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Conquer (Desired Affliction Book 2)

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by C. A. Harms

  “Loving what?” she asked with innocence.

  I knew if I touched her I was not going to be able to walk away. But my hands were twitching at the idea of feeling her silk skin beneath them.

  She stood up and turned to face me, and I let my eyes roam over her body from head to toe. Meeting her eyes once more I took a step toward her. Lexi stood tall watching me as if she had just won.

  I stopped only inches from her and leaned forward to kiss her softly.

  I could tell she wanted more just by the way she began to suck at my lower lip when I pulled away.

  “Let me tell you something,” I whispered only inches from her lips. “You know that I think you are amazing in every possible way. If you wanna walk around here every day naked, shaking your ass, go ahead.” She smirked and I continued, not letting the naughty look in her eyes affect me. “Before long you’re gonna cave and you’ll be the one begging for me to give you what you need.” I leaned in to skim over her lower lip with the tip of my tongue. She whimpered just enough for me to know I had her. I kissed her once more, just a small quick peck, before I backed away and went for the door. “See ya later. I got a busy day today,” I hollered over my shoulder without looking back.

  I left the apartment feeling satisfied with the teasing game we were obviously playing because I had just turned the tables.

  I drove to work completely worked up and horny as hell. I had to make her cave. I knew if she didn’t soon, I would and I couldn’t let her win. I was about five minutes late when I hurried from my truck into the back entrance of the gym. Dropping my bag off in my office I made my way to the front.

  “Hey, Paige, is my nine o’clock here?”

  I grabbed the file she had prepared off the tray on the counter. “Actually, she just got here and I think she’s changing. I’ll send her your way as soon as she resurfaces.” I nodded my head and walked back to my office. I sat down at my desk and began checking emails while waiting for my potential client.

  My phone beeped in my bag and I grabbed for it, quickly remembering that I had not yet turned the volume down. I slid my finger across the screen to unlock it and instantly felt my mouth grow dry. I wasn’t expecting Lexi to send me a close-up of her shaved sweetness but she did. An up close and personal view. I flipped my phone sideways to enlarge the photo and get a closer look. Holy hell that was hot. The picture was followed by a taunting message.

  Lexi: You should feel it…so smooth and soft. Imagine sliding in and out slowly feeling nothing but me. No barrier at all. Complete silk!

  Damn, she was good, because I could feel myself falling apart at the seams.

  I heard a shuffle at my door and jumped in reaction, fumbling with the phone to hide the image.

  When I looked up my stomach dropped and all sexual thoughts went right out the window.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled more to myself then to the person standing before me.

  Could this day get any worse?

  “Hi, Kole. Are you ready to whip me into shape?” Miley stood in my doorway with a skimpy little workout outfit on. I could tell she wore nothing underneath because her nipples were poking through the thin material

  I swallowed hard. “What are you doing here?”

  Miley stepper further into the room and closed the door behind her. My eyes fell to her ass and finding it too was on display, I quickly looked away. She turned back and smiled at me. She walked around the chairs on the other side and rounded the corner of my desk. She sat down on the edge of my desk and licked her lips. “I’m your nine o’clock and I’m looking forward to having your hands on me.”

  I couldn’t do this. “Not happening. Miley…sorry, but you’ll have to work with one of the other trainers.”

  “What if I only want you?” She definitely had a hidden agenda as she licked her lips slowly and suggestively. I kept my eyes on hers and nothing else.

  The last thing I wanted was for her to think I wanted anything in return.

  I heard a knock on the door and she slid away just enough to place a small space between us.

  “Come in,” I said in a rush.

  When Radley appeared in the doorway I was instantly thankful. He immediately looked over to Miley; his face became tense and if I wasn’t mistaken, angry.

  “What’s going on in here?” he asked as his nostrils flared.

  Miley smiled. “Hey, Radley. How have you been?” She stood from where she was perched on the side of my desk and turned to face him.

  I watched as he took in her appearance just as I had. She wanted to be noticed, that was for sure.

  “I was just telling Miley here that I won’t be taking her on as a client.” I reconnected with Radley and he showed no signs of leaving the room. I was secretly grateful.

  “Come on, boys, really. Are your girlfriends that insecure? If you love them they shouldn’t care. A little flirting doesn’t hurt, anyway. It’s good for the soul.” She winked back at me over her shoulder.

  “What fucking game are you trying to play, Miley?” I’d had enough. “You left after sophomore year, and now you show up here pretending as if it all didn’t fall to shit prior to you fleeing.”

  I looked over at Radley and nodded toward the chair in front of my desk. He picked up immediately on what I was offering and sat down in the chair opposite mine. We waited for her response.

  “Maybe I thought we could start over…be friends,” she said with a shrug. But I knew better. Miley was vindictive.

  “I love Lexi. And when I say I love her, I mean I really love her. I have no desire to screw that up, not now, not ever. I don’t want to be friends with you or even acquaintances. You need to hang up this game you’re trying to play, because I’m not falling for it.”

  She attempted to convince us that it wasn’t a game, but neither of us bought it.

  She finally gave up and left my office with a hmmph. The minute the door shut Radley let me have it.

  “What the fuck, dude? What was going on between you two before I walked in here?”

  I leaned forward onto my elbows, and stared back at him without faltering. “Nothing happened, Rad. I’m in love with Lexi; you know that. She’s my life, man. There is no way I’m letting that go for any reason. Trust me.”

  He stared me down for a few silent moments before he nodded his head, accepting what I said.

  Only when he left he didn’t seem convinced. I needed to talk to Lexi. I craved the sweet sound of her voice.

  Who was I kidding? I needed to go home and lock her ass in the bedroom for the next week. I was missing out on valuable sex time with my girl for some stupid ass game. Screw this, she could win, she could gloat and rub it in my face that I caved, because that is exactly what I was doing.

  Chapter 5


  “Did you like your picture?” Those were the first words I spoke when I answered the incoming call from Kole. I couldn’t help but laugh as I envisioned Kole’s face when he opened his phone earlier.

  “Oh yeah, that was definitely the highlight of my morning. I think I need a closer look though.”

  I bit my lip. “Really…does that mean you’re caving already? Wow, Kole, I thought you were tougher than that.” I felt confident and cocky. I’d gotten beneath his tough exterior and it hadn’t even been twenty-four hours.

  “What can I say, baby? I’m addicted to you.”

  I giggled. “Well, it really is too bad that I’m not home.” I had gotten dressed right after he left and went to the dorm to begin packing my things. I didn’t have much, but I wanted to surprise him. I was loading my last box up just as he called. Between Megan and me, we piled everything I had in two cars.

  “Where are you?”

  I climbed into the front seat of my car. “Just went to town to pick up a few things we needed.”

  He was silent for a minute. “Stop by here before you go home.” I smiled at the thought of us in his office, alone. “I don’t have another client until one. I want you, Lexi. I give u
p. You win. I can’t go without you; I feel like I’m going insane.”

  I felt a rush of heat run through me and wetness pool between my thighs, just thinking of what he’d do when he saw me. “Ten minutes.”

  After we hung up I quickly went back to the apartment and unloaded my car and Megan’s. I changed into a skimpy skirt and made my way back out into the living room.

  “Jesus, Lex, you’re gonna kill the poor boy. After all the teasing you’ve done since last night, Kole may be the first to collapse from intense arousal.”

  I laughed at her. “He caved already.” I took a spin. “This is the prize.”

  She giggled. “Well, he lasted longer than I thought he would. I figured he would’ve jumped you the minute we left last night.”

  Laughing together, she followed me out and we made our way to our cars.

  Less than five minutes after leaving the apartment I pulled up to the gym and sat in my car looking at the building for a moment. I loved seeing Kole’s name lit up on the front. He had worked so hard over the last year to get this place going and it was all finally coming together so perfectly.

  I found Paige at the front desk and she offered a kind smile. “Hey, girl, you looking for your man?” I nodded my head and she pointed toward the weight room.


  I paused at the doors, watching him through the glass. He was bench pressing and his muscles tensed and flexed with each thrust.

  I found Radley at his side and he was the first to notice me, offering a wave, motioning for me to enter.

  I pushed through the doors and walked in their direction, when all four guys who were watching Kole turned toward me. Kole sat up from the bench and I watched his gaze rake over me. A sly smile stretched out over his lips as he stood up and began walking in my direction. He didn’t give me a chance to speak.

  His lips crushed to mine with a sense of urgency.

  “Did you wear this skirt to tease me or can I have a taste of what’s underneath?” he whispered so only I could hear.

  I didn’t reply with words, only with actions as I took his hand into mine and pulled him toward the door. He threw his towel up over his shoulder. “Later, boys,” he said happily, and I shook my head, knowing that his friends knew what was about to happen.

  Once Kole locked his office door it was like years of sexual desire had been released all at once. He gripped my hips and lifted me onto his desk. He reached under my skirt and pulled my panties down roughly.

  I was in awe of his hunger for me.

  Kole dropped to his knees between my thighs, gripping my knees and pushed them upward opening me further.

  The moment I felt his tongue connect with my clit I moaned loudly. He explored me completely as I relaxed back onto the desktop.

  There I lay with my legs spread before him and his tongue rolled through my wetness. He sucked my clit into his mouth at the same moment he slipped his finger into me and my back arched. His fingers began to move inside of me and I could feel myself building toward my release.

  I ignited as my hips bucked, demanding more.

  I hadn’t come down from the explosive orgasm before I felt his hardness rub against me. He had moved up my body and was ready for more as he guided the head of his erection to my opening and slowly began to sink into me.

  “Never again, Lex. We don’t wait. I can’t go without you. I need you, baby. Fuck, I need you so bad.”

  Kole’s movements picked up and he thrust his hardness into me deeply. The deep moans that ripped from him only excited me more. “So good,” he growled as he slammed into me over and over.

  With each thrust of his hips I heard papers flutter to the ground. It felt as if he pushed harder and deeper each time. I was climbing once again when I felt his cock twitch inside of me.

  Looking up at him I found his eyes were shut and his mouth was slightly open. I watched in amazement as he came with me and the look on his face was such a turn on. I loved knowing that I made him feel so good.

  After a few moments he opened his eyes and looked down at me with a cheesy grin on his face. “That was so hot. I think you should visit me every day in a skirt.”

  I rolled my eyes and then winced as he withdrew from me slowly. I suddenly felt so empty. I wanted him again almost instantly.

  As if Kole read my thoughts, he pulled me into his arms. “No company tonight, okay? Just us. I want to have dinner and watch a movie. Then I want to stay up half the night making love to you. I wanna wake up with my fiancée next to me and have morning sex for hours.”

  I kissed him and smiled. “That sounds amazing.”

  “Like heaven,” he whispered as he kissed me softly.

  I left the gym feeling as if I was floating. I felt complete and so in love. I looked down at my ring and felt fluttering in my stomach as I imagined spending the rest of my life with Kole.

  I was in a daze as I climbed into my car and drove toward the grocery store. Even as I walked through the aisles of the Foodmart, I couldn’t stop smiling. I picked up the things I’d told Kole I had already purchased.

  Just as I was placing the last bag into my car I heard someone holler my name. I turned around quickly to find Miley exiting the store. “Hey you,” she said with forced cheeriness. “It seems like we are constantly running into each other.”

  I smiled politely. “Yeah, it seems so.”

  She shifted her bag to her other hip, still grinning back at me. “Kole’s gym is really nice. You must be really proud of him.” She tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes as if temporarily lost in thought. “I can’t wait until the renovations are done. Training with him in the small weight room isn’t going to be easy with all those sweaty guys around. I guess we’ll make do, though. Does he train you, too?”

  I swallowed back the jealousy that began to boil within my stomach. “When did you start?” I asked, ignoring her question.

  She smiled triumphantly. “I was with him for a while this morning for my orientation. We planned my work out and got everything set up. I’m so excited.”

  I didn’t want her to know how this affected me. I just continued placing my bags into my car and then shut the trunk.

  “Well, I better get everything home and get dinner started. It was nice seeing you again.” It was a brush-off, but I had to get out of there.

  I didn’t wait for her response. Getting into my car I drove away before I cried in front of her. Why didn’t he tell me about his meeting with her? Was that why he was so worked up? Was he turned on so much from being with her?

  Because this morning when he left he was so confident that he’d withhold. He was so sure I would be the one to come crawling to him.

  What changed?

  I carried everything into the apartment and no longer had the urge to unpack my things.

  Instead I opened a new bottle of wine and filled the nearest glass I could find. Walking back to the bedroom I sat down on the edge of the bed in a daze. I was tempted to text him, but I decided that it would be childish.

  So I chose pouting instead, because that was so much more mature.

  It was about 4:30 when my phone began ringing. I didn’t get up to answer it. I let it ring over and over until I heard the front door open. I hadn’t moved from my spot on the bed.

  I felt the mattress dip behind me but didn’t even react, only continued to look out the window.

  Kole brushed away my hair that had fallen into my face. “Baby,” he whispered, sounding alarmed. “Did something happen? Look at me, Lex. What’s wrong?” He rolled me to my back and hovered over me with a concerned look on his face.

  I couldn’t smile, I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

  “You tell me, Kole,” I said in return. “Did something happen? Is that why you didn’t tell me you were with her this morning?”

  Chapter 6



  Miley had this planned; I know she did.

  “Baby, nothing happened. She came b
y thinking I’d fall for her game. She wanted me to train her but I declined. You can ask Radley; he was there.”

  She looked miserable. I was mentally kicking my own ass for not telling her earlier. But the moment I saw her in that skirt, all other thoughts flew out the window. I wanted her so badly nothing else mattered.

  “Why exactly do you feel threatened by Miley?” I asked because the question was long overdue. “I’ve been trying to figure out what it is about her that intimidates you.”

  Lexi jumped up quickly from the bed and spun around looking at me. I knew what I was saying was coming out wrong but I hated that this shit kept coming between us.

  “Why?” she said in an irritated shriek. “Because I was lucky enough to witness your reaction to seeing her for the first time after all these years. I saw the way you looked at her and smiled. It took you a few minutes to even remember that I was standing next to you. So yes, I feel threatened by ‘the one that got away.’”

  She stormed out of the room and I followed behind her, feeling my own burst of anger. “Lexi, ‘the one that got away’, really?”

  I hadn’t even noticed until now that Lexi had moved her things in. Everything was still in boxes, but it was here.

  I walked toward the kitchen and found her refilling her wine glass. I remained silent, watching her as she lifted it to her lips, taking a big gulp. I wondered how much she had already consumed. I chose to keep that question to myself. Right now wasn’t the time for me to ask.

  Instead I walked to her, reaching out I traced her arm with my finger. She flinched from my touch and it caused my chest to tighten. It’s been so long since she’s had that type of reaction; the return pained me worse than anything else. I grabbed her elbow and turned her to face me. “Don’t, Lex. Don’t act like that.” The hurt in her eyes made my stomach knot. “I love you. I never said anything because when you showed up all I was thinking about was you. You are all I ever think about,” I assured her. My mind was so consumed with this woman that on most days I barely had room for anything else. “I am so in love with you that it’s borderline insane.”


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