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Fireworks of Love

Page 5

by Jessica Gray

  “Well. I certainly can relate with wisdom and idealism, I’m a doctor after all. But intuition? I’d rather trust scientific prove.”

  Joanna shook her head. “You are very intuitive, but you haven’t embraced that side of yourself yet. Intuition isn’t the opposite of reason. The two go hand in hand. Every good doctor has to listen to his gut, because not all things between heaven and earth can be explained by science.”

  His eyes squinted and for a moment she thought he’d argue with her. But then he leaned back in his armchair and said, “Okay. So much about me. What does Joanna mean?”

  “Well, Joanna is simply the English version of my name. I use it because most foreigners cannot say my Chinese name without butchering it.”

  “Is that so? Give me a try.” His mood had lightened again

  “Jin Yue.” She pronounced slowly, as she wondered why he resisted acknowledging his intuitive gift so much. He’d been almost clairvoyant in picking up on her emotions and feelings.

  Rowan repeated her name several times, until he got it correct and she grinned. “You’re really good.”

  “So, how do you write your name?”

  Joanna took the paper back and drew the characters for her name and then slid it back to him.近月.“It means close to the moon or moonlike.”

  “That seems appropriate. You do seem moonlike – beautiful, quiet, distant. Gorgeous.” Rowan touched her cheek with such tenderness she wanted to melt.

  This gorgeous man was nothing like the foreigners she’d met so far and he deserved to have a happy birthday. When the waitress came by and he ordered refills on their drinks, she had an idea.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said, excusing herself and standing from the table. Then she headed towards the bathrooms, ducking into the small alcove where the staff were filling orders. “Excuse me?”

  Their waitress wasn’t around, but a waiter nodded at her. “Yes. What can I do for you?”

  “See that man there?” Joanna pointed to their table. “Today is his birthday and I was wondering if you had any cakes or something similar to celebrate?”

  “Of course, miss. We have desserts and I’ll arrange for a surprise for your friend.”

  “That would be great. Thank you.” Joanna entered the bathroom and glanced at herself in the mirror above the sink. Rowan deserves to be happy. I hope this will make the nostalgic look in his eyes disappear.

  Chapter 8

  Rowan smiled as his eyes followed Joanna until she disappeared behind a corner. Despite his initial grumpiness, he’d spent a wonderful time today – with her. Joanna was completely different from the Chinese girls he’d met so far. The ones Nelson ran through with a vengeance. The ones that were only after a man’s wallet, and his social status.

  Joanna seemed more interested in pursuing her own career, a huge plus for her. That, and the fact that she was intelligent, able to uphold a conversation about more than the weather or the latest fashion. Rowan loved the challenge of a good discussion.

  Jin Yue. He repeated her Chinese name in his head, and found that he liked it better than Joanna. It was so her. Perfect. He decided to practice the pronunciation until he got it right every time. And he couldn’t wait to see her incredibly sweet and sexy smile when he surprised her with it.

  Just thinking about her smile did funny things to his heart. Unlike every other woman before her, his primary goal wasn’t to seduce her, although he wanted that, too. But most of all he wanted to make her happy.

  Their second set of drinks arrived, but Joanna hadn’t returned, so he just murmured a “Thank you” to the waitress. He decided to wait to take a sip until she returned, but as he glanced at their full cocktail glasses, he frowned. She definitely doesn’t look like she’s even of legal drinking age.

  Then he remembered the drinking age in China was eighteen, but not strictly enforced, and an even more frightening thought entered his mind. What if she’s underage? God no, he couldn’t allow himself to be attracted to a minor.

  Several minutes later Joanna returned with a smug grin upon her face and he had the sudden urge to grab her and kiss her senseless. She was irresistibly cute, but also unbelievably hot. I have to find out her age before things get out of hand.

  He stood up as she took her seat, but before he could broach the subject most important to him at that moment, the lights in the bar dimmed. He looked around and then lowered his voice saying, “I wonder what’s going on?”

  Joanna’s eyes twinkled with mischief, but she didn’t offer any opinion. He eyed her suspiciously, but she put up an innocent smile and said, “What?”

  Just as he slid back into his seat, their waitress walked through the bar, holding a plate with a small cake about the size of a large brownie in the middle of it and a lit sparkling candle sticking up from it. Rowan glanced at Joanna and could only shake his head when she beamed an even bigger smile his direction.

  Several other employees of the bar accompanied the waitress and after setting the plate down in front of him, the employees and Joanna sang “Happy Birthday” to him, accents and all. He was so moved, his eyes filled with tears and he swallowed hard several times to keep them from falling.

  Any idea he’d entertained about staying away from Joanna vanished along with the tiny fireworks on his cake and he pressed a kiss on her cheek. A spark of electricity passed between them and as the clapping employees faded into the background, he could only stare into her dark eyes. She flushed deep purple and pulled back away from him, casting her eyes downward.

  “I shouldn’t have done that. Forgive me?” Rowan murmured.

  “No, it’s okay. I just…” She stalled for something else to say, clasping her hands together.

  “You don’t have to say anything more. That was such a fantastic surprise, and I’m so grateful. I hadn’t expected to receive such a wonderful gift.” He eyed the yummy-looking cake. “But you’ll have to share the cake with me.”

  “I will. You looked so sad and I wanted to make you happy.” She beamed a smile at him and it took all his self-control not to press a kiss on her full and seductive lips.

  “I am happy. That was such a nice gesture,” Rowan said. “So, you know when my birthday is. When is yours?” It was the perfect opportunity for him to find out her age, and after that kiss, he hoped he wasn’t about to be disappointed.

  “My birthday is in September. I just turned nineteen.”

  Thank God! Rowan had never been so relieved in his life.

  They finished their drinks and then he noticed she was yawning. “You’re tired. Shall we turn in?”

  Joanna nodded and after paying the bill he escorted her out of the bar to a waiting taxi that bore them to their hotel in just a few minutes.

  “What floor are you on?” Rowan asked as they entered the elevator together.

  “Nine,” Joanna answered.

  He pressed the two buttons for their respective floors. Inside the small box, her seductive presence almost overwhelmed him and he stared straight ahead to fend off the temptation to hit the emergency stop button and kiss her senseless. When the doors opened with a clinging sound and she moved past him to exit the elevator, he was smitten.

  The moment she turned around to look at him with so much desire in her eyes, he gave in, and tipped her chin up to place a soft and sensual kiss on her mouth. Rowan completely lost himself in her sweet and sexy taste, the soft pressure of her lips against his. Joanna slightly opened her lips for him and he hungrily took what she offered.

  When they both came up panting for air, her face had taken on a rosy blush and he longed to lick the moisture from her lips. The need for this woman pooled deep in his groin, but she cast her eyes away and whispered, “I should go, this is my floor.”

  “Jin Yue, I had a good time tonight. Sleep well.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured with flushed cheeks and turned to walk to her room at the same time as the elevator doors closed.

  Rowan ran a hand through his short ha
ir, still feeling the softness of her lips on his. A few moments later, the doors opened on his floor. He let himself into his room, noticing that Nelson hadn’t returned, but he’d expected nothing less.

  He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, and then climbed between the sheets. But sleep proved elusive, because images of sexy Joanna tormented his mind and his body yearned to feel hers beneath him.

  Chapter 9

  Joanna traced her fingers across her tingling lips. Mind-blowing was the only word she could think of to describe his kiss. If that was what awaited her if she let him seduce her, she wanted more. A lot more.

  Her room card in hand, she looked slightly confused staring at the wall at the end of the hallway. She had passed her hotel room. See, that’s what you get for kissing a man. Losing your focus. Think about your studies. You don’t need that distraction. Sighing, she backtracked and held the room key in front of the card reader.

  Ti-ling. A soft sound and a green light indicated the door was unlocked. She turned the handle, but the door wouldn’t open more than a crack. Furrowing her brows she checked the room number and tried again. Nothing.

  She stared at the door in disbelief when noises from inside the room reached her ears and she hastily pulled the door close. Mei locked me out of our room, because she’s with Nelson. How embarrassing!

  Joanna sank down onto the floor beside the door, somehow hoping the door would miraculously open and Mei would tell her it had all been a misunderstanding. But the noises coming from inside didn’t leave much room for speculation. Five minutes passed, then ten. It went silent. She got on her feet and knocked, but nobody opened the door. Instead the groans and moans started up again.

  Disgusted, she turned and dragged herself to the elevator. The evening had just taken a nosedive. With no idea what else to do, she returned to the lobby and curled up in one of the big overstuffed chairs. After an uncomfortable night on the train, her eyes fluttered shut the moment she hit the chair. She dozed off into an uneasy slumber, interrupted by cold gusts of wind every time someone entered or left the hotel lobby through the sliding doors.

  “Joanna.” Someone called to her in her dream. She groaned and moved to curl deeper into the armchair, but now a hand touched her shoulder. “Jin Yue.”

  The peculiar pronunciation of her name penetrated her dreams and caused her to sit up and open her eyes. Half-dreamy she glanced into the most beautiful green-brown eyes she’d ever seen in her life. Rowan.

  “What are you doing down here?” he asked, his voice concerned as he squatted down next to her chair.

  Her heart sped up. His smile had the ability to make her knees go wobbly, and she was glad she was sitting down right now. Get ahold of yourself. He’s a foreigner for God’s sake. He’ll only take advantage of you. No, she wouldn’t disappoint her parents, by falling for the wrong guy. She’d finish her studies to become a doctor. She’d make them proud. They worked so hard to save enough money to send her to University in Beijing.

  “Joanna? Why aren’t you in your room?” Rowan asked once more.

  She was too embarrassed to tell him the reason, but then she saw understanding fill his eyes. He knows. She shook her head and watched as he got up and approached the reception desk, where he talked a few minutes with the clerk.

  Rowan returned to her side and after a moment, squatted down beside her chair once more. “I tried to arrange for another room for you, but they’re fully booked. Why don’t you come back to my room with me?”

  “I can’t.” Joanna violently shook her head. There was no way she could sleep in his room. Ever. Her parents had raised her very traditionally and they would throw their hands up in horror if they knew she was even contemplating sleeping in the same roof with a stranger.

  The sliding doors opened when a party of guests returned to the hotel, their loud voices and an icy gust of wind filling the lobby.

  “You can’t stay here, either.” Rowan looked down at her curled up figure.

  She hugged her arms around her knees, knowing he was right. Despite using her coat as a blanket, she was beginning to get chilled, and the thought of spending the night curled up in this chair, shivering with cold, made her want to cry.

  “Come one. I promise not to kiss you again, if that makes you feel better. But please, let’s get you out of this drafty lobby.” He cast her a mind-blowing smile and her resolve to stay away from him melted like snow in the sun.

  “Okay,” she whispered and allowed him to pull her to her feet and escort her to the elevator. Her heart thumping staccato against her ribs, she prayed this wouldn’t turn out to be a huge mistake.

  Chapter 10

  Rowan opened the door to his hotel room and then waited for Joanna to precede him into the room. He’d gone downstairs, intending to take a walk since he couldn’t sleep, but instead, he’d found a sleeping beauty. She’d looked so small and vulnerable in that oversized armchair and he’d wanted to sweep her up into his arms and carry her to safety.

  He nodded for her to set her coat and other belongings on one of the chairs next to the small dining table and then offered her a drink. “You want a glass of water, or I can make tea?”

  “I’m fine,” Joanna said, stepping from one foot to the other. “Thank you for this.”

  “No thanks are necessary. There’s an extra toothbrush in the bathroom. I’ll arrange everything while you get ready.” While every cell in his body was burning up with the need to feel her skin against his, he wouldn’t go that way. Not tonight. He moved a blanket and pillow to the small couch and flopped onto the couch to untie his shoes. When he noticed her stare on his back, he sat up straight and looked at her. “What?”

  “Oh, no! I can’t take your bed. The couch will be fine for me,” Joanna said, biting her lower lip.

  Holy lord, how am I supposed to stay calm around the sexiest woman alive? “You’re not sleeping on the couch,” he said implacably.

  “But, why not? Look, there’s no reason you should be uncomfortable all night long when I can sleep on the couch.”

  “I won’t be uncomfortable,” he lied. Just looking at that thing made his back ache.

  “You’re at least one foot taller than I am. I will fit on the couch much easier than you,” she insisted with a shy smile that made his insides churn with desire.

  Rowan shook his head. “You are sleeping in the bed. No discussion.” He walked to the bathroom, past the huge king-sized bed and had to use all his self-control not to turn around, kiss her breathless and toss her onto it.

  With a deep breath, he grabbed what he needed from the shelving in the bathroom and then stepped back, gesturing for her to enter. “It’s all yours.”

  Joanna shook her head, but when he crossed his arms over his chest and stared her down, she finally sighed, nodded, and slowly approached him. His mouth went dry at her graceful movements and her sinfully sexy beauty.

  He stared after her long after she’d closed the bathroom door and then walked like a robot to the couch, seriously questioning his sanity. For all he knew, she was one of the Chinese girls who saw only a meal ticket in an expatriate. His stomach churned. That’s not fair. Joanna hadn’t done anything to justify this prejudice; on the contrary…spending time with her had made him happy. And turned on beyond imagination.

  The bathroom door opened and a stunning Joanna exited it. She’d removed her makeup and looked even younger and cuter now. So cute, his member hardened within a split-second. Shoot. That’s exactly what I need right now.

  The way Joanna’s eyes roved over him before she cast her eyes away, didn’t help either. Rowan knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep for a long time.

  “This is kind of strange. Can we maybe sit for a bit and talk?” she asked with a hushed voice.

  “Sure. Have a seat,” Rowan offered and removed the blanket from the couch to make space for her. She settled on the far end, looking at him with wide-open eyes.

  “You said you’re studying traditional Chinese medicine.
What made you want to go into this field?” he asked, partly to break the awkward silence between them, but mostly because he was genuinely interested. And he believed that finding out the motivation behind why someone had chosen a certain profession was the first key to understanding their personality.

  “My best friend died of pneumonia when I was five. We lived in a tiny village and there was no doctor far and wide. It was horrible to see her suffer and get worse day after day.” The memory hung like a dark shadow over her eyes, until she took a deep breath and willed it away with a shy smile. “Ever since, I’ve wanted to become a doctor. I want to save lives, but even more than that I want to prevent them from getting sick in the first place.”

  “You should have studied real medicine and not TCM, then,” Rowan answered with a shake of his head. Joanna was too intelligent to believe in hocus-pocus. Why didn’t she see that herbs and creams couldn’t heal a person?

  She snorted at his statement saying, “Real medicine? You think pumping people full of synthetic drugs and cutting out pieces from their body is the answer to everything. TCM is real medicine in the truest sense of the word.”

  “No, it’s myth and luck…”

  “My friend Wu could still be alive had her parents listened to my grandmother’s advice.” Joanna’s eyes sparkled with anger, before her shoulders sagged, revealing her grief.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said, truly sorry to have caused that emotional tumult in her.

  “It’s okay. That was a long time ago” She paused for a moment and the agony in her beautiful black eyes belied her words.

  “I’m still so angry. Wu’s parents wouldn’t let my grandmother help because she was just an old herb woman. If they’d given her the proper remedies, she would never have developed a full-blown pneumonia. Instead, they waited until it was too late and then dragged my poor friend on a donkey cart into the next city. Wu was so weakened from the two-day journey that she died upon arrival in the hospital.” Joanna curled her hands into tight fists, the knuckles whitening.


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