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Microsoft Word - Journals 1-4

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  After quickly wiping myself, I snuggled in close behind her.

  “Lewis?” Allie ventured after a few minutes of peaceful silence.


  “We have a few hours before we have to start preparing for our guests right?”

  My cock jumped to attention.

  We did manage to pull together a decent menu for our friends before they arrived, but it hadn’t been the one originally planned. Turned out, we both needed to shower again. Several times.

  Journal Entry, July 7, 2010

  Game Night

  “Jesus Christ, Nick pick up the sniper on the left!” I was yelling as I mashed the respawn button. “Seriously, dude, if we lose this because you can’t fuckin’ keep your head in the damn game…”

  “Eat shit” Nick’s reply sounded crisply in my ear.

  Wednesday night was Modern Warfare night for the guys of KHAKI, the company I work for; we specialized in making realistic war games for the military. Like every other Wednesday, the guys of the integration group are battling the evil throngs on Xbox Live. It helped us recognize and work out kinks before presentations. In the group that night were Nick (Nico), Brad (Masta Killa), Shane (Lucky), and myself as Dr. Death. We’d had a good run tonight, five games and no losses; not too bad for a bunch a middle-aged guys competing against a bunch of kids with lightning fast reflexes.

  I mashed the respawn key again after getting knifed by a twelve-year-old judging from the voice that came over the speakers. It was then that I felt Allie’s fingers run across my shoulders, her lips on my neck. Despite being immersed in a game I took as seriously as though it were a real fire fight her touch made me shiver. The subtle hint of her body spray never ceased to waken nerves that should have been at rest. I had to double my concentration, determined not to let some kid make mincemeat out of me.

  Then Allie leaned her body into mine. Not enough to disturb the game, but just enough to make me very aware that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  “How’s my war hero doing tonight?” Her smooth contralto voice wrapped all around me; soothing and exciting all at once.

  I turned to look at her. She was leaning over me dressed in my old bathrobe; I swear to God she made even that ratty old thing look good. My mind immediately went to thoughts of what she could be wearing underneath.

  “Not bad, Allie-baby. When I finish this game we are going to call it a night.” As much as I wanted to call it a night right then and there, I felt I owed it to my team to stick in there.

  She just smiled in that mysterious way she has, massaged my shoulders as she nipped my ear. “No rush, baby,” she cooed into my ear.

  Chills raced down my spine. Not a masculine thing to admit, but hey what can I say?

  She walked around to the front of the couch passing in front of me before letting the robe slip from her shoulders and fall to the floor. I didn’t need to wonder what was under there anymore, but I didn’t think knowing was helping a hell of a lot. She was wearing a hot pink bra and boy-cut panties – shit, my favorite. Boy-cut panties just frame her full ass in a way that makes me drool. My mouth dropped open and my mind went completely blank.

  I am not a chauvinist, at least I don’t think I am; Allie is a strong, independent woman. I would never try to objectify her or anything like that. But Allie’s ass is just a thing of beauty. So round and full.

  I didn’t even hear Brad bitching at me for standing still in the open, getting all shot to shit again by that obnoxious kid.

  “Lewis, what the fuck are you doing?” Shane’s use of my name knocked me out of my reverie.

  I was going to answer him, I really was. But then, Allie had pushed my back against the couch, straddling my lap and laid one hell of a deep, passionate kiss on me. Had anyone asked me my name at that moment I don’t think I could’ve told them. I loved the way she felt on top of me, her body naturally flowing into mine. She may have taken the controller out of my hand, or I could’ve dropped it – I really can’t remember. She reached up and took the earpiece and microphone off my ear and put it on hers.

  “Sorry, boys, Lewis is otherwise occupied at the moment, you will have to fight on without him.”

  I heard howls of laughter along with comments I am glad I couldn’t hear coming through the headset followed by a chorus of “Hi, Allie! ” from all of the guys from work coming through the headphones. Guess I had the volume up kind of high.

  Nick yelled, “Get your head in the game, Lewis!” Something I had often barked during game night myself, all pre-Allie.

  There were a few shouts of “Resist her, Lewis!” and even more laughter.

  “Hush, Nick, or Patti and I will talk about your behavior,” Allie chided Nick in her soft, no-nonsense voice. The integration team is pretty close and we all know each other and the families rather well. “And before you say a word Brad, tell Shari that I said hello. We are looking forward to having you and the kids over this weekend.”

  While Allie was putting the guys properly in their places, I reached up and started to massage her breasts. I can’t help it. Those lovely plumb, brown globes were right there, tempting me beyond reason. She shot me a look that clearly stated: “It’s about time,” moaning softly. Neither of us put much thought into the headset that was now perched on her head. I reached around her back to unfasten her bra, pausing to let the weight of her breasts rest in my palms. Allie, ever helpful woman she is, straightened her arms, letting gravity do its job as the hot pink, lacy bra fall onto my lap. She arched her back a little, giving me a nice full view. Not a man to deny the sweet enticement staring me in the face, I leaned forward a little and took her nipple in my mouth sucking deeply.

  “Oh my God, Lewis. Yes, please,” Allie breathed, moving forward as if to force more into my mouth.

  It took me a minute to recognize that cheers and laughter were coming from the earphones that were slowly sliding off Allie’s head. She must’ve realized it at the same time, because she ripped them off and thrust them at me,

  “Here, take this thing and say goodnight to your friends.”

  I could tell she was embarrassed, so I reluctantly released my favorite pacifier.

  “Sorry gents, I have to go , She Who Must Be Obeyed has spoken.”

  The uproarious laughter was punctuated by the bratty 12-year-old questioning, “What?

  Where is he going?”

  I was reaching over and hitting the power button on the controller when I heard Nick telling the kid, “You’ll find out one of these days when your balls finally drop and you grow some pubes.”

  Allie punched me lightly in the arm. “Oh my God, Lewis, I can’t believe you just did that. What are you going to say to the guys tomorrow? How am I every supposed to face them again?”

  Some men might get a little irritated at their wives when they go a little drama queen on them, but I tend to enjoy it. The mock outrage was cute, but I rolled my eyes to let her know it was bunk while rolling her nipple between my thumb and index finger. It had the desired effect, with Allie’s breath catching, small tremors wracking her body.

  I shrugged. “I’m not going to say a thing…well, I might tell them you jumped me.”

  That earned me a slap to my chest. She is a violent little thing. It’s cute because she doesn’t really hit, more like an intense caress.

  “You better hush mister, or the girls and I,” she cupped her succulent breasts, hiding those oh-so-suckable nipples from sight, “will just go to bed without you.”

  I grasped her hips, making sure I kept steady eye contact. “Baby girl, you and the girls aren’t going anywhere.” I tugged a handful of her hair with firm pressure, not enough to hurt, just enough to make her groan. She loved that, and her verbal appreciation made my cock pulsate. Pulling her down, I took her mouth forcefully, thrusting my tongue inside while swallowing her little moans of pleasure. Her response was to bite my lower lip.

  “Watch it,” I warned in a whispered growl, not meaning a word. I love that my baby is
a biter. I wear her little brands with pride.

  I pulled her head to the side and started kissing her neck. I remembered back to the time when we first started seeing one another. She swore she didn’t like her neck kissed – that lasted for about thirty seconds after I started kissing her neck for the first time. She had shivered against me, tilting her head for more. Now it never failed to get her hot. She buried her fingers in my hair, her nails scraping lightly against my scalp. She made a half-hearted attempt to pull me away, but she was grinding against the hard erection in my lap. It was only moments until she pushed my head back against the chair.

  “Damn it, I love you so much.” She was panting as our lips met again, this time I see there was fire in her eyes, and that usually meant I was in for it. Her hands left my head, travelling down my chest, loosening the buttons on my shirt as she went. She took time to run her nails down my chest, tugging a little on my chest hair. I respond in kind, tweaking those hard as pebbles nipples. That made her buck against me, pushing down hard against my cock.

  Her hands shook as she tried to unfasten my belt. “Oh forget it, you do it.”

  “Baby, slow down, we have all night,” I gently chided taking her hands in mine, felt the slight trembling of her hands.

  That’s when I knew this would be anything but slow and easy. It was one of Allie’s most telling signs; when she is so excited she cannot wait to make love, she trembles. This wasn’t about lovemaking; this was raw, red hot passion. I love that she still felt that way about me, about us. I hope it never ends. I took her hands from mine and grabbed my shirt, and yanked it off completely. I threw it to the side as she leaned down and bit my chest hard, marking me as her property as she loved to do, and God I love being hers. She bit down harder; her nails digging into my flesh until I pulled her off. She does that too, testing how much I can take, waiting until I pull her away before stopping. The problem often is I don’t want her to stop. It doesn’t hurt as much as it turns me on, knowing she is very serious about letting the world know that I was hers. She slid off my lap. Keeping her legs spread until she was standing. Her panties are wet, and how I wished I could fall to me knees right there for a taste. But Allie wasn’t in the mood for foreplay.

  She looked me dead in the eye as she peeled them off and tossed them to the floor.

  “Lewis, take off your fucking pants—now!”

  I was dumbfounded for a moment. Allie has a natural submissive streak that drives me crazy, but there hadn’t been a damn thing submissive in that statement. I took it that she wasn’t in the mood to play, so I unfastened my belt in a hurry, unbuttoned my jeans and began on the zipper. It wasn’t halfway down before she was tugging on my pant legs trying to force off my jeans. I lifted my hips, allowing the pants to slide down and off. Thank goodness I wasn’t wearing any underwear. When she lowered herself back onto my lap, I leaned back to let her have her way. I knew what was coming, and I was anticipating it with glee.

  Rising up to her knees, she placed one hand on my shoulder and with the other took my erect cock and guided it to her moist labia, lowering herself down on me. We moaned in unison, as our bodies become one. Her vaginal walls hugged me so tightly, moist and hot; it is hell to hang on every time I am inside her. Instinctively, I took her hips in my hands and began to guide her up and then back down. Allie likes to think she is heavy, but she is such a little thing it is a breeze to lift her. And I love doing it.

  She leaned forward, whispering in my ear, “Now fuck me…hard.” She put her hands on my chest to brace herself. She threw your head back with a lusty groan of appreciation as I slapped her ass. Each time I guided her down, I thrust my hips up to meet her, driving myself deeper inside. The room filled with the slapping sounds of our bodies crashing together. Her nails were really digging into my skin. “Fuck me, Lewis! Please don’t stop!”

  She was close – I felt her starting to contract around me. Her movements had become more frantic as she raced towards her first orgasm. I never, ever allow Allie to come just once. I cannot explain it, but I have a driving need to see her completely satisfied. I felt the muscles of her pussy squeezing, then releasing as she cried out, bearing down on me for all she was worth.

  “Don’t you stop,” I growled at her, looking up into her eyes. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  I started to pull her hips down more forcefully, knowing she will come the second time more quickly than the first. A fine sheen of sweat glistened on her dark skin, making her look almost otherworldly. Her eyelids were at half-mast, those deep, brown eyes glazed with passion. I watched when her breathing became more ragged, her body quickly seizing up. I love watching her come, love seeing the absolute ecstasy that crosses her face. There is a lot about my baby that turns me on, but watching her when she reaches the pinnacle is easily one of my favorites.

  “Shit!” It may have been an expletive, but it was barely above a whisper this time. “Yes baby, please. Come with me.”

  “Not this time.” I would of course, just not yet.

  I lifted her from my painful erection, hissing at the loss. My dick jumped as if in complaint, but like I said, I have a need to make sure by the time we are done, Allie is breathless from coming hard. Spreading my legs to force hers open more, I slipped two fingers inside her wet, still pulsating pussy, curling then slightly.

  “Come for me again, baby. Let me see it.”

  I wanted badly to taste her, to be inside her, to have her in every way possible. I don’t think a lifetime would give me enough time to explore her completely.

  “I can’t.” She tried to force her hips forward, but I held her steady.

  “Yes, you can and you will.” I wrapped my arm around her waist, not letting her move while I stroked my fingers inside her.

  She was still spasming so much from the first two times, I really couldn’t tell when she came again until she leaned forward and bit at my ear, driving her body against my questing fingers. “Lewis, please! I need so bad.”

  “Need what?” I demanded, wiggling my fingers still buried inside her. “Tell me what you need.”

  “You. Just you. I don’t want anything else but you.”

  I’m not sure how long it took for me to remove my fingers and lift her back on my penis, but it was done in a matter of seconds. I tried to guide her again, but I didn’t need to. Allie drove her hips, rolling them up and down my shaft. My hands gripped her ass as I grit my teeth. God, she felt so good! She looked glorious on top of me, biting her bottom lip, her face in a little frown as she strove toward another orgasm. It is crazy I know, but I get a little jealous when she did that. I wanted those lips on me, those teeth pulling at my bottom lip.

  I tangled my hand in her hair as I pulled her down to take her lips. I felt her hands in my hair, pulling hard. She was getting close again. When she sucked my bottom lip I knew I was damn close myself.

  “I love you so much, baby.” And I meant it.

  “Love. You. Too,” she panted back. “Lewis, I going to - oh, God!”

  She clamped down on me almost unbearably tight. It was too much to resist. As soon as I felt the quivers begin, my balls became agonizingly tight. I was going to blow.

  “Yes, baby, come for Michie.”

  And that is exactly what she did, with a choked scream she came—hard, sending me over with her. I exploded deep inside her, hoping and praying my seed would take root. It was a thought I had more and more often, I couldn’t keep it out of my head.

  She collapsed down on me, her arms wrapping around my neck, her body melting on to mine.

  “Ummm, that was nice.” I felt Allie smile against my chest as I caressed her back.

  “Nice? I think I might have to spank your ass for that.”

  That made her giggle. If there was one thing Allie loved, it was a little spanking every now and then. Well, more often than not actually. And I loved giving them to her.

  “So what brought that on?” I waited a while to ask, not wanting to interrupt the quiet time t
ogether. Maybe guys aren’t supposed to admit liking the whole afterglow thing, but I did.

  She always snuggled against me no matter where we happened to be, and to be honest, it could be anywhere.

  “Well, I was upstairs trying to read, but all I could think about was you.”

  Talk about an ego boost. “Oh yeah, what about me?”

  “I thought your eyes might need a break from too much gaming,” she teased, knowing I only did it once a week, and sometimes not even then. It all depended on whether or not a product was ready to test out. “And, you were probably missing me.”

  “Couldn’t have that now could we?” I teased back.

  “Nope, and since you will no doubt be wanting me again soon,” she lifted her head and winked at me, trying unsuccessfully not to laugh. “We should probably move this upstairs.”

  She may have been joking, but she couldn’t have been more right.

  We didn’t make it all the way up the stairs however. Not with Allie all gloriously naked walking in front of me. I don’t think she minded though; I know I didn’t.

  End of Entry

  Dear Lewis,

  Thank you for allowing me to read your journal. I must say there are some hot and steamy things in these pages! And all this time while you were scribbling away I thought you were merely keeping track of your thoughts and such.

  The way you describe me takes my breath away. I know I have felt the explosive heat between us, and I have often wondered how you felt. Now I know. I sometimes stop in the middle of whatever I may be doing to think of just how you make me feel - it leaves me breathless.

  The first time I saw you I felt completely at home. Your eyes seemed to drink me in, and oh, how I loved what I saw there. You look at me as if I were the most beautiful woman in the world. I know I am not, but you make feel as if such a thing was not outside the realm of possibility.

  I remember the first time we were together as if it were yesterday. Although we had dated for a month, I was so nervous being with you the first time. I think you might have known, because the first thing you did was pull me into your arms. There was nothing remotely sexual about it, but it made me want you more than I already did.


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