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Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain)

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by H. H. Fowler

  It was during this tumultuous season that Mackey’s friendship with Leroy was birthed, because both men at the time were experiencing similar effects of infidelity within their marriages. Unfortunately for Mackey, his marriage ended in divorce. His wife simply could not forgive him for cheating on her with her best friend, despite Mackey’s explanation that the incident had only happened once. So Mackey understood the pain of someone who’d made one stupid mistake and was trying all they could to make things right. He shared his heart with Leroy and in turn, Leroy gradually did the same.

  “What are you going to do?” Mackey prompted. “We’ve talked about the repercussions of you keeping this a secret from your wife.”

  Leroy sighed in an effort to recover his composure. “I will talk to Michelle, but not before I speak with Ellie to see what she wants.”

  Mackey raised a brow. “You already know what she wants. Are you sure that is the right move?”

  “I don’t know what the right move is at the moment, but I’m not going to allow Ellie to control me like her sister did. She is a mere child, fresh out of her teens who is still very impressionable and easily influenced. I will set her straight once and for all.”

  “I will support you, sir. But I beg you to talk to your wife as soon as you can.”

  Before Leroy walked off, he patted Mackey on the back said, “I’ve promised to be transparent and accountable to Michelle and I do intend to keep that promise. In the meanwhile, I want you to go to Best Western and tell Ellie that I will meet her on my terms: Tomorrow at noon in the lobby of the museum on Fowler Ave.”

  “The MOSI?” Mackey wanted to confirm. “Why there?”

  Leroy reprimanded Mackey with his eyes. “It will certainly be unwise to be alone with her in my office. I’ve been down that road one time too many.”

  Mackey did not need further explanation to know that the devil was in the details. He silently followed Leroy to the main exit, where Michelle was patiently waiting for her husband on the marble steps. Mackey gave Michelle a long look and prayed that bright smile would forever remain on her face. He knew all too well the damaging results of a secret unraveled by the wrong hands.

  Chapter Seven

  A string of knocks disrupted Eric from his fitful sleep, further aggravating the foul mood he’d been sporting since yesterday. He stretched his long arms toward the nightstand and spun the alarm clock to face him. It was only five minutes after seven in the morning – too early to be disturbed on his break from the NFL. Eric was prepared to express his anger when he heard the knocks again. He sat up and swung his feet to the floor.

  “Go away!” he yelled.

  His door pushed open and Leroy stuck his head in. “I’m surprised this door isn’t locked. Is that any way to speak to your father?”

  “Oh…it’s you.”

  Leroy chuckled. “Who else were you expecting?”

  “No one, Dad. I just wasn’t expecting to be shaken out of my bed this early. What’s going on?”

  “I want to shoot some hoops with you before I head out for the church. You think you can handle that?”

  “No. I want to go back to sleep.”

  “Well, my boy,” Leroy said. “You don’t always get everything you want. I’ll meet you out back. There’s something I need to talk to you about anyway.”

  Eric repressed his irritation and said, “Sure, Dad, sure. Give me a sec and I’ll be out.”

  Having his quietude returned, Eric slipped out of bed and walked over to the mirror, which began the arduous inspection of his commanding physique. However, it was becoming a compulsive ritual he now engaged in more than five times a day, fearing he would be caught off guard by abnormalities to his most appealing assets. He pressed his fingers in various spots on his chest, which still appeared as buffed and as smooth since his last inspection. His washboard abs were still intact too, as well as his bulging thighs and buttocks.

  Except for the signs of sleep present in his eyes, his facial structure had maintained its bewitching features. And finally, he felt no depletion of energy or drive within his body. So, why was he still terrified that he may have contracted HIV? It was because he’d read on the Internet that many people who had become infected with the virus did not develop any symptoms for at least a month and it had been exactly that long since he’d slept with that bimbo.

  Actually, the article went on to say, it could take up to two months with flu-like symptoms and up to ten years for more severe manifestations to appear. Eric felt fine, but he knew the only way he could ascertain that he may have contracted the virus was to get tested. And that wasn’t happening anytime soon. His medical records could be compromised and the world would know that he’d checked into a clinic to measure the levels of his T cells. Of course, there were more private means of ordering a testing kit over the Internet, but the sheer act of not only confirming, but secretly living with the knowledge of having been infected was more than he was able to endure.

  One day at a time was the way to go and see how this situation would play out, Eric told himself. In the meantime, he needed to pretend that he felt like the blessed NFL player that he was, because his surly attitude was putting him under unwanted scrutiny. Then again it could be that he had not been infected and that maybe, he’d been worrying about nothing all along. Because he’d also read on the Internet that it was easier for a woman than a man to get infected with HIV. That thought alone began to put a little joy into Eric’s sunken mood.

  Since the old man wanted to work up a sweat first thing this morning, Eric didn’t see the sense in taking a shower. He simply brushed his teeth and then threw on some sports gear. When he finally made his way downstairs, he didn’t expect to see anyone sitting in the breakfast nook at that hour of the morning. However, Michelle and Rachel greeted him with the brightest of smiles, despite the fact that they appeared to be involved in a serious discussion.

  “What the heck is going on around here?” Eric asked. “Everyone is up and about as if it’s twelve o’clock noon.”

  “Well, I am helping Sean and Rachel plan their wedding and there’s tons of stuff to do,”

  Michelle said. She tapped the table a few times and said, “Come, sit with us for a minute and tell us what you think about these colors.”

  Eric’s gaze slowly moved from Rachel to his mother and then back to Rachel. The satin blouse that Rachel wore did little to conceal her busty cleavage. It didn’t appear as if she’d intentionally dressed that way to entice the opposite sex, but nonetheless, she was eye candy. Eric smirked and thought, you, my dear, look too hot and tempting for a minister’s daughter. You may have fooled my brother, but I don’t believe for a second that you are a virgin.

  “Well,” Michelle prompted, “are you just going to stand there and stare at us all morning?”

  “Actually, I was on my way out back to shoot some hoops with the old man. Where is Sean, by the way?”

  “He’s in the shower,” Michelle answered. “He and Rachel have an 8:30 appointment this morning with a photographer who works for the local newspaper. They have been selected as the wedding couple of the year and will be interviewed live on the Marriage Kingdom Network. Isn’t that just wonderful?”

  Eric chuckled.

  “Why did you laugh?” Rachel inquired.

  “Because you have already bought into the Paxton fame. We can’t help but tell the world every little detail about our lives.”

  “Eric,” Michelle reprimanded, “that was very rude. We can’t dismiss the fact that your father is very influential in this town.”

  Eric threw his hands up in surrender. “Hey, I am just saying, sometimes we need to lay off from making our stories public. Hasn’t this family been through enough with those silly reporters in the past two years? Not everything is newsworthy, you know.”


  “Think about what I said, beautiful,” Eric said as he made ready to leave. “You will appreciate it in the long run.”

appraising look in Rachel’s eyes suggested that she found Eric extremely appealing, which was a mutual feeling Eric intended to explore at a more opportune time. He gave Rachel one final stare before he slipped into his slightly-bowlegged strides. He’d been told that the way he walked was a turn on for women, which Eric hoped would help his cause in getting Rachel to see that he was a better catch than his younger brother.


  When Leroy saw Eric coming toward him, he tossed the ball at him and yelled, “I thought you got cold feet. What took you so long?”

  “Cold feet?” Eric grinned. “I was giving you time to get your nerves together, old man. Is your oxygen tank nearby? Because you’re gonna need it when...”

  While Eric was still mouthing off to his father, Leroy unexpectedly stole the ball out of his hands. Faked a left and then a right, effectively pivoting around his son to drive the ball home into the net.

  Eric stood back and smirked, thoroughly impressed by his father’s agility. “Good shot, but I gave you that one.”

  Leroy grinned. “I might be fifty-one, but that doesn’t mean that I’m dead and done with.”

  “I bet you a thousand dollars you can’t do that again,” Eric challenged.

  Leroy limped toward his son and said, “You probably would win the bet, because I am wise enough to know that I can’t compete against your youth. I called you out here because there is something I need to talk to you about.” Pulling out one of the patio chairs, Leroy eased down on the seat and then gestured to his son. “Please join me.”

  Straightaway, Eric’s countenance fell. He could not determine what his father wanted to discuss, but he knew it would be something he did not want to get into.

  “Your coach called last night, worried and upset,” Leroy started. “He told me that you left Denver without saying anything to anyone. Now before you start getting an attitude, I just want to let you know that I am not going to get down on you about it. I just need to hear your side of the story.”

  Eric casually spread his hands and replied, “There’s nothing to tell; I just needed a break.”

  “Son, you’re in the middle of a successful NFL season. Your mother and I have been watching you play every game. Football is your life and it just seems a little bit strange that you are suddenly being nonchalant about it. Not to belabor the fact that you didn’t let your coach know your whereabouts, but he was petrified that something terrible had happened to you. I can understand how he feels. Your actions make me believe that there is more to it than you simply wanting to take a break.”

  Eric looked away and focused on a small bird that was hopping back and forth on the deck. “I will be leaving for Denver tomorrow,” he murmured, turning his attention back to his father. “If that will make you happy.”

  “That is not the point, Eric.”

  Eric ground his teeth and spat, “I don’t understand why coach—or anyone, for that matter—is making a big deal out of this. I just needed to get away for a few days and I don’t think I should have been tracked down like I am some sort of criminal. And besides, I did send coach an email when I arrived in Tampa. He shouldn’t have a fit about my leaving if he was too busy to read the bloody thing.”

  Leroy stared at his son, fighting hard not to fly off the handle like he would have done in the past. Even though his son knew better, for some inane reason Eric felt comfortable using trivial excuses to explain away his callousness. He suddenly wondered how Eric had been able to escape the eyes of the media, considering he was now a celebrity. In any event, his son’s nonchalant attitude had caused them many heated arguments, but Leroy, not wanting to alienate Eric any more than he already had, gave a patient sigh.

  “All I’m saying is that there is a more gracious way to handle a situation,” he explained to his son. “I need you to call your coach and smooth things over with him. You have already missed one game.”

  Eric was quick to avenge his position. “And the team still won, right? That goes to show that they’re doing just fine without me.”

  “Son, what is going on with you? Because you’re behaving as if you don’t care about what happens to your career. Are you willing to give up all of the sacrifices –”

  “Why can’t I have some time to myself?” Eric interrupted, jumping to his feet. “It’s just one stupid game!”

  “It is not about the game…”

  “Then what the hell is this about!”

  It was Leroy’s turn to jump to his feet, pinning Eric with a chastising gaze. “From the start of this conversation, I have been very respectful and patient with you. Don’t take your foul attitude and self-centeredness out on me.”

  Eric sniggered. “Good job reminding me of my shortcomings. As if you don’t still have some of your own.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You may have fooled Sean and even our mother,” Eric went on, “but I know you’re back to your old tricks again.”

  Leroy spat in confusion, “What on earth are you talking about?”

  “You figure it out,” Eric said. “I’m going inside to pack my things. I’ll be out of here by tomorrow afternoon.”

  Stumped, Leroy watched his son storm away in a rage. What had set Eric off remained a complete mystery to Leroy. But what was even more of an enigma was Eric’s reference to Leroy’s past sins. Why would his son think that he’d reconnected with those circumstances that had almost cost him everything? To Leroy’s way of thinking, there wasn’t any need or desire for him to revisit that reprehensible part of his life. He’d made peace with God and he’d made peace with Michelle, also with the fine congregation they led at Mount Moriah Baptist Church.

  Ellie, when I meet with you this afternoon, it will be the last time you try to come between me and my family, or else I will threaten you to get full custody of our son.

  Chapter Eight

  The twins were still asleep in their cribs, which was surprising to see at eight o’clock in the morning. Normally, Dominic and Tayah would have been pacing the floor two hours earlier, trying to soothe the twins back to sleep, but Dominic wasn’t complaining. He’d been longing to spend some quality time with his wife ever since the twins had been born, but she was always either too tired or too caught up in her responsibilities as a mother to indulge in sex. However, there wasn’t any reason now why he and his wife couldn’t enjoy thirty pleasurable minutes together before he left for his duties at the church.

  Appreciating his good fortune, Dominic climbed back into bed and gently pulled Tayah between his well-developed thighs. Pressing his flushed lips against the nape of her neck, he cupped her breasts and began to caress them as if they were his most prized possessions. These provocative moves were usually the first signs of him wanting to make love to his wife. However, Tayah was not picking up on his signals this morning. She lay in his embrace, unresponsive to his touch. He turned her face toward him until her brown eyes were staring directly at him.

  “Talk to me,” he said to her. “I can see something has been bothering you since Saturday.”

  Tayah responded promptly with one question, “Do you think our marriage is real?”

  Dominic felt as if he’d suddenly been struck in the stomach with a heavy object. He stared at her and said emphatically, “Of course our marriage is real. Why would you think that it’s not?”

  Because of what Shaniece wrote in that email, Tayah wanted to say, but instead, she shrugged and said, “I don’t know…I guess it has to do with me having been married to Phillip and the confusion surrounding the divorce. You and I barely waited three months before we were married. Do you think that we may have moved too quickly?”

  “Who have you been listening to?” Dominic inquired.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, Tayah. I know you well enough to recognize a shift in your attitude. From the day we got married until now, you’ve never questioned the authenticity of our relationship.”

  “I am not doing that,” Tayah said. “I was simply
asking your opinion. People are talking, you know.”


  “Yes, Dominic. People are spreading gossip around the church.”

  Dominic sat up against the headboard, his lovemaking mood quickly heading to the pits. “Since when has the negative opinion of others moved you to question yourself?” he inquired. “And for the record, you did question the authenticity of our marriage.”

  “I did not.”

  “You did. Your exact words were, ‘Do you think our marriage is real?’ That is not a question you just throw around casually. You had to have been thinking about it for a while or maybe someone has been feeding you these doubts about our relationship.”

  Tayah tossed the sheets to one side and pivoted her feet toward the floor. “I don’t want to fight with you, Dominic. It’s too early in the morning for this foolishness.”

  Dominic persisted, despite Tayah’s expression of anger. “You know it’s impossible for you to hide anything from me.”

  “I am going to check on the babies…”

  Dominic reached over and grabbed Tayah’s hand before she moved away. “The babies are asleep,” he said. “Stay so that we can talk about this.”

  Tayah pulled her hand away. “There’s nothing to talk about. You misunderstood me and that’s all there is to it.”

  Dominic sighed in response. Trying to determine which one of them was right would be insane. Tayah was stubborn in general, but when it came down to holding on to her point of view, she was even more unyielding. For that reason, Dominic allowed her to leave without further protest – just to keep the peace. Too many arguments meant less sex and Dominic was already experiencing the pressure of not getting enough.

  He pushed back onto the pillow and closed his eyes in meditation. Whatever it was that was bothering his wife would eventually come to light and when it did, he would be right there to comfort her. Shortly thereafter, his cell phone rang, which was a long distance number that elicited an instant grin on Dominic’s face.


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