’s skin as I bit him harder, tearing the skin open further. I stopped moving and pulled Erick to my mouth. I growled as I felt Sven get closer.

  “Kat,” Sven cautioned. I ignored him.

  I pulled back a moment and looked at Erick. His green eyes were bright, shining like well-polished emeralds. I smiled and licked the blood from my lips. I moved faster on Erick. He closed his eyes and cried out softly as the orgasm took over.

  I started back toward Erick’s throat when I saw Sven fly at me. I tried to duck but he was faster, though I could see him this time. He took me off of Erick and held me against the wall.

  I struggled to get away from him and back to the sweet vanilla taste. “Katja, look at me!” Sven yelled in my face. I swung my eyes to him and growled, gnashing my teeth at him. “Fight it. You’re strong enough.” I didn’t want to fight it. I wanted to take that yummy flavor into my mouth.

  “I don’t want to fight, Sven,” I whispered.

  “You must. You’ll kill them if you don’t.”

  Fear ran through my body. “I don’t want to kill them.” I still spoke softly. I could
feel the bloodlust ebb inside me. I looked more clearly at Sven. His blue eyes were shining with an inner light. I hadn’t noticed before. “How do you deal with this? Being around something so delicious?”

  “The same way you deal with being around handsome men all day and night, you get used to it.” I wanted to argue but it was true, I did get used to being around them. I didn’t go gaga over them like when I had first met them.

  I started to shake as the cold seeped into my bones, his skin was like ice. I looked at Todd and the others and found the pink light fading under their skin. “I think I’m all right, Sven. The light’s fading.” He nodded and let me go.

  I shivered and held my stomach as I walked up to the bed. Todd and the others were looking at me like I was a wild creature. “I’m sorry for hurting you, Erick.”

  He chuckled. “You can hurt me like that anytime.”

  I blushed. Sven came up behind me and wrapped a blanket around my body and then held me. I leaned into him and cuddled tighter into the blanket.


  I looked at Todd. “Hmm?”

  “Are you okay?”

  Was I okay? I was freezing but I didn’t know if that was because I was coming off the blood high or not. “I think so but I’m just freezing.”

  “Come cuddle. We’ll keep you warm.” He patted the bed.

  I slipped the shoes off as Sven helped me into bed and then sidled up next to Todd. I was between Todd and Erick. I pulled my arms from the blanket and untied the bindings. I finally noticed that they were the last bits of a tie, Todd’s tie. “Sorry about your tie, Todd.” I handed him the remains. He laughed and tossed them on the floor.

  “You broke the bindings?” I nodded.

  I heard him whisper, “Damn, maybe I should try that,” as my eyes closed. I was almost asleep when I heard them whisper. I couldn’t concentrate on their words and drifted to sleep on their soft voices.

  >< ><

  I woke up to kisses. I looked up into Erick’s green eyes and smiled. He smiled back. I took my arms from the blanket I was still wrapped in and wound them around Erick’s neck. I pulled him closer and kissed him.

  I pulled back immediately when I tasted the night’s activities in my mouth. I cringed. I put my hand in front of my mouth and said, “I need to use the bathroom.” He grinned and nodded. He got off me and helped me up. Nobody else was in the room. I walked into the bathroom and showered, brushed my teeth, and walked out of the bathroom.

  No one was in the room now. I walked naked through the bedroom and went to find them. They were sitting in the living room. The bottles had been cleared from the table. I stood in front of them. “What were you guys talking about?”

  Todd tried to talk but stopped. He let his eyes travel over my body. His eyes darkened to near black as he continued to look at me. He licked his lips and said, “We were talking about what we were going to do to you after we ate.”

  I chuckled and asked, “Where?”

  He looked at me, puzzled. “Here. I reserved this room for two nights. I figured that’d give us enough time to fool around and then move into the new house. Though, at the time, I hadn’t realized we’d be moving again.” I gave him apologetic eyes.

  “Get dressed, Kat. We’re going down to the restaurant for lunch, dinner, whatever it is,” he said and chuckled, then came over to me. He hugged me, running his hands down my back and ribs. He kissed my cheek and let me go, patting my butt as I walked away.

  I found my clothes folded on the bed. I dressed and then walked back into the living room. “Better?” I twirled around in my day old skirt suit.

  Trace came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. “No.” I pulled back and frowned at him. “I liked you better without the clothes,” he explained. I slapped his arm lightly and chuckled. He stepped back but kept his arm around my waist.

  >< ><

  We left the room and went down to the restaurant. The hostess greeted us by name and showed us to a table. We sat down and looked at the menu. It was after noon and I was famished. I found a decent selection for myself. I closed the menu and watched the guys.

  They positively glowed. Todd’s brown eyes were fixed on the menu and his lips twitched as he chose his meal. Trace’s blue-y grey eyes were closed as he bit his lip. Erick’s green eyes were watching me. He ran his tongue along his lips as he watched me.

  I turned my head and looked at Sven. He was pretending to read the menu. I could see he was pretending human. His pale skin gleamed in the low lighting of the restaurant and his pale fingers tapped against the menu as he read it.

  They closed their menus and looked at me. My heart stuttered in my chest as I saw the need in their eyes. I smiled and tried to think of something to lighten the mood but couldn’t come up with anything. The waitress came over and broke the tension. We ordered.

  Todd leaned into me. “How did you like last night, Kat?”

  I blushed. Todd chuckled. “I enjoyed it. I don’t know if I could do that every day but it was an experience. You should try it sometime.”

  “Oh, I plan on it.” I stared at him. Was he serious? Did he really want to be bound and blind? I could see doing that to him. Maybe. The food came and our conversation turned to lighter topics.

  We ate slowly, taking our time, and just chatting about everything but what happened last night. We finished our meal and our waitress asked if we’d like a dessert. We declined.

  My stomach clenched at the thought of what we would be doing soon. We left the restaurant and went back to the penthouse. I noticed that maid service had come and gone.

  I left the guys in the living room and went into the kitchen to make a few phone calls. I called Starla and asked how things were faring. She didn’t have much to report. The computer guy had replaced the lost files and everyone was showing houses. She was doing paperwork and found that we were only missing a couple files. Luckily she had hardcopies at her house and brought them in.

  I hung up with her and called the house. Charles answered and reported everything was good. The new house was ready to move into. They were going to pack everything and start the move today. He told me that there was a guest house that could hold four couples. I contained my enthusiasm at the news and asked how Thorn was holding up.

  “He’s behaving. He has yet to break any rules that you’ve imposed. Beatrice and Thorn are acting like teenage lovers, giggling and such.” He paused. “Enjoy your time away, mistress. I will see you when you return.” He hung up before I could say anything. That wasn’t strange for Charles. He was always hanging up the phone before I could say anything back.

  I put the phone back in its cradle and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. The guys had the TV on and were watching some rerun. I plopped down between Todd and Sven and watched the show. I zoned out, maybe I even fell asleep.

  >< ><

  I woke up to Todd carrying me toward the bedroom. I wrapped my arms tighter around him. “What are you doing, Todd?”

  “Carrying you into bed. What does it look like?” He set me down when we walked into the room. Everyone was already lying on the bed. They were naked. My heart clenched as I looked at them. Todd and I were the only ones still dressed.

  I watched as Sven ran his hands down Erick’s hard chest. His fingers played along the hair at his groin. Trace was lying against Erick’s body, his arm wrapped around Erick’s arm.

  I jumped when Todd kissed my cheek. I had been so intent on them that I hadn’t noticed Todd. He pulled my jacket off and tossed it onto the chair behind us. He ran his hand across my back and shoulders, sighing into my ear. I shivered and turned into him. He took me in his arms and we kissed. I closed my eyes as I kissed him and heard the sheets rustle. Warm bodies encircled us. I could feel their bodies hard against me.

  I opened my eyes and caught sight of Sven. He was behind Todd. I felt Todd stiffen as Sven’s hands wrapped around his neck. Sven’s teeth slid into Todd’s skin causing him to moan softly. Todd wrapped h
is arms around me tighter as Sven fed off him. Todd hardened against me.

  He made a strangled sound in his throat and his hands went from my back to his pants. He unzipped as quickly as he could. I knew what he wanted. I wiggled out of my skirt and underwear. He lifted me into his arms and entered me even as Sven continued to suck on him. Trace and Erick rubbed against my body causing me to whimper.

  Todd whimpered and gripped my back tighter. Just as the orgasm hit us, Trace and Erick bit the sides of my neck. I screamed and clawed at Todd’s back.

  Sven pulled back from Todd’s neck and Trace and Erick moved back from me. Todd lifted me and slid out. I slid down his body and he hugged me tightly for a moment, then kissed me. He pulled back and his breath rumbled against my chest.

  Trace pulled me away from Todd and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked us to the bed and set me down at the foot. He pushed me back so I was lying on the bed. Erick came up and grabbed my arms. He held them stretched above my head. Trace took my breath away as he pushed inside me.

  I strained against Erick’s hold as Trace pounded into me. Trace ran his tongue across my chest and flicked my nipples. I trembled as the orgasm built. I moved my lower body with Trace as best I could. Erick kept my arms pinned to the bed. I cried out as the orgasm hit me. Trace moved inside me quickly and cried out. He fell on top of me and gasped in breath.

  Trace pulled out of me. Erick kept him hands on my wrists. I pulled against him but he wouldn’t let go. I looked up at him. He looked at me and smiled. I looked behind him and found Sven crawling toward him. He slid his arm around Erick’s waist.

  Erick bent down and gave me a kiss. He sat back up and let my wrists go. He flashed a big smile at me and then turned into Sven. Erick planted his lips on Sven’s. Erick pressed his groin against Sven’s. They held each other and they moved together. I sat up and ran my hands along their legs. They continued to press and rub against each other as they kissed. Their hands holding each other close.


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