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Mistress Mommy

Page 4

by Carolyn Faulkner

  “Now. You’ll be on a strict schedule, Alicia, that I will work around your classes. I will take care of alerting the school as to your change of address and letting them know that I will be functioning as your guardian while you’re there. Until you start classes, your schedule will be up at six, breakfast at six thirty, studies till nine, nap till twelve, lunch till one, nap till three thirty, studies till five, play time till six, dinner till six thirty, then bed.”

  A thousand question flooded Alicia’s mind, not the least of which was UP AT SIX??? She was supposed to be a college student! She was supposed to sleep late! She’d spent the entire summer sleeping late! She’d deliberately taken the overnight shift at a grocery store in her home town so that she didn’t have to get up until three in the afternoon. She hadn’t seen six in the morning since long before she’d graduated last spring. And studies? What kind of studies could she possibly mean? Especially since she hadn’t any classes yet!

  “And if you’re naughty, you’ll lose your play time, and perhaps your dinner, and be put right to bed.”

  Right to bed? Alicia couldn’t think of anything worse. Well, that wasn’t quite true... and Mommy went right ahead and proved her wrong, as if she’d read her mind.

  “Probably with a freshly roasted bottom.”

  Mommy was bustling about the wonderfully appointed nursery while Alicia kind of stood in the doorway, as if she was a guest in her own room.

  “Alicia Marie, don’t just stand there, baby. Get into the crib where you belong. I’m afraid I don’t much like the changing table I bought, so I won’t be using it for its intended purpose. I have a friend who keeps saying he’s going go build me another one, but he seems to be all hat and no cattle about that, so I’m not holding my breath. So, for right now, it’s just storage for all of your diapers and such.”

  Alicia moved slowly to the crib. The side was already down, and it actually looked very warm and inviting with its pastel colors, fluffy pillows and small stuffies. She deliberately ignored the well padded straps she saw hanging from each of the posts at the four corners of the rectangle, as well as the hubby in one corner. She didn’t want to consider any too closely what their purpose might be. She curled up on her side, and could see that Mommy had the doors under the changing table open. There were stacks and stacks of pink and white diapers, some with bands of Disney characters along the top and some without. Licia was alarmed to see that, hanging on the door, was a very large red rubber bag with its long white tube and nozzle, as well as several other types of nozzles that looked positively frightening, and several different bulbs of various shapes and sizes. She also saw what she recognized – from entirely too much time spent surfing the Web – as a double Bardex nozzle. This sight had her eyes as wide as saucers.

  On the periphery of her vision, she could also see an interesting conglomeration of items: rubber gloves, rows of baby powder, Desinex, tubes of KY, inflatable butt plugs, and giant jars of glycerin suppositories.

  The binky had nearly fallen out of her wide open mouth, but she caught it – barely. She should have done more investigation into exactly what was going to be used on her while she was here. She should have opened more drawers and looked into more cracks and crevices, instead of being so concerned with her own.

  “I believe in frequent diaper changes, especially at first,” Mommy was saying. In truth, Licia hadn’t much been paying attention to her – she’d been too intrigued by the contents of that cabinet. “But you are never allowed to ask to be changed at any time, Alicia. If you ask, you’ll be punished, and you will not be changed. So save yourself the trouble.”

  “Now, most of your changes, if I have the time, will involve a certain amount of inspection. Making sure you’re clean, and just generally poking into places you probably don’t want me poking into. But I’m your Mommy, and that’s what I’m supposed to do. It’s what I want to do.” She had closed the cabinet door and brought up the side of the crib, then lowered the end, which Alicia knew wasn’t an option on most real cribs, but she figured that this furniture had probably all been custom made for her, to her own specifications.

  Her Mommy reached in and pulled Alicia down towards the end of the bed, saying, “I need to check if you’re wet.”

  Wet? Alicia thought to herself. Of course she wasn’t wet. She didn’t need to pee. She was perfectly capable of using the bathroom, anyway. “In case you haven’t guessed already, the potty is off limits to you until you’ve earned that privilege. Except for number two. I don’t think either of us wants to deal with that. But even then, you’ll have to ask my permission to use the potty, and you’ll have to ask using exactly that term. Not the bathroom or the ladies room, the potty, because you’re just a little one.”

  Alicia let her distaste be known in the only way she could now, by snorting a little through her nose and slapping her hand down on the mattress of the crib. “If you’re going to be fussy, Alicia, then I’ll have to secure your hands and legs while I do this.” She had no sooner said it than it was done. The padded straps that she’d noticed a few moments ago when getting into the crib were being used on her to hold her hands well above her head, each arm outstretched toward a corner of the crib, each knee trapped securely and held well back to spread her wide, not allowing her one shred of modesty or dignity. Her diaper was gone, put in the white pail next to the changing table, the rhumba panties in the pink and white hamper that had a carousel sticker on the front and on the padded top.

  “Momma, may I come in?”

  NO, YOU CAN’T! Alicia fairly shrieked in her mind. She’d almost relaxed – sort of. Well, as much as one could in that position, when that lilting female voice came from the doorway.

  But of course Mommy said yes.

  It was Amy. Alicia could see her out of the corner of her eye and began pulling at her bonds and chewing on her pacifier agitatedly.

  “Oh, dear. I’m afraid you’re upsetting the baby, dear. Go and get the sleep mask from the top drawer of her dresser for me, please.”

  Sleep mask? Alicia couldn’t for the life of her figure out what that was, until Amy, with an evil smile on her face, placed something very light but opaque over her eyes. Then she heard two clicks, and she realized that she could neither dislodge the blindfold nor move her head any longer. She was blind and immobile now, from the neck up.

  “Much better, dear, thank you for the help.”

  Alicia heard Amy move to the foot of the crib. “Can I help, Momma? I wanna help with the baby.” She sounded dangerously petulant to Alicia, like a jealous little girl whose place in the family had been usurped by the newcomer.

  “Of course you may, sweetie. You can get me the KY from the cabinet – I forgot it somehow, as well as the Desinex.” Alicia could hear the cabinet doors opening and closing as Amy moved to do Mommy’s bidding. “Now you can move her dress up some, so that we can see those lovely breasts of hers.”

  Alicia felt her babyish pink dress being lifted off her stomach and bunched upwards. “More, dear. More. Push it up under her armpits, well out of the way. That’s it.”

  “Her nipples are hard, Momma!”

  Alicia thought she’d die from the shame of it. At least she couldn’t see them looking at her.

  “Tsk, Amy, you made her blush. She can’t help it that her nipples are hard, any more than she can help that she’s very juicy down here.” Alicia heard the warning snap of a rubber glove against a slender wrist, then felt the ignominious probing of rubber covered fingers in her privates that were victoriously withdrawn seconds later. “Do you see what I mean, Amy? My fingers are covered in her spunk. Just covered! She can’t help that, any more than you can. You know that you get just as wet when I have to change you.”

  Amy humphed, and Alicia hoped nastily that she was the one blushing this time. “You don’t have to change me anymore. I wear big girl panties!”

  “Not all the time, Amy Sue. And don’t you get to sounding too big for your britches, or I’ll have you back i
n diapers quicker than not. You know there’s always a box of diapers at the back of your closet waiting for just that eventuality. For when you’re just naughty enough to need them, young lady.”

  Alicia couldn’t help it. She giggled at Amy’s comeuppance. And then and there, she sealed her fate with Amy. She and Amy would forever be at loggerheads from that point on.

  “Momma, she laughed at me!” Amy whined.

  “Amy, do I have to remind you what happens to adult little girls who whine? Have you not done enough time over the horse to help you to remember that on your own?” Mommy reprimanded sharply, and Amy shut the heck up before she ended up there again.

  Another, granted smaller, giggle escaped Alicia, but not Mommy. “That’ll be enough out of you, too, Miss Alicia. Cuteness and newness only gets you so far in this household. Don’t push your luck, or you could end up over the horse next to Amy.”

  It was Amy’s turn to giggle.

  Margot sighed loudly. “I can see I’m going to have my hands full with you two.”

  Amy stayed through the entire inspection and changing, just because she knew that it would irk Momma’s new charge. She remembered how horrid she felt about being watched when she was new. And Mom was very thorough, disturbingly so during the first few changes. She slathered KY all over her fingers – although in Alicia’s case it wasn’t really necessary. The girl was a veritable font of nectar, as if everything and anything Mommy did to her was a turn on.

  She was going to have a hard time with that, because, if there was one thing that Momma was could be accused of being somewhat stingy with – and she was overly generous with most everything else, especially if it involve punishment, but also money and gifts and love and affection – it was the actual culmination of pleasure. There were those rare occasions, usually scheduled around the week before a girl’s time of the month, when climaxes were doled out very generously, almost exhaustively. But it was almost as if she saved the pleasuring up for those times and sprinkled the pinnacles few and far between deliberately, so’s to heighten the pleasure when they were granted.

  Occasionally, she would say that her daughter was to be pleasured morning and evening for a week. Just before sleep, and just after waking. That was hell or high water. No time limit, no nothing. That was usually one she took care of herself, very lovingly and carefully. It was a wonderful, intimate time between the two of them.

  Other times, she would let the household know that someone was due a pleasurable time and was available for such between certain hours, usually in the evening. They would have been put to bed and been bound there – either in their bed or crib – open and exposed, entirely unable to defend themselves against whatever their housemates decided to do to them. The only rule was that they had to bring the person to at least one climax – no pain allowed.

  Sometimes, it was a combination of pleasure and pain. The housemates could punish the subject, but were also required to pleasure them at least once. This was a very popular pursuit within the household, but happened the least often.

  Unless there was a baby in the house, who was likely to make the most mistakes.

  Momma caressed as she inspected, and Amy was careful to keep her verbalizations to a minimum. She knew what Momma was listening for – changes in Alicia’s breathing that indicated the level of her arousal, which seemed to be at a reasonable peak already. Amy wasn’t surprised to note that Alicia was already clean as a whistle down there. Mommy kept all of her girls – and boys – like that. She detested pubic hair, and went to great lengths to make sure that no one around her had any. It was definitely out of place in a diaper.

  Although the position she was in already had Alicia’s privates spread obscenely wide, Momma opened them even further, exposing that flushed bud and swollen lips. “My, my, my, Alicia. There’s something going on down here, isn’t there? I should have brought a snorkel, I think.”

  Amy actually chuckled, and Alicia wanted to cry, until she felt a slender finger trying to work its way into her. “You certainly are tight, aren’t you?”

  Alicia could hear Amy’s indrawn breath. “She’s a virgin! Oh my God, she’s a virgin!”

  Although she did her best not to resist her Mommy, there was no way she couldn’t squirm against the intense pressure of the finger.

  It was immediately withdrawn. “All right, sweetie. That’s enough of that. This isn’t the time. It’s the place, but not the time.”

  This was where she was going to lose her virginity? In a crib?

  If Alicia thought that that was going to be the end of the inspection, she was wrong. “Amy, take the binky out of her mouth, please.”

  Amy did as she was told.

  “Alicia, baby, when was the last time you went number two?”

  She made the mistake of hesitating in her answer because she was terribly embarrassed by the question, but that was never advisable with her Mommy, because her legs were immediately pulled further back and she was treated to another sound scourge of her already scourged rear.

  With the pacifier out of her mouth, the tears and sobs flowed naturally as the slaps cracked against her taut flesh.

  “Th-this morning,” she barely choked out through her tears.

  “This morning what,” Margot answered, not letting her legs down.

  “This morning, M-Mommy.”

  “Good girl.” Margot leaned back a bit, saying to Amy, “Please put the hip belt on, Amy.”

  Alicia’s bottom hit the diaper that was never far from her, it seemed, but its softness was absolutely no comfort. Then she felt a well padded but still restrictive belt across her hips that restricted her movement just that much further. And despite the fact that she knew she’d cleaned herself scrupulously well, she felt a baby wipe on her most private of areas, and knew her face was a blazing red because of it. Worse than that, she then felt that horrible pressure of something demanding entrance there, where things were really only supposed to exit.

  She’d always been intrigued by the idea of things anal, but the reality was something entirely different. It was natural to rail against it, as far as she was concerned, but she knew she absolutely could not. She could not take one more spanking. She just couldn’t.

  And she knew that Mommy would not sign on to the idea that it was okay to be against it. She just knew it.

  So Alicia tried to be as still and accepting as she could, but it was not easy. It was like being invaded. And the finger was not polite. It was, in fact, quite rude. It poked around; it curled and twisted within her; it withdrew and pressed itself back within her time and time again, never letting her get used to its reentry.

  And then it tried to recruit a friend. Mommy crossed her middle finger over her index finger and tried to press the both of them up into her, but they didn’t get anywhere. Luckily, she decided not to go any further.

  “Another time,” she said, which Alicia supposed should have made her feel relieved, but it really didn’t. Now she would have to worry when that was going to crop up again. “Well, it’s time for your nap, Alicia Marie. So let’s get you ready.”

  Getting her ready entailed reattaching her diaper and getting her ruffly panties back in place, along with her pacifier. All sides of the crib were pulled up, the mobile above her head was started, and the monitor in the lamb in the corner of the crib was turned on. The blindfold was not taken off, and her hands were encased in mittens that were clipped together then clipped above her head. The same thing happened to the booties on her feet. She was, in effect, completely immobilized.

  “Amy, you can go downstairs and see if Ella needs any help with supper, please.”

  Amy’s groan let Alicia – and everyone else within earshot – know that that was not her favorite chore, but she did as she was told. Alicia was amazed at how bold she was, and wondered why Mommy didn’t reprimand her right then and there for her sassiness. As it was, Mommy laid her hand on Alicia’s tummy. “Now then, you need to get some sleep. It’s been a big day for y
ou, and it’s only half over. Dinner awaits, and then I think I’ll put you to bed right afterwards, but we’ll see.”

  Back to bed so soon? Alicia wasn’t used to so much sleep! She barely slept six hours a day at home, and expected to get much less in college.

  Just as Mommy was leaving the room, though, she snapped her fingers like she’d forgotten something, and she had. She came back and lowered the side of Alicia’s crib, removing her panties and diaper only enough to pull them down and expose her rounded, fiery red cheeks. Then she pressed something that felt only slightly slick and graduated into her bottom hole and it stayed there, held by some sort of phalange.

  “It’s a bottom plug – very, very small, I might add - so that both ends of you are kept busy while you’re sleeping. You’re new, so I used a little KY on the end of it. I don’t like to use much of that stuff. I prefer to use your own, personal lubrication, especially in your case, since you produce so much of it. But that would entail undressing you more than I wanted to.” She patted Alicia’s bottom as she resecured everything tightly around her bottom. “Believe me. You’ll get so used to it that you’ll miss it if I forget it, which I can guarantee I won’t do often.”

  Trying, ever so casually to eject it from her body – and not draw Mommy’s notice - didn’t work when one was diapered.

  And it didn’t work to not draw Mommy’s notice either, because before Mommy bundled her back up again, she laid a round of twenty or so extremely hard swats onto her baby’s vulnerable tushie, so that Alicia fell deep asleep to the sound of her own hiccoughing sobs.

  Chapter Three

  “Rise and shine, babygirl.” There was a dimmer switch on the light, for which Alicia was ever so grateful, and Mommy put it on very dim while she awoke. The first thing that she did surprised her to no end.

  The other end.

  She took out the butt plug, which Alicia had been very surprised that she was able to fall asleep with, and replaced it immediately with a thermometer, but she did take the pacifier out, even though the thermometer definitely made Alicia fussy.


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