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Paramount Page 18

by Nadia Scrieva

  “Mother,” scolded Raymond in a tone of warning. He didn’t want Amelia to be rude to Thornton, but Raymond was having trouble controlling his own anger. Even as he spoke the teacups were rattling on the coffee table. Books were falling off the bookshelves as the ground vibrated as he fought against his increasing prana. Waves of heat swept off the powerful man, washing over Amelia and Thornton as though they had just stopped out into the sunshine on a brutal August day.

  “What she means to say…” began Raymond, slowly and carefully. His voice was so artificially calm that it frightened Thornton. “...Is that we would both be very happy if you would please leave our home.”

  Thornton couldn’t help but listen to that authoritative voice. It was so steady and decidedly hostile that he felt his blood freeze. His circulation had surely stopped. He remembered that Raymond was at least as powerful as his own father. Thornton struggled to stand, feeling the prickling chills run through his body. In a zombie-like state, he turned to head for the door.

  Amelia followed him and stepped outside. “Don’t you dare go anywhere near my granddaughter again. Do you understand me, Thornton Kalgren?”

  Thornton nodded, speaking in a cracked whisper. “Yes, Amelia.”

  “She deserved better than this!” Amelia hissed. She advanced on Thornton and shoved her finger in his face. “You babysat her. You were there through the worst of it, when Kaden died. You knew what a good-hearted and brilliant kid she was, and you knew the woman she could become! You knew Bridget—do you remember Bridget?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “How do you think Paxie’s mother would feel if she were alive today?” Amelia asked, her eyes tearing up. “If that poor woman, Sakra bless her soul, knew the way you had treated her daughter…”

  Thornton felt as if the world was collapsing around him. He felt the urge to get as far away as possible and bury his head in the sand.

  “…She would surely strangle you with her bare hands,” Amelia finished. “Your life has been blessed. Natural physical strength and a fortune to inherit—amazing parents like Rose and Vince. But hear me now, boy. Despite all of your physical strength, on the inside you are pathetically weak. Physical might does not equate strong character, young man!”

  Amelia turned around and marched back into the house, slamming the door behind her.

  Ouch. There could have been no greater insult to a deva than to call him weak on so many levels. Amelia knew this, having been married to one of the greatest devas who had ever lived. The worst part was that Thornton knew in his heart that it was true.

  Asher had been right, of course. There was no longer any chance for him with Pax. No one in her family welcomed him any longer. He had to move on. He had to force himself to move on. And there was only one possible way he could think of doing that.

  As he took off into the sky he gazed behind him at the manor of Burnson Grove and the beautiful forests and rivers of the landscape. He had so many memories in these woodlands. From his earliest childhood he had escaped here to spend time with the Burnsons. These people were far more than just family friends and far more than just family—they were ingrained deeply in his soul, and part of his very foundation. Thornton had to look away to stop the pain he felt at being exiled from Burnson Grove. Exiled from Pax.

  He wondered why he had even travelled to speak to her family. What had he intended to explain? Now it was eternally finalized. He wondered if he could use his magick to move through other planes of existence; could he take Pax and chose to pursue a different life? They could be reborn again hundreds of years in the past or future—he could alter the very fabric of time. But he had a hunch that he would still be forbidden from seeing her again. For Raymond could follow him to any world and any time period. Raymond and Vincent had already lived countless lives under countless names, and such feats were nothing to them.

  Amelia was right. Thornton was weak. Even as a deva, his power was insignificant—for if he possessed any real power, he would not have allowed Pax to slip away. The sinking feeling in his stomach intensified as he stared blankly into the sky ahead. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. He had to force himself to go through the motions of moving on, or he never would.

  Chapter 15: In Pure Starlight

  Thornton waited by the fountain in the city’s largest downtown mall, checking his watch sporadically. He only had a forty-five minute lunch break before an important meeting, and had requested to meet with his new lady-friend for a casual noontime date in the mall. It was something to take his mind off Pax.

  He saw her approaching from a distance, and he took in her unusual pink and black summer dress. It was a type of style he had never seen before, and it looked like a melee of two different garments. Mara would dig this girl, he thought to himself. The indigo-haired beauty always seemed rather trendy and fashion-forward. Her smile was what caught him off-guard. She looked so cool and confident that she made him feel a touch nervous. There was something uncanny about her; she was definitely special.

  The smile on her face led him to imagine he had seen it before. It reminded him of someone. His mother? The inane thought made him smile. The young trainee doctor looked nothing like Rose Kalgren.

  “Good afternoon, Medea,” he said giving her a small hug.

  “Hello, Thorn,” she said brushing her deep indigo locks out of her eyes. “It’s good to see you again. I’m curious about why you wanted to meet here.”

  "Well," he said, leaning close to her while speaking in a low tone as though conspiring. "I happen to know one of the most closely kept secrets on the planet."

  Para felt a shiver of excitement at his words, even though she was certain she knew all of his secrets. She gazed at him attentively and curiously before moving her lips to brush his ear. "I promise I won't tell."

  Thornton smiled handsomely, taking her hand and guiding her through the mall, "They just opened up a new shop. They serve the very best ice-cream in the universe. I'm not kidding."

  Para smiled. She did love ice-cream. She murmured a challenge as she followed him. "I’ve had some pretty great ice-cream in my lifetime. That’s a lofty claim!"

  When they reached the little shop, which was adorably named Intergalactic Ice-Cream and decorated with space-themed decorations, Para was seized with a childlike delight. She ran to the glass and gazed through at the flavors. They were about thirty in total, and all named astronomically, for example, “Venus Vanilla,” “Asteroid Apple,” and “Supernova Strawberry.”

  “Whoa!” she exclaimed. “This is amazing. What a selection!”

  “What would you like, Medea?” he asked, feeling a smile take over his face at her reaction. Her sexy smirk and elegant confidence had instantly disappeared and had been replaced by an incredibly sweet innocence. He felt more attracted to her than ever before. She was acting so much like… a Burnson!

  “One of each!” she blurted out instantly, her eyes big and round as she stared at the rainbow assortment of colors.

  “I’ll have one of each,” Thornton told the shopkeeper as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

  The shopkeeper stared for a moment in confusion. He dropped his ice-cream scooper. Thornton frowned at the reaction. Then he realized what he had asked for. He slowly turned back to the girl who was still staring through the glass with excitement.

  “Uh, Medea?” he asked, his face contorting into weird shapes. She turned back to look at him curiously.

  “What’s wrong, Thorn?”

  "You want one of… each?”

  “Peach!” she corrected hastily, feeling a rush of terrified dismay at her forgetful mistake. “I said ‘peach,’ Thorn. I simply love peach!”

  He nodded, relieved. And also not-so-relieved, because frankly, he had really wanted to try one of each. Para glanced back over her shoulder at the display, silently praying that there was a peach flavour. Then she saw it, and breathed a sigh of relief. Pluto Peach! Thank Sakra.

bsp; Once the shopkeeper had scooped their small single scoops, and Thornton had paid, the couple began strolling around the mall while licking their respective cones. Para's stomach growled at her angrily. A deva having an ice cream cone for lunch was the rough equivalent of a human having a lollipop. At least they were suffering together. It was the price of dating supposed-humans. They chatted for a while, making small talk, before Thornton asked the fateful question. The one question that had the power to divide Para in two more efficiently than a chainsaw.

  “So, Medea, would you like to do some shopping?”

  “YesNo!” said Para, nearly coughing from the effort it took to twist her tongue simultaneously into the shapes her mind was commanding her to. She also had a small spasm in her shoulders as a mini-war raged inside her brain and nervous system. It was lucky that she was made of two demigoddesses and not any robotic Kalgren-Tech elements, for the question pushed all of her capacities into conflicting overload. If she were mechanical she would have surely short-circuited and perhaps combusted into a million pieces and died on the spot.

  “Did you just say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ at the same time?” asked Thornton, raising an eyebrow. An ancient chord was struck in his memory at the sound of her dual voice and he turned to her with a serious look on his face. He couldn't quite put his finger on it…

  “I said ‘yes!’ Someone behind me said ‘no.’ You must be hearing things, silly.” Para clutched his arm and smiled cheerfully. Thornton shrugged and brushed it off as nothing.

  Good grief! That really hurt. My brain hurts. Why couldn’t I just say no?!

  Pax, I’m a type of warrior too, and this is my battlefield. I'm steering this ship until further notice. I believe it was Sun Tzu who wrote in such detail why it is important to know your terrain.

  Damn you, Amara Kalgren! You can't apply The Art of War to a shopping mall. I won't allow this.

  "Great! I'll take you on a little shopping spree. Buy anything you want, anything your heart desires," said Thornton, squeezing the hand of the merged woman.

  Para almost squealed in delight, but then a very contrasting serious look came over her face. "Thorn, I won't have that. I don't want to spend your money, and there isn't anything I really need."

  "Whoa! Now you're sounding exactly like my ex-girlfriend!" said Thornton in surprise. "I thought there was only one woman on earth who didn't love shopping."

  "I guess there are two of us," said Para with a nervous laugh.

  See, Pax! Shut your fat mouth before you blow our cover. Jeez!

  "Hmm. Very strange. This is an interesting phenomenon," Thornton joked as he put his face very close to Para's and poked her nose. "Are you sure Pax isn't in there somewhere?"

  Para whirled around to hide her sudden hyperventilation and her eyes bugging out. Damn it! When she turned around an instant later she had regained composure completely and wore a classic angry-female look on her face. One that made Thornton gulp, because he had often seen it on the face of his mother.

  "Well, I never! Why do you want to spend time with me if all you want to talk about is your ex-girlfriend? Pax this, Pax that! If you are so obsessed with her, why don't you go and be with her instead of me?" Para whirled back around and began to march off, silently congratulating herself on being such a great actress. 3… 2… 1…

  "Medea, wait!" exclaimed Thornton, catching up and gently circling her waist with his arm. "I apologize for mentioning Pax so much, but I was in a relationship with her for years and before that she was my friend for as long as she has been alive. To be perfectly honest, I don't have many connections with human beings, period. I spend most of my time in the office and the rest of my time… doing traditional family-stuff with my dad. Pax is one of the only people I can relate to. One of the only people I really know. Forgive my lack of manners."

  This is what he said. Para could hear what he actually was thinking: I wish I could go and be with her instead of you, even though you are a mind-boggling beauty… but she hates me for what I've done to her. And her family hates me even more. So, right now, this stupid game and this bet with Asher is all I have going for me other than working myself into oblivion. And maybe I can find some comfort in you.

  Para's face softened after hearing his words and thoughts. Thorn is talking and thinking about me enough to scare any woman away. He's only here because he's lonely… because I abandoned him. Poor guy…

  "If you prefer we can go for a walk in a nearby park, or grab a bite to eat. Whatever you like, let's just spend some time together," said Thornton with his classic charming smile.

  "Well, there is one store in this mall that I have been dying to check out," said Para, her face lighting up. Come along and buy me things, big brother!

  Para slipped her hand under his arm and led him to her favorite store in the mall, Isadora's Intimates.

  "Mr. Kalgren!" exclaimed the shop owner excitedly upon recognizing her newest client. She wore a gaudy nametag declaring her to be Madame Isadora and spoke in a thick accent. "I presume you are here to pick up the shipment your sister ordered? It just arrived this morning!"

  "No, I'm not. We're just browsing." Really, like I'd fetch Amara's bras like some kind of delivery boy.

  Para cleared her throat and looked at Thornton with a sweet and confused glance. "I thought you were a kind and caring brother?"

  Thornton mentally cursed. "On second thought, I will pick up the package for her."

  Mara, you weasel! Para mentally scolded herself, but with affection.

  "You’re so sweet, Thorn!" said Para, sending him a false but admiring smile. "I always did think you could tell the most about a man from seeing how much he cares for his family."

  Thornton grumbled softly to himself while thinking, If only she knew how little my sister cares for me. How she goes to all possible lengths to avoid me. Especially lately.

  You know deep down I love you, Thornie-poo, especially when you buy me things! This is so much fun, Pax.

  Not for me. Let's get to the good part already.

  Thornton thought to himself as he accepted the package, I guess I could stop by Amara's house later… but if Raymond senses my energy near to Pax he'll probably show up with guns blazing. I'll just leave it in her room at the Compound for whenever she comes home.

  "Ah," said Madame Isadora. "Can I interest the lady in some fine lingerie? Our undergarments are the very best, imported from Italy and France! They are guaranteed to add spice to the bedroom."

  Thornton glanced around the store aimlessly. I wonder what Pax would look like in that red and black corset. But she'd never wear something like that.

  "Oooh," said Para, pointing at the garment that first caught his eye. "I think I would like to try on that corset."

  "That one is a piece of art, my dear! It will complement your figure and complexion very well. Why! You have almost the exact same body size as Miss Kalgren, just with a bit more muscle on you. Your complexion is just a few shades darker than hers. Let me select a few more pieces for you to try. Your lover is gorgeous, Mr. Kalgren. She is breathtaking!"

  Para genuinely blushed as she made her way into the private changing area of the store. It was the first time in her short life of a scant few half-an-hour periods that she had been complimented by a woman. She heard Thornton think about correcting the woman's "lover" remark and then changing his mind.

  Madame Isadora ushered them into a very posh private room and bowed politely. "Please take your time. I hope that you will find everything comfortable."

  She then left and closed the door behind her. The changing area of the store was part of the reason Amara loved the place so much. It consisted of several small private rooms, each of them cylindrical in shape, with walls were covered in mirrors for viewing every angle. Couples could go into the rooms and there was a little cushioned bench for the man, and a screen door for the woman to change behind. Amara had many fond memories with Asher in those changing rooms.

  There was no way a man could sit
in a small private room with a woman changing into imported lingerie and not jump her bones. Amara, this is ridiculous, thought Para as she shrugged out of her clothing and pulled on the tiny black lacy panties that went with the corset. There was also a little toile skirt which barely covered her bottom.

  Really? Then why do your thoughts sound so excited. You little vixen, you're getting aroused from just feeling the clothing against you! Here, let me do up these clasps and you can take over from here. Should we turn on the simulator?

  Hell no! I do not need that thing messing with my head right now. Our head, that is. Amara, is it really wise to reveal so much of Para's body? Her body looks so much like mine. I don't want to give it away. Thornton knows what I look like…

  Quit stressing and seduce the man already, sheesh. I’m letting you blend with my skin for a disguise, so at least do what we planned and entertain me! Para slipped on the black heeled sandals she had been wearing before.

  She took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the screen door. "Do you like it, Thornton?"

  He looked up at the woman who smiled somewhat nervously as she wore an impossibly alluring garment over an unbelievable body. He scanned from her toes to calves and thighs to hips before looking up slowly and settling on her eyes. She was a fantasy. He stood up quite suddenly.

  "Medea, you look…” he was at a loss for words. He suddenly felt insecure, and realized that he had not really spoken to a strange woman with the intent of being with her in well over ten years. All he knew was that he was moving forward, and his hands were extending towards the dark-haired woman as though he were magnetized. His hands slipped around her body gently, stroking the perfect hourglass figure accentuated by the corset. He let his fingers drift from her ribcage down into the deep dip at her waist, and out over her hips, then back up. He caressed her sides like this absentmindedly for a moment.

  "You look…" Almost as beautiful as Pax. "Beautiful."


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