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  Journal of

  a Man in Love


  Zade Ryar

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents

  are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events,

  locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely


  Copyright© 2009 Zade Ryar

  Editor: Jennifer Puckett

  Cover Artist: Shara Azod

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced

  electronically or in print without written permission, except in the

  case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of

  fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are

  coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All

  trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered

  service marks are the property of their respective owners and are

  used herein for identification purposes only.


  This book is dedicated to Lexie with love.


  Journal Entry, June 16, 2010

  Allie and the Handcuffs

  Man, am I glad to be home. I can’t wait to see Allie. I miss her so much whenever I’m away.

  Maybe men aren’t supposed to express that kind of emotion, but fuck that, I am in love with my wife and I don’t really care who knows it.

  As I push the button on the garage door opener, I see her car in the garage, and think to myself, Whoa, she beat me home. My dick jumps to immediate attention. It is a completely involuntary reaction. Allie does that to me.

  I pull in next to her car, thinking of all the ways we could pass the afternoon now that we are both home early. Taking my briefcase off the passenger seat, I allow myself a little smile as I open the door to the laundry room. Walking through the kitchen, I put my case and keys on the desk and switch my sunglasses for my regular ones and yell for her.

  "Allie! Baby, are you home?"

  I plug my cell phone into the charger and see hers is already in the cradle. Where is she? I say thinking out loud. I walk into the family room and look around, no Allie. I turn around and start towards the dining room.

  "Allie, hey hun, I’m home, where are you?”

  It’s then I hear it. At the base of the stairs, there is a very faint, "Lewis, I'm in the bedroom!"

  Immediately, I begin to wonder what the hell is going on. I can feel my heart race as I run up the stairs three at time. She sounded a little frantic.

  "Baby, what’s wrong?” Please don’t let there be anything wrong. She’s my entire world. A sick feeling grows in my gut.

  I tear down the hall to the master bedroom in full crisis mode, ready for just about anything.

  Bursting through the bedroom door, I quickly scan the room looking for trouble – then I see her.

  Her hands are cuffed through the slats of the headboard wearing nothing but my old Military Police brassard and a most becoming embarrassed smile on her face.

  "I wanted to see if I could open them once I was locked up," she explains, as though it makes perfect sense.

  Relief rushes through me when I realize she wasn’t in any real danger. I can’t help but laugh and shake my head, but the relief quickly gives way to other feelings.

  "What did I tell you about messing around with my old stuff?" I love to tease her, so I purr the question, letting my fingers slide slowly up her side. I love watching the goose bumps break across the expanse of her sienna-shaded skin. I especially enjoy the contrast of our skin tones.

  My hand looks so pale against her. It fascinates me. “Um, I think I like you like this.”

  "Lewis, let me out of these things! I dropped the key behind the headboard when I was trying to unlock these things.”

  I let my eyes travel down her generous curves. Man, I love the way her body is shaped, from her slender neck all the way down to her toes, which are right next to a shiny patent leather case.

  "Where did you get the key for those?" As if I didn’t already know what the answer is. Such a naughty girl, my Allie.

  "I took the keys out of the case that has the black handcuffs in them." Although she sounds contrite, I know she isn’t. She likes being a little bad; she likes the consequences even more.

  Spankings never deterred her from doing a damn thing, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I am not about to let her off that easy though. A spanking is a given, as she well knows, but seeing as how much we both enjoy it, I decide to torment her just a little bit.

  Sighing as if I truly felt regret I say, "Well baby, that's just great. Those keys won't work on those cuffs. I lost the keys to those years ago."

  All at once the look on her face goes from an expression that says Ha ha ha, he is just kidding, to Oh, shit what did I do? I get down on my hands and knees and reach under the bed and grab the keys. When I rise, I place my elbows on the bed, lean over and give her a soft lingering kiss.

  "I'll call the locksmith," I promise, getting up and walking over to the night stand by my side of the bed. I pick up the receiver on the phone and make a big show of dialing information. It is hard to keep the laughter out of my voice as I call for the nearest locksmith, careful to push the 1 on the phone to be connected automatically. I can see her out of the corner of my eye, squirming, as I talk to the locksmith. Your dark skin flushes with mortification as I explain the problem. In a couple of minutes I hang up the phone and turn to you and say, "He said he can have someone here in ninety minutes." Oh the look on your face after that one is priceless.

  "Lewis, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just having some fun." All laughter has long since fled her face. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

  I smile tenderly at her. "No problem, hun."

  I take off my tie and walk into the closet and hang up my jacket, I strip down to my shorts throwing my shirt and slacks into the dry cleaning bag, and walk over to my dresser and pull out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I am careful to keep my movements unhurried and deliberate, like it was any other day. I toss the clothes onto the bed and spin around. It is then she sees that I have our digital camera up ready to go. The look of horror that flashes across her face is priceless. So damn adorable.

  "I think I have this year’s Christmas card photo."

  "Lewis, put that away, now!" It is a pleading demand, not that different from the one she uses when our love making gets aggressive and steamy. I wonder if she realizes what that tone does to me.

  One flash is followed by another, then two more as she tries to kick at me. She attempts to look mad, but it is a poor attempt. She finally stops even trying, knowing I knew her all too well for that.

  "Please, honey, stop. I'm so embarrassed." She begs in a pleading voice. My second favorite. It’s all pouty and spoiled.

  I put the camera on the dresser and lay down next to her on the bed, resting my head on my arm, looking her in the eyes. I love her eyes. Deep brown, soulful eyes that tilt up at the edges.

  "So how was your day, baby? Do anything interesting?" I trace my fingers across her beautiful face.

  She squints at me, wrinkling her nose. Such a bratty expression. "You think you’re so cute don't you?" How lucky am I that she also sees the humor in this situation? She doesn’t say so, but she doesn’t have to. I can read it in her eyes now, all embarrassment gone from her face. Her trust in me was awe inspiring.

  I nod my head before kissing her forehead. "That’s what you keep telling me." I roll over draping my arm over her. With wolfish
grin I tease, "You know there is no sense in me wasting an opportunity like this." I slide my hand up her ribcage to caress her breasts. So soft and full, I love them. All natural, plump and inviting. "Nope, no sense at all."

  I bend my head down to suck her nipples, lightly running my teeth across their delicious hardness before closing my lips around them, taking a long, sucking draw.

  "Lewis, what are you doing?" she asks as though she doesn’t know. As I chuckle silently at her question, she arches into me, moaning soft and low. Such a beautiful sound.

  I feel my cock swell in my boxers. I want her so badly, but when do I not? I slide them down and kick them off without pausing my rapt attention on her breasts. She loves it when I lick them, suck them, pinch them. Sometimes, she will even come like that. Not hard, just a mild little orgasm. I love watching her while I play. Knowing that I am the one to put such contentment on her face is a heady feeling indeed. I run my hand over her stomach, stopping to play with her belly button. She loves that, too. I never fail to play with the little indenture; it makes my baby purr like a kitten. Steadily moving southward, I make slow circles, and then I push my hand down between her thighs, rubbing my hand up and down, grinding her clit against the palm of my hand.

  I leave her nipple with a lingering lick almost mournfully. If I could stay there all day I would. I move up to her lips, keeping myself just out of her reach, feeling her breath on my lips. She tries to lift her head, but she can only move up so far. I want to kiss her, but I want to play even more.

  I love to drive her close to the edge and then ease up. It drives her crazy, and I go crazy watching her. When she gets hot, I burn from the inside out. Right now, we are both heating up rather nicely.

  I lick her lower lip, and our eyes lock. There is raw passion just waiting to be released. Her face reflects the longing she feels, holding nothing back from my gaze. I continue to grind my hand against her; my palm is getting so wet. I want to lick it off, but not yet. We're both starting to breathe harder, our movements becoming more urgent, her hips are grinding hard against my hand. I get up going to the dresser, ignoring her moue of protest. I pick up the camera and snap a quick picture. She is so fucking sexy; I know I’ll be staring at this one often.

  "This is one we'll keep for ourselves." I stand at the foot of the bed watching as she rubs her legs together, trying to ease the ache I deliberately left throbbing through her loins. "What do you want?" I demand harshly. I am so damn hard I can barely think straight.

  "You," is the breathless reply I get, far too softly uttered.

  "What do you want?" I repeat, allowing my voice to snap like my paddle against her tender her flesh.

  "YOU! I want you!" She is practically sobbing with frustration, all needy and aggravated. I think if she put her mind to it, she could snap the cuffs that are restraining her.

  I move around to my side of the bed and take her hips in my hands, pulling her so she’s as diagonal as she can get with her hands cuffed. I lift her legs and take my place between them.

  Taking the head of my cock; I rub it up and down spreading her sodden lips. My baby is so ready. So am I, baby girl. So am I.

  "Yes, yes!" She breathes the words as I push into her, burying myself deep inside.

  I take control of her hips as she rolls them, her pussy sucking up every inch of my cock. I thrust deep and hard, loving the sound of her cries. She’s so incredibly hot inside, so wet. I want to mark her deeply with my seed. I want my seed to take root and grow. Just the thought makes me want to come so hard, I stop thrusting and smile at her. Oh, she is going to get pissed, but I’ll make it up to her.

  "Don't stop, baby. Please don't stop!" She is panting, her breasts heaving, those pointy nipples stabbing at the air.

  I ignore her, of course. Not that I won’t give her satisfaction. I plan on doing that again and again, until she is close to mindless from pleasure. I slide down her body, licking her hot skin on the way down. I move her legs up, not stopping until her thighs are pressed against her chest. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers, tracing circles around her clit. Fleshy, pretty pink, and oh so succulent; I crave the taste like a drunk craves a drink. I suck it lightly between my lips then flick it with the tip of my tongue. Ummm, delicious.

  I push two fingers into her and curl them as I slide them in and out of her. She loves it when I do this. Keeping the suction from my mouth on her clit, I work the digits forcefully, though careful not to hurt her. This is the reason I keep my nails carefully buffed, so I can pleasure her at any given time; watching a movie, reading, if she happens to bend over just right in front of me. It is a personal goal of mine to make sure Allie comes several times a day. I want my baby satisfied. It only takes a couple of minutes before her hips start to buck wildly, and her cries of pleasure grow louder.

  I look up, watching her face in orgasm. So beautiful. I move up and lay next to her, kissing her pouty lips. Flushed with passion she bites back a little, knowing how much I like that. Our tongues twirl, each of us moaning softly into the other’s mouth until I reluctantly break the kiss.

  "Lewis, I hope that locksmith gets here soon. I can’t keep my hands above my head like this. It hurts." Which begs the question on how the heck she got them above her head in the first place.

  I will have to ask her to describe it to me later.

  "Hmmm, that could be a problem then," I chuckle as I lick her nipple. "I never called a locksmith."

  I reach over for the keys and unlock the cuffs, and in one smooth motion I roll her over onto her stomach and re-cuff her hands together behind her back. The look on her face is precious.

  "But you said you lost the keys years ago!" The incredulous sound of her voice makes me laugh outright. She should’ve known better than that.

  I roll her to her side and help her sit up on the bed. I press my body against her to feel the shivers that wrack her body, then I speak low, right into her ear, "I did lose that set, but one set of keys will work on just about any other set of handcuffs.”

  Moving around the bed, I move toward her on my knees. Taking her chin in my hand and my cock in the other, bringing it to her mouth, I watch as her lips part to take me in.

  “Mmm, Allie, baby that feels so good." I close my eyes, my hips beginning to thrust. I love it when she sucks my cock, but there was no way I am going to come this way. I step back, my cock falling from her lips.

  "Why did you stop, Lewis?"

  I smile, cupping her cheek. "No reason." Moving behind her, I reach under the bed and pull out my paddle. I allow my hand to caress her ass lovingly. Full and round, my Allie has the prettiest damn backside in the world.

  The first smack makes her jump, taking her completely by surprise, but she doesn’t yelp.

  Instead she groans, tilting her ass up. She wants another, in fast repetition, but I am not going to give it to her. Instead, I return to caressing her ass, feeling the heat from the one smack. I run the paddle over her flesh, allowing her to feel the soft velvet cover. Just as her body starts to relax, I smack her again, twice this time. I repeat the process over again a few more times, until she is panting again, arching back into each smack.

  Putting the paddle away, I reached between her legs to feel if she is as wet as I suspect. Mmmm, I love the feel of my baby all moist for me. As much as I would love to bury myself back inside her, I have a much better idea.

  I help her to her feet, walking her out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

  "Where are we going?"

  "You'll see," I sing-song as I walk her into the living room.

  We walk behind the couch and I push her forward, grabbing her hips (did I mention how much I love her hips?) and get down on my knees behind her licking her pussy like a mad man. My tongue starts to dance around her clit, probing, lapping up every drop of her sweet, sweet moisture. Slowly, I move down her pussy, I suck her lips into my mouth, flicking gently with my tongue. I spread her legs farther apart so I can get a finger inside, then using it to spread
the moisture around her puckered rosette. I hear her take in a sharp breath, she wasn't expecting that. That makes me happy, I love shocking her with new sensations. I push a finger into her, just up to the first knuckle and start pushing and pulling it in and out of her. I watch as she relaxes, causing my finger to slide deeper into her. I start my slow journey back to her clit, as I continue to work my finger in and out of her.

  "Cum for me, Allie" I murmur against her nether lips.

  Soon, her breath becomes ragged; I know she’s about to climax. I love the sounds she makes when she comes. I watch as her legs begin to tremble, and I allow those thighs to clamp around my head. I don’t mind at all, it means I am doing a good job. Her rough cry is music to my ears.

  I wait, letting the trembles subside before I take the key and let her out of the handcuffs. I turn her around, take her wrist in my hand, and gently rub the soreness out one, then the other. I take her by the hand and walk her around to the front of the couch. I sit down letting her straddle me. My baby doesn’t waste time sliding my cock deep inside of her. I watch her face, loving the display of emotions that cross there as she begins to move up and down. She buries her hands in my hair, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip. I keep my hands on her waist, guiding her increasingly frantic movements. It feels like heaven inside her. She squeezes me just right, as if her pussy was fashioned specifically for my cock. Perfect match, I dare anyone to declare differently.


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