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Tattoo Lust: A Tattoo Romance Collection

Page 97

by Skyla Madi

  Especially helping other girls and women. I didn’t go back to school to finish it, nor did I go to college or university. There was no use for it. I had an easy job, and it was one I enjoyed. I stepped deeper into the tent, toward the middle where a group of men stood. They were focused on something on the table. I cleared my throat after a second of hesitation. Their heads snapped up. One of them broke away and took a step toward me. He held out his hand.

  “You must be Alia.”

  “The one and only,” I muttered with a smile.

  He returned it. “I’m Devon, and this is my team. The captain will be with us shortly. He’s just taking a call.”

  “Okay.” I stepped closer toward the table. A large map was spread over it. Some spots were marked. “Have you located them yet?”

  “Yes.” He stepped closer. “They’re hidden inside an old mine shaft.”

  He was too close for comfort. I stepped back when his hand brushed my leg. My eyes darted around at the other men. One of them was focused on my breasts. A shiver raced down my spine.

  “We’re still thinking of strategies to go in without them killing them or us.”

  I nodded as I studied the map. It made no sense to me, but it kept my mind focused. The man’s hand brushed my leg again. I straightened and slowly turned to face him.

  “If I wanted you to touch me, I would’ve stayed where I was. I moved away because you seem to have a wandering hand. I’m not a slut nor am I here for your pleasure. So in the future, I’d prefer you keep your hands to yourself or you might just regret it.” I glared up at him for a few more seconds before turning.

  A hand on my arm made me freeze. He spun me around and tugged me against his chest. I fought the panic that rose.

  “We’ve been here for three months without a woman in sight. I’m sure you’re here for a reason, so don’t play hard to get, sweet cheeks. I can rock your world.”

  I spit at him. The bag dropped from my hand onto the floor. With my free hand, I slapped him. His hand on my arm loosened enough for me to step back. I didn’t waste a second. Lifting my leg, I kicked him in his crotch. My lips twitched when he dropped to his knees, cupping himself. He groaned.

  “You may be an officer of the law, but that doesn’t mean you’re superior to anyone. I suggest you learn some manners or your boss and I’ll have some words.”

  “You fucking bitch!” he sneered at me.

  My eyes widened when he stood. He took a step toward me, but a booming voice made him freeze.

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  My head snapped to the left. I sucked in air as I stared at the man who approached. His green eyes scanned the crowd before stopping on me. I saw the exact moment he realized who I was. His whole body froze and his face paled. Shock flashed through his eyes, but it only lasted a second. His green eyes turned cold. He muttered something beneath his breath as he walked closer. His eyes left mine and moved to the man a few feet away.

  “What happened?”

  “She fucking kicked me in the balls and then threatened to report me.” He glared at me.

  “I was merely telling him that he needed to learn some manners. He touched me—”

  “It was an accident!”

  My mouth fell open and then slammed close. “He’s lying! I—”

  “Shut up, Alia,” Stephen ordered softly.

  My mouth snapped closed again. I lowered my eyes to the floor before he could see the pain.

  “Come with me, Alia. I’ll deal with you later, Devon.”

  I stepped forward to pick up my bag. A hand came down on my ass before I could see it. I gasped and stumbled backwards. Something caught on my foot, which sent me straight to my ass. I stared up in shock when Stephen suddenly stepped closer. He grabbed the man by his shirt before sending his fist straight into his face. The man hit the table and then slid to the floor. His nose looked broken. Stephen turned towards me and then reached out to pull me to my feet. He kept a hold on my wrist when he bent to pick up my bag.

  “If any of you fucking raise your hand on her, if you fucking touch her, I will kill you. Is that fucking clear?” he yelled.

  They nodded, and a few even took a few steps back. With one last glare at the men, he turned and tugged me along with him as he walked away. We walked out of the tent and into the searing heat. Even the men outside had fallen silent. I was sure they heard everything that had happened inside. Stephen stayed silent as we walked past tents until we reached one that looked larger than the others. He pushed me inside first before following me. I stared at the small spring bed that stood to one side. The other side held a small table. I jumped when he dropped my bag onto it.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Alia?”

  “Well, you don’t look very happy to see me.”

  “I’m not.”

  Ouch. I wrapped my arms around my waist as I turned my back on him. The tent was a little bigger than the others.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  I turned back to face him. “Michael sent me here. He said he wanted me here when you rescue the girls.”

  “He should have told me he was sending you,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair.

  I allowed my eyes to trail over him. He was more muscular than I remembered. His hair was shorter, and it seemed like he had gotten a few more tattoos.

  “If he had told you, then you would’ve made sure he sent someone else. You don’t want me here. I get it. I’ll stay out of your way. I’m just here to help the girls when you rescue them.”

  “Fuck!” He ran another hand through his hair as he turned.

  I bit my lip as he started to pace. He was agitated and angry. I had a sinking feeling that he was going to order me home.

  “What were you thinking?” he questioned as he spun around. “Do you have any idea how dangerous this is for you?” I opened my mouth but slammed it closed when he spoke again. “You’re in a camp with over fifty men who haven’t seen a woman in three months. I have more important things to do than babysit you.”

  “You don’t need to! I’m here to do my job.”

  “After what happened inside? You expect me to believe that?”

  “I told you he touched me!”

  “So you kicked him?”

  “He touched me, so I moved away. He obviously didn’t get the hint. I told him I’m not a whore and that I’m not here for his entertainment. When I tried to walk away, he touched me again. It was either kick him or tase him.”

  His lips twitched. “You have a taser?”

  I sighed and then raised my shirt a little to show him the shocking pink taser strapped to my hip. “It was a birthday present from Patrick. He even got me a pink knife similar to the one you gave me.”

  “Do you know how to fight?” I shook my head. “I’m not happy that you’re here. I don’t trust these men.”

  “They’re your team.”

  “No, they’re not.” Stephen walked over to the bed and sat down. “You will be staying with me. I’ll make arrangements for another bed. I’ll also teach you some self-defence moves. It’ll make me feel better knowing you’ll be able to take care of yourself.”


  He raised an eyebrow. “No arguing?”

  I shook my head as I glanced around. “I don’t want to be left defenceless. None of the other men stepped up to help me, so I think they’re pretty much the same as the others.” He nodded and then stood. I watched as he made his way toward the entrance.

  “Aren’t you even a little happy to see me?” I couldn’t help but ask him.

  Stephen paused. He turned slightly to look at me. His expression was completely blank. “No, Alia. I’m not even a little happy to see you.”


  Everyone was gathered in front of the first tent I had entered. They talked softly amongst themselves as they waited. I caught a few of them staring at me, but thankfully, they kept their distance. Devon stood a few feet from me. He was
glaring at me. I smiled and then waved at him. He had a small white plaster over his nose. Stephen had definitely broken his nose when he punched him.

  “Stop terrorizing him,” Stephen muttered against my ear.

  I turned, but he was already moving away. He walked to the front and raised a loudspeaker to his mouth.

  “Listen up,” he called. “There’s been a change of plans. I want my explosive team in the tent as soon as you are dismissed.”

  Explosive team? The mine was rigged with explosions?

  “We have a new member on our team. I’d like to introduce Alia Dune, daughter of Chief Michael Dune. She’ll be staying with us until the rescue. Alia is here for work, not for your pleasure. If you want a whore, then you go to town to seek one. If someone touches her or so much as look at her in the wrong way, I’ll castrate you. Is that clear?” He paused briefly. “You’re dismissed. Meeting in an hour with different divisions.”

  A total of three men walked into the tent while the others walked away. I stood there, uncertain. Michael usually allowed me to travel with one of his men. Did he know Stephen would be here?

  “Come on,” Stephen muttered, pointing to the tent.

  I stepped inside and instantly moved to a corner close to the table. The three men stood around it. Neither of them spared me a glance.

  “We got some information from our man inside,” he said. “They are planning on setting up explosions around the exit.”

  “Don’t old mines have two entrances?” I stepped closer to the table. “The mine a few hours’ drive from town had two entrances. It was built that way after a mining accident years before. They usually only use one entrance and leave the other one in case of an emergency.”

  “She’s on to something,” one of the men muttered. “My name’s David.”

  I took his hand. The ring on his finger was easy to spot. I gave him a smile before giving my attention to the other man who held out his hand.


  “I’m Jackson.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I said softly.

  “The map we have only shows one entrance,” Stephen broke the silence.

  I stared down at the map. Now that I could study it closer, I realized that the mine wasn’t as big as I thought it would be.

  “How many floors?” I glanced up at them. “It’s possible that they could keep the girls underground and they guard the top.”

  “There are no underground tunnels. The mine was built upon a slope inside part of the mountain. There’s a total of four tunnels that lead to different sections.”

  I bit my lip. “If they place explosives near the entrance, then they risk trapping themselves inside.”

  “Not unless there’s another exit for them,” Stephen said. “I hadn’t thought of that.” I stayed silent as they started discussing possible places for the entrance to be. My mind trailed off slightly. Without meaning to, my eyes kept moving to Stephen. His words from earlier hurt, and I had no idea why. The pain he had caused me on the day he left had faded. I had glued my heart together by doing things I knew would help others.


  I blinked and then raised my eyes to his. “Yes?”

  “Do you have hiking shoes?”

  I glanced down at my feet before raising one to show him. They weren’t exactly hiking shoes, but they were comfortable.

  “We will leave tomorrow at first light and split up. There are some hiking trails close to the mine. Keep your eyes and ears open, and don’t tell anyone else about this.” The men were dismissed seconds later.

  I looked up to find Stephen studying me. “What?”

  “You changed your hair color,” he muttered.

  I stood frozen when he stepped closer and reached out. He touched a loose strand of my hair. “It’s darker.”

  I swallowed. “I wanted a change.”

  His eyes caught mine briefly before dropping down my body. Stephen sucked in a breath as his hand cupped my cheek.


  Our eyes locked again. My heartbeat started to speed. It was just like the first time we met. The hair at the back of my neck and my arms rose. The electricity was still there between us even after all these years.

  “You shouldn’t have come here, Alia.”

  Chapter Forty-Six

  My eyes snapped open the moment a hand brushed my arm. I blinked but couldn’t make out the person hovering above me. My mouth fell open but slammed shut again when he spoke.

  “We need to leave. Get dressed and meet me outside,” Stephen said softly.

  My body sagged against the thin mattress. I allowed the air to leave my lungs when he walked out of the tent. This was the first time in months I slept through the night. I supposed it had something to do with Stephen being only a few feet away. I got up and quickly pulled on a t-shirt over my crop-top. My feet slipped into my shoes by the end of the bed. I ran a brush through my hair and pulled it up into a high ponytail.

  Stephen stood only a few feet away with his back to me. He turned when I walked up to him. Without a word, he led me through camp to a familiar green truck. The drive to town was a little awkward. Music played softly from the radio. Stephen didn’t spare me a glance as he drove. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. Memories of our time spent in the same truck filtered through my mind. Our laughter and the tears. My body heated when I remembered the time I gave him head while he was driving.

  “What do you want for breakfast?” Stephen asked softly.

  I turned my head to glance at him. His eyes were focused on me. I shrugged. I wasn’t really hungry. By the time we reached the hiking trail, the sun was already up. Stephen parked the car and then handed me a breakfast croissant. We ate in silence for a few minutes.

  “How have you been?” Stephen asked softly.

  “I have some good days and some bad days.”

  “Why did you choose to do this?” he asked, glancing at me.

  “Marlin made me realize that a lot of people are suffering more than me. I had lived through hell, but I got out. There are a lot of them that are still caught in that hell. Only men go in for the rescue. I hated it when you guys touched me. If a woman was there, it’d make them feel more at ease.”

  “You hated it when I touched you?” he asked softly.

  “My heart knew it was you, but my head—” I trailed off. “I still don’t like it when people touch me.”

  We ate in silence after that. When we were done, Stephen gave me a few orders before handing over a backpack. We headed into the forest.

  “Do you have your taser?”

  “No, but I have my knife.”

  We walked for an hour before taking a break. Half a mile in, Stephen started leading the way. We broke away from the trail and headed in the direction of the mine. I pulled the t-shirt over my head and stuffed it into the backpack. Sweat coated our skin as the heat rose. I was far behind him, but he thankfully kept in my view.

  “How far?” I questioned when my legs started to ache.

  Stephen didn’t answer. I glanced up at him but didn’t see him anywhere. My heartbeat increased when I started to panic. I rushed forward and almost slipped on some loose rocks. The trees gave way to a small clearing on a cliff. Fear hit me next. It was a long way down. The ground was loose and uneven. A fall like that would definitely kill somebody. I swallowed and took a cautious step forward. My stomach rolled when I saw the sharp rocks below. An arm suddenly wrapped around my waist. I was spun around and away from the cliff. The moment the arm disappeared, I spun around.

  “Stephen,” I breathed.

  “What were you doing? You could’ve slipped and fell. Jesus, Alia—”

  “You were gone. I looked up and you weren’t there, and I thought—” I sucked in a breath. “I thought you—”

  My words were cut off when his lips slammed down on mine. I tensed when he wrapped his arms around me to pull me against him. His tongue traced my bottom lip. My lips parted
. I relaxed against him. This wasn’t some stranger. This was the man I fell in love with. This was Stephen. He broke the kiss and slowly pulled away. I swallowed. Stephen took a step back but kept his hands on my hips. My mouth opened but closed again when he shook his head.

  “Someone is watching us,” he said softly. “I caught sight of the sun reflecting on something.”

  “So you kissed me because you saw someone?”

  “Yes.” He smirked. “And I really wanted to kiss you.”


  “Come on, I know where the other entrance is.”


  My eyes were focused on the book, but my mind was focused on Stephen. He stood only a few feet away in only a pair of black boxer briefs. I bit my lip as I lowered the book. Dropping it onto the floor, I stood and walked towards him.



  “What would’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten kidnapped?”

  He froze and then slowly turned to face me. “I suppose we would’ve been married and had a few kids.”

  “Do you still think about it?”

  He sighed. Taking hold of my hand, he led me over to the bed. Stephen took a seat and then hesitated before pulling me onto his lap. He stared at me silently. “Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you, Alia. At first I tried to forget, but every little thing reminded me of you.”

  “You left me,” I whispered.

  “I didn’t have a choice.” He looked away from me. “Everyone blamed me for what happened, and I blamed myself. It could’ve been prevented. I could’ve prevented it. Michael made it clear that he didn’t want me near you again. He told me to leave, and back then I thought it was for the best.”

  “He made you leave me?”

  “I see why he did it. If I had stayed—”

  The flap of the tent was suddenly thrown open. A man entered and held up a phone. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I have a girl called Emma on the line. She said it’s important.”

  I leaped for the phone. “Emma? What happened?”

  “Alia,” she cried. “Dad and S-Sam were in an a-accident. T-they won’t tell me anything.”


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