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Highlander's Kiss

Page 7

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Then let me show you what you might need. Do you trust me?”

  “Aye.” Her agreement came swift and fast, her trust in him absolute.

  “That’s my mate.” He rubbed the tip of his nose to hers then cupping the back of her head, he covered her mouth with his. Moaning, he licked across her tongue then growled and dove deeper. He kissed her, so sweetly and so seductively, his warm and fresh scent swirling all around and embedding itself deep within her.

  Kisses. She definitely wanted his kisses. A surge of heat flared in her core and pooled between her thighs. She wriggled against him, needing even more although she knew not what.

  “Let me kiss more of you.” He ran his hands down her back and over her hips as he moved from her lips and nibbled along her jawline. Laving a path down her neck, he nipped and licked her skin until he reached the sensitive hollow where her neck and shoulder met, where her pulse pounded. Sucking her flesh into his mouth, he released a low rumble. “The urge to bite you is strong. Say aye. I willnae do so until you give me your agreement.”

  Everything pointed toward a soul bound match between them. Threading her hands deep in his shoulder-length black hair, she stroked his scalp, her nails lightly raking over him. “Bite me. Show me that we’re soul bound. Prove to me that I dinnae need to see the aura-tugging as my skill usually shows.”

  “I’ll make sure I prove it, and that you don’t regret giving me your trust. Give me a few moments though before I do. I need to taste more of your skin first, to calm and settle my bear.” He buried his head at her neck and licked her flesh. He swiped his tongue over her, back and forth until he dipped a little lower and laved the upper swells of her breasts where the low-cut neckline of her gown grazed her flesh. As he licked into the gap between her breasts the rough rasp of his tongue made her nipples bead and poke the thin cloth.

  Another hot flare of desire burst to life within her and she stroked one thumb over his neck. Her mouth watered to take a bite out of him too. Wanting more, she nuzzled his neck, his pulse a heavily pounding beat under her tongue. She licked the spot, scraped her teeth back and forth and almost cried out at the intense wave of need that washed through her. Sweet heaven. She had to bite him, now

  “Do it,” he whispered, so tantalizingly. “Then I’ll bite you.”

  “I—” He seemed to know her every thought.

  He slid his hand underneath the shoulder of her gown, eased the fabric down her arm and exposed her breasts. “I want your mark, Julia. You are my true mate. Bite me. I’ll never deny you what you need.”

  She closed her eyes and unable to turn away, sank her teeth into his flesh.

  “Harder,” he growled as he arched into her, his tone fierce and demanding. “Mark me so well that each time you see the evidence of what you’ve done, you’ll know deep in your heart the truth, that I’m yours, just as you are mine.”

  “Being this close to you scatters all my thoughts.” With her heartbeat a pounding roar in her ears, she licked the other side of his neck then bit down a second time, stamping him with her mark.

  “Aye, you’re mine, now and forever.” He buried his head at her neck and razzed his teeth over her skin. She moaned and rocked underneath him as she waited, as she held her breath in anticipation. He bit down and she clutched his shoulders, her nails digging into his flesh.

  “More,” she whispered. “Give me more.”

  * * * *

  Julia’s demand made Tavish’s pulse race with fierce satisfaction. His mate wanted more and he intended to give it. He swept lower, nipping around her breasts, each of his bites a mark of claim she’d asked for and which he desperately needed to give her. He flicked her nipple with his thumb then sucked the pebbled treasure deep inside his mouth. As he did, she pressed her breasts deeper into his touch, her nails digging into his shoulders, her claim a physical one that both he and his bear reveled in. His beast purred a mile a minute inside him. Aye, he’d known from the moment he’d met her that she was his and now he intended to ensure she fully embraced their bond as he did.

  He licked his lips. Her breasts were full and lush and he ached for another taste of them. Heat surged in his loins and he bent his head and laved first one nipple and then the other. Nice and slow. She tasted heavenly. He razzed his teeth over one rosy tip, taking a second before drawing the aureole deep inside his mouth to treasure each and every inch of her. Sheer pleasure radiated through him and hardened his cock further. He rocked his hips against hers to alleviate some of the pressure, only he hardened even more. Never had he ever known such pleasure as this. He tweaked her other nipple and she arched her back, curving fully into him.

  Easing both her breasts together, he gorged, kissing and licking, taking her nipples between his lips and rolling his tongue around them before nipping each one. The bites intensified his feelings for her, pulled his heart and soul ever closer toward hers.

  “Tavish.” She moaned and rubbed against him. “That feels so good, too good.”

  “For me too.” He lapped the tight buds until she clasped his face between her hands and dragged his mouth back to hers. He kissed her again, plunging his tongue inside her mouth and drinking in her sweet innocence. She met him kiss for kiss, entwining her tongue with his and driving him near mad in a delicious dance that had both him and his bear clawing for her.

  His claws sliced out and he dug them into the floorboards to help curb some of his lust.

  “Julia?” A knock sounded at the door. “’Tis Cherub.”

  He shook his head, tried to penetrate the heavy fog of desire taking him. Had someone knocked on the door? Pulling back, he fought for a breath. His mate’s lips were plump and pink and wet and the last thing he wanted to do was to cease kissing her.

  “Julia?” Another knock.

  “Dinnae stop, Tavish.” Julia clutched his head, her eyes dazed with passion. “I need another kiss.”

  “Cherub’s at the door.”

  “What door?” Gasping, she jerked upright and stared at the door. “Oh, that door. I didnae hear her.”

  “I barely did either.” He shoved to his feet, helped her to hers then dropped a quick kiss on her very full and tantalizing breasts before lifting her gown back up and covering her. “I hate losing this delicious sight.”

  “You need to cover yourself as well.” She reached up on her toes, nipped his lower lip then whisked to her golden curtained ambry. She nabbed a fresh gown hanging from within and dashed behind the dressing screen. “Hurry,” she whispered in a rush.

  While she changed, he grabbed his clothing from where he’d scattered it. He hauled on his shirt and tried to adjust his uncomfortably tight jeans. He left his black shirt flapping free and opened the door, and likely with a scowl on his face.

  Cherub arched a far too innocent brow as she stood in the passageway with two bags in hand, one his medical case which he always kept fully stocked next to his chamber door, the other a case from his closet, one now stuffed with his clothing that poked out from under the top flap. “I hope I didnae interrupt anything important, but I come bearing gifts.”

  Chapter 5

  Breathing slowly and surely, Julia tried to clear the sensual haze in her head that kissing Tavish had caused. Her man had sent every rational thought from her mind the moment he’d touched his lips to hers, thoughts she wouldn’t mind him scattering all over again. Mmm, and when he’d bitten her and nipped and devoured her breasts, such heat had shimmered through her and intensified all her emotions. ’Twas as if he’d pulled her heart and soul closer toward his, and all with his delicious touch alone. Aye, he’d shown her they were soul bound, a bond she fully intended to accept, tugging auras or not.

  After shedding her clothes, she eased a clean shift over her head and donned a rich burgundy velvet gown that shimmered over her hips and swished to her ankles. The low neckline, embellished with white crocheted detailing, was mirrored with the same adornment along the ends of the sleeves that draped over the backs of her hands. She add
ed a matching white crocheted girdle, belted it at her waist and adjusted the tasseled ends sweeping down to her knees. Her hair was likely a mess, so she quickly ran her fingers through it and tried to tame her long locks as best as she could.

  Slippers on, she gripped the edge of the screen and peeked around it toward the door. Tavish’s broad back blocked all sight of Cherub in the passageway, so she stepped out and swished in behind him. Her mate, her fierce protector. She leaned against his back, rubbed her cheek against the soft cotton of his black tunic and tried heartily hard not to slip her hands underneath the flapping hem and stroke over his warm skin.

  Over his shoulder, he glanced at her, such hunger in his gaze and his smile wide. He set two bags down just inside the door and tucked her underneath his shoulder. “Cherub brought me my medical bag and some clothes. I hope you don’t mind if I leave them here in your chamber?”

  “Not at all. Come inside, Cherub.” She motioned her in. “I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me, particularly for taking me to Tavish’s time and introducing us. ’Twas wonderful that you did.”

  “You’re most welcome, and does this mean you’ve actually accepted that the two of you are soul bound?” Cherub’s plum skirts brushed the floorboards as she stepped inside.

  “It means…” She looked into Tavish’s eyes, and likely with the silliest smile on her face. “I have. I trust my mate and his word. He has fully convinced me I am his.”

  His golden gaze flared brighter and almost scorched her with its heat. “I want to kiss you again.” Sensuously hot words that nearly melted her on the spot. “And you’ll need to cease looking at me like that or else all completely forget Cherub’s standing in this room with us and do exactly as I please.”

  “If that was a warning, ’twas a very bad one.” She twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. She wanted his kisses, however she could get them.

  “Oh, this is good news.” Cherub beamed then grasped her hands and pulled her attention back to her. “I also come bearing more gifts than just Tavish’s bags. I’ve had the chance to speak to Nessa and she asked me to impart a vision she saw regarding you. Are you ready?”

  “Aye.” Her grandmother’s words always rang true, her visions a gift each and every one of her clansmen embraced. “Tell me what she said, word for word.”

  “I shall.” Cherub squeezed her fingers and began, “Live as you’ve never lived afore, my dear. There is warmth and an all-encompassing heat at the end of the tunnel. That is the place you seek. All your heart longs for will soon come to light and from that sacred place, your journey shall begin.”

  She mulled over Nessa’s words, considered them from every angle.

  “That’s interesting.” Tavish turned her by the shoulders to face him. “What do you think Nessa means by it?”

  “The first part must refer to my parents. Since the day I lost them, I ceased living, and no matter how many times Arabel and my grandmother tell me their death wasnae my fault, I still cannae release the burden that it was. It didnae help too that I saw such hope shimmering within Father and Uncle’s auras the day they met with Colin MacKenzie. They both hoped to strengthen the ties between our two clans and ensure we were allies. I’ve always sensed that I let them down.”

  “You didn’t let anyone down.” He lifted her hands to his lips and kissed her fingertips. “So too your parents’ death isn’t your fault, but that of the man who took their lives. You were only trying to do what was best for your clan.”

  “Yet what if they’re truly alive and we cannae find them in the fortnight of time given to us? What if I’m left with no other choice but to wed Jeremiah in order to save them?” ’Twas a very real possibility and one that frightened her greatly. “My head and my heart are often at war, and in truth, I fear giving into their demands.”

  “I’ll never allow you to walk away from me, or wed the enemy. Trust me to take care of you, to ensure that it so.”

  She nodded. She would trust him, and fight for what was growing between them. “I wish to see our bond deepen.”

  “We’ll deepen it.” He kissed her forehead. “That I can assure you.”

  Cherub cleared her throat. “What of the last part of Nessa’s vision? There is warmth and an all-encompassing heat at the end of the tunnel. That is the place you seek. All your heart longs for will soon come to light and from that sacred place, your journey shall begin.”

  “I’m not sure what she refers to with that.” But she’d keep Grandmother’s words close. “Was there anything else she said about the vision?”

  “Nay, that is all.” Cherub tapped her hands against her sides. “Kirk and I also spoke to Gilleoin and he’s urged us to begin the search.”

  “Finlay has already devised a plan. We are to head out with the warriors leaving tomorrow for the encampment, all except for Finlay and Arabel since they’re needed here. We’ll make the camp our base and from there head out in teams, the first being led by you as you take us through the skies, another team heading across MacKenzie’s land via horseback and another via the loch.”

  “That is a sound plan, and one I’m in full agreement with. Let me tell Kirk what’s happening.” Cherub went quite as she spoke to her mate across their mated link. “Kirk too is in agreement. He’s outside tending to an issue but will join Finlay and Tor in the chief’s solar as soon as he’s done.” Cherub eyed Tavish. “He would like to talk to you further as well.”

  “Then I’ll go downstairs.” Tavish scooped his weapons from the side table and stopped at the door, cast her one last smile. “Wait here with Cherub. I won’t be gone long.”

  “Take as long as you need. I would like to hear more of Cherub’s trip.”

  He blew her a kiss as he walked out the door and disappeared down the hallway. His leaving hurt, squeezed at her heart and she grasped her skirts and stepped into the hallway.

  “Wait.” Cherub nabbed her hand, pulled her back into her chamber. “Give Tavish some time to do what he needs to. Our mated men cannae stand to see us worry or be in pain, and you are clearly consumed by both.”

  “I miss him.” Her very soul ached at his leaving.

  “I understand the feeling well.” Cherub closed the door and leaned against it. “There is something else Nessa spoke to me about which I’ve yet to mention. You and I are about to embark on a little trip.”

  “To where?”

  “To the MacKenzie’s lair. Nessa insisted I take you, for you to have the chance to listen and see if you can hear the gentle hum of your parents’ auras. Even though Kirk and I have searched his keep from top to bottom, Nessa said you too will need to see and hear with your own eyes and ears as well. Only the truth will set you free.”

  Cherub tugged her toward the window and opened it wide. “I’ll cloak us both then take us to the skies. We’re traveling across the loch, although without the use of a portal since we’ve no need to travel a great distance. Are you ready?”

  “Aye, as I’ll ever be.” To visit the MacKenzie’s keep for herself was what she desired. Her grandmother knew her well. She needed to know for certain if her parents were there, but even more than that, she truly wished to allow the truth to set her free, to ensure her head and heart no longer raged with confliction.

  “Then let’s be away.” Cherub cloaked them both, whisked them through the open window then out and over the treetops. Cherub soared high and Julia’s heartbeat raced. Never had she traveled like this with her people’s princess before—cloaked and through the air. They soared, like birds in the sky. Far below, the castle became a mere dot of gray amongst the sparkling blues of the loch and the rich greens of the forest.

  “This is incredible.” Excitement shimmered through her, worry too, as well as an abundance of hope. Her parents might truly be alive, and that was the one thought she’d now hold onto. For today and throughout each day of the coming fortnight as they searched.

  Swiftly, Cherub took them even higher, through a layer of puffy white cloud
, the air swirling mistily all about. Cherub sped across the loch and along the land toward the east then as they closed in on their destination, she slowly descended. She skimmed a cloying gray fog sitting low over the water then arched up and over the fortified walls of the MacKenzie’s lair and settled on top of the foggy battlements.

  Below their high perch, men trained in battle leathers, dust rising at their feet and mingling with the hazy air. Their claymores crashed, steel ringing loud against steel.

  “Do you hear aught?” Cherub murmured, her hand wrapped tightly around hers as the two of them remained unseen, even to each other.

  “I’ll need a moment to focus. There’s so much noise.” Eyes closed, she deadened the clanging of swords and the screeching of a seagull somewhere out on the water as it sought its catch. Those sounds fell away and with her mind narrowed in on her parents, she held her breath and waited for the gentle hum.

  * * * *

  Palming the hilt of his belted sword, Tavish sat in the chief’s solar with Tor and Finlay as they awaited Kirk’s arrival for their meeting. His heart grew heavier. Leaving Julia behind had been the hardest thing he’d ever done, each step he’d taken from her making his breath come harder. She was his chosen one and of that he had no doubt.

  “You look distressed, brother, and for a man who’s just found his chosen one, you shouldn’t.” Tor closed the front of the armoire that held the chief’s armor and set a battle axe down on the table. He rubbed it clean with a soft cloth then slid the axe into the belt hoop on the opposite side of his hip to his sheathed sword.

  “This mated bond is strong and I’ve a deep need to complete it and ensure I tie Julia to me in every way.”

  “I remember the feeling well, that desperate need to cement the bond.” Finlay motioned toward the armoire. “Help yourself to whatever weapons you too might need, Tavish. Gilleoin would want you to be well armed while here in this time. The enemy lurks everywhere.”


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