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Demon Inhibitions: Caitlin Diggs Series #3

Page 21

by Gary Starta

  I glanced at Bastet who interrupted me with her usual morning mewling.

  It inspired me to Google her. Not my new pet, but the cat goddess of Egypt.

  I could not fathom if I had found the greatest coincidence or substantial proof that I was indeed Isis. The Goddess Isis revered the cat as sacred and eventually Bastet came to be known as her daughter. Imagine having a feline daughter. I had to think Bastet would aid me somehow in my fight against Mollini. As I pondered bringing her along to the next holi-concert, a doorbell interrupted.

  I whipped a robe about me and eyed the peephole.

  Great. It was Manners. Alone.

  “How nice to see you,” I lied.

  “I won’t take too much of your time, Agent Diggs. Suffice it to say, I wanted to thank you for helping me reunite with my son. I know we have a hard road ahead, but I think the boy actually smiled during last night’s concert.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that.” This time I wasn’t lying.

  “That being so, I must offer a token of gratitude. Being a commercial broker, I have access to many empty warehouses. They are all up for lease with no takers. I propose that Charlize stage her holi-concerts at these venues. They would much more discreet than a church or club. And what with last night’s murder, I’m afraid she needs to stay underground now more than ever.”

  I couldn’t disagree. I also wondered how many people had connected the demon slaying with a possible infiltration of Charlize’s nomadic temple. “Why do you feel this murder is a threat, Manners?”

  “I know the demon attended last night’s concert.”

  I folded my arms and leered. “And how could you possibly know that?”

  “Dr. Federov gave Briana permission to scan last night’s guest list. His name was on it. Don’t ask me to repeat it. It’s nearly unpronounceable.”

  “So you two started your own investigation last night?”

  “Briana didn’t want to interrupt your date. I know it was important for you, being cut off from your family. If you need me to take any messages to Tara just ask.”

  I couldn’t stay mad. Manners was being… so nice… too nice.

  “Okay, Manners. Why are you being so kind to me?”

  “I thought I told you. My gratitude for reuniting me with my son, it means everything to me. But I do admit some selfishness. I want to protect Charlize. It goes without saying. She can help my Gabriel. I fear for his safety now. I think the warehouses will afford us all greater protection.”

  “You’re not being selfish. You’re just finally being the loving father you should have been a long time ago.”

  He blinked. I wondered if incubi cried. My cell interrupted the awkward, tender moment. I glanced at the faceplate: Sweeney.

  “I’ve got to take this.”

  I started to choke as I answered. Manners had teleported. The sulfuric stench gagged me.

  Sweeney asked if I was under attack.

  “No, just something burning in the oven. You have any news on Brahms?”

  “No. It’s like he disappeared into thin air.”

  That trick is getting old.

  “I probably should have told you, but Brahms had access to glam spells. He used one to appear as an agent when I first met him. He might have found a means to conceal himself again.”

  “Great. Now you tell me, Diggs. Remind me never to take a Bureau job. You guys run a shoddy operation.”

  I couldn’t argue with that, not even with a slime ball like Sweeney.

  “What I really called about, Diggs, is to offer you some help, being that the Bureau is content to sit on their collective asses. And before you say no, you’re in no position to refuse, what with that demon slaying last night and all.”

  Lovely! How many more people were connecting the dots?

  “A member of the Keepers of the Eternal Flame is willing to offer his services gratis. I want you to meet him at our usual rendezvous spot in half an hour. Come alone. Don’t worry you won’t have to share case details with me. I won’t be there.”

  “But how can I trust this… Keeper? He might be a Knight or a terrorist trying to glean information about the singer. How do I know you’re not playing me?”

  “Yeah, I know, Diggs. You’re right. I do play both sides of this fence. But you can trust this guy. He’s demon through and through and he ain’t using any glam spells. He says you can even feel his horns if you like.”

  I wanted to tell Sweeney that wouldn’t be necessary. But I didn’t. Couldn’t be too sure in this reality. When I touched the demon’s horns he cackled. He made a noise that seemed to rhyme with his name: Cleck.

  “It’s ironic you fear me when our society exists solely on the fact we are being persecuted. It is not the quest of the Keepers of the Eternal Flame to conquer. We simply respond to the vigilante like attacks humans wage upon demons day after day. These attacks are unprovoked. The demons affected have done nothing more than walk down a segregated alleyway. They have no intention to rob or maim, rape or pillage. I’m afraid that’s a human quest.”

  Cleck said the Keepers have fought in the name of demon rights for nearly two centuries. “We are like an invisible fist in the Temple’s guts. So be assured stealth is of utmost importance. We will keep watch on your most sacred perimeter and you’ll never know we’re even there.” Cleck bragged about how the Keepers mimicked ninja warriors. “We bathe ourselves in darkness so our eyes retain night sight or what ninjas call visual purple. We also emulate the encamisada, an elite force of dark Knights who made stealth a most lethal weapon in the Sixteenth Century. I could go into detail about our clothing, our weapons, but in the sake of brevity… and secrecy… I assure you we’re prepared.”

  “I don’t doubt you, Cleck. But you’ll be fighting a new enemy, one who can take souls, one who can turn weapons against his enemies. I’ve seen him do this with my own eyes.”

  He scratched his bluish chin. If he were human, I would bet he was puzzled.

  “Did I offend you, Cleck? I’m sorry if I did.”

  “No, Star of the Sea. You have not. The truth is never offensive and my intuition recognizes you as a most sacred woman. I was just thinking.”

  The last thing I needed right now was worship. I implored him to explain his thoughts.

  “Reindeer… They will help you in your battle.”

  “Reindeer?” I believe my eyelids fluttered a zillion times.

  “Yes. And I know a young man with an old soul who can provide them. Please permit me to extend an invitation.”

  “Uh… yes. Anything you can do to help.”

  I left the weirdest interview I ever experienced as an agent of justice to meet the strangest dinner date. You’ve got to love firsts.

  ~ * ~

  It was during the appetizer that I became convinced Carter would never harm me. And then an odd thought occurred to me. Would I ever harm him?

  “I have to share a disturbing observation I made last night,” he said, eyes filled with concern. “I’m afraid it’s for your own good; and for everyone involved with the holi-concerts.”

  I nearly choked on my bread with excitement. I just knew this version of Stanford Carter would come to me aid in this reality. I didn’t even let the man speak. “It’s about the murder, isn’t it? You probably have some superpower that allowed you to see inside the demon… or maybe you saw his killer?”

  “Nothing so noble, Caitlin. It’s just a simple observation. Anyone who knows demons could make it.”

  I stared at the breadbasket.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, Caitlin. You couldn’t be expected to know this.”

  “But it’s my job.” I had to feign that I was the Caitlin from this world. “I work for the Preternatural Crime Division. Please tell me what I missed.”

  He smiled. I didn’t even attempt to fight the urge to smile back.

  “The demon killed is an H’rath’ra demon. They are very hard to kill.”

  “But there was a huge dagger
like knife in its neck.”

  “The perp should have never had the opportunity to get so close. The H’rath’ra has an external shielding system. It would have blocked or at least thwarted the attacker.”

  I digested Carter’s observation.

  “You’re saying that the demons are all in a weakened state under Charlize’s thrall.”

  “Yes, they are not only mentally inhibited from doing harm, but physically as well--including me.”

  Damn! It meant that all the demons gathered at the holi-concerts would be little more than harmless puppies to Mollini. He would not only lay waste to Charlize but her entire entourage. To make matters worse, the man I was falling for would be among that throng.

  It was then I decided to open up to Carter. I shared my plans. He agreed that enlisting the aid of the Keepers of the Eternal Flame was necessary.

  The dire consequence eventually led to handholding.

  We left the eatery hand in hand.

  We entered in his apartment, arms wrapped about each other.

  He led me the bedroom. I playfully jumped into his arms, fastening my legs about his waist. He fell backwards. I fell on top of him.

  We kissed, tenderly, then more passionately.

  In a lip lock, a flood of paranoia washed over me.

  I felt my tattoo burn with apprehension. I felt my womanhood burn with desire. Which force would win?

  I saw in my mind’s eye the Carter from my world: Our platonic relationship, his wedding picture. I pictured Mollini disarming the Keepers on his way to devouring Charlize. I saw myself standing there, alone and stunned willing something to happen that just might be fairytale. I saw this Carter and his nature. His eyes had turned purple. He hissed. Was he ally or enemy?

  I opened my eyes to find his closed. He had opened my blouse and was fondling a nipple using nothing but radar and it felt so good I gasped with pleasure and surprise.

  “Moving too fast?” he mumbled.

  I had to say it. I didn’t want to say it. I said it anyway.


  He opened his eyes. Good goddess they were not purple, just deep brown and magnetic.

  I fell off him and lay by his side.

  We listened to each other breathe for a moment.

  I took his hand. “I think we should take it slow.”

  I didn’t really mean that. He knew it. The investigator in him just had to know it.

  “It’s about my nature. Isn’t it?”

  I lied. He knew it. The investigator… again.

  I hadn’t even asked about how I might get turned. Was a simple kiss enough? The fact that I had to ponder this filled me with sadness. I suddenly understood prejudice. The most desirable and kind man was lying by my side ready to give himself to me. And I all could think about were his purple eyes, changing me, making me into one of his kind.


  I spent the next morning feeling guilty again. For the second evening in the row, I had dismissed Carter, this time over hypocrisy. I hated bigots but last night I suppose I had behaved as one and it made me wonder just how in Elysian Fields Charlize could ever perceive me to be a goddess. I doubted Isis was ever this conflicted. But then again, she probably was never propositioned by a gorgeous demon.

  I had no doubt I could be the best of friends with the Carter of this reality. His personality mirrored his alternate so much I almost felt he knew my personal history just like my Carter did. But this “reality Carter” didn’t, of course. And if he did, maybe he would be the one recoiling from me. It would serve me right. I had left the FBI of my world because I didn’t want to keep secrets anymore. I hadn’t lied outright, but I never believed the omission of the truth was any less sinful. The fact he openly told me about his past only made me feel worse.

  I sulked and wallowed for another half hour, readying myself for the start of a new day. I tried to focus on Charlize and her positive energy.

  Her joy.

  It didn’t last very long. The dark shadow of Mollini did an excellent job of tarnishing it with gobs of gray despair. I realized Mollini’s long reach had spilled into my personal life. It was the main reason why I didn’t want to tell Carter about who I really was. The anger resulted in an invigorating shower. I fiddled with the temperature control to alternate between soothing warmth and painful cold. I felt I deserved a modicum of torture for keeping my secret from Carter. As I shivered from cold, I vowed to tell Carter about my entrance into this world, about how I might be becoming something more than the sum of my parts so to speak. I would just have to wait until Charlize was out of danger from Mollini to do it.

  That wouldn’t be easy. Stopping Mollini wouldn’t be as simple as regulating the temperature of my shower, of course. However, I did feel some kind of conversion would be necessary to transform this killing machine into something an officer of the law might be able to apprehend. I just didn’t have the details on how to do this yet. I needed more time.

  I phoned Grant to let him know I would be working in the field again. Okay. It would be my house. Technically, it’s not in the field but I wasn’t about to split hairs over semantics. I let my hair air- dry while I perused the Internet. I would begin by trying to dissect Charlize Wilson.

  Was she simply human underneath all her talents?

  And if so, could it be biologically possible for someone to possess such abilities as hers?

  I found certain musical instruments like harps might be capable of producing undertones, an auditory signal which alters brain chemistry. Further searching did little to confirm if these undertones could heal afflicted people or enthrall demons to experience the joys of peace and harmony. Furthermore, I found no evidence of any singer being remotely capable of possessing these gifts. Not even in any science fiction stories.

  Something Deputy Director Seals had said the other day gave me pause, his word choice to be precise. He had referred to Charlize as a mage. A mage could be defined as a being expressly created to do magic. It might mean he had knowledge about how she came into being. Or it could be just my paranoia over the Bureau speaking. I had no empathic gauge from Seals to be sure. I could only be certain that he could elicit the same sort of dread in me that Mollini could. I suddenly felt better about keeping my true identity a secret. I was pretty certain Seals had a strong bias against anyone who couldn’t be classified as strictly human. It was probably why he showed no concern over Charlize’s safety.

  Nonetheless, I could only hazard to guess about Charlize’s true nature. She might be in possession of other gifts that might aid in her protection. Or, she simply might be a very gifted human healer, one vulnerable not only from conventional forms of attack, i.e. gunshots and knife wounds, but also very susceptible to evil men capable of sucking souls from their victims.

  I concluded my research with purpose. I had to arrange an emergency meeting with Charlize.

  ~ * ~

  “It’s like pulling teeth,” I said to Dr. Federov. The dentist found no humor in my joke. At first she had refused my offer, but finally acquiesced to a meeting, explaining it was a great inconvenience to reschedule her afternoon appointments.

  I knew what really disturbed her. Her stoic front could not mask it. Federov didn’t want to put Charlize in any more danger than necessary and scheduling a meeting in daylight was probably ludicrous I had to admit. I’m just glad Federov didn’t come right out and say it. I wouldn’t have been able to defend it. If Knight Operatives had been tailing me I might very well be putting Charlize at risk. For that very reason, I wanted to convince Charlize to keep herself out of the ‘light’ as much as possible. I knew I couldn’t convince her over a telephone. I sidestepped from divulging any details, maintaining that we couldn’t trust a secure phone line to really be secure.

  “Okay, Agent Diggs,” Federov said. “I trust you have a detailed plan for keeping my sweet Charlize safe.”

  Fantastic! Now I could heap more guilt onto my emotional plate. In reality, I had scheduled the meeting be
cause I severely lacked a plan. What I intended to do was beg Charlize for more time. I would suggest she postpone holi-concerts for the time being. What I discovered was how naïve I was. I picked a fast food restaurant. I suspected all teens loved such places and that the bustling lunchtime crowd might deter any terrorist attacks from happening. I was right about the location, just clueless when it came to negotiations with a teenager.

  “You don’t have children.” Federov said. She didn’t ask it as a question. She stated it. Charlize looked on, wearing the look that screamed: Shut up Mom, you’re embarrassing me.

  I sheepishly agreed with Federov’s deduction, stirring a spoon about in my low-fat yogurt.

  “I think it would be best if we let Charlize decide,” I finally said, daring to lift my eyes from my food, the one and only true comfort zone I had ever known.

  “I respect, you Agent Diggs,” Charlize said. I braced for an argument. She opted not to enter one. Like any crafty teen, Charlize fought fire with fire, employing adult logic and tact.

  “I see you’re confused,” she continued. “I say I respect you because you show great concern for me. It’s your motherly way--even though you have never had children, I feel you have this love within you. It’s why I’m convinced you are the second coming of Isis.”

  She had me beat. I was used to perps mouthing off at me. I had never been schmoozed. But I couldn’t give in that easily. I felt I needed more time to prepare for Mollini’s imminent invasion. I had only an offer of help from the Keepers of the Eternal Flame, whatever protection spells Briana could cast, and unfounded hope in my new feline friend, Bast.

  “I’m not saying give up, Charlize. But couldn’t you substitute some audio recordings for the time being?”

  “It wouldn’t be the same,” she said, breaking eye contact to stare pensively at her fingernails. “I can’t be sure it would have the same effect.” She resumed eye contact with me. “Besides, being a singer is who I am. I cannot cower from my calling, no matter the circumstance. “She let the statement linger for dramatic effect and then arched an eyebrow. “Have you ever felt compelled to do something even though it might put you at great harm?”


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