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Love's Last Cup of Coffee: A Romantic Suspense Book (Cafe' de Maison 1)

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by Jane Keene

  "Blast, I can't believe I forgot my laptop!" Victoria felt very spare, this was the first time she had been here without her laptop, or some work to do, she did not know what to do with her hands or where to look.

  She took out her phone, but there was only so much she could do, and she soon gave up on trying to read old messages.

  She was trying ever so hard not to look in Ryan's direction, but she couldn't help it. He was wearing a black short sleeve V-neck t-shirt, it was fitted, but not too tight. Victoria could see he worked out at a gym or did some kind of physical activity. Ryan suddenly turned around and looked directly at her, she got such a start she dropped a sweetener sachet into her coffee.

  She felt her face redden, she took the spoon and proceeded to fish around her cup to remove the offensive white mass of sweetener out of her cup of coffee.

  Before she could finish, another fresh cup was placed delicately in front of her. It was not the usual waitress, but Ryan. She had never been in such close proximity to him. Her hands were clammy, and she had to force herself to look up at him. His eyes were a dark cobalt blue, her mouth was so dry again, and all she could squeak out was a croaky, "Thanks."

  Ryan, usually full of confidence, stood there for a moment, nodded his head in affirmation, turned and walked back to the coffee bar.

  Mickey, who had been watching this exchange, he tapped Ryan on the shoulder, "Not very smooth, why don't you go back and talk to her?"

  "What are you on about, I just got her another coffee, no biggie".

  "Ryan, you never leave your station to serve customers personally. I thought Breda was going to have a heart attack when she saw you standing there."

  "That's not saying much if Breda makes a fuss, she makes a noise about everything. Besides, if there was any truth in what you are saying, you know I couldn't do anything about it, so what's the point of starting something?"

  "You can't cut yourself from the world, you have to live. It's natural for young people to go out and meet other people".

  "Mick, I made my choice years ago, when I went against Jack. I knew I wouldn't have a normal life. How could I bring a new person into the circus of my life? It would be too complicated and too risky. Besides", he gestured towards Victoria," this one’s only for looking at". He stood and drank in the sight of Victoria, even if he could date her, she was not his usual type; she was too polished and poised. He gave a sigh, turned around and resumed his duties.

  On the other side of the Cafe, Victoria felt as if she had run a full marathon, her heart was still pounding against her chest, she managed a few sips of the mocha, but her mouth still seemed dry. The cinnamon bun she ordered was sitting on the plate mocking her. What on earth made her order it?

  Suddenly, everything felt wrong, she needed to get back to the office. She gestured for Maisey, "Could you please get my bill ready?" Maisey picked up the plate with the untouched cinnamon bun, "Do want this to go then?"

  Victoria looked at the cinnamon bun and pulled a face. "No thank you, maybe I should stick to smoked salmon on toasted rye next time". She handed Maisey a twenty-euro note and made her way out of the cafe, making a conscious effort not to turn around and look at Ryan.

  Chapter 7

  When Victoria got back into the office, there was an urgent message on her desk from her boss, Mr. Stevenson. She had mixed feelings about the meeting, especially since hearing about Dermott’s possible betrayal.

  Estelle ushered her quickly into his office. She tried to gauge by the look on Mr. Stevenson’s face if this was going to be friendly or a fight.

  “Aaah! Victoria, good of you to come so quickly.” “Like I had a choice,” she said to herself. “Please take a seat.” Mr. Stevenson stood up and gestured for her to sit. It was very difficult to tell how the meeting was going to go, he was being very polite. He started into it straight away.

  "Victoria, you are the most suitable out of all the candidates for partnership, you are most certainly the most efficient and thorough solicitor we have ever had at the firm. You are one tough cookie.”

  This took her by surprise, “Thank you Sir, you know me I am just doing my job the only way I know how.”

  Mr. Stevenson smiled weakly; Victoria knew something negative was going to happen. “We are just concerned; we have been hearing rumblings, certain rumours about your possible involvement with the Colcor scandal."

  Victoria felt her stomach sink to the floor, "Mr. Stevenson, I can assure you those rumours are just that, they are rumours, they are unfounded and completely untrue. I have only ever conducted myself with honesty and integrity. There is obviously somebody out there who is looking to ruin my reputation. I intend to find them and bring them to justice." Victoria stressed her point by beating her fist onto the boardroom table, causing poor timid Estelle, Mr. Stevenson's personal assistant, to jump and drop her pen. Victoria sat back in her chair and tried to gain her composure again.

  Mr. Stevenson leaned forward, the sun catching the side of his steely, grey head, his hair, cut and combed to perfection. He raised a commanding hand, indicating to Estelle that she need stop taking minutes.

  "Victoria, can I offer you some advice, off the record? You need to make sure when you find the person who is ruining your name, that they must be punished. I personally feel sorry for this person, whoever they may be, will have to face your wrath. But in doing this, we need to keep the name of Lewis & Stevenson out of any scandal, we support you one hundred percent, but we also need to protect our interests. I hope you understand this, our clients value our professionalism."

  "I understand completely. Anything I do professionally will be above board, I can assure you." Victoria stood up and shook Mr. Stevenson's outstretched hand. And, anything I do personally, well, I don't have to tell you, Victoria thought to herself.

  She walked out of the boardroom, she had a splitting headache, she didn't feel like going home to an empty house. So, she routed round in her cream Louis Vuitton bag for her phone, she wanted to call Liz to see if she wanted to go out for a drink.

  "Where is my stupid phone?", she lamented to herself. She remembered she had not used her phone all afternoon; she had been in a meeting this afternoon and had not even checked her messages. She tried to recall the last time she used her phone. The memory was like a smack in the head. Of course! She left it at the Cafe'! In her rush to leave, she had thrown her things into her bag, thrown money at the waitress and left.

  I need my phone, I have to go back to the Cafe, I don't want to go back there, but I have to. Pull yourself together girl! Hopefully he won't be there, it's almost closing time. Surely, he can't be there all the time? She tried to reason with herself. She made her way out of the building.

  All the while she was walking down the road, she kept reciting a silent mantra to herself, "I can do this, you are a kickass law machine, and you can do this!"

  She reached the Café only to read the “Closed” sign hanging on the door. "Oh crap!" She exclaimed and did a half jump in frustration. What am I going to do without my phone; I will have to come here first thing tomorrow morning.

  She was making all sorts of plans in her head when she heard the door unlock behind her. Expecting to see the owner, an older man, she turned around and planted a bright smile on her face, only to be surprised by Ryan standing before her.

  Her smile slipped off her face, and she became all self-conscious and awkward again. He smiled at her, an intense heat rose up from her legs right through into her belly, like warm arms of longing engulfing her body. It almost felt like the time she had taken her first sip of whiskey.

  He seemed to be waiting for her to do something, "Oh, you are wondering why I'm hanging around outside your door, well not your door personally, but the Cafe door, you see I left my phone here at lunch and I've come here to collect it."

  “Sure, come in,” Ryan answered, “I will go and check Mickey's office. All personal items left behind are stashed there." He gestured for her to sit at a table and wait fo
r him. She had never heard him speak out aloud before, and for some reason hearing his voice unnerved her even more. She had hoped his voice would be high and squeaky like a neutered chipmunk, then she would be put off him, but it was the complete opposite. His voice wreaked havoc on her senses, she kept imagining what her name would sound like coming from his lips. Mm…those lips, she wondered what other delights would be possible from those lips.

  "Ahem, here is your phone," Ryan gestured toward Victoria, who was caught unawares and lost in her thoughts.

  "Oh, aah, thank you." Victoria reached over and took the phone from him, but as she took the phone, searing heat raced through her fingers as they accidentally grazed Ryan's hand.

  They both looked down at their hands and pulled away suddenly. Victoria painfully aware of Ryan's close proximity, stood up too quickly, causing the chair to fall over and the contents of the table to scatter.

  Victoria took a step back, but trod on the fallen chair, which caused her to tumble backwards. Just as she was about to fall, she felt a pair of strong arms envelop her and Ryan pulled her towards him.

  This must be what heaven feels like, wondered Victoria. She had a strong urge to run her hands down his muscled back, and cup his ever-so firm buttocks. She had been a long-time admirer of his rear, and had likened it to a green, crisp and juicy apple. The muscled mounds she knew would be hard, but silky to the touch. Oh, my goodness, what am I thinking? Victoria untangled herself from Ryan's arms picked up her bag and almost ran to the door.

  She sub-consciously knew the door was locked but she continued to rattle it in hope that it would miraculously open.

  Ryan strode over to the door and unlocked it, but before he let Victoria out, he moved close to her and looked deep into her eyes.

  "By the way my name is Ryan, what is yours?" Victoria looked at him from under her eyelashes and quietly answered in a barely audible whisper.

  "I'm Victoria."

  "Victoria" Ryan repeated her name almost as if granting her earlier wish. And yes, as she knew it would, her name off his lips left her feeling quite giddy. She stepped out into the cool evening air and walked shakily towards the car park.

  Ryan closed the door and rested his head against it for a few moments; he had never experienced such intensity before. He had to use every bit of restraint not to tilt Victoria's head back, so he could kiss the delicate pulse on her creamy white neck. His level of arousal was off the charts. He could not go home feeling like this, he needed to expend some energy. Maybe he would go back to the gym. All he knew was that his first instinct was right, he had to stay away from Victoria; it was too dangerous. Next time, he might not succeed in holding back; he had to make sure there wasn’t a next time.

  Chapter 8

  "Buzz!" The sound of doorbell reverberated around the small second floor flat. "I wonder who that could be at this time of the night, Billy.” Maisey asked as she got up cautiously to answer the door.

  "Oh, good evening Mick!" Maisey crossed her arms over her chest, suddenly very aware that she was not wearing a bra under her well-worn former navy blue, but now grey sweatshirt.

  "Sorry to disturb so late in the evening, but I have finished going through your application essay and I wanted to give it back to you."

  He started to hand over a large Manila envelope.

  Maisey waved her hand and said, "I'm sorry, where's my manners, do you want to come in for a moment?" She gestured towards the kitchen. She didn't want Billy to get excitable so late at night, it was best if he didn't see Mick. She walked over to the kettle, "Would you like a cup of coffee?" "No, no, I'm not staying long I just wanted give you your essay back."

  “Thanks, Mick, but it really wasn't necessary for you to come out so late at night, I'm working tomorrow you could have given it to me then".

  "Well, I was out this way and just thought the quicker you get it back the sooner you can submit your application." said Mickey awkwardly.

  "Oh right, umm, so what did you think?" Asked Maisey cautiously.

  "Of what?" Replied Mick all confused.

  "Of my essay, what did you think of it?

  "Oh, yes, it was good, really good, I could not see anything there that needs any changing. It’s perfect".

  Instead of feeling flattered by his praise, Maisey felt slightly uncomfortable. It was the way Mickey was looking at her. Mickey looked up and realised Maisey had caught him in mid stare. His face flushed a bright red, he clapped his hands together and said, "I had better get going now, see you tomorrow at work." Maisey nodded and walked with Mickey to the door. She waved him off and closed the door behind him.

  "Was that Uncle Mickey?” Billy came running towards the entrance with the newly rebuilt model aeroplane.

  "No, my love, it was friends of your Nan’s. Now run along go and brush your teeth." Billy looked slightly disappointed, but Maisey did not feel too bad for telling a little lie about Mickey's visit. Billy was very fond of her boss, but he would have been too over-excited by the visit. It would have taken her forever to get him to settle down and go to bed. And, Maisey needed to get some sleep tonight. She had a full shift tomorrow and needed time to make final edits to her application essay.

  Later that night, as soon as she rested her head on her pillow, she could not shake the feeling that somehow something was different between her and Mickey. Could it be possible that Mickey had feelings for her? Surely not, he was twenty years older than her. But how could she explain, his sudden awkwardness around her? It was all very disturbing. This did not help her quest to go to sleep. When she awoke the next morning, she felt as if a city bus had run over her, and to make matters worse she had woken up in a sweat with the image of Billy running around after Mickey shouting, "Daddy!"


  "Ryan, I don't think that's a very good idea, you have been in trouble with the law before." "I don't see what other option I have, Sean."

  Ryan looked down at the gun that lay on the kitchen table. Ryan could see the panic in his brother’s eyes.

  "I know this looks extreme, but after what Seamus told me, there might be a possible hit out on me. I have to be prepared. I want you to take the whole family including Mom and Dad out of the city and go to the bungalow. The "bungalow" in question was a six-bedroom beach side manor in county Donegal.

  It's the summer holidays you should have time off. I just need to know that everyone is safe."

  "Have you even gone to the authorities with this information? You can't expect us all to disrupt our lives so that you can run around playing cops and robbers!"

  Ryan saw red. He grabbed Sean by both shoulders. Both men had a similar build, but Sean knew that if they ever got into a scuffle, Ryan had the ability to afflict more damage.

  "I know you were quite young when all this went down last time, but they nearly killed our folks, they will stop at nothing to hurt the people I love, you need to take this seriously! Feck! This is about people I love being in danger! How dare you think I would in any way enjoy being on some vigilante crusade? Jack runs with a dangerous crowd and will stop at nothing to get his revenge."

  His grip on his brother’s shoulders had tightened and suddenly he dropped his hands. He picked his coffee cup off the marble counter top and walked to the kitchen window. On a normal day he had good view of the bay. But he stared out for a few moments, not really looking at anything in particular.

  "Ryan, I'm sorry if you think I'm making light of this situation. If it is really as dangerous as you say, I trust you and I will take our family away, but please promise me that you will watch yourself. Mam would be devastated should anything happen to you." Sean walked over and patted Ryan's shoulder.

  "I can watch myself, but I could never forgive myself if anything happened to anyone else. I brought this to the family, it's only right that I sort it out!” vowed Ryan with steely determination.

  Sean walked to the front door, and said, "I had better get back, Moira would skin me if I'm in late. She will think I used you as
an excuse to have a pint at the pub." Ryan shook hands with his brother and closed the door behind him.

  Chapter 9

  Victoria awoke the next morning feeling confident and positive, she was sure she could sort the mess her career was currently in. She decided to skip the gym and eat a leisurely breakfast at home. She set the little bistro table in her modern kitchen, rye toast with egg and a berry smoothie. She sat down, took a sip of her coffee and opened the paper. She scanned the features and flicked through the society page. Something drew attention back to an article on page two. Victoria read the byline "Top city solicitor implicated in fraudulent deal." In the distance, Victoria heard glass breaking, she looked down to see her coffee cup in pieces, scattered shards lying on top of the sparkling white Italian tiles, brown liquid everywhere.

  Her phone was ringing; she answered it on the third ring. "Liz, this can't be true, have you seen the Daily Times article?"

  "Vicky, that's exactly why I'm phoning, I can't believe that cretin had the audacity to leak the story. I'm in the office now, and I wanted to warn you that this is all everyone can talk about."

  "Aargh! This is bad, really bad! I'm ruined I will never be able to work in this country again! What am I going to do? The Gardaí are going to get involved. If I cannot prove my innocence, I could be disbarred or even worse go to jail!"

  Victoria could not stop pacing up and down, she had forgotten about the glass on the floor. "Can I call you back, Liz I have another call on the line".

  "Wait Victoria, please don't sound so defeatist, we will catch Dermott in the act and get the proof we need, please do not give up." Victoria said a quick goodbye, took a deep breath and answered the next call.

  "Hello Mr. Stevenson, I was just about to call you".

  "Victoria!" barked Mr. Stevenson "We have a big problem, that news article has the potential to do massive damage to the practice. It doesn't take rocket science to guess which "firm" was being referred to in the article. We have to distance ourselves from the sensation; I'm afraid Victoria, we are going to have to ask you to take a leave of absence until this all blows over, paid of course."


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