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A Mate Among the Enemy [Wolf's Pass Shifters 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  “This is all too surreal to me. I can’t believe I slept with two shifters and am here talking to you about your wolf right now. Most people don’t know about you, and those who do, most of them fear you.” Shay shook her head.

  “There’s nothing to fear as long as we aren’t threatened.”

  “But you can kill so easily.”

  “So can humans with their guns. Many of us are killed in our wolf form.

  “I know. I’m sorry for that.”

  Lee shifted off the table to sit next to her. “You trust us that shifters won’t hurt you, right?”

  “Well, I trust that you won’t hurt me. I don’t know why, but I do. I’m not so sure about other shifters.”

  “There’s a possibility that when we introduce you to our older brothers and our Alpha and Beta that they will reject you as our mate. If that happens, we’ll leave the pack and start our own pack. I don’t want you to fear them if that happens. They’d never hurt you, but they may feel that you pose a threat to the pack and have to ask you to leave.”

  Shay jerked back from him and stared up into his face. “I don’t want you to leave your home because of me. I’ll leave and get on with my life like I planned to do before we met at the truck stop.”

  “It would destroy us to lose you, Shay. Now that we’ve found you, our wolves are imprinted with you and our human side is already a little in love with you. Don’t even tease us about that. It drives us a little crazy inside.” Lee took her hands in his and brought them to his lips.

  “I can’t believe it, but something inside of me cringes at the thought of leaving you, as well. I don’t understand what is happening to me.”

  “When we return to our home, you can talk to Nessa, the mate of our brothers, Joseph and Jessup. She can probably help you with what you’re feeling. She’s human.” Lee squeezed her hands then got up and walked over to the door, sniffing the air before peeking out the window and opening the door for Evan.

  It amazed her how well they could hear and smell. He’d known his brother was walking up with the food. She hadn’t heard anything and didn’t smell anything until he was inside with their food.

  They ate talking about nothing important, then they told Shay about the people in their lives and that they had six other brothers. She couldn’t imagine that many brothers or even sisters.

  “How do you all get along living in the same house?” she asked.

  “We have our own suites both above ground and underground. Each one has a bedroom, living area, and small kitchenette. When our females are pregnant, we tend to hole up in our suites toward the end of the pregnancy to keep them safe and secure.” Evan wolfed down his first hamburger and slowly ate the second one.

  She shook her head. How could they eat so much and stay so trim? She could eat half a burger and gain five pounds. Maybe being shifters, they burned more calories because they changed from one form to another. It made her feel a bit better.

  Once the sun went down, Shay began to feel their animals as they got ready to go out. Some part of her deep down where she’d never noticed before recognized them as they were on the verge of shifting. She wanted to wrap herself around them for some strange reason. The need to rub her face against them seemed paramount in her mind. What was happening to her? She had feelings of possessiveness and didn’t like that they would be out without her. This went beyond her human nature of not wanting to be left alone for so long.

  “What is it, Shay?” Lee seemed to pick up on her unease.

  “I don’t know. I want to rub myself on you before you go. That’s crazy.”

  Evan and Lee exchanged looks. Both of them appeared surprised at her statement.

  “This isn’t normal?” she asked. “Some strange part of being mates?”

  “It is for wolf mates, but you’re human. It’s strange, but we like it. You can rub on us and spread your scent on us if you want to. It’s how females mark their mates.” Evan stepped closer to her then wrapped his arms around her. “Mark me, mate. I’m all yours.”

  Shay rubbed face against his then his neck. She stepped into Lee’s arms and did the same thing, then she wrapped her arms around herself and thought about how odd it all was. She was acting like a wolf, but she wasn’t one.

  “Is something wrong with me?” she asked.

  “No. You’re just more attuned to us than we expected. It’s natural. Don’t worry about it, Shay.” Lee leaned down and kissed her lightly on her nose.

  Evan kissed her cheek, then both men left her alone to think about the changes happening in her life. She wasn’t completely satisfied with their explanation. Somehow, Shay knew it wasn’t normal for a human mate to have those urges. She would ask more questions when they returned and settled down for a long night of TV and napping. The niggling thought that she knew deep down what the answers were bothered her. If she knew, why couldn’t she remember?

  Chapter Nine

  Evan and his brother started out at Casey’s, but by nine they decided to change bars. Nothing was going on there. Mostly young couples seemed to frequent that bar. They returned to the other dive and took a table near the one the men had sat at the night before. They ordered beers and talked about mundane things until the door opened, and two of the men from the previous night walked in and took the same table in the back.

  It meant they would be able to hear most everything that was said at the table. Even if they whispered, Lee’s and his acute hearing would be able to pick it up. It wasn’t nearly as good as it was in their wolf form, but it would be enough from where they sat.

  “What time is Gus going to be here? He’s always late.” One of the men took a healthy swig of his beer.

  “Said he’d be here at nine, but it’s almost nine thirty now. Asshole always makes us wait on him,” the other man said.

  “There he is now.” The first guy nodded toward the door.

  Evan risked a glance and determined it was the ring leader from the night before. He returned his gaze to his brother and made sure to mention one of the ladies at the bar interested him when the man drew even with their table.

  “You’re always looking for your next bed partner. Sometimes I’d just like to sit here and drink,” Lee said.

  They stopped talking and listened to the other table once more.

  “‘Bout time you got here.”

  “I had business that lasted longer than I planned. I was over in Cascade. Wayne has three more recruits who say they have someone who can track these shifters naturally. They just have to be close to one to know they’re shifters,” the newcomer said.

  “What, like they have their own witch or something? We’ve already had one get taken from us, and now we’ve got that damn warlock I don’t trust,” one of the men said.

  “Don’t know. Wayne is checking them out for now. He says we only need a few more men and we can attack them on their own land. The warlock will have finished dismantling some kind of protection they have on their land soon.”

  “I don’t like dealing with these magic types. I didn’t even believe in magic until he started making fire spring up out of nowhere. Flames shot up out the ground right next to me. Scared the crap out of me.” This came from the second man.

  Evan realized they were talking about Shay and her father. They still needed to find out who the warlock was and where they were keeping him. If he was as strong as they insinuated, they weren’t keeping him captive. He was working with them voluntarily, probably for money. That made him very dangerous.

  They stayed, occasionally dancing with one of the women, but didn’t learn anything new that would help them find out who or where the warlock was staying. They assumed that he would be in Cascade or close to their land to be able to wreak havoc on their protections and safeguards. Why hadn’t the Sylphies or even Sienna been able to sense him? Wouldn’t they know if one like them were close by? It was a question that needed to be asked of them.

  Once the three men left, he and Lee followed them fr
om a safe distance. When they split up, Evan followed the one who seemed to be in charge and Lee followed the other two. They met up an hour later and headed back to the hotel.

  “I was worried. It got to be so late.” Shay let them in as soon as she’d checked that it was them.

  “We followed them when they left the bar to see where they were staying. The warlock wasn’t in any of their houses. We still don’t know who he is or his whereabouts.” Evan could feel the unease radiating from their mate.

  She was worried. Was she picking up on his worry about the conversations they’d overheard concerning her family? Mates picked up on each other’s feelings and emotions, but normally that only occurred with wolf mates and after the claiming on human mates. She continued to astonish him on how she acted around them. It was as if there was a wolf lurking beneath her human nature. She acted more wolf than human. His wolf approved, but he didn’t understand.

  “What did you find out?” she asked once they’d all sat down.

  “They discussed that they had someone over in Cascade they were recruiting to join them. It sounded like your father and brother’s group. Would they join up with HAS members?” Lee asked.

  “I don’t know. A year ago, I’d say no, but they’ve gotten more bloodthirsty lately. I’d say it’s a good possibility.”

  “How are you going to handle it if they get killed, Shay? If they hook up with HAS and they attack us, it’s a good possibility that it will happen,” Evan told her.

  “I don’t know. They’re my family, but at the same time, they aren’t. Father has never treated me especially well and has been abusive lately. My cousin stares at me and tries to touch me like I’d ever have anything to do with him. Not only is he my cousin, but he’s nasty. My brother? He just bosses me around and gets physical when he thinks he can get away with it.” Shay looked from Lee back to him. “I can’t tell you how I’ll feel if that happens.”

  “I felt like it was only right to tell you that it might happen. They’re hunting us and plan to kill us. That includes our females and our children.” Lee reached over and squeezed her shoulder. “If it isn’t necessary, we won’t do it. Shifters value all life, but if it comes down to it, we’ll fight to the death.”

  “I understand. I might not feel as generous if that happens, but right now, I can understand what you’re saying.”

  Evan nodded and wrapped an arm around her shoulder to give her a squeeze. To his astonishment, she leaned into him. It excited his wolf. Their mate was accepting them. He relished every second she stayed there in his arms. He looked over at his brother. Lee smiled. He was just as excited as Evan at the turn of events.

  * * * *

  Shay realized that she felt safe and cared for leaning into Evan’s embrace. She wanted Lee on the other side of her but was too nervous to ask. This was so unlike her. She didn’t warm up to people this easily. Especially men. That part of her that kept pushing her toward them said it was right. She just wished she could trust it.

  “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” She pulled out of Evan’s arms and grabbed her pack to escape into the bathroom.

  She could hear the two men talking as she cleaned up and readied for bed. Her PJs gave her a sense of propriety that helped her reconcile the fact that she was sleeping with two men she barely knew who happened to be able to turn into wolves at will. She had to be a little crazy.

  Once she’d left the bathroom and had climbed into bed, Shay curled up on her side as the two men took turns in the bathroom. Her body seemed super attuned to them as they climbed in on either side of her. Evan wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her flush to his body. She couldn’t help but feel the hard length of his cock pressing into her ass. It both excited her and frightened her. He was big and so hard. It was only natural that she’d wonder how all of that hardness would fit inside of her if she agreed to be their mate.

  Then there was the whole two mates thing that shocked her. Two men at one time? Nothing in her previous life had prepared her for one man, much less taking on two. Shay was a virgin. Having lived with her father and brother for so long, she never had the chance to date or socialize like most young women. How did she feel about suddenly having two men in her life?

  I like the idea on some level, but on another one, it scares me. How could I possibly love two men at once?

  “Is something bothering you, Shay? I can feel you thinking over here.” Evan’s voice was a soft whisper in her ear.

  “I’m just a little uncomfortable sleeping like this—with the two of you.”

  Evan lifted his arm and ran one hand up and down her arm before rubbing it lightly over her belly.

  “Do we make you nervous, sweetheart?” His hand moved up to just below her breasts. “Maybe it’s not nerves but awareness. I know you can feel how much I want you. Lee wants you just as much. We’re both hard as steel with wanting to sink inside your sweet body.”

  “I’ve never felt this way before. I don’t understand it.” Shay squirmed under his hand.

  Lee turned over to face her. She could see his face in the faint light from the bathroom they’d left on. His smile looked predatory to her. A chill ran down her arms at the look. Not only that, but his eyes glowed in the dark. It unnerved her.

  “Are you telling us you’re a virgin, Shay?” Lee asked, his voice vibrating along her skin.

  “Well, um. Yeah. It’s not like I’ve had much time to develop friendships or anything. My father kept a close watch on me. Not so much around my brother and cousin, but he didn’t let me out of his sight very often.”

  Evan nuzzled her neck then gently nipped her earlobe. That one tiny sting had her panties dampening even as her pussy tingled. She could even feel her nipples hardening with his hand so close to them. Shay didn’t understand what was happening to her.

  “That really turns us on, Shay. We’ll be your first and your only lovers. Our wolves are pressing hard on us to claim you. I don’t think you’re ready for that, but we want you, babe. We want to ease you into our life and teach you how good it feels to love each other.” Lee brushed her hair back from her face. “You’re so damn beautiful.

  “I’m not. I’m too big and my chin’s too square.”

  Evan bit her shoulder. “Don’t ever talk bad about yourself around us. You’re perfect to us. You’re not too big at all. We like curvy women who can take our kind of loving. Sex with us can be a little rough when we’re in need. It would kill us if we ever accidently hurt you. Know that, Shay.”

  “Will you let us make love to you now? We just want to make you feel good tonight. Nothing more serious than that. We want to be in our home when we take your virginity, sweetheart,” Evan said.

  “I don’t understand. What are you wanting to do to me?” She felt so naïve around them.

  “We want to worship your body, babe. We want to kiss and lick every inch of you and make you come.” Lee kissed her chin then pressed his lips against hers.

  Shay had never really been kissed by a boy before. This would be her first, and it frightened her initially. As if understanding, Lee was gentle. He sipped at her lips before gently nipping her lower lip so that she opened, and he could gain entrance inside of her mouth. Once there, his tongue explored her, teasing then thrusting inside as she moaned.

  While Lee possessed her mouth, Evan sucked and licked her neck and shoulder. He used one hand to unbutton her shirt, taking his time. By the time he had all the buttons undone, Shay was shivering in awareness. Her nipples ached for something. Lee left her kiss bruised lips and laid kisses all around her breast before shocking her when he fastened his mouth around her nipple. She gasped as he suckled, using one hand to gently squeeze.

  Evan turned her to her back and immediately took the other breast into his mouth and teased the nipple with his tongue. When they both sucked at the same time, she arched her back and threaded her fingers into their hair, holding them close to her chest. Shay had never known anything like this could feel so good.

  “Oh, God,” she breathed out. “What are you doing to me?”

  Evan released her nipple with a tiny pop. “We’re loving you, Shay. Does it feel good?”

  “Too good.”

  He and Lee began kissing their way down her abdomen. Evan slid to the end of the bed and pulled her bottoms off. Lee took the waistband of her panties in his teeth and pulled at them until they were past her knees where Evan pulled them the rest of the way off. Both men began kissing and licking along her belly, drawing soft whimpers from her. She was going to combust into flames if they didn’t do something to relieve the pressure steadily building inside her.


  “What, babe?” Lee asked.

  “I don’t know. I need. I need something.”

  “I know what you need.” Evan spread her legs and blew across her pussy lips.

  She shivered and arched once again. She felt the cool whoosh of air across her soaking pussy. She’d been wet from the time she’d gotten into bed to the first touch of Evan’s hand at her waist. Shay seemed to get wet anytime they were within her sights. It was embarrassing how her body seemed to want them even when she didn’t know them well.

  The first swipe of his tongue across her slit sent her nerves scratching at her body. Every one of them fired at once, making her squirm against the men. Evan placed one arm across her pelvis as if to keep her still. She didn’t understand why until he began to lick at her pussy juices.

  “Evan.” It was just a whisper.

  “He’s enjoying your taste, babe. Here, let me help you see him.” Lee lifted her head to his lap. “See the ecstasy on his face as he eats your perfect pussy? I bet you taste amazing. I can’t wait until my turn to suck you dry.”

  “It’s too much. I don’t understand what’s happening to me.”

  Shay turned her head back and forth until she realized her cheek was rubbing up against the hard length of Lee’s cock. It felt like a steel rod against her skin. It was almost as if the covering of his shorts wasn’t there. She started deliberately rubbing against it, loving how it moved against her when she did.


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