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Tattoo Lust: A Tattoo Romance Collection

Page 72

by Skyla Madi

  “I don’t need to ask how your holiday was. By the look of things, nothing has changed.”

  I frowned at her but was saved from saying anything else when Kate arrived. She was sending us both a wide smile. Kate was the proud mom of a beautiful three-year-old little boy. Long story short, she got drunk and slept with a stranger then ended up pregnant. We talked about everything that happened while Delilah was away as we waited for Dane to arrive.

  He stepped through the gates just as the bell rang. Hugging each of us, he glanced at me for a second longer but said nothing. One of the teachers appeared, urging us to hurry along for the assembly on the bleachers. We dropped our bags off in one of the classrooms then followed the flow of students.

  “Hey, I got to go to the bathroom first,” Kate suddenly said, tugging my arm.

  “Me too,” I added. “Save us a seat.”

  We changed direction, heading for the buildings instead. Kate hooked her arm through mine as we walked. She seemed happier than normal, which concerned me. It was the first day of school. What the hell was she so happy about? Reaching one of the container bathrooms, we entered. Kate instantly entered a stall while I leaned against the wall. I stared at the ceiling while I waited for her to finish.

  “We have a new cop in town,” she said as she opened the door. “And I tapped that!”

  “What?” I pushed myself off the wall, stepping out of the bathroom.

  Kate walked out behind me, letting out a low laugh. “Your dad is chief of police. Didn’t he tell you about the new deputy that arrived in town?”

  I shook my head, but she spoke again before I could utter a word.

  “Fuck! You should’ve seen him, Alia. His body is to die for. He’s covered in tattoos!”

  “So?” I asked softly. “What does that have to do with me?”

  “You’re such a prude! I had sex with him, and damn. He certainly knows how to make a girl explode over and over—”

  “Shut up, Kate!” I turned to glare at her. “I really don’t want to hear about your nightly escapades. Okay?”

  “Jeez, Alia! You—”

  “What are you girls doing here? The opening is about to start,” a teacher called from a couple of yards away.

  I spun around, making my way toward the bleachers. She could talk to Delilah about it; she also enjoyed having sex with random strangers. They could share their stories over a damn cup of tea. Why did she always have to tell me about it? I didn’t understand what the fuss was about, anyway. What’s so great in having sex with a stranger?

  “I’m sorry, Alia,” Kate said as she appeared by my side. “You’re my best friend, and I just wanted to share some highlights of my summer with you.”

  “I know. I just don’t want to hear about your sex life anymore. Hearing it from Delilah is enough.” Kate laughed but said nothing as she led me toward the seats that were saved by our friends.

  Chapter Three

  The first day of school always sucked. Especially the assembly that happened before school actually started. We had to sit on the bleachers in the sun for an hour while they gave us speeches. The principal would introduce the new students and sometimes teachers—which was a rare thing for this town. As the priest continued to talk, my mind started to trail off.

  It was weird thinking of Kate having sex with a stranger, but I couldn’t stop my mind from going down that road. What was so pleasurable about sex? Why did people like it so much? Of course I’d searched it on the internet—once or twice—but I could never get so far as to watch porn. It made me feel strange even thinking about it. Taking things into my own hands wasn’t really an option since I was never home alone.

  I’d never masturbated. Not once. Last night I placed an ad on a website I found. I would rather have sex with someone from out of town than someone I knew. If word got out…I didn’t even want to think about what could happen. The money I would get from selling my virginity could always be used for something later on. Plus, I didn’t think I would make that much.

  “I’d like you all to meet the newest member of our team, Nathan Pierce,” the principal announced.

  I blinked, snapping back to reality. My eyes were instantly drawn to a man walking from the buildings. He wore black slacks with a white button down and a light blue tie. The man managed to look professional without looking snobby. His dark brown hair was combed back neatly from his face.

  Pain flashed through me when I got jabbed with an elbow in my side. I turned my head to glare at Kate, but she was too focused on the man walking across the field. I glanced at Dane, getting an eye roll from him. I giggled before turning back to the front. The man now stood next to the principal, facing us. His hands were buried in his pants pockets. From what I could see, his skin had a nice golden tan.

  “Mr. Pierce will be teaching the seniors this year. I would like you all to give him a big welcome to our school and to our town.”

  I clapped along with the other four hundred and something students sitting on the bleachers. A few more words were uttered before we sang the school anthem. After that, we were divided into our grades and sent to separate places.

  “I wonder if he’s married,” Delilah muttered. “Alia!”

  I blinked, turning to glance at them. “What?”

  “Who do you think will get him in bed first?” Kate asked, pointing a finger between herself and Delilah.

  “I’m not even going to answer that,” I said.

  Both of them were gorgeous, and they knew that, but making bets like that was something I wanted no part off. Sometimes I wondered how we all became friends. They were the total opposites of me, but we got along well. Kate and I were closer than Delilah and me. I got along well with Dane as well, but there’re some things I couldn’t tell him.

  The gymnasium was stuffing when we entered it. One of the teachers ordered some boys to get the windows open before we would get started. I glanced around, taking in the old stuff. This place was once used as a dance studio and for gymnastics but not anymore. The mirrors in front were broken and so were the wooden floors in some places. After an hour we were all divided in our classes for the next year.

  Kate and I were in the same class while Dane and Delilah were placed into two different classes. We grabbed our bags before making our way toward our home room. It was on the second floor in the back buildings of the school. Once the door was unlocked, we all scrambled inside. I quickly made my way toward the back of the classroom. Kate took a seat next to me and gave me a bright smile. The teens started to talk rather loudly with each other as we waited for the teacher. I pulled out my phone to check my emails. Most of it was from my social media accounts.

  I was just about to give up when one caught my eye. It was from the website I posted the ad on. I quickly glanced at Kate before opening it. It stated that I had a new message. Exiting the email app, I typed in the address in my browser.

  “What you doin’?” Kate whispered in my ear, making me jump.

  I quickly locked my phone before looking up at her. “I was just checking my emails.”

  Before she could say anything, the teacher entered. He started handing out packets with the school rules. Next he gave us our list of things we would be doing this year. We each got a calendar with important dates marked on it. By the time that was finished, it was time for the first period. I didn’t even get a chance to check the notifications.

  It seemed like forever before lunch finally started. We got our handbooks for the first three periods, along with a list of things we’d be doing. We were also told what books to bring to each period.

  “I’m going to the cafeteria. You coming?” Kate asked when she joined me.

  “Sure,” I muttered.

  I gripped the straps of my bag over my shoulders as I followed her. It was a routine. When one of us got money, we bought the whole group something. I stood aside, watching the other students, as I waited for Kate. Five minutes later, Dane appeared at my side.

  “Figured I
’d find you here,” he said.

  “You know it,” I muttered. “How was your summer?”

  “Same as usual. Nothing interesting happened. How was yours?”

  I shrugged. “The same as usual.”

  Nothing else was said as Delilah arrived. She dropped her bag at our feet before walking to Kate. I found myself studying them as they stood there. How many guys had they slept with? How many times had they experienced an orgasm? What would my first time be like? Would it hurt like I’d read about?

  So many questions flashed through my mind, making me feel a little disoriented. This year was supposed to be all about school and not about my virginity. I frowned. It’s always just been about school, not about me. I’d spent most of my life trying to keep my parents happy. Not anymore. I thought it’s time to start paying attention to myself. This year was going to be about me.


  I was the first to enter the classroom. Kate was talking to a group of boys outside. The way they were looking at me made me feel really uncomfortable, so I decided to leave them. It’d been an interesting day, but I honestly couldn’t wait for it to end. My school shirt was clinging to my back, not to mention the sweat trailing down between my boobs. I hated school uniforms so much.

  “Good afternoon.”

  My head snapped up. Mr. Pierce was sitting behind his desk watching me. I managed a small smile and a mumbled greeting. My feet carried me straight to the back where the window seat was. Taking a window seat was a habit that came in handy when the classes were boring. Nature was more interesting at times.

  “What’s your name?” Mr. Pierce asked softly as he leaned forward.

  “Alia Dune,” I said. I hesitated by the table, not sure if I should sit or stand.

  “Welcome to my class, Miss Dune. Now tell me, where are the rest of them?”

  I pointed to the door. Rolling his eyes, he got up and stepped outside. I watched through the window as he called everyone inside. Seconds later the classroom was almost full and filled with loud chatter. My eyes fell on Kate when she entered. Instead of taking a seat at the back with me, she took one right in front of the teacher’s desk. So she wasn’t kidding about getting into his pants. What a way to start the year.

  “Right.” Mr. Pierce clapped his hands to gain everyone’s attention. “Good afternoon, class. Please take your seats.”

  I fell onto my chair before pulling out my notepad and a pencil. There were already two pages full of things that needed to be done by Monday. He started introducing himself and explaining what we would be doing for the year. I had to say that having him as an English teacher wouldn’t be so bad. He was more likable than Mrs. Funker, and no, there was no fun in her class. Get it?

  “Right, since I’m new here, I decided that we should get to know each other a little better before we start working,” he said, glancing around. “Each of you can ask me a question which I will answer, and in return I’ll ask you one. Let’s start.”

  Hands shot up. He took a while before pointing to a boy at the back. I took the time to study him again. His eyes were green, maybe hazel; it was hard to see from here. Though now I understood why Kate and Delilah made a bet. He was good looking. I turned to look out the window. There’s only one more period left before the end of school, and I still hadn’t checked the message.

  Risking a glance at the teacher, I pulled my phone out of my shirt pocket. It felt like forever before the browser finally opened. I quickly typed in the web address, glancing up as I waited. Mr. Pierce was talking to a group of girls at the front of the class. I glanced down again, clicking the notification bar.

  “Alia.” I jumped, a wave of fear washing through me when I glanced up to find him standing next to my table. He held out his hand, pointing to the phone. “Switch it off and give it to me,” he ordered softly.

  I quickly turned it off before handing it over to him with reluctance. He pocketed it as he turned to face the other students. “Let this be a warning. I do not tolerate cell phones in my class. If I find you with one, I will take it and give it in at the office. You will pay to get it back. Understood?” He turned back to face me. “Come see me after school.”


  “Do you want me to come with you?” Kate asked as she packed away her books.

  I shook my head, giving her a small smile. “It’s fine. I know Derrick must be waiting for you.”

  A strange expression flashed over her face, but it was gone a second later. She muttered a bye before walking out of the classroom. Zipping my bag closed, I swung it over my shoulder before following her. I felt faint the closer I got to his classroom. What’s he going to do? He seemed like a reasonable teacher, so I didn’t think he’d make me pay for my phone. After all, it’s the first day of school.

  I stood in the doorway for a few seconds before knocking on the door. He was sitting behind his desk reading some papers.

  “Come in, Alia,” he muttered. Mr. Pierce stood, giving me a small smile before making his way toward me. For a few seconds, he only watched me. Then he pulled out my phone, holding it out to me. “You don’t seem like someone who breaks the rules. I checked your records, and they’re very impressive. You like this subject?”

  “Yes,” I said softly. Reaching out, I took my phone from his hand, giving him a small smile.

  “Don’t let me catch you again. You’re lucky it’s only the first day or you would have paid to get it back.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Pierce.” He nodded, walking back to his desk.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Alia,” he dismissed me.

  Gripping my phone tightly, I walked out of the classroom and toward my car. I dropped my bag on the passenger seat before letting out a loud breath. When I meant I would make this year about me, I didn’t mean to get into trouble on the first day of school. He wasn’t as bad as I thought he’d be after he took my phone. I switched on my phone and threw it onto the seat as I started my car. The traffic was hectic now that school’s out. As I waited, I picked up my phone. For the third time today, I logged into the website. This time there were no distractions to stop me from opening the message. I could feel the color drain from my face as I read it. My hands started to shake. I reread it again.

  Does your father know what his little girl is up to?

  Chapter Four

  It took everything in me to just concentrate on driving home. Quivers racked my body as fear continued to wash through me. If my father found out what I did, he would definitely fucking kill me. I drove through town blindly until I reached home. I was happy to see no car in the driveway, which meant nobody was home. Parking my car, I grabbed my bag before getting out and rushing toward the front door. I unlocked it then hurried down the hall toward my bedroom.

  Dropping my bag onto the floor by my bed, I quickly made my way over to my desk. As I waited for the laptop to start up, I changed clothes. The web page opened easily, but I was surprised to find most of the ads deleted. I pushed it aside then clicked on the notification bar.

  Who are you?

  Seconds passed. Then minutes, but still I received no reply. The message I had received earlier was still there. I heard the car in the driveway just as the laptop pinged, notifying me of a message. I glanced up but clicked on the message. It was from someone else.

  Why did you post a fake picture? We’ll soon know how you really look, Alia Dune.

  Sweat beaded on my upper lip as I stared at the words. I clicked on it, ready to reply, but the message suddenly disappeared. I logged off and then on again but still no messages. My ad was still on the page. I added a fake picture with a fake address, but everything else was the truth. What have I done?

  “Alia?” my mom called from somewhere in the house.

  I jumped. Slamming my laptop shut, I stood and made my way out of my bedroom. I found her in the hall holding a sleeping Sam.

  “Can you put your sister down, please?” She held her out towards me. “Your father has invited his new deputy to dinner, so
I need to get started on it.”

  “Sure,” I muttered.

  I carried my baby sister into her room and carefully laid her down. Making sure she was covered and that the baby monitor was on, I walked out. I found my mom in the kitchen unpacking groceries. She was muttering under her breath—a habit she had whenever she was nervous. Without a word, I stepped forward and started packing everything away. Once done, I stood there expectantly.

  “Before you start on your homework, can you check to see if the living room is clean?” she asked softly. “Emma’s at your aunt’s house. Your dad will pick her up on his way home. I can’t believe he gave me such short notice!”

  I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall. I really didn’t want to hear her cursing my father as she cooked dinner. Everything was in place in the living room. Mom probably cleaned this morning before leaving. I walked back into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. My eyes fell on the laptop with dread. On shaky legs, I walked toward it. I had another message from the same person who messaged me first.

  What are you willing to do to ensure he doesn’t find out?

  Who are you?

  I typed the question again. After five minutes when there was no reply, I exited the webpage and shut off my computer. I walked over to my school bag and picked it up. Minutes later, I was lying on my bed surrounded by books and papers. I had managed to complete half the homework by the time my dad arrived home, mostly because I got distracted by a group chat someone had made. My eyes snapped up when my sister ran past my room toward her own.

  I sat up, collecting everything before getting up and placing it on my desk. The laptop drew my attention once again. I bit my lip as I debated on checking the messages. Curiosity won out. I sat on the chair and opened my laptop. My fingers were fidgeting nervously with the papers I had placed on it earlier as I waited for it to start up. The notification bar instantly lit up when I entered the web address.


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