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Anna Martin's First Love Box Set: Signs - Bright Young Things - Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me

Page 58

by Anna Martin

  “Isn’t he adorable?” Scott said to Andre.

  “The most,” Andre agreed.

  It took a week more until the doctors were prepared to release Scott from the hospital. In that time, he’d lost almost twelve pounds, and it showed. The usual broad strength across his shoulders and back had turned into a hunch against the cold.

  Evan spent the morning cleaning Scott’s apartment of all the mess he’d created while living there. Once Scott’s family had returned to Virginia, their jobs and their lives, he’d taken the opportunity to become Princess’s full-time human companion. It made more sense than paying for a motel room.

  Lacey had arranged for his graphics tablet to be shipped up to Chicago so he could keep working in between visiting Scott in the hospital. The few projects he had on the go were now on hold, and he’d picked up more graphic design work instead. That was fine. It all paid the bills.

  The apartment had become far more Evan since he’d moved in. He hadn’t even done it intentionally. He was used to living in organized chaos, his stuff everywhere, half-finished sketches on every available surface. His fingers twitched to paint the big white wall in the kitchen, to cover it in swirls of color to burst out from the room’s unforgiving monochrome.

  “Where’s Princess?” Scott demanded as he shuffled into the apartment.

  Evan tried not to fuss. Scott was okay to walk, could get to the bathroom on his own now and use the shower. No more bed baths.

  “She’s around here somewhere, I expect,” he murmured and toed off his heavy boots. “Probably sulking. You abandoned her, remember? I’m her favorite now.”

  “Fuck off,” Scott grouched.

  He hung his jacket in the hallway closet (something Evan never did; his always ended up over one of the stools at the breakfast bar) and kicked off his shoes too, then wandered through to the living room. By his cry of delight, Evan assumed feline and human had been reunited.

  Not wanting to get in the way, Evan took the opportunity to make tea for them both, then pulled a skillet from the drawer and started fixing sandwiches.

  “Lacey told me about your badass toasted cheese sandwich skills,” Scott said as he came into the kitchen. Princess was cradled in his arms, butting her head against his jaw and purring manically.

  “Really? When?”

  “At some point over the past few months when I was on the phone to her wailing about how I’d fallen for her current, my former best friend.”

  Evan turned slowly, unable to keep the goofy grin from his face. And he was making an effort to.


  “Yeah.” Scott rubbed his cheek over Princess’s head. “Apparently I fall hard.”

  The kettle whistled, and Scott looked at Evan expectantly, the look on his face clearly indicating he had no intention of putting his cat down. Evan huffed a laugh and turned around to make two mugs of tea.

  “I don’t normally drink hot tea.”

  “I’d noticed. It’s good. It’ll keep you warm.”

  “Did you buy tea?”

  “I’ve been living here for like, over a week, Scott. I’ve bought food, yes.”

  “Did you get to explore the neighborhood?”

  Evan gave him a pointed look. “I ordered groceries online. Got them delivered.”

  “Can you do that here?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “You don’t do that at home.”

  “No. But I’m not going outside in that weather unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  Scott laughed, apparently delighted, and took a sip of his tea. “Ugh. Not sweet enough.”

  Evan passed him the sugar.

  “So, what now?” he asked. He’d purposefully not brought up Scott’s proposal again, preferring to talk about anything but while Scott recovered. Now, though? Now it was killing him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well… when do you need to go back to work? What do you need to do to make the transfer? I don’t want to push you or anything, and I’m more than happy to wait here with you until you’re ready to come home. And where are we going to live? I don’t think I like the idea of you driving, what, seven hours a day to DC and back. That’s insane. I can work from here for a little while longer, but I really need to get back to a couple of projects before I’m being chased for them. I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  Scott stopped the tirade by stepping up close to Evan, pressing a finger against his lips, then once he’d stopped talking, giving him a soft kiss.


  Evan did, a deep inhale and noisy exhale.

  “It would normally take a couple of months to approve and implement a transfer. However, since I’ve been out of the office for weeks already and they seem to be functioning just fine without me, I’m going to try and get it approved quicker. I’m still covered by my insurance, but this place is fucking expensive, and I can’t afford to live here if I’m not earning.”

  “I can help,” Evan rushed to add.

  “We’ll be fine,” Scott said, shaking his head and reaching up to push his fingers through Evan’s hair. “Honestly. When my mom was here before, she mentioned about helping me buy somewhere.”

  “A house?”

  Scott nodded and sipped his tea. “They did it for Tom when he first moved out. Lacey obviously moved straight in with Anthony, so I’m not sure what the situation is there. It’s not really my place to ask. But I know there’s money set aside from my grandparents for us to put a deposit down on a house.”

  “If I sell mine, then that gives us some more capital. I know it’s gained value since I bought it. Though my mortgage is pretty huge.”

  “As long as you don’t end up losing money on it,” Scott said, nodding. “We could always see if anyone wants to rent it. It would be a nice retirement place, you know.”

  “Yeah,” Evan said absently. He turned back to the stove and started to cook the sandwiches.

  “If you were going to move, where would it be to?”

  “Not Illinois, that’s for damn sure,” Evan muttered.

  Scott put Princess down and wrapped both his arms around Evan’s waist from behind. It felt almost too intimate, too domestic for this still so new relationship. He kissed Evan’s shoulder and watched as Evan skillfully flipped the sandwiches over.

  “Richmond? Or one of the nice suburbs.”

  “What are you thinking of? I don’t have a lot of money, Scott. My savings are almost nonexistent. I don’t earn a lot either, so I can’t really contribute to a household.”

  “We’ll find something that works for both of us.”

  “Are we seriously considering living together? We’re not even, you know, dating yet. We’re not even fuck buddies yet. We’re just two assholes who admitted they like each other.”

  Scott snorted. “Hey, Evan. I like you.”

  “I like you too, asshole.”

  He laughed then, and Evan knew he loved that sound.

  “You’ve been my best friend my whole life,” Scott said softly. “Even when things were weird, I still knew no one would ever get me like you did. It doesn’t feel like this is new, you know? It feels like….”

  “Like we just took our time getting here,” Evan finished for him.

  “Yes. Exactly. Like this was always a possibility… but it’s like trying to see the moon when the sun’s out. You know it’s there, you just can’t see it.”



  “Can I ask you about something?” Evan asked.

  Scott frowned. “Sure.”

  “I didn’t change my mind or anything,” he said with a rush. “But it’s been a really long time, and I haven’t exactly been keeping tabs on you. I only know what Lacey mentioned in passing.”

  “What do you want to know?” Scott asked. He leaned back against a counter and crossed his arms over his chest. If he hadn’t just spent the better part of two weeks in hospital, Evan was pretty sure his biceps would
be puffed out. Scott still looked sick, though.

  “Just… who you’ve dated, I suppose,” Evan mumbled.

  Scott’s expression turned wicked. “No one as incredible as you, I promise.”

  “Scott,” Evan whined.

  “Okay. Well, I’ve mostly dated women. Though I fucked a few guys.”


  “You want to ask me how many women, don’t you?”

  “No,” Evan said pointedly.

  Scott bumped their shoulders together. “You’re adorable. Probably the longest relationship I’ve ever been in was with Missy.”

  “Missy? You dated a girl named Missy?”

  “Don’t be bitchy. She was a sweetheart. Total wild child in bed, though.”

  “Ew. Girls.”

  “I’m bisexual, Evan,” Scott said with a grin. “I’ve been having sex with women.”

  “I know. I just sort of get weirded out by the details. Sorry.”

  “That’s okay,” Scott laughed now, the sound as bright and perfect as Evan remembered. “Are we exchanging sexual history?”

  “If you like.”

  “Hmm. Well, since Rachel, that girl in college? I haven’t had unprotected sex since. Not once. I really don’t ever want to be in that position again. The next time someone tells me I’m going to be a father, I want it to be the best news in the world, not some terrifying thing I have to deal with.”

  Evan nodded. “I can understand that.”

  “I get STD checked once a year with my physical. It’s always come back clear.”

  “I’m probably not as safe as you,” Evan said, feeling something twist in his belly. It wasn’t shame, he wouldn’t let it be that, but his attitude to safe sex had been slightly less safe. “I don’t use condoms for blow jobs, never have. I don’t like the taste of them. I get a STD test every six months, though, and I’ve never had anything show up. That’s a full screening by the way, so HIV too.”

  “Okay.” Scott nodded. “I don’t have a problem with the condom thing, by the way. Girls don’t seem to do that.”

  “Want you to use a condom for oral?”


  “I’ve been asked if I’m on PrEP before,” Evan said, remembering a guy from a night out, maybe a year before. He’d been perfect. The most beautiful guy in the club. Evan wasn’t going to tell Scott that, though. “I didn’t fuck him after he asked. It could have been nothing, you know? He said he was negative, but there was something wrong. He was high, and I didn’t want to take the risk.”

  Scott reached out and ran his fingers over Evan’s forearm. “Sounds sensible. Did I answer your question, anyway?”

  “Yeah. Suppose so.”


  “Anything else?

  “Yeah. Do you have any chips?”

  “I have Doritos. Unless you ate them all already.”

  “What flavor?” Evan asked, narrowing his eyes.

  “Cool Ranch. Duh.”

  “I take it all back,” Evan said dramatically, holding up his hands. “I’ll move in with you right away.”

  Scott laughed and quickly squeezed Evan’s ass as he passed on his way to the big pantry. It was one of the first sexual things they’d shared, and Evan was okay with it. It didn’t feel forced or contrived.

  They ate the sandwiches from one plate, sat on the couch with feet propped on the coffee table, watching one of Evan’s Discovery Channel shows. After, Scott was sleepy and swung his legs around to put his head on Evan’s lap.

  It felt right to run his fingers through Scott’s hair, so he did, gently smoothing through the silky-soft strands. Scott had showered in the hospital but didn’t have any products to fix his hair, so it was clean and shiny.

  While Scott napped, Evan pulled his phone from his pocket and fired off a quick text to his mom to update her. She’d been worried about Scott, naturally, and had been Evan’s main sounding board when he needed to offload all the stress and anxiety about Scott’s condition.

  After they’d exchanged a few catch-up messages, Evan rolled his shoulders and steeled himself for the next bit.

  Mom, I think Scott and I might be dating, he typed, then hit Send before he backed out. He watched as the read notification appeared on the message trail, then the three little dots to say his mom was typing.

  Oh, she said after a truly terrifying amount of time. I didn’t know he was gay.

  A few seconds later another message appeared. Are you happy?

  Yes, he rushed to respond. It feels so right. We just fit together.

  Then I’m happy for you xoxo

  He huffed a laugh, felt Scott stir, and quickly rubbed his hand over Scott’s head again to soothe him.

  Thanks, Mom. Love you.

  That night Scott showered again, saying he still felt like he smelled of hospital, while Evan cleaned up the kitchen. He’d made dinner, a hearty stir-fry with plenty of vegetables, fresh grilled chicken, and piles of snowy white rice. Scott seemed to appreciate the home-cooked meal.

  After living in the apartment on his own, it was almost strange to be sharing it with Scott now, even though it was Scott’s place. He’d grown comfortable with just he and Princess occupying the space. If anything, he was the third wheel.

  Since he still didn’t have his own pajamas, he changed into a pair of Scott’s and purposefully got comfortable on Scott’s side of the bed with his Kindle. Scott came out of the bathroom, one towel wrapped around his waist, the other rubbing over his head, and stopped dead just inside the door.

  “Hey. Scoot over.”

  “Hmm?” Evan asked, playing dumb.

  “My side of the bed. Scoot over.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d want me sleeping in here at all,” Evan said, not moving. “It might be too soon. I could always sleep on the couch.”

  “Fuck that,” Scott said, frowning as he crossed to the dresser and pulled out a clean pair of boxers, T-shirt, and long pajama pants. With no shame, he dumped the towels in his hamper and pulled the clothes on. Evan only got to look at his ass for the shortest time.

  “Look,” Scott continued, “I want you in my bed. It’s cold out there. I don’t even mind that you stole my PJs. You’re just not sleeping on my side of the bed.”

  Evan chuckled and butt-wriggled over to make room for Scott.

  “Thanks,” Scott grouched.

  Evan leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “Do you want to keep reading? I know I’ve done nothing but sleep all day, but I’m fucking exhausted.”

  “No, it’s fine,” Evan said, turning the device off. “I can sleep now.”

  He set the Kindle down on the empty nightstand and shuffled down under the covers. A second later, the light went out and Scott curled himself around Evan’s side.

  “Did it get weird yet?” Scott whispered as he ran the flat palm of his hand over Evan’s chest.

  “No. Honestly,” he added at Scott’s humph.

  Evan shifted so he was on his side, facing Scott in the dark. After a moment he reached out and stroked his hand over Scott’s hair, then leaned in for a kiss.

  Their noses bumped together awkwardly at first. Then Evan smiled into it and their lips parted and Scott wrapped his fingers around Evan’s hip. The kiss was slow and purposeful, a kiss to confirm who they were and what they were to each other. It was a kiss of promise and sweetness, and Evan sighed.

  After a few moments of those slow, purposeful kisses, Scott pulled away.

  “Sorry. I don’t think I have the energy for sex yet.”

  “This doesn’t have to lead to sex,” Evan murmured as he rubbed their noses together. “It could just lead to more kissing.”

  Scott smiled. Even in the dark, Evan knew he was smiling.

  “Can I hold you?”

  “Yeah,” Evan said softly.

  He rolled over, then wriggled back into Scott’s comforting embrace. Scott fit his legs into the crook of Evan’s knees and wrapped his arm around Evan’s waist. He pres
sed one last kiss to Evan’s shoulder and fell asleep.

  It was almost two weeks before Scott felt like he was ready for more. They had taken their time in those liquid hours before bed, exchanging simple kisses that made Evan hard in his borrowed pajamas. Scott was still recovering, though, and he often fell asleep before Evan had a chance to ask if he wanted more.

  Scott had made the arrangements by conference call to arrange his transfer to the DC office, and one of his colleagues had packed up his cubicle and came over with a box of stuff. Angie seemed nice, but the way she flirted casually with Scott was a clear indication that there had been something between them. Once. Not anymore, though. Evan decided not to pry.

  They had a few days left in Chicago—where it had gotten colder, to Evan’s mighty disgust—before Scott had to hand back the keys to his apartment and they could start the long journey home.

  For now, though….

  Scott’s fingers were in Evan’s hair, and he was tugging in an erratic rhythm as Evan slowly bobbed up and down on his cock. This was something Evan was sure he could do for hours. Scott came to pieces when he was being blown, back arching off the bed, toes curling, a panting, sweating mess. Evan adored it. It was everything he loved about being with a man, the taste and smell and raw animalism. There was no holding back, not when Scott was losing control and begging for more.

  “Scott,” Evan said and lapped at the very tip of Scott’s pink cock to get his attention. “Scott.”

  “Fuck, Evan. Fucking hell.”

  “Yeah. Want you to fuck me.”

  Scott made some choking noise in the back of his throat. “Are you sure?”


  “Shit. Okay. Give me a moment.”

  Evan hid a grin in the crease of Scott’s thigh, then bit it gently. “You got lube? Condoms?”

  “Yeah. Top drawer.”

  He carefully avoided touching Scott’s dick as he leaned over and dug through the top drawer, this time with permission. There were more condoms in here than last time and lube too, making Evan wonder where it had come from. He hadn’t let Scott outside yet. There had been packages arriving in the mail, though. Fuck.


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