Paying the Dragon's Price

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Paying the Dragon's Price Page 6

by Diana Rose Wilson

  Her breath sucked away in a sudden flame of pleasure. She gasped at his words, jerking her attention off the ring. “You want to marry me?” she asked, not quite sure she’d heard him right. She was so certain he was soon going to break things off with her, given the conversation she’d overheard.

  He nodded, his eyes brimming with tears. “Desperately, my love.”

  She chewed at her lower lip and hissed at the pain that caused, and focused on him and his strained expression. “Yes.” A nervous laugh escaped her, and she threw her arms around him, hugging him as tightly as her aching limbs would allow. “I thought—”

  He pulled her into his arms and lap, turning so he could make her comfortable against the expanse of his chest. The sweater felt soft against her as she cuddled in tightly. “I am so sorry you got the impression I would ever leave you of my own free will. I’m an insufferable ass.” His fingers ran through her hair and down her back to cup her ass, every touch unexpectedly soft compared to the usual forceful possession he took of her body.

  “You’ll be stuck with me now.” Her lips brushed his jaw, feeling the stubble. Her heart twisted with a sweet ache.

  “That’s the plan. And, of course, you will have to pay the price.” His eyes twinkled as he took her hand.

  “The price?” she asked, feeling her heart squeeze tighter at the warmth in his expression.

  “Oh yes. Being mine forever has a burden of payment. Body, heart, and soul.” He lowered his voice to a low rumble and asked, “Are you prepared for that?”

  She nodded, her throat too tight to form words. Oh fuck yes! The words struck deep through her, the hunger to be only his, and every moment to pay whatever price he demanded.

  He carefully slipped the ring on her finger. It felt big and heavy. Her throat constricted as she gawked at the thing. It was more than she deserved. She’d never worn anything that beautiful.

  He watched her with happiness shining in his gaze. “I couldn’t be more happy and proud to be yours, and never want to be untangled from you, love.”

  She curled her fingers with his, snuggling in tightly to him so she could be sure it wouldn’t ever end.

  Safe. Whole. Mine.

  She heard his thoughts like a soft sigh rumbling in the depths of her mind. More than words, they were laced with a sweet, possessive joy. He thrummed warmly through her, spreading like a flush under her skin. She tried to mentally curl into the sensation, and felt his delight brighten with a pulse of brilliance that left her dazzled.

  A low growl vibrated through his chest. Grinning, he tipped his head and peered at her before kissing her temple and brushing her hair back behind one ear. He searched her eyes, and she felt his question. How was she hearing his thoughts and feeling his emotions?

  She could only offer a little shy smile back.

  How the hell should she know?

  She blamed the redhead.

  They stopped by his house to get clothes for the days at Marcie’s party. Part of her felt so wrecked by what had happened. As she stood before the closet, staring at her clothing, he walked behind her, cupping his hands over her hips.

  “Are you all right, love?” His breath felt warm against her hair.

  “I just—” she sighed. “Are you sure this is all right? All of this?” She motioned to her wardrobe and then turned, pushing her palms into his wide chest, gathering handfuls of his sweater. “You have been so good to me, but I can’t stand it if you really think I’m desperate.” With an effort she met his eyes, but she could feel the pang of sorrow before she even got the words out.

  “Oh, Vanderbilt,” he breathed out her name. “This is all fine with me. Those were my fears of you figuring out that I’m a huge jerk and then leaving me. I love spoiling you, brat. I don’t want you to change anything.” He spoke quietly, and Vans sensed his desire for her to understand twined tightly around him.

  She nodded slowly and pulled him closer, pressing against him, letting out a shivery breath. “Okay. Well, in case you didn’t know, I saw right to your asshole center the moment we met.” She smiled softly and let go of the fabric at last to wrap her arms around his shoulders.

  The way he crinkled up his nose made her laugh, and she ruffled his pale-blond hair, standing on tiptoes to steal a kiss from him, not caring that it hurt to stretch up and to press her mouth to his.

  “Such a brat!”

  She purred quietly as she regarded him. “So, pick out what you’d enjoy seeing me in, then. Am I dressing down or being fancy?”

  He tucked her under his arm, turned toward the closet, and deftly began to pull clothes out. Jeans, sweaters, a frilly top, and the cream-colored dress she’d been dying to wear since he’d given it to her. It wasn’t quite nice enough for the party last night, but too dressy for just wearing around the house. He even picked out sexy underthings and the pretty white silk robe that had also been part of their shopping trip. “I think you’re going to need a bigger closet,” he mused thoughtfully.

  “Huh? Well, I have mine at—” She stopped as it dawned on her. She wouldn’t have that apartment much longer. “Oh. Crap.” The magnitude of the upcoming move struck her suddenly.

  “That’s right, brat.” He flashed a huge, cocky smile and squeezed her until she squeaked out her protest, at which he cursed softly. “Fuck. I’m sorry!”

  “No. It’s fine. Don’t you dare treat me as though I’ll shatter.” She pressed tightly to him, glad when he held her. Her head whirled with the implications. Moving in with Travis! Getting married!

  Only because she was feeling weak and tired, they managed to leave the house without being distracted by one another. Stupid cliff fall! Stupid car smooshing her! A shame they were probably never going to discover who had hit her and left her for dead. Once tucked into the back of the Rolls-Royce, she fell asleep almost instantly with her face nuzzled into Travis’s neck and his strong arms around her. Unlike the night of the party, she didn’t feel grasping and desperate. No, this was just right. He no longer tried sending her vague signals. She could feel the steady warmth of him. He was a confident, unwavering force.

  * * * *

  She woke when Travis began to stir, realizing the car was off as he rumbled softly, “Love, we’re here.”

  He searched her eyes worriedly when it took her a bit longer than usual to rouse and shake off the sleep. The sharpening of his attention tickled around behind her eyes, and she playfully poked at his stomach.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered and kissed him warmly on the lips. “Just enjoying my nap.”

  As he helped her out into the rain, she noticed the motorcycle parked haphazardly in the drive beside Marcie’s red Corvette. The big chrome-and-black Harley was the last thing she’d imagined the little man riding. She expected something a little more refined. There were two other cars there, including Leo’s black Bentley.

  “Who else is here?” she asked as Travis guided her up the steps, leaving their luggage in the capable hands of the chauffeur.

  Travis gave a small shake of his head. “Marcie only said the four of us and maybe her new toy.” He cleared his throat, saying, “I’m behaving. I don’t know if it’s serious or not. I promise, no causing trouble.” He knocked on the door.

  Marcie swung the door open after only a few moments and stood there with a brilliant smile of happiness. She was positively glowing. Looking at her radiance left Vans breathless!

  “Vans! Oh, I am so happy you’re all right!” She swept in and gave her a careful hug, not seeming to notice how her own appearance knocked the wind out of Vans.

  The brilliant tanzanite necklace gleamed around her throat, ringed by vivid purple and red marks. She wore baggy cotton shorts and a comfortable shirt that draped off one shoulder. Her bruised legs were exposed, knees scuffed. Even her upper arm displayed the faint smudge marks of bruises. Her black hair was loose, the silken coils falling wildly down her back. Overall, she looked perfectly rumpled.

  “Holy shit, Marcie!” Travis rumbled a
s he stared.

  The woman grinned fiercely and hugged his stiff-backed frame, ignoring the outburst. “Come in! Get out of the cold!” She pulled them both inside with a light bounce in her steps.

  Travis stared at her, tucking Vans closer. “Are you all right, Marcie?” he asked in a quiet voice. “You look like someone roughed you up.”

  Marcie corrected her shirt, covering her shoulder as though that could conceal all of the vivid marks. “I am great.”

  “Did you fall down a cliff too?” Vans blurted while Marcie led them through the huge house.

  Marcie’s eyelids fluttered nearly shut and she glowed a little brighter. “Falling, but not the way you mean.” As she pulled her hands through her hair, Vans spotted the obscenely huge ring on her finger.

  Vans barely choked back her squawk of surprise. She was a complete hypocrite to protest any sudden engagements, but seriously, the thing was glaring.

  “My god! That is beautiful,” she whispered, throat tight, too shocked to process what she was seeing. Marcie was engaged? She’d just met that guy!

  “Mmmm!” Marcie agreed and looked at it. “Thank you.” When she lifted her hand, the diamonds seemed to shine all the brighter somehow. A flurry of stars twinkled within the stones. It was a lovely ring—an artful sweep of gold and silver peppered with smaller stones around the huge central setting.

  When Vans reached out to see it better, Marcie saw the ostentatious ring on her finger and chuckled quietly. Her smile turned brighter than both rings. “Darling! This is stunning!” She glanced over at Travis, her indigo eyes twinkling. “Congratulations.”

  Travis looked as though he’d been smacked in the back of the head. Vans could feel the emotions rolling within the man. Worry for Marcie overlaid with his happiness and pride. He really was concerned for his friend.

  He let out a rough breath as he struggled with the engagement announcement, which was more impulsive than his own. Finally, a sheepish smile curved his lips. “I guess congratulations are in order all around!”

  “Thank you! Ursa is going to lose her mind. We just got her down from her excitement over this. Wait until she hears about you two.”

  Ursa and Leo. Vans felt a strange stab of worry. Would Ursa really be happy and not jealous? It didn’t seem fair that Vans and Marcie were getting engaged first after what Vans had done to her and Leo. Would her friend resent it?

  Marcie’s smile was pure encouragement. “Trust me,” she said, drawing them into the room where the group was gathered. A fire blazed in the hearth, warming the big room. There they found Ursa perched in Leo’s lap and Mano sprawled out on a nearby couch, poised as though Marcie had just left the comfortable space of his lap.

  No longer the polished, pretty man from the party, this was a silver-eyed predator who could see right through her. She remembered what Travis had told her about this man at the auction. Mano was involved in people going missing? Were those all lies Beatrix wove? She could feel the sharp edge of this man’s determination. There was no doubt that he wouldn’t flinch away from violence if it was needed. Of all the men in the world, Marcie had picked this ruthless man? Vans glanced at Marcie, who prowled back to her lover, and realized the woman seemed just as deadly as the man. They were two weapons, the sword crossed with a dagger.

  Vans did not want to fuck with either of them.

  Mano wore a comfortable T-shirt and jeans with his feet bare. His lean arms were covered in intricate tribal ink down to his wrists. The way his legs were poised, she could see more tattoos around his ankles when he pulled Marcie’s taller body in against him. While she made herself quite comfortable in his lap, he lifted a hand and waved airily. The lethal shine in his gaze dimmed, returning him once again to the harmless little guy with a lazy smile, not a hungry lion that was ready to pounce them.

  Ursa leapt to her feet, distracting Vans from her shock. “You’re here! You made it! Oh, you poor thing! Stitches?” Her friend flung her arms around her for a soft hug.

  “Yeah, it was really a crappy day yesterday. I’m good, though.” Vans blushed under the attention to her bruised face and the stitches.

  “Oh my gosh! Vans!” Ursa gasped and grabbed her hand to get a better view of the ring. “You, too!” The smaller woman’s smile grew wider and she did a little dance from foot to foot. “Did this just happen? You have to tell me all about it!”

  Ursa pulled Vans to the couch with Leo. Travis chuckled, tucking her against his side as they joined the other couple.

  “Fucking adorable,” Mano rumbled into Marcie’s hair. “I’m going to get a toothache, that one is so damn sweet.”

  Ursa poked out her tongue at him, not at all fazed by the blond, and focused on Vans’s story. She grilled her for details Vans had not even begun to consider. Dates. Locations. Size of the happy event.

  “Don’t worry, she did the same thing to us. Ursa, darling, you have to let the poor woman catch her breath. Vans, a drink? Water? Juice? Chef Torrez brought his cousin, Kenneth, with him. Moral support or something,” Marcie explained.

  Mano’s lips twitched in a small smile at some inside joke between the pair, but remained silent.

  “Poor chef has changed the menu at least four times already, so I have no idea what is going on now.” Marcie glanced off toward the kitchen as though she could see and then rolled her eyes back to the room, sighing heavily. “We are seriously messing with the chi in the house.”

  Ursa grinned and let Leo gather her into his arms and resettle her on his lap. “Fine. Fine.” She squirmed against the big man and then cuddled her cheek into his chest. “Just as long as you both invite me.”

  “Ursa, I am sure you’ll be here helping me for most of my planning,” Marcie assured her. “We are going to tell some of Mano’s friends tomorrow, after the interview.”

  “Interview?” The question came from everyone except Mano. How could he look even more smug and amused without breaking into laughter?

  Marcie sighed and nodded. “I have an interview with a local company. I will no longer work for the Adlers. In fact, after what happened, I hope you understand my need to distance myself as far as I possibly can. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stop inviting you all to parties, but—” She glanced at the man who held her comfortably in his lap. “We don’t need information filtering back to them about what’s going on, either.”

  “So, they are not invited to the wedding? Got it,” Leo murmured with a troubled expression. “What happened doesn’t sit well with me. I doubt that I’ll be staying on. It’s not as though I don’t get offers from other companies all the time, but I was happy before. Now? I don’t know that I can ignore what they are doing.”

  Mano spread his hands in a helpless gesture and then twined his fingers with Marcie’s. “You don’t have to change anything. My mother and my aunt are the same creatures they have always been. No, they won’t be attending the wedding. But really, you have worked for them for how long?”

  “Years,” Leo answered with an unhappy frown.

  “Me, too,” Travis said. “You know that new tapestry?” He watched Mano intently.

  “Ah. The new addition to the dining room? She is exquisite, right?” Mano asked, mildly curious.

  Vans felt her throat go dry and curled closer to Travis.

  “Why didn’t I see this tapestry?” Marcie asked, frowning.

  Mano curled his mustache, looking smug. “Someone waylaid you.”

  “You know where it came from?” Travis pressed quietly.

  “There isn’t anything wrong, is there?” Mano asked rather than answering the question.

  “It’s a warning,” Vans blurted.

  The sharpness in her voice made Mano’s eyebrows lift, and he focused on Vans more intently. Oh, she really didn’t want him to start digging into her with those bright eyes, but it only took a glance for him to see whatever he was looking for. His attention returned to Marcie and he shrugged.

  “She told me—the redhead, I mean. ‘The seeke
r will stop his search. The old line ends. New lines begin.’ She was fucking pissed off that she’s hanging in there,” Vans said before she could think to censor herself, glancing at Travis and reaching for his hand, squeezing it. “When I asked her why she didn’t just tell you, she said, ‘I will not talk to agents of the adversary’.” She didn’t enjoy the memory of the threat of the hot needle prickles against her flesh when she’d thought she would get pressed against the tapestry.

  Mano’s expression stayed neutral, as though he had not heard her. He turned a curious look to Travis as he stroked Marcie’s knuckles with infinite care.

  “Seeker?” Ursa asked, and looked up at Leo and then over at Travis with questions bright in her widening hazel eyes.

  Mano chuckled, wearing the world’s best poker face. “I don’t talk to agents of the adversary, either.” From the way he looked at Travis, he knew exactly what they’d been doing in the dining room, too.

  Vans turned in Travis’s arms to blink up at him. “I hope you will look for a new job, too. Please. You shouldn’t work for those people.”

  Travis kissed her temple and pulled her in closer. “I am not quitting. I have been tasked to find Guntram, and that’s what I will do.”

  The room went strangely electric. No one said anything, but the looks of disapproval came from all sides. No one looked pleased about this, except Mano behind his unreadable mask. He only let a little smile through as he tipped down his chin slightly in acceptance of the challenge.

  Vans felt the hairs all down her back and up her arms stand bolt upright. Images from the tapestry flashed bright through her. The fierce beasts around the redhead’s mount. Were they protecting her?. Did they guard some secret? Or someone? The warning made a shudder run up her spine.

  “Travis.” Vans felt sick to her stomach, her skin crawling.

  The seeker will stop his search. She felt the prickles of heat on her skin.

  “I never said that I’d hog-tie him and gift him back to his mother. Did I?” Travis growled around at their expressions. “You know what I’m good at? Finding shit. It’s right in the title. Seeker. What the hell would I do without that task?”


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