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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

Page 34

by R A Baker

  “Why would you want to have him around?”

  “I would keep him around for Sven, not necessarily for myself, Todd. They’ve been together for ninety years, give or take a few years. I don’t like coming between that. That was one of the big reasons I kept pushing Sven away.”

  “And now that he’s with us, what will happen if he decides to leave?”

  I looked at Todd funny. Was Sven thinking about leaving? “If he left, it’d be like any failed relationship, Todd. Over time I’d get over it or, at least, get used to him not being around. How would you handle it?”

  Todd looked away from me and chewed at his bottom lip. “I wouldn’t like it. It would be very difficult if he left and I had to deal with him on a regular basis.” Todd stepped to the window and looked out. The sun was setting and the little bit of trees that I could see shined with a blue tint as the sun ran along the foliage.

  I had to know if Todd was bringing this up because he knew something or was only worst-case scenario. “Do you think he will?”

  “Not right now.”

  I tried to see if that was an evasive answer or if he really didn’t know. I couldn’t tell since he wasn’t looking at me but out the window. I shrugged and turned off the CD player. “We should head back to the house.”

  Todd turned from the window and nodded. He held out his arm for me and when I hesitated he grabbed my hand and put it on his arm for me. We walked back to the house.

  Thorn, Sven, and Charles were in the kitchen. Thorn and Sven were talking in low voices but stopped when we walked in. They smiled at me. Charles stood up and bowed. “I request to leave, mistress.” I frowned at him but nodded. Todd and I stayed in the kitchen since it was one of my rules not to allow Sven and Thorn alone in the same room without a chaperone.

  “Thorn says that you have continued to refuse him,” Sven said, without a hint of accusation in his voice, thankfully. I nodded. “Why?”

  “Sven, if you want to be with him I won’t stand in your way but for me, no. I don’t trust that he wants to be with me, with us, for anything more than a minute.”

  “And you don’t think the same of me?” His blue eyes changed from dark to light sapphire with a hint of animal shine. My heart clenched at the predatory glint that the animal shine gave him.

  “I didn’t until now.” He smiled, flashing fangs.

  Todd guided me into the chair opposite Sven and took the chair across from Thorn.

  “I can tell you that I love being with you. I’m thrilled to pieces that you have willingly let me share your body.” Sven wrapped his hand around Thorn’s.

  “Why are you pushing to have Thorn with me? With us?”

  Todd pulled me closer and kissed my neck. I turned slightly toward Todd and whispered, “You’re trying to distract me.” He nodded against my shoulder. “Why?”

  “I don’t want to have this conversation right now.” His whispers tickled my neck.

  “Why don’t you want to have this conversation?” He didn’t say anything.

  I waited a moment and then turned back to Sven and Thorn, which was one thing I shouldn’t have done. The glow in their eyes was frightening in a strangely erotic way. I chewed on my bottom lip and turned from them and into Todd. His face was right beside mine. I sucked in a shocked breath.

  “Why don’t you want to have this conversation, Todd?” I whispered as his lips met mine.

  “I just don’t, Kat,” he whispered against my lips. “Let’s go somewhere private.” He stood up and pulled me with him. Sven and Thorn stood up. Damn.

  “I can’t, Todd. One of my rules is that Thorn was not to be left alone and that was especially with Beatrice or Sven.” He groaned. “Give me a minute.” He gave me a peck on the cheek and left the room.

  I sat back down and tried to ignore Sven and Thorn but they wouldn’t allow me to. “Katja?”

  I looked at Sven. “Hmm?”

  “Would you allow me time with Thorn?” His expression was soft.

  “Of course.” He ‘hmm’d’ me and turned away. I shrugged. “Did you have something more to ask me, Sven?”

  “Yes, but I shouldn’t.” I sighed. I stood up and started out of the kitchen. “Aren’t you going to supervise?”

  “I’ll trust you not to think up a plan to kill us for two minutes.” I left the kitchen and went to find Todd. He was in the bedroom talking with Trace and Erick. They stopped and watched me walk up to the bed. Todd’s eyes were dark brown at the moment which meant that he had been talking about sex or something along that line. Trace’s blue-y grey eyes were bright and Erick’s emerald green eyes shined.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Like I didn’t know.

  Todd smiled and shook his head. “It’s nothing, Kat.” Like I believed that.

  “Why don’t you go back into the kitchen, Kat? I’ll be there shortly.”

  I frowned at him and nodded. I didn’t want to go back into the kitchen with the two vampires. I was okay with just Sven but the both of them…

  When I didn’t leave, Todd asked, “Why aren’t you leaving, Kat?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t want to go back in there with the two vampires.”

  “Why not?”

  “I just don’t.”

  He sighed. “Okay, but I really need to speak with Trace and Erick.” I looked at him and gave him the ‘go ahead’ with my hands but he wouldn’t. “Can you go to the living room, then?”

  I knew they were trying to get rid of me but I didn’t know why. “Why do you want me out of the room so badly?”

  “Because I’d like to speak with them alone.” He winked at me and smirked.

  “Okay.” I walked out of the room and peaked in the kitchen. Sven and Thorn were kissing. I shut the door and walked away trying to get the image out of my head.

  I found Beatrice and Ardeness in the living room. I groaned softly and took a seat by the door, as far away from them as possible. They seemed okay, at least I didn’t get a dirty look from Beatrice but the night was still young.

  I wondered what to do about dinner. I hadn’t done a whole lot but the rest of them deserved a nice meal. I tapped my fingers on the armrest for a minute, then left the living room. I grabbed my cell phone and called a restaurant. I reserved a table for the group and hung up. I walked into the living room and told Beatrice and Ardeness to get dressed up. They nodded and left the room.

  I found Charles and Nadja on the back porch sitting on the patio chairs. “Hey, guys.” They started to stand. “No, please, stay seated.” They did. “I just wanted to let you know that I’ve made reservations. If you guys can be ready in a half hour, that’d be great.” They nodded and I left. I went to find Sandra and Mark. They were in the dining room.

  They stood up when I came in. I grumbled under my breath and let them know that they needed to be ready soon. “Will you be going as well?”

  “No. This is for you guys. For helping with the house and move. It’s the least I can do.” They tried to talk me out of it but I waved them off. “Don’t worry about it, guys.” I left. I took a deep breath before I entered the kitchen.

  Sven and Thorn were still alone. I bit my lip and said, “I’ve reserved a table at a restaurant for the group. I won’t be going but I was wondering if you’d like to take Beatrice and Ardeness out. At least escort them.”

  Todd walked in at that moment. “No. They’ll stay here, Kat.”

  I turned on him. “Why?”

  “We all need to talk.”

  I groaned loudly. “I don’t want to talk. I really just want to be left alone. I made the reservations for the others. If you and the guys want to go, you can.”

  “No, Kat. We’ll be here.” Darn. I was hoping to have the house to myself; guess that wasn’t going to happen.

  Todd smiled at my faintly morose expression, and, in a light tone, said, “Are you trying to get rid of us?”

  “Yes,” I said with a smile. I left the kitchen without touching Todd and found the group r
eady. “Todd’s truck is ready to go, Charles. Here’s my credit card. I put you on as secondary so you can use it freely.” He smiled. I qualified the statement with, “Within reason.” He chuckled. “Okay, have fun. Maybe go see a movie or something.”

  I locked the door after they left. Outside of reflex I didn’t know why I would lock the door. That meant I was trapped in the house with five guys. I stayed away from the kitchen and walked into the bedroom. I shut the door quietly and decided a nap was in order. I felt adrift without working and, at the moment, there wasn’t much I could do about the bad guys so I had nothing to occupy my time or keep myself from thinking.

  I plopped on the bed and rested my eyes.

  A few minutes later, I heard the door open. I put my arm over my eyes and pretended to be asleep. “I know you’re not asleep, Kat.”

  I sat up and looked at Todd. “What do you want?”

  “Why don’t you come into the kitchen?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to. I’d rather not talk about anything, if that’s okay with you.”

  “Sure. I was just thinking about making something for dinner since we aren’t going out to eat.”

  My stomach grumbled a little at the mention of food. “Okay.” I got off the bed and walked into the kitchen with Todd.

  Trace and Erick were sitting across from Thorn and Sven. I looked in the fridge for food and found some veggies and thinly sliced steak. I pulled them from the fridge and grabbed a frying pan. I had absolutely no idea on cooking. I rarely cooked when Todd and I were married. I once burned a pot of water. The one time I cut a steak was Todd’s idea. He thought it’d be a good idea to show me how to cook. Yeah, that turned into one of those slapstick comedy routines and he never attempted to have me cook again.

  Todd came up beside me and took the pan from my hand. “Kat, why are you near the stove?” he asked, his smile Cheshire.

  I mocked a frown and said, “I was thinking about cooking.” Groans went through the kitchen.

  “Let me. I really don’t want to move again because you burned the kitchen down,” he said and the whole room laughed.

  I looked at them and pursed my lips. “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I said. He kissed my cheek and pushed me away from the stove, smacking my butt as I walked away. I looked at him over my shoulder. He winked and went about preparing dinner.

  I sat at the table but turned to watch him move. He liked to cook. He moved efficiently, taking some of this and that and adding it to the pan. The kitchen was fragrant with the scents of steak and veggies frying with seasoning.

  I felt a hand on my arm and turned to find Thorn. I fought the urge to cringe. “What is it, Thorn?” I tried for light but a hard edge found its way through.

  “I will need to feed soon.” He took his hand from my arm and went back to lean against Sven’s shoulder with his hip. Sven leaned his head against Thorn’s side and wrapped his arm around his waist. I studied them for a moment.

  They were so different yet similar. Both with brown hair except that Thorn had red and blue streaks running through his hair. I was pretty certain that just a few hours ago his hair was streaked with purple. Thorn’s brown eyes looked more like a wounded animal than a vampire. Sven’s dark blue eyes sparkled with happiness. They were nearly the same height with the same pale skin.

  I turned from them and watched Todd. He was leaning against the counter and looking at me. His brown eyes were once more dark. I tensed. “Katja?”

  I jumped and turned to look at Erick. “Yeah?” I asked breathlessly.

  “What shall we do about feeding the vampires?”

  I blinked at him and said, “If you want to feed them, you can. Any of you can. Or they can go out and feed.” As soon as the last sentence was out of my mouth I cringed. Thorn wasn’t allowed out of our sight. Damn. Erick saw the cringe and chuckled softly.

  I didn’t mind feeding Sven because through a lot of experience it was okay but with Thorn, not so much. Sven looked like he was going to suggest something when Todd announced that dinner was done.

  I stood up but was told to sit back down. I rolled my eyes but did what I was told. Todd brought a plate with a leafy salad and rice with the stir fry on top. I sighed with gratitude at the meal. I waited until everyone had been served and started eating. It was fantastic. “This is so yummy, Todd.” He chuckled and looked pleased.

  >< ><

  We finished our meal. Now came the big decision as to what to do about feeding the vampires. I took the dishes and stuffed them in the dishwasher while I thought of a way to feed them both. I was so deep in thought that when I turned, I gasped when I found Sven right behind me. I put my hand to my throat and scolded him for sneaking up on me. He laughed and stepped back.

  I sidled up to Todd and leaned against his back with an arm wrapped around his shoulder. He leaned his head on my stomach and ran his hand on my arm. Trace and Erick were smiling about something, probably Sven scaring the crap out of me. Thorn was looking at me and flicking his eyes to Sven.

  I had put off the answer to the question of what to do about feeding the vamps long enough. I leaned down to Todd’s ear and whispered, “Who’s feeding who?” Thorn’s eyes widened and I felt Sven move up behind me. I righted myself quickly and stepped around Todd. Sven’s hand brushed my back.

  Todd turned and looked at me. “Who do you want to feed?”

  I didn’t have to think long and hard about this. “Sven.”

  “Then one or more of us will feed Thorn,” Todd said as he turned back to look at Thorn.

  Trace paled at the thought of feeding the vampires. He knew what it felt like, obviously, but he didn’t much care unless it was in the middle of sex. Erick’s green eyes got a lazy cat gaze to them. I could tell that Erick much preferred feeding the vampires whenever. Todd wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me to him.

  “Where to?” I asked. I liked feeding the vamps too but I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. Todd shrugged. I guess it would be up to the vampires.

  I turned to Sven. “Bedroom.” He had the word out before I could ask the question again. He came up to me and played his fingers along the back of my neck. I heard Todd sigh and looked down. Sven was playing his fingers along Todd’s jaw and the corner of his mouth.

  I turned to the others and saw that Thorn’s brown eyes had a hint of animal shine to them, making them seem almost like liquid gold. Thorn turned to Erick and ran his fingers up his arm and around his shoulders pulling him closer. Erick didn’t even flinch as Thorn placed his mouth on his neck. Erick’s eyes slid shut as Thorn pierced the skin. Thorn’s mouth worked on Erick as we watched.

  Sven’s arm tightened around me, causing me to gasp as his embrace became painful. I tried to shrug from him but he had a death grip on my shoulder. Erick started to moan softly as Thorn’s bite filled him with pleasure.

  I turned as much as I could to look up at Sven. He was staring at Thorn and Erick. I could see the need and pain in his dark blue eyes. “Sven,” I whispered. He tore his eyes from them and looked at me. “Can you let up on the death grip?” He blinked and loosened his hold on my shoulder.

  Our eyes swung back to Thorn and Erick as Erick bucked and cried out. My eyes widened in surprise as Erick kept convulsing with pleasure. Thorn’s pale arms were still wrapped securely around Erick’s chest and shoulders. A couple minutes later, Erick was slumped in his chair, eyes closed and breathing hard.

  I started to walk over to make sure he was okay but Sven kept his arm around me and when I looked up he smiled and whispered, “That’s Thorn’s specialty, Katja. He can bring you multiple times. He’s better than I am.” I gulped and stuffed my heart back down my throat and into my chest.

  “Come with me, Katja.” Sven tugged on my shoulders but I was rooted to the floor. I was staring at Erick. He pulled in a deep breath as Thorn’s arm tightened on his shoulders. Thorn was looking at me. I turned my gaze to him and he smiled happily. I could see a bit of revenge pa
ss through his eyes as he looked at Sven, whose hand convulsed on my shoulder causing me to squeak as his fingers dug into my muscle.

  Todd stood up and pulled me away from Sven. He had a fight since Sven didn’t want to let me go. “Let her go, Sven.” Sven sighed and released me. Todd pulled me to him and away from Sven.

  Trace bit his lip as Thorn turned into him and stroked a finger across his neck. I could hear Thorn whisper, “If this makes you uncomfortable I won’t do it.” Trace nodded and leaned a little into Thorn.

  Thorn took advantage of Trace’s lean and played with his neck, then ran his hand down Trace’s chest then lower but stopped before his hand was out of sight. Thorn turned his head slightly and sucked on Trace’s neck. Trace whimpered and then stiffened when Thorn’s fangs slid into his skin. I could feel Todd tighten his grip on my shoulders as he watched.

  Trace trembled as Thorn continued to feed from him. Thorn’s fingers rubbed along Trace’s chest and neck bringing little sounds of pleasure from Trace’s mouth. I heard something snap and turned. Sven had cracked the chair back. He moved his hands away and stuffed them into his pockets. I could see his blue eyes from the side and the emotions flowing through him went from anger to pain; when pain filled his eyes I frowned.

  My eyes swung back to Trace and Thorn when Trace let out a cry and clutched at anything to keep from flying out of the chair as he orgasmed. Thorn’s arms tightened around Trace and kept him stable. After a few minutes, Trace was calm enough to open his eyes. I smiled as Trace’s eyes found mine. He smiled a lazy smile and closed his eyes again.

  Sven came up to me and tore me away from Todd. He held me tight in his embrace but it was anger that made him hold me. I struggled against him. Todd asked him to let me go but Sven refused. He bit my neck and brought me within seconds of biting me. I screamed in pleasure and gasped as a second and third orgasm hit me. I leaned into Sven and ran my hands along his groin. He was hardening as my blood entered his veins.

  Sven continued to suck on my neck as I unsnapped his jeans. I stuck my hand inside and stroked him. No underwear to worry about either. I used my hand to bring him. He tore his mouth from my neck and cried out softly as he shuddered against me.


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