Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story

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Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story Page 9

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘What do you mean? I still don’t get it,’ I say shaking my head at her.

  ‘What have we just been talking about here the last few minutes?’ She tilts her head to one side.

  ‘I'm not sure to be honest. I’ve been pretty confused for most of it.’

  ‘Amy. I'd like you to take over running the shop, I'd like you to be in charge,’ Gloria throws her hands up into the air.

  ‘Me look after the shop, who’s going to look after me?’

  ‘Well we’ll discuss that later. But there’s at least two good options I could think of,’ she smiles.

  ‘You mean Laura or Richard?’

  ‘You are going to need a second in command. Anyway, as I say, we’ll talk about it all later. For now, let’s get you taking over finalised. What do you say?’

  ‘I’m not sure to be honest. I mean it’s flattering, thank you. But I don’t know if I’m ready for all this responsibility and besides, I’m going to miss you.’

  ‘Well I’m not running off today. I’ll be around for a while until you’ve found your feet. Then with modern technology and such, I’ll just be a call away.’

  ‘Well I guess…Okay I’m sure we can work something out.’

  ‘Good girl, that’s what I like to hear now come here and give me a hug,’ Gloria opens her arms and beckons me towards her. ‘Now we’ve got all that sorted, you can tell me what this about your home life that’s bothering you so much. Oh and how are things with that hunk you’ve been seeing?’ She says as she rests her chin on my shoulder.

  ‘Oh don’t ask Gloria, you don’t want to know,’ I say nestling myself into her warmth.

  Chapter 21


  ‘Hello. Seraphina, are you home?’ I call out in the lobby of my father's house.

  ‘Crawford darling. I didn't know you were coming over today,’ my mother appears carrying Penelope in her arms.

  ‘I wasn't planning to. I’ve come to see Seraphina. Do you know where she is Mother?’

  ‘I'm afraid I don't. I think she may have gone shopping. I was just on my way out to catch a manicure, is there anything that I could maybe help you with son?’

  'Only if you can track my father down. I’m trying to get hold of him but he’s not answering. I know he's away on business but it’s not like him to not return my calls, and there’s an urgent business matter I wish to discuss with him.’

  ‘Unfortunately I don't think I can help son. Is it something you can deal with in his absence? I’m sure he won’t mind.’

  ‘Well it looks like I might have to, though I’d rather run it passed him first, just to be sure I’m not jumping to any conclusions. It would also be good to know where he is. It’s strange of him to just take off and leave things like this. I’ve never known him to do it before.’

  ‘Hmmmn, that is strange,’ my mother agrees. ‘Not least because Seraphina seems to have no clue where he is either.’

  ‘Seraphina doesn’t know where he is?’

  ‘No, I think the poor woman’s rather unsettled by it all. She’s not said anything of course, but I can tell. Everybody knows how much he adores her, he would never go off and leave like this. Unless for some reason he felt he had to,’ she says stroking Penelope’s tiny ear.

  ‘Well now I am worried.’

  ‘Come on; follow me,’ my mother tips her head to the side and rolls her eyes in the direction of my father's study. ‘Let’s see if we can’t get to the bottom of this,’ she marches towards the study as I follow behind her. ‘Here, hold Penelope for me won’t you dear,’ she says stopping at my father’s bureau and thrusting the puppy into my arms.

  Picking up a letter opener from the table, she rubs her fingers along the crease of the draw. ‘If there’s anything to find, it’ll be in here. Your father has kept every important document of his life in this drawer, as did my father before him.’

  ‘This used to be Grandfather’s?’ I look down at the desk.

  ‘It did. One of the few things I managed to salvage from his estate. Your father always loved it so much I gave it to him. Aha!’ Her hand stops and she picks up a letter opener with her other hand, wedging it into the draw to prise open.

  ‘Mother, what are you doing?’

  ‘What does it look like Crawford?’

  ‘Well it looks like your vandalising father’s property whilst invading his privacy at the same time.’

  ‘Relax, this bureau’s been broken into more times than you’ve had hot dinner. Look!’ she shows me a grove on the inside on the drawer opening. ‘And as for your father’s privacy well…’ she stops as I glare at her.

  ‘Don't be so outraged dear; you want to know what’s going on don’t you?’ She begins to riffle her hand through the papers in the drawer.

  ‘Not like this I don't.’

  ‘So you don’t want to know what this is about then? Fine, I’ll just close it back up then.’ She taps the corner of a letter against her forefinger as she speaks.

  ‘No wait, we’re here now. Might as well see what we can find.’

  ‘Right well let’s start with this one then will we,’ unfolding the letter, she scans its contents. ‘Never mind, you might be right, we shouldn’t be here,’ folding the letter back over, she stuffs it back into the drawer.

  ‘Wait! What is it, what does it say?

  ‘It's nothing, we should just leave.’

  ‘Mother, let me see it please.’

  She tips her wrist towards me and I take the letter from her hand being sure not to disturb Penelope. Shaking the letter open with one hand, I first notice the hospital headed paper. Then glancing down the page, I see the department and particular specialist it’s from. As I read further, I begin to feel nauseous. It appears my father is in hospital having some sort of urgent procedure. So this is why he left his business as he did without telling Seraphina or myself. Seraphina, what are we going to tell Seraphina?

  ‘How are we going to tell Seraphina?’ I give my mother a serious look.

  ‘I don’t know son’

  ‘How are you going to tell Seraphina about what?’ Seraphina appears in the doorway smiling.

  My mother and myself look at each other as Penelope groans and buries her snout down under her paws.


  ‘Max!’ Seraphina, as I suspected she might do, flies straight through the doors as soon as she sees my father.

  ‘Seraphina, and Crawford, what are you doing here?’ My father’s surprised by our arrival.

  ‘You may well ask Max, but I think that we'll be asking the questions first. Why have you been keeping this from us? Were you not going to tell us at all? Seraphina’s words tremble as tears are coming to her eyes so I place a comforting arm around her shoulder.

  ‘Seraphina calm down. It's okay, I’m okay,’ extending his hand my father is unable to stretch far enough to reach her.

  ‘It's okay dad, I’ve got her. But she is right, you are wrong to have kept this from us,’ I walk Seraphina closer towards him and watch as she places her hand onto his.

  ‘How did you both find out I was here?’

  ‘Well we would never have known if Marcella hadn’t of...’ Seraphina begins to blurt out.

  ‘Marcella?’ My father looks at me confused.

  ‘You don't want to know dad,’ holding my hand up I shake my head as the door opens behind me.

  ‘Ah, Mr Montgomery, I see that you have visitors. I'll come back later,’ a man who looks like he could be my father’s consultant is leaning into the room.

  ‘No Mr Coles, you've arrived at just the right time. Would you please talk with my wife? She's upsetting herself somewhat and I don't believe I’ll be able to give her any peace of mind. A word from yourself, as a professional, I think would be helpful right now.’

  ‘Of course Mr Montgomery. Mrs Montgomery if you'd come with me please,’ Mr Coles takes a gentle hold of Seraphina’s arm and leads her towards the door. As she's leaving she gives a worrying look back at my father. ‘There�
�s no reason for concern Mrs Montgomery,’ he says closing the door behind them.

  I watch through the window as they talk and can see Seraphina looking more and more relieved with each word.

  ‘So what’s going on dad, what are you doing here? I don’t have to go out in the hall with the consultant as well do I?’

  ‘It’s nothing son.’

  ‘It doesn't look like nothing to me. I’d rather you were just honest with me.’

  ‘Relax son, it's fine.’

  I just stare at him and after a moment, he sighs and gives in. ‘OK, I noticed that something wasn't right and decided to speak with my doctor. He sent me some for some further tests, and suggested I come in and have a biopsy done.’

  ‘A biopsy?’

  ‘Yes but it’s fine. The results came back and gave me the all clear. As Seraphina will confirm when she returns from talking to Mr Coles. So you see there’s nothing to worry about. I've managed to pick up a minor infection, so will be staying a day or two while it clears up, just a precaution as I understand,’ my father says.

  ‘Why on earth would you keep something like this from us?’

  ‘I just didn't see the point in upsetting or worrying anybody when I didn't know what it was. As it is there's no reason to worry.

  ‘Well I’m glad you’re OK dad,’ I say placing my hand on top of his.

  ‘Thank you, son.’ I feel his hand tighten around mine. ‘Anyway, on to more pressing matters, how are things at my office? Have you had cause to drop by at all?’

  ‘Well I did want to speak with you about that. I was a bit surprised that you left Ashby in charge.’

  ‘Left Ashby in charge? I haven't left Ashby in charge of anything, well other than a few routine admin tasks. In honesty I was in a bit of a pickle when I realised I had to stay, that's why I telephoned Seraphina and said I was away on business. I spoke to Krista at the office and asked her to keep things ticking over as best she could,’ he says.

  ‘Why didn’t you ask me for help dad?’

  ‘I knew you’d ask too many questions and I didn’t want to bother you, as I knew you were busy. I was hoping things would look after themselves until I got back. Krista is quite capable of ensuring that things tick over. Have you been to my office then, how are things?’

  ‘Everything is fine Dad, you just focus on getting better and getting home. Although, there was something I was meaning to ask you. What do you know about a property takeover?’ I’m careful in how I phrase my question.

  ‘A property takeover? You might have to be a bit more specific son.’

  ‘Something about the acquirement of a housing group or rental agency,’ I add.

  ‘Oh yes. I'm not sure what I'm doing with that yet. I've thrown a few ideas around but nothing’s decided yet, why?’ he says becoming curious.

  ‘I passed by the office earlier and noticed Ashby was working on something, I wanted to know what it was all about,’ it’s not a lie.

  ‘Ashby? Well I know he had a few ideas he was trying to push onto me before I left but I haven't had a chance to look over any of them yet. I told him to do his homework first; maybe that’s what he’s been doing. There are tenants and things to consider as I recall and I’m not going to throw anybody out onto the street any time soon. I’ll have to look at the whole thing in detail when I get back, it’s not high on my to-do list right now,’ he gives a dismissive waft of his hand.

  ‘Well, are you happy for me to go and spend some time in the office while you’re here? I could help Krista a bit and ensure everything’s stays on track?’ I place my elbows onto the bed.

  ‘I thought you’d never ask. That would be helpful thank you, son. Now, I've answered all your questions. I'd like you to answer two of mine,’ my father gets a serious look in his eyes.

  ‘Of course Father, what is it?’

  ‘What's your mother doing at the house and who's Penelope?’

  Chapter 22


  ‘So how did it go with the boss?’ Laura’s waiting for me outside Gloria’s room.

  ‘Oh you know. Just this and that,’ I don’t want to keep things from Laura. But Gloria did say she didn’t want everybody knowing and overreacting just yet.

  ‘Just what and what?’ Laura’s never been one to just leave something.

  ‘Look it’s nothing to worry about, I’m sure it will all come out in due course. Now, I’m more interested in hearing how things are progressing with you and Richard. Have you spoken to him yet?’

  ‘Well, we did start talking the other day as it happens. It turns out both want to go and see the same new film, so I’m trying to find a way to work around suggesting that we both go together.’

  “Sounds like a good idea.”

  ‘It is. But do you think I’ll be coming on to strong? Laura twiddles her fingers.

  ‘No I don’t think that.’

  ‘Well I wouldn’t worry, but you know Richard just seems so...Well you know.’

  ‘Yeah I know what you mean.’

  ‘Anyway, how are things with your love life?’ Laura pulls out a chair to seat down.

  ‘Well that’s pretty much a closed book at the moment, afraid,’ I say joining her at the table.

  ‘Why, what’s happened?’

  ‘Oh it’s not worth going into right now; let’s just say it’s not going to work out. So when are you going to discuss the cinema with Richard?’

  ‘Oh I don’t know Amy, these things take time,’ she rests her chin on her palm.

  ‘Yes, but you have to arrange it before the movie goes and you lose your window of opportunity.’

  ‘Fair point. Right ssshhh. Here he comes,’ spotting Richard approach, Laura tries to look as though she hasn’t been taking about him.

  ‘Phone call for you whilst you were in with Gloria Amy,’ Richard says.

  ‘I know; don’t worry I’m avoiding it.’

  ‘Are you sure? It was Rosie.’

  ‘Rosie? What did she want, is everything okay at home?’ I sit up straight.

  ‘Yes as far as I can tell. She said she was sorry, but she’d had a problem and was unable to make it to the house today. She said to tell you she’d contacted the agency to see if they could send a temporary stand in.’

  ‘Oh, my father is not going to like that, He’s not going to like that at all. Thanks for letting me know Richard,’ I stand and head towards the kitchen door, leaning in to pull my coat from the hook. ‘Listen guys I better go. Can one of you two explain to Gloria I had some stuff at home to sort out,’ I ask as I pass them.

  ‘Sure thing Amy,’ Laura says.

  ‘Oh and there’s a new movie at the cinema you two should see together,’ I call back over my shoulder as I head towards the door.

  Chapter 23


  Pulling into the little cul-de-sac I ask my driver to stop at the kerb. The curtains in the neighbouring windows twitch as I get out and make my way up the small pathway to the door. I give a little knock and after a few moments, a woman answers.

  ‘Yeah, what do you want?’ She’s scrunching her lips up and rolling her eyes before I’ve even said anything.

  ‘Good afternoon, I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for Amy please.’

  ‘No Amy here, sorry love.’

  ‘Who is it?’ I hear a man call out from the background.

  ‘Just some guy looking for a woman called Amy, must have the wrong address,’ she calls back across the house.

  ‘Amy? Tell him to wait there, I’m coming.’

  ‘Now look what you’ve done,’ she says looking irritated.

  Leaving the door ajar, she heads back into the house and I can hear a small commotion beginning inside.

  ‘Get off me, I can do it on my own,’ I hear the man’s voice yell accompanied by a certain amount of banging and clanging.

  ‘They told me you’re not supposed to do much on your own,’ the woman replies.

  I take a cautious step inside and follow the vo
ices. Giving a tentative push on the first door I come to. I spot a bit of a situation developing. A man is trying to get out of his chair and move across the room with little success. His cardigan’s snagged on a rather large fireguard and he’s wrapping himself up in an attempt to both free himself and move away. The woman’s trying to stop, and maybe perhaps help him but she’s out of her depth.

  ‘Here, let me help,’ I offer walking over to them.

  ‘I can do it,’ the woman snaps back at me.

  ‘No she can’t, she’s not like Rosie at all,’ the man says. ‘Are you here to see Amy?’ he asks me.

  ‘Yes, yes I am. My name’s Crawford Montgomery, I’m pleased to meet you,’ I extend my hand. ‘I’m presuming you might be Amy’s father.’

  ‘Yes I am, Sam Smith,’ he mellows as he shakes my hand. ‘Are you the fella who picked her up outside in the big posh car the other week? Everybody’s talking about it.’

  ‘Yes I am. I take it Amy’s not home.’

  ‘No she’s not, she’s at work. She should be home soon though,’ he forces his arms and his cardigan frees itself, causing him to lose his balance.

  ‘You ok there?’ I take a hold of his arms. ‘Here let me help you,’ I guide him back into his chair.

  I feel the tension in the room as neither Mr Smith nor the helper seems to want to look, or say anything to each other.

  ‘Excuse me, what’s your name please?’ I ask the woman.

  ‘Tina,’ she replies.

  ‘Well I tell you what Tina. If it’s agreeable with Mr Smith here, I’ll stay with him until his daughter returns and you can get off now if you like.’

  ‘Fine by me,’ Amy’s father says.

  ‘Come on, I’ll see you out,’ I lead her out into the hall and shut the living room door behind us.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull my wallet out. ‘This should cover you for today,’ I count out some notes and hand them to her.

  ‘Yes that’s more than enough thanks,’ she takes the money from my hand and stuffs it into her pocket. ‘Bye then,’ she says, exiting by the front door.

  ‘Bye Tina,’ I shut the door behind her and re-join Amy’s father in the living room.


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