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Highlander's Kiss

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by Joanne Wadsworth

  Cover Copy

  There can be only one…for both of them.

  Fae-blooded Julia holds the ability to read another’s aura and determine their true intent. Her skill has only ever aided her in life, until the day when their neighboring enemy clan arrive to discuss a marriage of alliance between her and their chief’s son. She misjudges their enemy’s intent and all goes horribly wrong. Her parents are captured and imprisoned and now she must find a way to free them. Only now standing in her path is a fiercely protective warrior who has traveled from the future into the past, a man who insists they are soul bound, and a man whose aura shows no sign of such a bond. She is wary, yet still, she can’t deny how much he stirs her deep within.

  Highland warrior shifter Tavish Matheson has traveled through time to find the woman his soul demands is his, yet convincing her will be a mission all unto itself. When Julia is kidnapped by the enemy while on a mission to save her parents, he sets out in fierce pursuit. All he desires is to keep her close, rescue her parents, and most of all, to offer her his love.

  He’s a warrior who will not be denied. She’s a lass devoted to her kin.

  Also by Joanne Wadsworth

  Clan Matheson Series

  Highlander’s Kiss, (Book One)

  Highlander’s Heart, (Book Two)

  Highlander’s Sword, (Book Three) - Coming early 2016

  The Matheson Brothers Series

  Highlander’s Desire, (Book One)

  Highlander’s Passion, (Book Two)

  Highlander’s Seduction, (Book Three)

  Highlander Heat Series

  Highlander’s Castle, (Book One)

  Highlander’s Magic, (Book Two)

  Highlander’s Charm, (Book Three)

  Highlander’s Guardian, (Book Four)

  Highlander’s Faerie, (Book Five)

  Highlander’s Champion, (Book Six)

  Highlander’s Captive, Novella (Short Story)

  Magio-Earth Series

  Protector, (Book One)

  Warrior, (Book Two)

  Enchanter, (Book Three)

  Hunter, Novella (Short Story)

  Bodyguards Series

  Witness Pursuit, (Book One)

  Bodyguard Pursuit, (Book Two)

  Highlander’s Kiss

  by Joanne Wadsworth

  Highlander’s Kiss

  Clan Matheson, #1

  Amazon Author Page

  Table of Contents

  Cover Copy

  Also by Joanne Wadsworth

  Highlander’s Kiss


  Gilleoin – The Legend

  Cherub – The Fae Angel of Love

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Author’s Note

  Joanne Wadsworth

  Newsletter Signup

  Clan Matheson Series

  Highlander’s Heart, Book 2

  Highlander’s Heart: Blurb

  The Matheson Brothers Series

  Highlander’s Desire, Book 1

  Highlander’s Passion, Book 2

  Highlander’s Seduction, Book 3

  Highlander Heat Series

  Highlander’s Castle, Book 1

  Magio-Earth Series

  Bodyguards Series

  Copyright: Highlander’s Kiss


  I have an incredibly supportive family who allow me so much time to write. Huge thanks go to my hubby, Jason, and kiddies, Marisa, Caleb, Cruise and Rocco. Hugs.

  For my readers, I can’t thank you enough for joining me, and taking this journey to where imagination and magic soar.

  Gilleoin – The Legend

  In the twelfth century, a man named Gilleoin became the first and only known man to hold bear shifter blood, an ability gifted to him by The Most High One. His clan was called Matheson, and when he mated with a woman carrying faerie blood, they created a line shrouded in secrecy, a line that far into the future, now neared extinction…

  Cherub – The Fae Angel of Love

  The ancient House of Clan Matheson, led by Gilleoin, the Chief of Matheson, Scotland, 1210.

  Cherub dashed out from under the high arch over the front door of the castle and into the inner courtyard. She twirled around, her gown of white silk billowing in the wind whipping around her, the golden ribbons at her waist rippling and tangling around her hands. Arms raised, she reached out with her fae senses and allowed the very wind itself to bring to her the secrets it held, as she’d done for over a thousand years.

  As an immortal time-walker and the faerie king’s daughter, her duty was to aid those of fae blood who walked this Earth and she did so by ensuring the newly soul bound were brought together across the centuries and no longer separated by time.

  Kirk, her warrior soul bound mate, swept in behind her, his chest a delicious wall of heat at her back. Gently, he caught her hands, whirled her around to face him then dipped his head to hers. His beautiful golden shifter gaze devoured her. “My elusive imp, it appears you sense lost souls this night.”

  “I do, far into the future, within your own shifter clan.”

  “Who exactly?” His excitement thrummed along their merged mind link to her.

  “Tavish and Tor, your second cousins, although ’tis Tavish’s need that strikes me the strongest.” Tavish and Tor, brothers and identical twins, had recently sensed their mates on the last full moon, and now, once she brought them here into the same time as their chosen ones, their senses would rear even stronger. Their desire to find the other half of their soul would consume them.

  “Tavish is committed to his kin and being on call as our clan doctor. His patients come first, Cherub.”

  “Aye, but he will stop at nothing to find his mate, to ensure he makes her his.” She closed her eyes and searched for the lass Tavish’s soul was bound to. There, the intricate golden thread that belonged to Tavish swirled toward Julia’s soul, her dear friend and one of her fae kind right here in this time. Bringing Tavish and his chosen one together across this wide chasm that separated them would require a little of her mischievous fae intervention, but ’twas naught she wasn’t up for. Aye, a mated male longed for the chase and part of his journey in finding his chosen one was in the hunt, one she’d ensure Tavish was given.

  On her toes, she reached up and kissed her mate’s stubbly chin. She and Kirk had completed the bond such a short time ago, but she couldn’t imagine her life without him. The moment they’d joined together as one, she’d taken a piece of his soul into her keeping and from that moment on, he too had become an immortal as she was. Her mate would stand by her side, for now and for all time. The exquisiteness of all she’d been gifted made her giddy with need.

  Cloaking them both and ensuring none could see them, she rubbed the entire length of her body against his, her heart and soul singing at the luscious contact. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  “I could ask the same question. What did I do to deserve you? I was certainly granted my ultimate wish the day I found you.” He seized her mouth with his, his desire hot and hard and so very needy, the very same as hers pulsed. “To the skies, my elusive imp. I wish to show you just how very much I love you.”

  With a swish of her fingers, she swept them upward toward the heavens and gave herself over to the depth of the bond they shared and the fierce love they held for each other.

  Tomorrow, she’d
ensure Tavish and Julia met. Tavish’s coming hunt would be one of the most intriguing she ever set in motion and she grinned wickedly at the thought. What a journey they would have ahead of them. Of that she had no doubt.

  Chapter 1

  Near the ancient House of Clan Matheson, Scotland, 1210, the following day.

  Julia bowed her head as she stood before her parents’ memorial stone wedged high on the cliff top ocean trail between the castle and her people’s fae village. A good hundred feet behind her, the sea crashed hard and sprayed high, while before her, the forest rose sure and strong, the tall pines swaying in the fierce wind that rushed across the choppy waves of Loch Alsh and swept up the sheer rock wall and over them. High above, gray clouds bubbled ominously and she shivered and drew her white shawl tighter around her shoulders. “I’m so sorry, Arabel.” She clasped her sister’s hand and faced her. “I didnae mean to drag you all the way out here on this miserable day, but I just couldnae come alone.”

  “Dinnae be sorry. I needed to come as much as you did.” Her twin squeezed her fingers then rested her other hand on top of the craggy stone holding their parents’ names chiseled into the front.

  Aleck and Adair.

  Beloved parents of Arabel and Julia.

  Taken from us far too soon.

  Our hearts are broken.

  “Sometimes, I can sense they’re close even though that cannae be.” Julia’s heart heaved. Her fae skill of aura reading rose and her senses cried out for the gentle hum she’d always heard when her parents were near. The silence of their lost auras tore at her, as did the weight of her guilt. “’Tis my fault they’re no longer with us.”

  “Nay, you must cease saying such a thing.” Arabel gripped her shoulders and frowned. “’Tis Colin MacKenzie’s fault that they are dead, as well as his snake of a son. I wish we’d never set eyes on Colin or Jeremiah.”

  “As do I, yet ’tis I who misread Colin and Jeremiah’s auras. Mother and Father would never have traveled without a guard to our enemy’s lair if I’d seen and heard correctly.” Unlike any other fae aura reader in her clan, she was the only one who could sense both one’s true intentions by the color of their aura and also the supporting sound their aura made. Even her aunt who held the same skill couldn’t pick up the clear and concise sound that fully confirmed what the one they focused on truly intended. Her stronger skill had never set her wrong before, until the day she’d met the MacKenzies.

  “Father and Gilleoin both believed Colin MacKenzie wished for a marriage of alliance, that his word was the truth. We were allies at the time, no’ at war as we currently are.” The war between their clans this past year had grown bitterer and bloodier than ever since the kidnapping and slaughter of their parents. Arabel squeezed her shoulders. “The Chief of MacKenzie is the one who killed them, and with his own hand no less.”


  “No buts are permitted. You arena to blame.” Determination flared in Arabel’s blue eyes and lit the golden sparks glittering around the edge. Her sister was her closest confidant, identical to her in every way except for their fae skills. Arabel was a fire-wielder and held one of the greatest of the battle skills.

  Breathing out, Julia tried to shake off her current frustration, but no matter how many times her sister told her that their parents’ death wasn’t her fault, she still struggled to fully believe it. She too was at fault.

  “Come, let’s discuss this no more and instead leave Mother and Father an orchid.” Arabel lowered to her knees before the stone and tugged her down beside her.

  Tears burned behind Julia’s eyes as she carefully removed the marsh orchid from her gown’s pocket and placed the brilliant burst of fuchsia-pink against the rough gray stone. Father had always picked Mother one of these orchids every time he’d crossed the wetland farther along the loch, and Mother had always tucked the precious bud behind her ear or within her long braid. At least her parents had left this world together, a blessing since Mother would never have survived without Father for long. Theirs had been a soul bound match, the same as what Arabel now shared with Finlay. Her sister was most fortunate to have been gifted with such a bond.

  Arabel touched the orchid’s velvety soft petals, her bright aura clouding over and emitting a soulfully sad tune that tugged at Julia’s heart. “We’ll never forget them, Julia, and one day we’ll make certain Colin MacKenzie pays for our parents’ unjust death. He cannae be allowed to slaughter innocent people and get away with it.”

  She would ensure he paid for it too. Her own aura, usually a melding of rainbow colors, now held a mournful black haze. She ran her fingers over the colors flickering on her arms and upper body and settled it back down. She’d never allow the MacKenzie to take another of her kin’s lives, would seek retribution, for both her and Arabel, somehow and some way. She rose to her feet and drew Arabel up along with her. Across the other side of the loch, several miles away and not visible from here, lay the MacKenzie’s lair. White caps rode the heavy swell of the sea, the rising storm gaining in momentum, just as the storm of despair did which raged right in her heart.

  “Oh.” Arabel touched her head. “Finlay calls to me along our merged link.” Finlay had recently arrived here from the future with his brothers, Iain and Kirk, the three identical warrior brothers known as the ‘power of three.’ Their arrival had fulfilled a prophecy Nessa had spoken over twenty years ago, and along with their fae skilled mates, they were a force to be reckoned with. Finlay had discovered Arabel was his chosen one, a match their mischievous Fae Angel of Love had instigated when she’d first opened a portal and brought the ‘power of three’ into their time.

  Julia adored Finlay, considered him a wonderful new brother. From the moment her sister had joined with him, she’d witnessed the telltale sign of their auras tugging toward each other’s, just as those who were soul bound did.

  “You’re not returning to the future already are you?” She’d miss her sister and Finlay terribly when it was time for them to return to Finlay’s time. Aye, she’d struggle to survive the separation. Goodness. Just the thought of her sister soon leaving sent her dismal mood spiraling downhill even further.

  “Nay, we’ll be here for some time. Finlay gave Uncle Gilleoin his word he’d remain at the keep with Kirk to care for our clan while he traveled to Stirling.” Gilleoin had been summoned to Stirling Castle by William, the King of Scots, and he’d left with his son and the seer of their clan, hers and Arabel’s grandmother, Nessa. So too Iain and his mate, Isla, had traveled with them, the two so eager to see all that they could of this time while they were here.

  “What does Finlay need?”

  “He said Cherub would like to see you, that she’s waiting at the sea-gate landing and would like us to return.”

  “I wonder what Cherub would like to see me about?” It must be important. Cherub wouldn’t have asked her to come otherwise. The wind whipped Julia’s long golden hair about her waist as she turned toward home and followed the curve of the bay to where the House of Clan Matheson rose like a sentinel, its massive gray stone turrets and towering walls topped with battlements and double the guardsmen roaming the ramparts. ’Twas her sanctuary, and that of her clan’s as well. Never would she allow the MacKenzie to take their home from them.

  Along the sea-gate landing next to two moored birlinns, Cherub stood with her hands raised to the sky, her cherry colored gown with its cinched bodice making her a bright beacon of color. The Fae Angel of Love controlled the air element, could halt the wind or send it churning if she so desired. She could also cloak her form and become unseen to another, or if she wished, so too she could become as one with the very air itself and take on a mist form.

  “I’m no’ sure, but we’d best be away since Cherub awaits.” Arabel brushed her hands against her forest-green skirts then crossed to her horse and untethered it from a low tree branch.

  Julia collected her own mare, mounted and with the reins in hand, slapped her knees into her animal’s
flanks and rode back toward home. Bent low over her mount, she rode beside her sister along the high trail veering steeply downward toward the bay.

  Arabel arched a challenging brow at her. “Do you care for a race? It might help clear our minds.”

  “Always. Catch me if you can,” she challenged right back. Never one to allow her sister to win a race, Julia tucked herself tighter against her horse, her gown’s cream skirts beating against her legs as she urged her mare faster and whizzed along the trail. Stones scattered along the gravelly track, flew over the cliff’s verge and rapped down the rock face before disappearing into the churning, watery depths below.

  “Cheat!” Arabel yelled and laughed and pushed her horse harder.

  “How does one cheat when riding a horse?” She galloped down the trail and along the grassy verge of the loch and as she arrived at the sea-gate, a mere horse-head in front of Arabel, she slowed her mount and brought it to a halt. With her mare snorting frosty air, she rubbed its neck, tossed one leg over the saddle and—

  “Julia, wait.” Arabel shot a look at her foot. “Your shawl is—”

  She couldn’t halt her momentum, or free her slippered foot caught in the trailing ends of her shawl. She toppled over and went down, hard. She hit her head on the edge of the stone landing and black spots danced before her eyes. All went dark.

  * * * *

  “Julia, please, wake up.” Arabel’s voice floated over her. “Now.”

  “I’m—” Oh dear, her head thumped as if horses stampeded within.

  “Do as your sister says.” Soft hands fluttered over her temple. Cherub’s.

  She forced the darkness away and blinked her eyes open. Arabel and Cherub wavered into view, their faces awash with worry. “I’m all right, just a bit—Oooh, everything is swaying.”


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