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Forever Your Concierge

Page 11

by Jessica Ingro

  "Maya, why don't you bring Travis up to speed on what we talked about the other day," Grant suggested emphatically.

  "What's he referring to?" Travis turned towards me with questioning eyes. Eyes also filled with concern and disappointment. It seemed as if old habits were hard to break and no matter how good my intentions were, leaving Travis out of my decisions was always going to be a sore point.

  "After my run in with Ashton, and the drama with Kayla and my journal, I received a package."

  "You did?"

  I chewed my lip nervously and nodded my head.

  "What was in the package, Maya?" Travis asked with a low, hard voice. I could feel the tension radiating off him, he was practically vibrating with it.

  "A shredded baby blanket and a letter threatening that he was going to shut me up."

  "There were no fingerprints on the letter by the way," Grant added.

  Travis shot Grant a scathing look, then asked me, "When did this happen?"

  "Monday night." I lowered my head in shame.

  "Why does Grant know about this and I'm just now hearing about it?" He grit out passed clenched teeth.

  "I didn't want you to worry."

  "Not worry?" He let out a sardonic laugh. "It's my fucking job to worry about you."

  "Maybe we should give you two a minute," a mostly clueless Elizabeth suggested.

  "No. My wife obviously wanted me to be blindsided by this, so you might as well stay for the show."

  "Travis, calm down, please. I wanted to talk to Grant about my legal options because of the nondisclosure I violated. He offered to talk to Ashton and his lawyer. It wasn't like you hadn't already asked him to look into Ashton. I just want him to go away. I don't want to worry about him ever coming after us. Do you realize I could be sued for five million dollars? I didn't want you to have to suffer because of my mistakes. I was trying to put on my big girl pants and take care of this."

  "You have to stop hiding shit from me. It's my job to protect you, damn it. Will you ever fucking trust me?" He ended on a semi-shout, and I felt the heat creeping up my face. I was so embarrassed that Grant and Elizabeth were witnessing this fight. I felt like an idiot for not telling him sooner. When was I going to learn?

  "Please," I whimpered. "I trust you and I love you. I'm sorry I fucked up again." Tears filled my eyes and I blinked rapidly, trying to keep them at bay.

  "Maybe now is a good time to discuss what occurred when I met with Mr. Moore." Grant swooped in and saved me from any further berating from Travis. Well-deserved berating at that.

  "Fine," he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What happened?" Travis gestured for him to get on with it. It was quite evident his patience had left the building.

  "He's not going to go quietly and he isn't accepting the offer to return the initial monetary payout with interest. So I hired a private investigator to dig up any and all demons Mr. Moore is hiding. Once I have more information, we'll proceed. He's a self-righteous, vile prick. I felt filthy just sitting in the same room as him. I can assure you I won't stop until he's bleeding."

  "Send me all the bills for whatever expenses are incurred," Travis told him.

  "This is on the house after the shit he pulled with Maya."

  "What shit?" Elizabeth asked. I finally glanced at her and saw her face was pale with worry etched in her features.

  "Not now, love," Grant shushed her. I gave him a slight nod letting him know without words he could tell her later. I didn't want to be around when she found out the truth behind my silence. "In the meantime, I don't want her alone when she's out running errands all day. I'll speak with Nate Donaldson tomorrow about getting someone on her. Ashton was smart with his choice of words, but he fully intends to give Maya payback any way he can manage it."

  "Oh my God," Elizabeth breathed. I would have said the same thing had my breath not left my body, leaving me lightheaded.

  "Call him tonight. I'm not leaving here until I know she's safe," Travis demanded.

  "I'll go get my phone." Grant stood to leave, resting his hand on my shoulder as he walked past. The small gesture knocked my stress level down a notch, but not enough to keep my heart from pounding and my hands from shaking.

  "Don't even think about arguing about this," Travis told me after Grant returned and set everything up with his security specialist. I was to be followed by the female security guard he had hired anytime I left the house for an extended period of time. It would put a major cramp in my style but not enough to outweigh the benefits of keeping me and our child safe.

  I shook my head and took a deep breath. I didn't want to argue anymore and if I opened my mouth, we would surely do just that.

  "We better get back to the city." Travis rose from the couch and shook Grant's hand. "Thank you, man."

  "Anything. You know that," Grant returned.

  Meeting E's eyes, my bottom lip trembled. She quickly engulfed me in a hug, rocking our bodies back and forth. Tears spilled down my face. "It will be okay," she cooed in my ear. I desperately wanted to believe her, but it was so hard to do when my life suddenly became the made-for-TV movie of the week.

  When she finally released me, Grant was right behind her, giving me another bear hug. "Just live your life. Leave this up to Travis and me to fix."

  "Thank you. And I'm really sorry I ruined the night with all this drama," I apologized.

  "Nonsense. I fed you takeout and we drank out of plastic cups. It was hardly a formal dinner party that you crashed. We're family, Maya. Family doesn't care about any of those things. Just promise me you'll stay safe."

  "I will."

  "We'll talk tomorrow."

  They walked us out, only closing the front door once we were driving away.

  "I really am sorry, Travis. I didn't think it would come to all this."

  "Just stop apologizing."

  "You're still mad." It was a statement, not a question. There was no denying by his harsh words and cold demeanor how he felt.

  "Extremely. I'm trying to have compassion right now, but you need to give me some time to calm down. It isn't every night I find out my wife lied to me again and is in danger from her psycho ex-boyfriend."

  "I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you."

  "A lie by omission. I just wish you'd see how your choices keep hurting me." His fingers on his left hand tightened on the steering wheel and he turned on the radio with his right.

  Conversation closed. The worst part was, he was right. I could only pray that he would forgive me for yet another indiscretion. I never meant to hurt him. It was the last thing I ever wanted.

  I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the head rest, trying to block everything out while we traveled back to the city. Too bad it didn't work.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, I leaned against the kitchen counter with my hand wrapped around a cup of herbal tea with honey. It was the only thing that soothed my stomach and alleviated my morning sickness. Letting the warmth coat my throat, I closed my eyes and let out a little sigh.

  "Keep making noises like that while you're standing there practically naked, and I'm going to either end up late for work or walking around showcasing a hard on to rival steel." Travis' husky voice had the corners of my mouth turning up. I opened my eyes to find his raking over my body. The only thing I had put on so far that morning was a floral blouse, unbuttoned and spread open, with a pair of white, lace panties and matching bra. The whole ensemble left little to the imagination.

  "I can think of a few ways to take care of that predicament, and I guarantee you won't be late." He looked so delicious in a three-piece navy suit, minus the jacket, and a red tie that I just wanted to eat him up. I imagined my lips wrapped around his throbbing cock while he stood above me fully dressed in his power suit.

  "Is that so?" His hands gripped my hips, pulling me into his body, and I felt how hard he was against my belly.

  "Yes," I said breathlessly, rubbing myself against him. "I'm t
hat good."

  "Mmmm." His lips skimmed along my collarbone.

  "You don't think so?" My head fell back, and my fingers latched onto his hair as he moved down to the swell of my breasts.

  "Oh, I know you are." His tongue dampened the material of my bra until my nipples protruded from the thin material. I cried out when his teeth scraped deliciously against a sensitive nipple. His hand delved into the front of my panties, and his deft fingers spread me wide as he explored me intimately.

  "Travis—" I moaned.

  "Say it again," he demanded as his fingers moved in and out of me, spreading my wetness over my clitoris.


  "That's it. I'm going to have to be late." His hands left my panties and he hoisted me up onto the counter. My hand gripped his tie, pulling him to me, and my legs wrapped around his waist. Our mouths collided and he wrenched my blouse down my arms.

  My hands went to his belt. "I need you inside me," I whined when I couldn't get his belt undone fast enough.

  He leaned back and smirked but took care of the issue. Unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, he came back at me allowing me to snake my hand inside his boxer briefs.

  "Now, now, now," I chanted. Using my firm grip on him, I pulled him closer and pushed my panties to the side. He immediately thrust inside me, making my head slam against the cupboard. Travis' one hand gripped my hip, while the other hand held the back of my head, cushioning each blow as he fucked me roughly.

  I hovered on the edge of release, holding off as long as I could. When he bit his lip—his telltale sign—I let go, knowing he was right with me. Afterward, his forehead rested on my shoulder and my hands stroked is back.

  "I hope we didn't ruin your suit," I said, finally finding my voice after several minutes.

  "It'd be worth it." He pulled out slowly and grabbed a towel, cleaning himself off, before stuffing his softening cock into his pants. After he righted his clothes, he gently cleaned between my legs and helped me down from the counter.

  "That was one of our personal bests," I joked when I saw the clock on the wall and realized we were done within fifteen minutes.

  He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and shook his head. "You drive me crazy."

  "I like you crazy." I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled up at him.

  His hand cupped my cheek and I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes. His lips lightly pressed to mine. When he pulled back, I opened my eyes and sucked in a breath at how much love I saw in his.

  "I'm so sorry for yelling at you last night, Maya. Even when I'm angry with you, I should treat you better than I have been. Do you forgive me?"

  Tears filled my eyes and threatened to spill over. "Travis, I'm the one who should be apologizing to you. You are the most important person in the world to me and I need to learn to lean on you more. Lying is never right, no matter what the motives are behind it. You were justifiably mad. I understand."

  His thumbs brushed the tears from the corner of my eyes and he kissed me again. "Please, be careful today. I love you so damn much and the thought of something happening to you or the baby..." His voice caught at the end, and I smiled.

  "No need to worry. Cassandra will be here at nine and I'll make sure she sticks with me until I get home later," I assured him. Cassandra was the bodyguard they arranged for me last night. I planned to suction cup myself to her side for the foreseeable future if it would take the worry out of his eyes. "I won't be out too long today since it's Saturday. You better get going if you don't want to be too late for your meeting. I'll be glad once your late nights and Saturdays are over."

  His eyes searched mine momentarily. Obviously finding what he needed, he nodded and pressed his lips to my forehead. Stepping back, he donned his suit coat. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen, he gave me an endearing grin and said, "I love you. Call me later."

  "Love you too," I called out as he headed for the front door.

  I felt more at peace in that moment than I had felt all week. Setting my now cold tea in the sink, I went to get dressed. It was going to be a busy morning.

  * * *

  I brushed my hair as the sound of the water filling the tub lulled me into a hazy state of relaxation.

  Today had been a long day, filled with holiday craziness. Many of our higher maintenance clients started worrying about Christmas right before Thanksgiving, which meant lists coming my way and budgets being thrown at me. I considered asking Elizabeth to help me, but a part of me didn't want to admit I couldn't do it without her. I briefly wondered if there was someone I could hire part time to help me with present wrapping and anything else that would take up too much of my time.

  Travis walked naked into the bathroom, drawing my attention from my thoughts to the sight of his Adonis body. My libido flared to life as I took in the appendage that hung heavily between his legs. Even though it had only been twelve hours earlier when he fucked me on the kitchen counter, I wanted him again. While I could never get enough of him before, being pregnant was making me want him even more. It was as if my body was drawn to his like metal to a magnet.

  He turned off the water before climbing into the soaker tub. His gorgeous blue eyes turned to me and he smirked. "Are you going to come join me or would you rather just stare at me all night?"

  Shaking my head and ridding myself of my stupor, I rose from the makeup vanity and turned towards Travis. Slowly, I unknotted my robe and let the silky material fall to my feet. Completely nude, I slinked over to the tub and stood at the side so that the apex of my thighs was at eye level with Travis. He fixated on that spot for several minutes, swallowing hard when I widened my stance. Bracing one foot on the side of the tub, I opened myself to him.

  "See something you like?" I ran my hand up my inner thigh, brushing the area that was now throbbing for his touch.

  "You are so bad. Get in here." I yelped when his hand circled my wrist and he pulled me into the tub. Instead of him taking me like I had been hoping for, he pushed me towards the other side of the tub and settled back into his spot under the bubbles.

  "You're serious?" I asked in disbelief.

  "There's plenty of time to fool around. You wanted to relax in a bath, so that's what we're going to do."

  "I know what would help me relax." I made a play for his cock, but he pulled my hand away.

  I huffed and sank down into the water. I tried to relax as best as I could, but all I wanted to do was alleviate the ache inside me.

  Travis picked up my foot and started massaging my instep, making me groan in appreciation. Maybe I could unwind after all.

  "What do you think of the name Juliana?" His voice was low and timid as he asked the question. It startled me since it was so unlike him. Could he possibly be embarrassed about letting me know he was thinking of baby names?

  "For a girl?"

  He gave me a shy smile and nodded, then went back to paying attention to what his hands were doing.

  "I think it's beautiful." I smiled back and felt my heart going pitter pat in my chest. It was so surreal to be sitting here discussing baby names. And it was equally adorable that Travis had been thinking of names for our child. I felt a flutter in my stomach, and I wondered if it was too early to feel anything. I really needed to read the What to Expect When You're Expecting book that I picked up a few weeks before.

  "And I was thinking Christian if it's a boy," he continued.

  "I was thinking something like Giuseppe, after my grandfather."

  "Really? That's kind of old school Italian. Don't you think?"

  "I guess so. We could call him Joey though." I chewed on my lip.

  "How about Emmitt?"

  I scrunched up my nose and shook my head, making him chuckle. "Ethan?"

  He considered that for a moment and nodded. "I like Ethan."

  "Juliana or Ethan." I rolled them around on my tongue, testing the way they sounded. "Excellent names, husband."

  "Thank you, wife."

  "Since I don'
t want to know what we're having ahead of time, let's talk about nursery ideas."

  Travis perked up even more at that idea. "I was thinking classic Winnie the Pooh. Nothing overdone, more muted accents than anything."

  "What have you done with my husband?" I gaped at him. He had never been into decorating or anything even close to resembling decorating. Before me he had an interior designer and a personal shopper. He didn't care about that sort of thing.

  He shrugged and picked up my other foot. "I want to be part of every decision we make about our children. Even the ones that have to do with curtains and pillows and pictures."

  "I'm beyond thrilled you're so into this, Travis. I was originally thinking an all white nursery with animal accents. You know, like a zoo theme? But if you want to do Winnie the Pooh, we can still do an all white room with that instead."

  "I loved Winnie the Pooh when I was younger and I know you used to walk around with a stuffed one when you were a toddler."

  "Don't remind me my mother showed you those pictures," I grumbled.

  "Now about schools, it's very important we get our name on a list soon if we want him or her to get a good education."

  And that was how we spent the rest of our night. Planning the future for our unborn child. It was hands down the best night we had ever spent together.

  * * *

  A loud noise had me heading towards Travis' office. When another bang quickly followed it, I quickened my steps. Pushing the door open, a glass flew past my head and shattered against the wall.

  "What the fuck?" I couldn't think of anything else to say as I got a good look at his now trashed office.

  Travis was standing behind his desk, breathing heavily with a wild look in his eye. He mirrored an angry bull getting ready to charge. Problem was, I had no idea why. When he headed to the office after our customary Sunday morning breakfast in bed, he was completely relaxed—as he should have been since I gave him an orgasm with my mouth before he could leave the bed.

  "Travis, what the hell is going on?" I tried again when he didn't answer me.


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