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Highlander's Kiss

Page 4

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Calm down, my love.” Kirk stepped in her path and gripped her shoulders. Sheathed wrist daggers glinted from under his rolled cuffs, his tan leather vest stretching tight across his broad shoulders. “We’ll sort everything out.”

  “Aye, we will.” She unraveled the missive and traced her finger along the top line.

  A marriage of alliance is what I seek. Bring Gilleoin’s niece to me, the aura reader Julia, and following her marriage to my son Jeremiah, I shall forthwith return Aleck and Adair Matheson into your hands.

  You have a fortnight to answer this summons. Expect their death if you dinnae.

  “Kirk, in this missive MacKenzie states that Arabel and Julia’s parents live, which is a complete and utter lie. Gilleoin himself snuck into MacKenzie’s lair with an elite team of his own men and searched the dungeons for Aleck and Adair. When he didn’t find any sign of them, he seized one of the guardsmen and learnt exactly what had happened. The MacKenzie slaughtered them, with his own hands no less. They’ve been gone for so long, well over a year. Why is MacKenzie now attempting to revive them from the dead?”

  “What if they never truly perished?”

  “That’s exactly the question we need to consider.” Finlay tossed another log on the roaring fire. “Aleck and Adair’s bodies weren’t returned for burial, and other than Gilleoin being unable to find them, we have only one lone MacKenzie guardsmen’s word that they perished at MacKenzie’s hand.”

  “There is also the fact that the MacKenzie’s demands ceased once Gilleoin had discovered the truth. Nay, I believe MacKenzie is playing some sort of game with us.” She tucked her cheek against Kirk’s chest. Heartache at the loss of her kin still consumed her. “I’m certain of it. This missive is naught but a lie.” Except what if it wasn’t? She couldn’t deny that thought nagged at her.

  “Yet if there’s even an inkling of truth to it, and Aleck and Adair do in fact live, have survived this entire time, then we have to do all we can to find them and free them.” Determination flashed in Finlay’s eyes. He nodded at Kirk. “You know what needs to happen.”

  “Cherub and I will breeze on into Colin MacKenzie’s lair and investigate further.” Kirk slid one finger under her chin and tipped her gaze up to meet his. “Do you agree?”

  “I do, although if they do live, MacKenzie would never keep them in his dungeons, no’ when he’s well aware of all I can do. They could also be imprisoned anywhere by now. His lands spread from Loch Alsh all the way to Loch Broom, far across the mountainous plateau to the north. There’s so much land to search. MacKenzie also has strong ties with his surrounding allied clans. He could call upon any one of them to hold his captives for him.” Her heart ached for Arabel and Julia and what they’d soon be going through once they learnt of the MacKenzie’s latest demand. Fury would take hold and then no doubt hope would blossom. That was what Colin MacKenzie wanted, to ensure they all held that hope.

  “Yet we still need to start our search somewhere.” Kirk stroked her back. “Perhaps he’s even counting on us eliminating the most obvious place to check first.”

  “I agree with Kirk.” Finlay planted his feet wide and crossed his arms. “We need to search MacKenzie’s keep, then we’ll devise a plan if you come up with nothing. We’ll spread our search area out from that point. Certainly once Arabel learns of this missive, she’ll be forever haunted by the possibility of ‘what if.’ We have to take action. Doing nothing isn’t acceptable, which I’m sure Gilleoin would agree with.”

  “We won’t rest until we discover exactly what happened.” Kirk crossed to Finlay and clasped his forearm in a firm warrior’s hold. “Gilleoin left this castle, his people, and his lands in our keeping until he returns from Stirling with Kenneth and Iain. He’d want us to search for his kin, until we’d scoured every inch of MacKenzie land.”

  “He’d also never allow us to give into the MacKenzie’s new demand. If Arabel and Julia’s parents live, then we’ll bring them safely back home and not fall prey to the rest of what he’s demanded.” Finlay returned Kirk’s strong forearm hold. “We stand together as one, just as we’ve always done.”

  “Aye, as one.”

  Cherub nodded her agreement. The MacKenzie was clearly after control, and taking Julia from them would only end in more demands if they allowed such a marriage to occur. MacKenzie had lost the recent battle at the fae village, then failed at gaining the eternal life he’d been after by taking her and forcing her hand to spell his soul to hers and now he wished to raise the dead and gain a hold over Gilleoin’s clan through marriage to one of her closest. She’d never allow it. Julia was bound for another, the man who held the other half of her soul.

  “What are you thinking that has that fierce frown on your face?” Kirk asked, his mind moving swiftly through hers as he sought the information he desired.

  “We’ve spoken of this afore.” She sent all thought of Julia and Tavish’s mated bond from her mind. “A mated male longs for the chase, and part of his journey is in what he must overcome in order to be with his chosen one. That journey builds the foundation for their bond and all that ’twill be.”

  “Are you speaking of Tavish and Tor and the other unmated males within our shifter clan?”

  “I am.”

  “What have any of them got to do with this missive from Colin MacKenzie?”

  “For now, that I cannae say, but in time all will be made clear.”

  “Is this one of those instances where you prefer I don’t deprive my clansmen of the chase that awaits them?”

  “Exactly.” She tucked the missive into her plum gown’s pocket and glanced at Finlay. “You speak to Arabel and we’ll update Julia once we’ve completed our search.” She caught Kirk’s hand. “Are you ready to leave?”

  “Always.” He wrapped his arms around her. “My place is at your side, just as yours is at mine. You can take me to wherever you please, whenever you please.”

  Love overflowed her heart. She’d been gifted with such a wonderful and loyal mate and every day she thanked the fates that had brought them together. On her toes, she reached up and kissed his chin. “Hold tight, my tempting bear. We have a new mission to undertake.

  “Be careful, both of you.” Finlay lifted a hand. “I’ll see you on your return.”

  “That you will.” She smiled at Finlay, cloaked herself and extended her veil over Kirk then whisked them out the open window and soared toward the MacKenzie’s lair. If Aleck and Adair lived, she would see them freed. She wouldn’t rest until she had.

  Chapter 3

  The dawn’s rising sunshine streamed through the gap in Tavish’s navy curtains and fluttered over Julia’s closed eyelids. Birds twittered outside and she wriggled, her legs trapped under one of Tavish’s muscled legs. On his belly, he lay half over top of her, his arm a warm and solid weight around her waist.

  Soundly, he slept, her movement not even making him stir. He must be exhausted. He’d woken her throughout the night, each time for only a moment or two but his worry for her had been clear to see each time he had. She smoothed one thumb under the dark shadows lining his eyes then slid her fingers through his silky black shoulder-length hair. Tingles raced across her fingertips.

  Sometime during the night, he’d taken his shirt off and tossed it onto the end of his bed and now his shoulders, so wide and heavy with muscle, lay temptingly before her. They rippled with strength and she pushed the covers back a little more and exposed his broad back and tapered waist. Black trews clung to his hips and his golden skin gleamed. Oh my, she truly shouldn’t be looking her full quite like this.

  She pulled the covers back up and continued to mentally berate herself as she snuck out of bed. She tiptoed across the cold polished floorboards toward the corner oak chest. In the topmost drawer, a pair of white socks poked out and she tugged them free and pulled them onto her chilled feet. She trailed her fingers down the front of the shirt Tavish had loaned her. The buttons were quite shiny and made of a similar substance to t
hat of the water bottle she’d sipped from last eve. They must be plastic too. Never had she seen buttons made of anything other than bone, wood, or sea shells. There was so much in this time she wished to see.

  Propped on top of the chest, a colorful image was wedged inside a dark wooden frame. She picked the frame up and stroked the glass covering the image within, one incredibly lifelike and completely captivating. Tavish stood impeccably attired in pleated tan trews and a pale blue collared shirt and leather belt, his arm slung over another man’s shoulders, a man identical to him in every way. His twin. Tor wore a similar pair of trews to Tavish but in a forest-green and a pressed tan shirt. The two stood underneath a large elm tree with a thick matting of amber colored leaves at their feet, the stone walls of Ivanson Castle rising high behind them. Such a precious image. She would adore having one like this of her and Arabel.

  Gently, she set the picture back in its rightful place then hopped across to the window. She slid one finger between the navy curtains and opened them an inch. Below in the stony inner courtyard, muscled men in billowy shirts and belted Matheson plaids strode toward the training area near the far curtain wall. They stretched then partnered up and tapped their swords together. With a heave, they struck and fought, each strike of their blade against the other’s ricocheting toward her. She jumped at the fierce clanging and checked on Tavish over her shoulder.

  Eyes closed, he stretched then patted the space where she’d been. “Julia?” He jerked upright, flung his eyes open then as he spied her at the window, sighed raggedly. “You gave me a fright. I didn’t hear you wake up. What are you doing over there?”

  “I wanted to see more of your time.”

  “It’s cold out of bed.” He shoved the covers back and marched toward her. Those broad shoulders she’d not long admired led to a glorious chest holding a smattering of hair as dark as his head, and defined abs that had her fingers itching to touch him once more. Goodness. He must train daily with the sword to have built such strength within his body. He wrapped his arms around her and swamped her in his heat. “Let me warm you up. My shifter blood runs hotter than mere human blood alone.”

  Her hands were squished between them, right against his chest. She spread her fingers wide, closed her eyes and breathed in his warm and fresh scent. “Mmm, now I’m much warmer.”

  “I see my clansmen are already at training.” Over her head, he pushed the curtains right back and flooded the chamber with sunshine. “Sorry for sleeping in. I didn’t mean to. Let’s turn you around so I can check your wound, then I can show you around so you can see more of my time.”

  “There is no pain.”

  “I still need to ensure everything looks well.” He perched his backside on the stone windowsill, turned her around and tugged her in between the V of his spread legs. With her hair separated at the back, he began his examination.

  She gripped his muscled thighs either side of her hips. Never had she been in such close proximity to a man before, and neither did she want to be anywhere else. What was wrong with her? Never had she acted so wantonly before. Perhaps the bump to her head had caused her to lose all good sense?

  “There’s no sign of any infection, although there is a bruise. If you feel sore, or if your head aches, just ask me for some more painkillers and I’ll ensure you get them.”

  “I’m sure I shall be fine.” She stepped out of his hold and walked around the bed toward his private bathroom. If he intended to show her around, she needed to dress, and in far more than just his shirt.

  “Wait up a moment.” Stealthily, he followed her then swept in front and blocked her path. He slid one hand over her hip and the other around to the small of her back. “Would you like me to rustle us up a breakfast tray and bring it up here for us both, or for me to take you downstairs to the great hall so we can eat with my clansmen?”

  “I would love to meet your clansmen.” She pressed her hand against his chest, right over his heavily beating heart. Its beat, so sure and strong, pounded underneath her palm and the red tingeing the white of his aura blazed brighter and surged with more heat. Even the gentle purr he emitted rumbled louder, his bear incredibly close to the surface. “What’s your bear like?”

  “He’s been antsy of late, particularly since the last full moon should have led me to my mate but instead led me nowhere.” He covered her hand with his and trapped her fingers against his warm skin. “Julia, we need to talk. I actually wanted to speak to you about something very important last night, right after you showered, but with your injury I thought it best I keep this coming discussion until this morning.”

  “What did you wish to discuss?”

  “As your doctor, I’m not permitted a relationship with you, therefore I’m giving you notice I’m no longer your physician.”

  “Oh, ah, all right.”

  “Instead, I would like to ask for your permission to court you.”


  “I would also like to ask your permission for a kiss.” He ran one finger along her lower lip. “Every time I woke you, all I wanted to do was kiss you. I still do, and it’s becoming a craving I can’t ignore.”

  “But what of your mate?” She couldn’t allow him a kiss, not when he was soul bound to another.

  “You are my mate.”

  “Nay.” She stepped back from him. “I can see when two are soul bound, and your aura does no’ tug toward mine or mine toward yours.” Only those who were soul bound did. “I’m sorry, but we arena mated.”

  “I say we are.” He drew her back against him, until the entire length of her body touched his. “You also have the lushest lips and I need to know what you taste like.”

  “We truly arena mated.” She shoved one hand up between them. Desire had never risen in her before, but it had with him. ’Twas a shame they weren’t soul bound, that he was meant for another. “No kissing is permitted.”

  “Your scent is driving my bear crazy right now.” Leaning in, he breathed deep. “So too you’re wearing my shirt and I love it.” He nuzzled her neck, right over her pounding pulse. “The need to bite you, to mark you as mine is strong. Forget about the aura-tugging. Every sign I can see leads me to only one conclusion. You are my chosen one.”

  “Aura-tugging is the only sign that matters to me.” She ducked under his arm and whipped into the bathroom and shut the door. She couldn’t be his chosen one, even if she wished it. She pulled his shirt over her head then folded it carefully on top of the counter. From the heated rail, she nabbed her shift and slipped the dry and warm linen over her head. Thank goodness for the wonderful inventions of this time. Heated rails. Truly impressive. She lifted her gown from the hook on the back of the door and brushed the odd bit of dry dirt away. In the basin, she rinsed a spot of blood from one shoulder then donned the cream gown as best as she could with the stays that laced at the back. With her slippers on, she searched the drawer for the brush Tavish had tidied her locks with the night before and ran it through her hair.

  “I have some clothes for you, Julia.” Tavish knocked.

  “Come in.”

  He opened the door wearing faded blue trews and a billowy black tunic with ties that swayed free at the neckline. Belted at his waist, his mighty sword gleamed while in his hands, he carried a bundle of clothing which he set on the counter. “Megan heard you were here from Cherub and just dropped these off. She’s the chief’s wife. I also informed her that I’ve found my mate.”

  “I’ve met Megan. She and Michael are Iain, Finlay, and Kirk’s parents. Cherub brought them to my time to attend their sons’ wedding. That was a wonderful day.”

  “She said Cherub and Kirk are waiting for you downstairs in the great hall.” His aura became flushed with a haze of blue, the color always signifying frustration and turmoil, not that she couldn’t tell by his clenched fists and rigid stance of his current emotions.

  “Then Cherub’s here to collect me and I must go.” She wrapped one hand around his forearm and the blue haze o
f frustration in his aura receded. “You must believe me when I say we’re no’ mated.”

  “A mated male knows when he meets his chosen one.” A look of longing flashed across his face as he lifted a lock of her hair and curled it around his finger. “Your hair is so soft and silky, and you look beautiful in your gown.”

  “And you are a charmer with your touching words.” She let go of him and walked from the bathroom, through his chamber and out his open bedroom door. The passageway, lit with bright overhead lighting led toward a stairwell at the far end. She strode along the burgundy and blue runner as Tavish jogged in beside her.

  “Julia, I don’t need the full moon to guide me to my chosen one, not when being near you tells me all I need to know. I’ve also no idea why our auras aren’t tugging toward each other’s as you’ve said, but that matters little to me.” He lifted a challenging brow. “Do you not feel anything toward me?”

  “I dinnae have the right to speak of it if I do.” He was taken, and she would never come between a soul bound pair.

  “That’s not what I asked.” He caught her hand, slowed her step then pressed her back against the wall. Head dipped, he touched his nose to hers, and murmured, “My desire for you is growing, in leaps and bounds. All I want to do is hold you, kiss you, to discover everything there is to learn about you.”

  “The only thing you need to learn is that I’m not yours.” She fluttered a hand over her racing heartbeat. Those words sounded wrong even as she uttered them and they clashed inside her, made her cringe. “Let me go, Tavish.”

  “That is still the wrong answer.” Smoothly, he slid his hand under her hair and palmed the bare skin of her nape, his gaze moving over the sensitive area where her shoulder and neck met. He rubbed one thumb over the spot. “I want to bite you, to mark you as mine, just as those mated pairs in my clan do.”


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