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Bodyguard's Secret Baby

Page 12

by Vivian Ward

  “It looks good,” her mom said, still paying most of her attention to the baby. “What’s for dinner? It smells good.”

  “I threw on a pot roast with all the fixin’s; it should be about ready. You guys can go ahead and have a seat at the table; I’ll bring you your plates.”

  “No, I’ll help you,” I interrupted. “It’ll give your parents more time with Bentley.”

  I followed her into the kitchen and started taking plates out of the cabinet.

  “Babe, the house looks great; I had no idea you weren’t even close to being finished with it.”

  “Well, a house isn’t a home until you make it one,” she shrugged.

  I laughed; not at her, but more at myself.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” She put her hand on her lip and scrunched up her nose, waiting for me to tell her. “Okay. When I was living in California, my idea of ‘home’ was having a bed-in-a-bag set that matched. It wasn’t anything close to all the pictures and plants that you have or the rest of the things you want to do around here.”

  She laughed, scooping food onto the plates.

  “Yeah, doesn’t sound like you have much of a taste for interior decorating. Can you get that serving dish down for me, please?”

  We began carrying everything out after it was plated and sat down to have a nice family dinner. We were only about halfway through when her dad came up with an offer that neither one of us could refuse.

  “How about you kids go out for the night? Have some fun? We can stay here with Bentley, read him a story, give him a bath and put him to bed.”

  Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she spoke up.

  “Nonsense. I know the two of you just moved out, but to me, it seems like it was eons ago. Let us have a night with our grandson while the two of you go out. There’s no way you’ve had any time to relax or let loose. We can take care of things.”

  We shrugged and looked at each other. Both of her parent's eyes were twinkling, hopeful that we’d agree.

  “I know a place we can go,” I cocked an eyebrow. “It’d be a lot of fun for the both of us.”

  “Well,” she looked at her parents. Their eyes were still pleading with her. “Okay. I guess it wouldn’t hurt. What did you have in mind?”

  The old man lit up like a firework on the Fourth of July, and her mom danced around in her chair.

  “Put on a pair of blue jean shorts and a t-shirt. I’ll meet you in the car in fifteen minutes.”

  “Great, I’ll just start Bentley’s bath water,” her dad grabbed the baby and headed for the bathroom.

  “Well damn, I guess I better go get ready,” Julie folded her napkin on the table and pushed out her chair.

  Chapter 11


  Climbing inside his old, beat up jeep to go out reminded me of all the good times we’d had together. Two years later and I was still giddy like a damned school girl, leaping and bounding to hop in and go out on the town. I wasn’t sure what he had in store, but I knew it was going to be fun.

  Backing out of the driveway, he caught me grinning like a goon.

  “Happy to get out?”

  “Yeah,” I shook my head. “This sure brings back a lot of memories.”

  The moonlight reflected and bounced off his muscular curvature as we drove on the open road, making me remember how much I used to love having his arms wrapped around me.

  I wanted things the way they once were, but I was afraid that he was still angry and resentful towards me. He hadn’t even tried to make a single pass at me since everything happened.

  I knew that I had pushed him away at the beginning, but I was running myself ragged trying to show him that I cared for him; for our family.

  Having him around again reminded me of how I had once loved about him, and I desperately wanted that back. I’d always wanted a family—a real, honest to goodness family—for Bentley, and now was our chance to have that—if I could make things up to him.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, genuinely curious.

  “Funny thing,” he turned the stereo down. “I ran into Lee’s wife, Brandy, at the gas station this morning and she said that they’re having a birthday party for Lee tonight and asked if we could come.”

  “If we could come? How did she know we were anything?”

  “I told her.”

  “What exactly did you tell her?”

  “She asked why I was back in town, and I told her that I lived here now.”

  I continued staring at him. “Yeah?” I was waiting to see where this was going.

  “I told her that we just got a place off of Pleasant Ridge.”

  “Get to the part about we and us.”

  It’d be nice to know what he told people and what he thought. Hell, I’d like to know exactly what we were.

  “Oh, she knew you had a baby, she just didn’t know that I was the father. Apparently, nobody knows.”

  I bowed my head.

  Another slap in the face.

  “I didn’t tell everyone because if I were going to tell anyone, it would have been you. I also didn’t think that anyone would believe you were the father.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Because you’re Damon Miller. The guy with no strings attached. The guy who can have—and has had—any chick he wants. What would you be doing with a quiet, shy girl like me? No one would believe that!”

  “I’d be with a quiet, shy girl because they’re usually the ones who are a freak in the sheets,” he winked and flashed a huge grin.

  My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and my mind started racing back to all the hot, sultry nights we shared for that one, long, incredible summer. I had to make myself snap out of it.

  “What did she say?” I asked.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “She was a little surprised. I didn’t bring it up because I didn’t think you’d go, and even if we could, I didn’t want your parents taking Bentley for another night at their house. I wasn’t just blowing smoke when I said it’s not safe to be there. Your mom and dad are risking their lives.”

  We rode in silence for a few minutes before I finally mustered the guts to tell him what I wanted to say; what I’d been holding back since the day he caught me kissing his friend.

  “There’s something I’ve wanted to say to you for a long time. Will you pull the jeep over?”

  He turned on his turn signal and slowly pulled into an empty parking lot, watching me until I started speaking.

  “I know it was wrong not to tell you about Bentley that first night that I ran into you, but I was scared. I regret every minute of you not knowing, and I know there’s nothing I can say or do to take back your lost time with him, but I hope that you can forgive me. Since you’ve walked into our lives, Bentley has been so happy, and I just love the way his little eyes sparkle when he looks up at you. It’s like he knows you’re his dad.”

  “You might say I’m crazy, but I felt it the moment I laid eyes on him. There was just an instant bond,” he looked straight ahead at the brick building in front of us. “As for us, I’m willing to forgive you. I wasn’t kidding when I said we’re going to fix yours and his last names. Call me old fashioned but my boy will be raised with a mother and father, even if we have to fake it until we’re both cold and dead, but I know there’s more than that to us, Julie. You can’t deny that you see something when you look at me because I can see it. I can feel it.”

  He moved in closer to me, and I could smell him. I mean, smell him; his cologne, his scent; everything about him. Before I knew it, I closed my eyes, and we were kissing. His teeth clashed against mine as our tongues danced and his enormous hands enveloped me.

  “Wow,” I said when he stopped kissing me. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a kiss like that.”

  “Well get used to it, babe. There’s plenty more where that came from, but we better get going to the party, or we’ll be late.”

  The whole time we were at
the party, I couldn’t help but think about the kiss in the car. I knew it was only the tip of the iceberg when he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, pressing his hard length against my back for me to feel his excitement.

  “I can’t wait to get you home and unwrap you like you’re my damned birthday present,” he growled in my ear as he gave me a proper love bite on my neck.

  Goosebumps raced across my skin faster than static electricity.

  We were out the door minutes after Lee blew out the candles on his cake and were speeding the whole way home as he tried to work his hand up my inner thigh. I didn’t think we were ever going to make it, but he got us there in record time.

  “Hey mom and dad,” I said as I walked in the house. “Is Bentley asleep?”

  “He’s been out for about an hour,” he said looking at his watch. “You guys didn’t stay out too long.”

  “Yeah, we wanted to get back home,” I kicked off my shoes. “Besides, I figured you’d be tired and ready to go home.”

  “You’ve got that right,” he shot me a look of disappointment. “It’s hard on me not having you there. I wish you’d come back full time because I could use you. You only working on Tuesdays and Thursdays is killing me, and your mom would like to see more of you.”

  I felt horrible for leaving him with so much to do. I could only imagine the chaos down at the lot without me being there, but what was I supposed to do? There was no way I could be in two places at once, and I was trying to work on things at home.

  “I know dad; I’ll see what I can work out. Thanks for babysitting tonight. It was much needed, and we appreciate it.”

  “Thanks for having us over for dinner, it was delicious as usual. Guess I’ll see you on Tuesday?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Good night, sweetheart,” my mom kissed my cheek on her way out. “Thanks for dinner.”

  “Anytime, mom.”

  No sooner than their headlights were no longer visible, he snatched me up and threw me over his shoulder. A squeal escaped me as my belly bounced off his muscular shoulder as he carried me to the bedroom.

  Finally. No more couch.

  He was mine; all mine.

  My bottom bounced on the mattress as he tossed me onto the bed before he pushed me down and pressed me into the sheets.

  His massive frame covered my body as he balanced himself over me, grinding his raging hard-on against my pussy. Even though we were both fully clothed, his thick mass was prominent, and it was making me wet with anticipation as I thought about him entering me.

  I leaned up, kissing him. He returned it with a hot, rough force that felt like he’d never be able to get enough. The truth was, I couldn’t get enough of him. It had been so long since I’d been with a man; he was the last person I’d slept with, and that was two years ago.

  Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I hoped I’d be able to fit him inside of me like I once did. Judging by the bulge protruding behind his pants, he was horny as hell, and it felt like he was going to bust through them any second.

  Cupping my breast, he squeezed it hard as he trailed kisses along the side of my face before he bit my earlobe and started working on my neck as he slid his hand down the front of my torso. He didn’t stop until his hand dipped between my legs and he firmly gripped my mound over my shorts.

  “I want these off of you. Now,” he growled in my ear, his hot breath brushing against my neck.

  With one swift tug, he pulled on the waistband of my jean shorts and had them undone in two seconds flat. His fingers greedily worked my zipper before he slid his hands beneath my ass and ripped my shorts off, leaving only my panties as a shield.

  “My, my, my,” he straddled me. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a taste,” his eyes darted south.

  Oh, fuck.

  His mouth started at the top of my breasts, but he quickly worked his way below my navel. Moaning as his tongue cleared the path, he stopped as soon as he was between my legs. I bit my lip in embarrassment.

  He knows.

  I was so wet that it had soaked through my panties, and I knew he’d find it as soon as he got down there.

  “Someone’s excited,” a throaty roar escaped his hot, sweet lips. “That means I’ve only done half my job.”

  Sliding his fingers along the inner edge of my panties, he slipped a finger inside me; playing in my wetness before he went further; every single part of me ached in anticipation. I wanted him inside of me so bad.

  “Mmmm,” he said, pulling his finger out, licking every drop of my juices off of it. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to taste you again.”

  “Ohh,” I whimpered as he started tugging on my panties, “not half as much as me.”

  Slow, gentle flicks of his tongue caressed and teased my clitoris while his left hand squeezed my thigh and he used his right finger to fill me back up.

  Holy mother of God.

  He felt so damned good. Arching my back, I moaned even louder as he began to tongue-fuck me. I thought I was going to lose my damned mind! My inner bad girl took over.

  “Fuck me, Damon. I want to feel you inside of me, and I want it so fast and hard that we both forget that it’s been two, long years. Fill me up and don’t stop, no matter how much I beg; just fuck me harder.”

  Without another word, he yanked my panties down before he knelt between my legs and grabbed a hold of his belt buckle, pulling his belt through the loops of his jeans before he pulled his shirt off over his head.

  Good God, I knew he’d bulked up and was quite a bit more muscular, but the sexiness beneath his shirt was insane. He was so ripped that not only could I see his six-pack, but it was chiseled like a perfect rock sculpture. Leaning forward, I reached up and touched his stomach, just to feel how hard it was.

  He reached out and took my hand, lowering it until it was snug against the bulge in his boxers.

  “You ready for this?” his dreamy blue eyes pierced my soul.

  “Yes,” I whispered, wrapping my legs around his body.

  He grabbed a hold of the back of my legs and pulled me up a little higher on his torso as he lined himself up with me. Licking the pad of his thumb, he reached between my thighs and massaged my clit as he entered me. I felt every. Last. Inch. Enter me until he was all the way inside of me.

  My walls tightened, clenching onto him as he filled me with his thick cock as I took him in.

  Having Bentley hadn’t ruined a thing. I bit my lip as I sucked in a deep breath of air as I accommodated him. I needed a minute to adjust to his size; the first few minutes he was thrusting inside me were painful as he barreled through me. Deep, hard, fast and raging with hunger as he took what he wanted.

  Moaning, I stretched my thighs wider as I pulled him closer with my legs. He began drilling into me faster than he ever had; it was almost like a tornado picking up speed, and he wasn’t letting up. He was going to hold me to my request: fuck me harder and faster, no matter how much I begged.

  His hand cupped breast, squeezing it and pinching my nipple as he sucked on my other breast. He still remembered exactly how to push my buttons. I didn’t start panting until he stopped and sank himself into me, holding it there for just a moment. My eyes grew wild as I waited to see what was coming next.

  He reached between my legs and started massaging my clit again as he charged his hips into me, bucking them against my pelvis over and over as waves of pleasure washed over me like the ocean tides rolling onto a beach. The bed quaked and rocked beneath us as the headboard banged into the wall over and over, threatening to wake up the baby.

  Oh please don’t stop, Damon. Don’t worry if it wakes him up. I need this!

  “Oh fuck,” I moaned.

  I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to last, but damn it if he wasn’t trying to get me off as fast as he could. I’m no fool; he’s always loved to see me come and with the excitement that was charging the air, I knew that he was doing it all over again.

  He ma
neuvered my legs so that my ankles were on top of his shoulders, grabbed my waist and fucked me senseless. I knew it wasn’t going to be much longer until I exploded with him inside of me, but I had no idea it was going to happen right that second.

  I reached down and grabbed a hold of his forearms, scraping my nails down them as I called out his name. My ankles crossed and I thought for sure I was going to squeeze him to death as tight as my legs were clamping shut as my back arched.

  “That’s right baby, come all over my cock,” he roared, picking up his pace.

  I had no clue it was humanly possible to go as fast as he was, but he didn’t bat an eye at it as he continued pounding into me. I just hoped that I’d be able to make it through my orgasm without fracturing his bones as strong of a grip my legs had around him.

  All those damned ballet lessons.

  No matter how hard I tried, his words wouldn’t stop echoing through my mind. I wanted to hold out for him; I wanted him to come with me, but I couldn’t hold out. It was next to impossible as the waves of pleasure continued to wash over me and his fingers dug into my waist until they hit bone as he thrust himself deeper inside of me. The sound of his balls smacking off my ass bounced around the room.

  My walls clenched harder around his thickness, and I felt a warm, tingling sensation course through me before I felt myself comeming all over his cock.

  “Fuck, Damon, fucking…Ohhhhh,” I mumbled.

  I wanted to speak, but incoherent babble was all I could spit out. I’m not even sure what was trying to come out of my mouth because I knew sure as hell that my brain wasn’t working.

  He held me there, in the same position, thrusting into me over and over until I finally sucked in a deep breath of air. I’d came so hard that I forgot to fucking breathe!

  All of a sudden, he stopped, but he wasn’t done. He laid my body on the mattress and grabbed onto the headboard before burying himself inside of me with all his might. He was gripping on so tight that his knuckles turned ghost white, and his face strained as he buried himself deeper inside of me.


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