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Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain)

Page 18

by H. H. Fowler

  “Eric…wait…” Rachel pushed her wheelchair forward, close enough so that she could take Eric’s hands into hers. “Don’t leave upset. Let me pray for God’s protection. But before I do, I want you to promise me one thing.”


  “That you will go to a medical facility and get tested for HIV.” When Eric looked as if he was about to protest, Rachel suggested an alternative. “Or, I can go online and order two FDA approved HIV test kits. One for me and I’ll send the other to you. The point I’m trying to make is this: you don’t have to go through this trial alone. God will be there with you, and I will as well. Take my phone contact information with you, just in case you need someone to talk to.”

  Eric decided not to respond, though his eyes showed that he was immensely terrified of what Rachel was asking of him. He bowed his head and silently absorbed the peaceful sensation emanating from the words of Rachel’s prayer.


  4:30 p.m.

  The men who Shaniece associated with were men whom she’d grown up with in the ghetto areas of Brandon, Florida. A senseless bunch who would obey her every command. However, there was one in particular who would leave his wife in a heartbeat had Shaniece given him the time of day. Even after almost twenty years of trying to win Shaniece’s affection, he still held on to the belief that he and Shaniece would someday be together. The fact that she’d included that much in her email to him, stoked his desire to please her even more.

  That was why it was extremely important to him that he execute this next gig without a hitch, because Shaniece’s freedom meant just as much to him as the love he had for her. And even though she said she was in a wheelchair, it didn’t matter. He would take care of her and get the best medical help there was available. He’d been waiting for this day for a mighty long time when Shaniece would finally give in and accept the inevitable. They were meant to be together.

  With his leather knapsack finally packed with some of the items he would need, he rounded the bend to the kitchen where his wife was preparing to cook dinner. Everything from her lip to her big toe was supersized, but he feigned a smile to hide his disgust. The way you look would probably be the sole reason I leave your fat behind, he thought.

  “Honey, I will back in a few hours,” he told her. “I have a few things I need to tend to.”

  His wife merely acknowledged him. She was too busy chewing on the cheese that she’d grated for the macaroni. On his way to his vehicle, he made a stop to the toolshed and grabbed a pickaxe and a shovel. There was a chrome Smith and Wesson pistol in the glove compartment, but just in case he needed an additional weapon, he shook the hunting knife out of its sheath and stuffed it in his knapsack. He would not disappoint Shaniece.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Nixon had not too long gotten off the phone with the commissioner at the Hillsborough Women’s Prison, who explained that an investigation into the shakedown was continuing and would only confirm that one correctional officer had been suspended. A Motorola smartphone and a total of eleven homemade weapons had been found. Nixon, however, was only interested in the data that was on the smartphone. He requested that a transcript be sent via email so that he could start putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

  When Nixon viewed the information, he realized that there would be no time for anything except to gather his team of men and try to sabotage Shaniece’s plan that was scheduled to go down in less than forty minutes. Nixon wasn’t surprised that Shaniece would hire a hit man to murder both Tayah and Michelle, but he was certainly uneasy over the fact that he may already be too late. There was only one way to find out for sure.


  Hearing Tayah’s voice took Nixon’s pressure down a few notches. At least this maniac hadn’t gotten to her as yet. “You were right all along about Shaniece,” he spat into the phone. “She is planning a hit on...”

  Tayah struggled to quiet the fussy babies, as the sudden ring of the phone had disturbed them out of their evening nap. “Who is this?”

  “Mrs. Housten, this is Sheriff Nixon. I said you were right all along. A smartphone was seized in a shakedown, which reveals Shaniece’s plans to exact revenge on your family.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “She has hired a hit man to kill you and your mother.”

  “Oh my God!”

  “Don’t panic,” Nixon advised. “I will need you to pay attention to my instructions. Is your husband in the house with you?”


  “Good. Tell him to check all of the windows and doors, making sure they are locked. Don’t go outside for anything. Stay put until you hear from us. Is that clear?”


  “I don’t know where this maniac will strike first,” Nixon said. “But I’ve split my men into two groups and will dispatch one half to your house and the other to your parents’ house.”

  “Shaniece is clearly out of her mind if she thinks this sick plan of hers is going to work.”

  “We’re not taking any chances,” Nixon said. “Please do as you were told, because I will never live it down if anything happens to you and your family.”

  One down, one to go, Nixon thought as he disconnected from Tayah. His eyes scanned the wall clock, which showed that it was quickly approaching 6:00 p.m. He wanted to call Leroy and alert him to what was going on, but that could take time and time was something he didn’t have. He would just have to call Leroy en route to the Paxtons’ mansion, while he kept his fingers crossed that nothing tragic would happen before then.


  After taking a long swig of cold water from a bottle, the hired hit man tossed his pickaxe and shovel into the trunk of his car. He’d spent the last hour burrowing a hole that was three feet wide and four feet deep. Though Michelle would suffocate a good while before she closed her eyes in death, it was a grave that would serve as her final resting place. The hit man was pleased with his work and he knew Shaniece would be too. He imagined the beam on Shaniece’s face when he told her that that prissy broad had gone home to meet her Maker. A job well done.

  Ellie would then be able to pursue Leroy without any hindrances. They would get married and being the powerful man that Leroy was, Ellie would convince him to get Shaniece’s sentence overturned. And finally, Shaniece would be his to cherish. It was the perfect plan and the hit man loved Shaniece all the more for it. That obese disgusting wife of his was in for a rude awakening.

  Seeing that it was now about seven minutes to six o’clock, he climbed into the driver seat of his car and cranked the engine with a hard right. He had to leave now, because as soon as he got rid of Michelle, he was going to look for Tayah. A small smile began to mess with his lips as he rolled the car forward onto the asphalt. Tonight was going to be like taking candy from a baby.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  With Eric going back to Denver that afternoon, the mansion suddenly felt empty – even though Grandma Delores was in the guestroom watching reruns of the, I love Lucy show. That evening, instead of going to the hospital to visit their son, Leroy and Michelle decided to sit in front of the fireplace for a quiet evening together. It was now late-November, and nearing the end of the regular football games, which also meant that the warm air was beginning to move out, bringing in the first cold front of the winter season.

  But ever since the boys had gotten into that accident, Leroy and Michelle lost interest in watching the games. It was because Eric had been their motivation and like most proud parents, they enjoyed seeing their child play on TV – even if some of those parents weren’t particularly fans of football. The only radiance in the room came from the fireplace, a fire Leroy had kindled at the start of their evening. It gave the room an intimate feeling. Michelle leaned into Leroy’s chest and allowed her gaze to get lost in the fire.

  “What are you thinking about?” Leroy asked.

  “Oh…just how blessed we are to still have each other.”
  “We are blessed to have each other,” Leroy agreed.

  “A few years ago,” Michelle continued. “I heard a song on the radio by Shirley Bassey, called “After the Rain.” Have you heard it before?”

  Leroy frowned. “I don’t believe I have. What is so special about that song?”

  “Well, it was during a time when I thought our marriage was over. I was depressed, confused and looking for a way out. There’s a line in the song that talks about being fed up with pain and misery. And then it went on to talk about the rain and what is left after the rain is gone. Those lyrics describe exactly how I’d felt. I wanted to end our marriage so badly, because I got tired of living with a broken heart. It was such a sad song...”

  Leroy paused from stroking his wife’s thick curls, as a feeling of regret passed over him. “I’m sorry; I was the cause of your pain.”

  “It’s okay, honey. That was in the past. We turned over a new leaf two years ago. What I meant to say was that as time moved on, I really never understood the lyrics. I thought after the rain was gone, the sun was supposed to shine.”

  Leroy smiled. “Ahh, it’s kind of an allegory to Psalms 30:5. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

  Michelle looked up into her husband’s face. “Thinking of all we’ve gone through over the last several weeks: my mother having a heart attack, the boys getting into an accident, Rachel and Sean’s wedding being postponed and on top of that, the resurgence of Ellie and her underhanded agenda, I thought I wasn’t going to make it. But you stayed strong the entire time, encouraging me and reminding me of God’s Word. Now I do feel that God is preparing us for something wonderful…”

  Michelle’s heartwarming speech was interrupted by the shrill of the telephone. Unexpected as it was, both Leroy and Michelle straightened up and then hastened to answer the call. They’d told Sean’s doctor to contact them if their son’s condition suddenly changed while they were at home.

  “Hello?” Leroy said into the receiver. “Good evening, doctor…no, you did not disturb us….you have news about our son?”

  When Leroy turned his back to Michelle, her heart immediately began to strike against her chest. What didn’t Leroy want her to hear? That Sean’s condition had taken a turn for the worse? The doctor had advised that that was a possibility. Michelle pulled on Leroy’s shirt to get his attention, but he ignored her and continued to nod his head and grunt in response to whatever he was being told. The conversation lasted less than three minutes, but those were the most frightening three minutes of her life. When Leroy finally hung up from the doctor, Michelle’s eyes were already wet with tears.

  Leroy gripped his wife by the shoulders and stared intently at her. “Why are you crying when the doctor has just informed me that our son has shaken himself out of his coma?”

  Michelle jumped back in disbelief. “Come on, honey. Are you putting me on?”

  “I would never lie to you about that. The doctor said Sean is awake and he is asking to see us. He remembers his name, how old he is and what school he graduated from. His motor skills seem to be fine…”

  “Oh my God, Leroy. Do you know what this means? Our son does not have brain damage.” Michelle took off running with her hands in the air, yelling at the top of her lungs. “Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus! God I give you all the praise for this wonderful miracle!” She ran past Leroy in search of her car keys. “What are you waiting on, darling? Our son is asking to see us!”

  Michelle didn’t have to say that twice. Knowing that the hired nurse would keep an eye on Delores until they returned, Leroy was just a step behind his wife’s exuberant strides. The minute the majestic doors slammed shut behind them, the phone began to clamor again in the silence.


  “Come on, Leroy, answer your phone,” Nixon exclaimed. “This could be a matter of life and death.”

  The young rookie officer, who was riding along with Nixon in the passenger seat gave Nixon a cautious look. “I’ve never seen you get so nervous about anyone.”

  “That’s because you’ve only been around for five months,” Nixon quipped.

  “Well, do you think we are too late?”

  “I don’t know, son, I don’t know! Just stop talking, because you’re making me more anxious than I already am.”


  That was easy enough, the man thought. He remembered the Paxtons’ address from the last gig Shaniece had assigned two years ago when he’d tailed a private investigator by the name of Carlos Rashard. A well-groomed fool who’d been snooping around Shaniece’s old life in Brandon, Florida. Well, my cats certainly scared the hell out of that light-skinned nigga. But I’m about to do more than scare the Paxton queen off of her throne. I’m gonna torture her and then bury her alive.

  But there appears to be a little problem, the man thought as he observed the majestic views of the estate. The huge wrought-iron gates to the mansion seemed to be locked. Living in a place like that, it would be foolish of those rich fools not to have security measures in place. He had a mind to floor the accelerator and drive his car right through the gates, but the man knew he’d probably kill himself first before he had any real success. However, there were less obtrusive ways of getting in.

  And as the man was going over the ideas in his head, he noticed the left and right wings of the gates began to open simultaneously. A champagne-colored Mercedes was waiting to venture out. The sun was just about down, but the man could make out the form of a woman in the passenger seat. A male was behind the steering wheel, who would be no problem for the man to handle. His only concern was making sure that this woman was, in fact, Michelle. As the gate was still opening, he decided that now was the time to launch his attack.

  His car shot forward, nearly slamming into the Mercedes. However, he’d been successful in trapping it right at the mouth of the gate. The man wasted no time deciding what to do next. With a pistol swinging in his hand, he sprung out of his car and aimed it at the windshield.

  “Get the hell out of the car!” he yelled. When the man saw the occupants hadn’t jumped at his command, he turned his murderous glare on Michelle. He knew if he threatened her husband, her resolve would crumble within a second. “Get out or I will put a bullet in his face!”

  Both the doors of driver and passenger sides flew open at the same time and Leroy and Michelle stumbled out of the Mercedes, their hands held high into the air.

  The man pointed the pistol at Leroy and barked, “Turn around and put both of your hands on the car.”

  Leroy began protest, “Son…”

  “I ain’t your son, nigga! Just turn around and put your hands on the bloody car!”

  Leroy felt as if he was experiencing déjà vu all over again. Seven years ago, he’d been pursued by two men who eventually shot him in the head, leaving him for dead. That was the night he’d been chased out of Ellie’s bedroom, half-naked into the streets. His unbridled lust for a fifteen-year-old girl had almost cost him his life. How ironic it was now after having been given a second chance, to be staring down the barrel of a gun in like fashion. Leroy was not so much concerned about his own life as he was of his darling wife’s. She did not deserve to be dragged into the consequences of his past sins.

  “Leroy, just do as he says,” Michelle prompted.

  “Honey, I’m handling it…”

  “Just do it, Leroy, before you get us both shot!”

  “You should listen to your wife,” the man said.

  Leroy complied, but it was just as if he had eyes in the back of his head, watching the gunman’s every move. He was not going to allow anything to happen to Michelle – even if he died trying to protect her. And what made Leroy even more determined to wiggle their way out of this terror, was the anticipation of seeing their son at the hospital.

  “Come with me,” the hit man spat to Michelle. “I will need you to help me locate your daughter, because she’s on my list as well.”

  Leroy swung around wi
th a start. “Honey, no!”

  “You move one time and I will change my mind and kill her right in front of you,” the hit man threatened. “Now face the car and shut up!”

  But Leroy continued to plead, despite the threat on his life. “Take anything you want – the car, our jewelry, our wallets – anything you want. Just leave my wife at my side.”

  The man smirked. “You think this is a random holdup? I specifically came for your wife and I ain’t leaving without her. Now if you continue to stand in my way, I will have to kill you first.”

  Leroy stiffened at the words. “Well, young man, it shall be as you wish.”

  The man’s smirked turned into a full-blown laugh. “We’ll see what you’re made of.” He beckoned to Michelle. “Come, sweetheart. I don’t have all evening. I’ve got another murder to plan.”

  Leroy kept his gaze locked on Michelle, his resolve now fully engaged. “Every step you take, I’ll be taking one ahead of you.”

  “Leroy, please…I don’t believe God brought us this far to abandon us.”

  Michelle sounded real brave, but Leroy paid no attention to it. Because the minute his wife began moving toward the gunman, he began moving as well.

  The gunman aimed the pistol at Leroy’s head and squeezed. “You’ve got guts, but you should know that a hero is not a hero until he is in his grave.”

  Seconds before the gun went off, Ellie came running out of the shadows and shielded Leroy. The impact sent her and Leroy careening to the pavement. Blood began to pour out of Ellie’s wound, making the entire scene look as if it were straight out of an action movie. Sirens could be heard wailing in the distance, but that wasn’t the reason why the gunman panicked. When he realized that it was Ellie he’d shot – Shaniece’s baby sister, the naïve little girl who’d grown up in the ghetto, he held the sides of his head and wept.

  “Why, Ellisa, why?’ he bawled. “Shaniece is never going to forgive me…my life is over…I could never explain this to your sister…you shouldn’t have come here, Ellisa…you care about this fool that much? He’s nothing but scum for what he’s done to you…”


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