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Desire and a Bottle of Merlot: (Like Sisters Series Book 5) Chick Lit: A Romantic Comedy

Page 17

by Bria Marche


  Okay, I knew there had to be a reason I spent $750 on clothes at the expo. Tina giggled as she pulled four new outfits out of her closet. They lay on her bed, side by side, as she tried to decide. Screw it. I have to try them on again before I can make a firm decision. It’s been a few weeks, and I don’t remember how they looked. Ripping off the V-neck tee shirt and kicking the jeans she’d been wearing toward the laundry basket, Tina slid the first silky, clingy minidress over her head and smoothed it down along her hips. “Damnation, is this sucker short! Was I on something when I picked this out?” Tina began to panic, realizing the dress barely covered her ass. “What if they’re all this short? I’ll look like a trollop at the wedding rehearsal with nothing else in my closet that’s even slightly sexy to wear. Okay, get a grip. What would Maria do?” Tina’s foot bounced up and down from anxiety as she sat on the edge of the bed, holding her temples. Her brain hurt already as she tried to put an image together in her head. She had one hour to pull together something uber-fabulous. “Okay, I need to look hip and sexy, but age appropriate and not boring.” She grabbed the black, layered skirt off the bed and stepped into it. “Are you kidding me right now?” she wailed. “Who the hell am I?” The skirt, too, was shorter than Tina remembered. “Have my hips gotten fatter?”

  She turned to the side and gawked at her reflection again, feeling as if she was staring into a carnival mirror. “Shit. My ass looks bigger than it did a few weeks ago. Damn Sasha and her stupid donuts!” Ripping the bottom dresser drawer open, Tina rifled through stockings, socks, and leggings of every color until she found what she was looking for. “Here you are!” She pulled out a pair of body-control black leggings with a two-inch row of lace along the bottom. “This might work after all.” Pulling them up and stretching them over her hips and butt felt like wiggling into a wet suit that was three sizes too small. But at that moment she would do anything for love. Lying on the bed, she writhed like a water moccasin in the desert, pulling and yanking on the spandex until she got the leggings over her hips and situated at her waistline. “Holy shit, can I even breathe?” She stood, smoothed the skirt, and took another look in the mirror. “Humph… that doesn’t look bad. Now for the top.” A brand-new cap-sleeved silk blouse in a wild floral print would accent the beautiful, edgy cuff tats she was so fond of. She would be able to show them off to everyone that night. The flaming skull would remain hidden beneath the black leggings, but he’d show his face tomorrow at the wedding. Satisfied with the look she’d pulled together, she ripped everything off and dove into the shower. Forty-five minutes remained before the doorbell would ring and Mr. Perfect would escort her to the Victorian.


  Tina heard a car door slam. Running to the window as she spritzed Chanel on her neck, wrists, and breasts, she peeked through the blinds. The bottle hit the floor as she gasped. “Oh my friggin’ God, I’ve died and gone to heaven.” She saw Dan get out of his car and cross the driveway. He wore a short-sleeved turquoise linen shirt that matched his eyes. His bicep muscles glistened in the afternoon sun, along with his impressive tan. Neatly pressed black dress pants fit his masculine derriere perfectly, and black, freshly polished dress shoes finished off his ensemble. Tina’s loins quivered with an ache she’d forgotten was buried deep within her. So much time had passed since she’d been intimate with anyone let alone someone as irresistible as Dan. And he wanted her? That in itself made her feel faint.

  She dashed for the bathroom to take one more look. Tina had already brushed her teeth and gargled with Scope twice for good measure. All the same, she wanted to make sure. Sticking out her tongue and opening her mouth wide showed no evidence of food particles lingering suspiciously on a tooth or under her lip. Three deep breaths and a quick peek in the full-length mirror told her she had no clothing malfunctions or toilet paper hanging from the waistline of her body-control spandex leggings. Tonight, Tina would be the perfect companion for Mr. Hunka-hunka burning love, who was walking up her sidewalk.

  “Wow… you look gorgeous, Tina,” Dan said with an approving nod and a grin, showing off his straight, glistening-white teeth. He handed her a bouquet of mixed spring flowers.

  “Back at ya, babe,” she responded, trying to be lighthearted, not wanting to reveal all of her cards yet. Tina had no intention of screwing things up by coming on too strong. Dan was a keeper, and she would let him lead. “Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.”


  He followed her to the kitchen and sat on a wicker barstool, watching her every movement. He noticed her hair and makeup, which was flawless. Her outfit is different but kind of sexy in an edgy way, he thought, wearing a smile he couldn’t wipe off his face. I have a feeling she is going to give me a run for my money.

  Tina pulled a crystal vase out of the cabinet next to the kitchen planning desk. She filled it with water and began arranging the flowers in a color-coded, precise manner before she realized he was staring at her. Tina took the rest of the flowers and wedged them into the vase just as they were. “There, that’s perfect.” She glanced at Dan with her lip curving up into a smile. “I’ll admit you shocked me when I opened the door. You really clean up nicely.” Her face warmed with a red blush from his laugh.

  “You know, if we ever went out on a real date, you’d see this cleaned-up side of me more often.” Dan stood and approached Tina, who was still standing at the sink with the vase in her hand. He tenderly took her face in his hands and kissed her lips.

  “I guess we should go,” she said in a breathless voice as she set the vase down before she dropped it. “The rehearsal starts in fifteen minutes.”

  “Okay, beautiful. Lead the way.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Cars lined both sides of Sunrise Avenue from the intersection at Linden Street to the next intersection at Evergreen Lane.

  “Wow, do you really think all of these cars belong to people here for the rehearsal?” Dan asked, surprised and ratcheting his head from side to side, looking for a place to park. “Maybe I should turn around and drop you off in front of the house. There’s no reason for both of us to walk for blocks, plus you’re in the wedding party. They can’t start without you.”

  “You really don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. A woman as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to walk that far in those killer shoes anyway.”

  Tina leaned across the center console and kissed him. “So, you noticed my shoes? Do you like them?”

  “They’re pretty wild, but I think there’s a wild child inside of you that’s starting to come out. Maybe it’s still buried a little.”

  “Maybe.” She kissed him again, this time slipping him just the tiniest end of her tongue. Giggling, Tina jumped out of the car and ran across the street to the Victorian.

  Dan pushed the button on the armrest, rolling down the driver’s side window before he pulled away. “Don’t fall off those shoes,” he yelled out. He waited to see if she would turn around. She did, and she flipped him off, followed by an air kiss.


  Soft music sounded through the yard as Tina walked toward the Victorian. The wedding garden looked beautiful with satin bows tied to the arbors, blowing in the light breeze. White netting was draped over the pergola and woven through the latticework with the deep-green grape ivy. White chairs filled the lawn and the deck. Tina walked around to the back where she found most everyone socializing on the deck’s lower level near the gazebo.

  Minister Johnson tapped his crystal flute filled with sparkling raspberry water. “If everyone is here, we can begin the rehearsal.”

  The couples lined up in the order they’d discussed weeks ago. The girls had picked straws the day they went shopping in White Plains. Since Liz hadn’t been among them at the time, they decided to let her go first. Smallest straw would be the last couple. The lineup went in order of Matt and Liz, Tina and Jake, Vic and Max, and Karen and Mario taking up the rear. J. J. would carry the satin pillow holding Josh and S
asha’s rings. Mia’s nephew, Liam, would carry the pillow with Aaron and Mia’s rings, and, Alisa, Mia’s niece, was the flower girl. She’d carry a basket of rose petals, letting them fall gracefully from her fingertips as she walked down the pathway. Sasha and Gerard would walk down the aisle first, followed by Mia and her father, Tom.

  Two rows of chairs in the front, on either side of the path, were reserved for immediate family and dearest friends. The rehearsal began with the music Mia and Sasha had picked out for the ceremony, consisting of a female soloist and a gentleman playing the acoustic guitar. The five-piece band was reserved for Saturday evening after dinner at the reception.

  The rehearsal began with the wedding party walking the pathway to the minister’s podium, followed by the children and the brides with their fathers. The grooms stood at the front, waiting for their brides. After forty-five minutes of mistakes, laughter, and tears, they had the rehearsal looking pretty good. The boys dropped the pillows, Alisa tripped once, and Sasha started down the aisle without her dad, but in the end, it was a great success. They could pull it off Saturday as long as nobody forgot their vows.


  “You guys looked great up there, and nobody got hurt,” Dan joked. Snuggling up close against Tina, he held her hand under the long table. The early-evening catered dinner gave everyone a chance to relax, unwind, and enjoy each other’s company. Laughter among friends and family filled the night and echoed down Sunrise Avenue.

  Discussions about the honeymoons kept everyone in stitches. Tina was already designated as the pet sitter. “Do I have a certain look or what? Why am I always in charge of everyone’s pets?”

  “You’re the dog-and-cat whisperer, hon. Get on board with it. Reggie, Kismet, and Claire love you,” Mia joked. “I promise we’ll bring you back a souvenir.”

  “Yeah, from where, Omaha? You know, we still don’t know where you’re going on your honeymoons. So, spill already.”

  “We all want to know,” Vic chimed in, banging her fist on the table. Everyone joined her, pounding on the table until the glasses began to shake.

  “All right, already, don’t break the stemware. Nobody told you because we didn’t have anything planned. Josh and I were going to hold off for a year until after the babies were older, but now everything has changed.”

  Mia laughed at the expressions everyone wore. “Aaron and I were invited to go along with Sasha’s change, so I guess this is going to be a couple’s honeymoon. You know, somebody has to help out with the preggers.”

  “Well, tell us then, damn it,” Vic said. “It’s already nine o’clock. We can’t sit here in suspense forever.”

  “Fine. Okay, my parents graciously gave Josh and me their chateau in France as a wedding gift. We’re going to spend ten days there on our honeymoon, and Mia and Aaron are going along. We’ll check out what a real, working vineyard is like, do some touring, and enjoy the Riviera. It’s either now or hold off for a year. Pretty soon, I’ll be on the no-fly list, especially being pregnant with twins. Cool honeymoon, huh?”

  “No shit? Damn… can’t we all go along?” Vic grumbled.

  “Of course you can—some other time. This is our honeymoon, sister. No single people allowed, at least for now. Your passport is expired anyway.”

  “Yeah, I know. It sucks to be me.”

  “It doesn’t suck to be me,” Max laughed. “I get to enjoy this crazy Puerto Rican.” He planted a big kiss on her bubblegum-pink lips. Vic punched him and blushed.

  Dan leaned over and whispered in Tina’s ear. “Let me know when you’re ready to leave. Since we’re both dressed up, I’d like to take you somewhere nice for a nightcap, just you and me, alone. What do you say?”

  Tina wanted to spend some quiet time alone with Dan anyway. She glanced at his watch under the table as they held hands. Ten o’clock was approaching. “Give me ten more minutes, then I’ll be ready. We have to say good night to everyone.”

  As Sasha made rounds with the coffee carafe, Tina and Dan gave out hugs, kisses, and handshakes. The wedding was just around the corner. The day that everyone had been anticipating for months was almost upon them.

  He closed the car door for Tina after she stepped in. “Did you have a good time?”

  “Definitely. How about you?” She settled into the seat and took off her ankle boots even though it would only be for a few minutes.

  “You guys are really a unique group. You all love each other with your entire being. You’re there for each other no matter what. It’s a rare but very endearing quality. I’m looking forward to being a part of your tightknit clan.”

  “Does that mean you like us?” Tina asked.

  “Well, I’m moving to Tarrytown in a few days, and it would really suck to hang out alone. I’d love to be a part of the gang, and more if you’ll have me.”

  “More? What do you have in mind, Dan?”

  “I’d like a real relationship… with you. I’ll let you process that for a minute. So, how about that drink?”

  “That sounds really nice.”

  Finding a quiet place downtown, especially on a Friday night, was nearly impossible. “May I make a suggestion?” Tina knew Tarrytown far better than Dan did, and downtown was where the loud and rowdy sports bars and clubs were. “Do you want to just go to my house for a nightcap? It’s quiet there, and I have beer or Merlot, your choice.”

  “You don’t want to show off your new look? You’re edgy and out-there, Tina, I’ll give you that, but you have a deep love and a beautiful heart. I can see it in you. You truly are an enigma, one I want to know a whole lot better. And to answer your question, sure, I’d love to go to your house.”

  “Good. I want to spend some quiet time with you. I have a lot of questions.”


  Tina brought a bottle of Merlot to the coffee table and poured two glasses. Dan stood by the Bose stereo system on the entertainment center, looking through a stack of CDs.

  “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not. Pick whatever you like.”

  Tina got comfortable, kicking off her shoes again. She sank into the cushy, corduroy couch. Popup footrests were built into each end. Dan picked a sultry blues CD and sat down next to Tina near the center of the sofa. He reached for the glasses, handing her one. She watched him sip his wine, fascinated. “Who are you, Dan? What’s your story? Are you running away from something or somebody?”

  Dan’s lips curled up into a smile. “Nope. What you see is what you get. I’ve got nothing in my closet except clothes. I’ll be honest, Tina. I thought you had secrets, something that caused you to be withdrawn around men, aloof, even angry in a way.”

  She held her glass of Merlot by the stem, turning it, as she thought about her response. She took a sip and reached for his hand. “I did, but I’m getting over it, and I have you to thank. You’re helping me, little by little.”

  “I’m happy to help you with anything. Here’s the boring, short version of my life if you want to hear it.” He looked into her eyes, waiting for the okay.

  She nodded.

  “I moved to Albany because of a woman. Her name was Emily, and we were together for a few years. She thought marriage was on the horizon, but I didn’t. The feelings weren’t there. I couldn’t put either of us through that just because a certain amount of time had passed. I broke off our relationship, but it took a few years before I moved back here. My business was doing well in Albany, but I had to make a decision. Either I would stay there or sell the business and move back home. You know what my decision was.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t lead her on, and I’m glad you came back here. Meeting you has done wonders for my state of mind. I’ve decided to check my attitude at the door from now on and be more positive about people, men in particular.”

  The last sip of wine warmed her throat as it slid down. Dan set both their glasses on the coffee table and took Tina in his arms. She felt the muscles in his biceps flex as he pulled her close. Dan searched her warm mou
th with his hungry lips, and she responded eagerly, almost feeling dizzy with lust. She’d had no idea how much she desired a man until her eyes locked on Dan that day at Amelia’s seven weeks earlier, and now she was in his arms, and the desire she felt made every inch of her body ache for more.

  “I have real feelings for you, Tina, and I’m anxious to see where this goes. I hope that doesn’t scare you away.”

  “I’m feeling pretty good about us too. Let’s have one more glass of wine, then I should get to bed… alone. It’s almost midnight.” Her mouth curved upward into a smile. “Tomorrow is going to be a huge day.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The birds sang prettier, the sky was bluer, the sun glowed brighter, and the clouds were definitely whiter. Blublocker sunglasses couldn’t make this day look any better. Saturday finally arrived in a marvelous fashion, with Mia and Sasha enjoying their own personal high-on-life moment. Mia’s headpiece draped down the center of her back, nearly touching the floor, and was secured to her updo hairstyle with a tiara. Sasha, since her hair was short, wore soft waves covered with a Juliette-capped, pearl-encrusted headpiece. Both women were breathtakingly beautiful. They sat on the swivel chairs at Hair Brained, squirming impatiently while the bridesmaids, mothers of the brides, and little Alisa were glammed up by Westchester County’s finest stylists. No other appointments were scheduled for that day—Hair Brained was closed to the public for the wedding. Everyone who worked at the salon was invited anyway. The men spent the morning sprucing up at a downtown classic. John’s Custom Cuts was a small, old-school barbershop that had been in the same location for nearly thirty years. There was even a striped barber pole by the front door.

  The entire wedding party was back at the Victorian by noon. The wedding itself would take place at two o’clock, followed by plenty of merriment until the reception dinner. After the chairs and tables were moved down to the lawn, the five-piece band would set up in one corner of the deck. With any luck, all hell would break loose with dancing and carrying on. They would indeed be two weddings nobody in Tarrytown would soon forget.


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