Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story

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Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story Page 10

by Olivia Wilson

  Chapter 24


  Slipping my key into the door, I push it open to the sound of men’s chatter on the inside, which confuses me. I can hear my father laughing and joking as I close the door behind me and walk into the living room.

  ‘Ah here she is,’ my father’s smile widens as he greets me, to my surprise, Crawford is sitting next to him.

  Crawford? I think about that for a moment. What is he doing in my living room, laughing and joking with my father?

  ‘You didn’t tell me Crawford here was a dab hand at draughts Amy,’ my father motions towards the board on the table between them.

  ‘I didn’t know. Where’s the woman the agency sent?’ I ask.

  ‘Oh she’s gone,’ my father replies as he moves a piece on the board. ‘Your move Crawford,’ he says.

  ‘Gone?’ I repeat.

  ‘Yes gone,’ he says, eyes fixed on the table watching Crawford make his move.

  ‘It’s okay though, I’ve been here,’ Crawford says smiling.

  ‘Crawford, could I have a word with you in the hall please,’ I say my hand still leaning on the door handle.

  ‘Of course,’ he replies. ‘If you’ll excuse please Sam,’ Crawford addresses my father as he stands up from his chair. ‘And no cheating while I’m away, I know where every one of those pieces are.’

  ‘Would I,’ my father laughs.

  ‘Back in a minute dad,’ I say closing the door behind us once Crawford is out in the hallway.

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I came to see you. I have been trying to call…’

  ‘I know, I’ve been ignoring you,’

  ‘I thought that may have been the case so I came by. I wanted to discuss this with you.’ He pulls the eviction letter out of his pocket and begins to unfold it.

  ‘Oh so your here in an official capacity are you, how nice. Came to make sure my father was packing? Well we’re not going without a fight I can tell you that much,’

  ‘Amy look, I see how this all looks. But it’s not what you think.’

  ‘I’d rather not hear what you have to say Crawford. I’m sure you think you can come around here and sweet talk us into going without a fuss, but you can't buy everything. I could tell when I met you that you were used to getting everything you wanted. I just didn’t realise you would trample over everyone in your way to get it.’

  ‘This is what I’m trying to tell you Amy...’

  ‘I don’t care what you’re trying to tell me, I don’t want to hear anything more from you. Now, if I’m not mistaken even by your count, we are still official tenants so if you would please leave our home I’d appreciate it.’

  ‘If that’s what you want,’ he says folding the letter up and pushing it back inside his jacket. ‘Can I call you later?’

  ‘I’d appreciate it if you didn’t contact me again.’

  ‘As you please,’ he turns and walks away.

  I’m quick to close the door behind him before he turns back around. But I do move to the little window next to it, and watch him from behind as he walks down the garden path. There he goes, the man who made me feel like the luckiest woman in the world, then turned around and broke my heart.

  Chapter 25


  It's been three weeks since the revelation that Crawford was behind the plans about to cost us our home. I've heard nothing from him since, and I don't want to. But what concerns me more is that I haven't heard anything from the property agency either. So, I’ve no idea of the final date we need to be out by. I've tried not to think about it, throwing myself into work while looking at potential accommodations in my spare time. It won't be long before Gloria leaves. She hasn't told anybody yet, but I suppose she’ll have to soon. So, I've been watching and shadowing her as much as I can. She doesn't want a fuss, which is why I think she's keeping it to herself as long as possible. But time’s ticking on and the excitement must be getting to her now. She's called a staff meeting this morning, so I suspect this is when she'll make the announcement. I hope so, as I'm struggling to keep this secret.

  ‘So what do you think this is all about, Amy?’ Laura asks me as we sit and wait for Gloria to arrive.

  ‘I suppose we'll have to wait and see, won't we?’ I reply, shifting my eyes away from her gaze.

  ‘Oh, you're no fun. I hate surprises,’ she says, crossing her arms. ‘I do hope it's a good one.’

  ‘Well, here she is now. So, it looks like we're about to find out,’ I say, motioning towards Gloria as she breezes into the room.

  She looks like she's in a great mood. I can tell she's had her hair done as her roots appear fresh and bright, and her curls are bouncing as she walks. I think she may have had a spray tan, too, as she's darker than usual and her make-up is more dramatic.

  ‘Good morning everybody,’ she beams as she moves across the floor with a spring in her step. ‘How is everyone today? I trust you're all well.’ Pulling a chair into place, she proceeds to sit herself down.

  ‘We’re all good, thank you, Gloria,’ Richard replies rubbing the hair behind his ear.

  ‘So, I suppose you're all wondering what we're doing here?’ Gloria says, crossing her legs and interlocking her fingers over her knees.

  I look around the room at the confused faces. The fashion in which Gloria arrived was not typical of her character, and has caused a few people to turn to the people on either side of them to gauge their reaction.

  ‘Okay, well, I'll try not to keep you much longer. I brought you all here today to share some news with you. Ken and I have been doing a lot of talking of late, and we've decided we'd like to travel before the two of us feel too old. There are many places we've always wanted to see, so we've decided to just go for it. So it is with great regret that I'll be leaving you all, but I'm sure you won't miss me too much.’

  ‘You're leaving, Gloria?’ Laura says, shifting in her chair.

  ‘No. Well, yes. Sort of.’ Gloria’s head tilts from side to side in line with her indecisive response.

  ‘Are you selling up, Gloria?’ Richard asks, his eyebrows squeezing together.

  ‘Not yet, but we'll see how it goes. We're leaving for a short time at first, six weeks or so. Then, if everything goes to plan, we expect to be away longer. We are going to cover most of Europe first, then venture further afield. In which case we'll need more money. Anyway, we’ll keep you all posted and for now, you’ll be in good hands. Which brings me onto my next point,’ she slaps her palms against her thighs. ‘Amy has agreed to take the reins until a more permanent solution can be sought. So, if you could all offer her your support, I’d appreciate it.’

  ‘Of course,’ Richard says.

  ‘You can count on us, Amy,’ Laura adds with a nod of confirmation.

  ‘So, are there any questions?’ Gloria asks patting her freshly blown fringe.

  ‘Without meaning to sound too eager for you to leave, when do you go, Gloria?’ Richard asks, tilting his head to one side.

  ‘End of the week,’ she replies, pushing out her lips and drumming her fingers on her knee.

  End of the week? That makes me sit up. Gloria hasn't discussed a leaving date with me yet. I had a general idea that it would be sometime soon, but still. It all seems so near and so daunting.

  ‘I'm sure you were wondering about your roles and responsibilities. Rest assured that everything will stay the same. Of course, should Amy need to make any changes she has complete freedom to do so. But I don't see it being an issue. Do you have anything you'd like to add, Amy?’ Gloria says, looking straight at me.

  ‘No, I'm not one for speeches,’ I shake my head.

  ‘Why don't you come over here and sit beside me?’ She beckons me with her hand. ‘After all, you are now my second-in-charge.’

  ‘Thank you, Gloria.’ Standing up, I take hold of the back of my chair and walk over to where she’s seated. Placing the chair beside her, I sit myself down. ‘Actually, I would quite like to say something.’ />
  ‘Of course, go right ahead,’ Gloria nods as everyone diverts their attention towards me.

  ‘Well, I'm sure I speak for everybody when I say that it's been a pleasure working here with, and for, you. I'm glad that you and Ken have chosen to reward yourselves with this trip. I think I speak for everyone when I say we wish you all the best, and as much as we going to miss you, we can't wait to see you leave. I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.’

  ‘Here, here!’ Richard adds.

  ‘Thank you for that, Amy,’ Gloria says with a tear forming in her eye. ‘Right, well, we better get back to work before you lot have me in tears or the customers kick the door down.’

  ‘Not so fast, Missus,’ Laura says. ‘Don't think you’re getting away that easy. Not without some sort of leaving to-do. We need a proper send-off for you.’

  ‘That's an excellent idea,’ I agree.

  ‘Well, if you’re all sure, I'll talk to Ken and see if we can arrange something. Now, let's all get back to work, or none of us will have any money to go anywhere or do anything.’

  Chapter 26


  It's been three weeks since the whole Ashby Talbot debacle. My father's been home from hospital and back in the office. Of course, he's not back to his usual hours yet and he’s still under Seraphina’s watchful eye. As she both lives and works with him, it’s doesn’t seem he’ll escape the rest-and-rehabilitation regime she's put in place anytime soon. I can't say that I disagree with her, I too feel he should be recovered before returning to work. It also means I can avoid explaining the property development situation to him for a little longer. Don't get me wrong, I know he won't have a problem with my actions as he'll trust I made the right decision. I know he would never want things to go the way Ashby was trying to progress them. Still, it doesn't make the situation any less awkward. It's going to be a difficult conversation for us to have. As I have waded into his territory all guns a-blazing and taken over. Even at best it's impolite, and not something he needs the stress of right now.

  I'm drawing up paperwork to transfer the lease to Amy's home into her father's name. I hope that will at least alleviate the fear of their home being in jeopardy. It doesn't erase what's happened, but it's the best I can do to rectify the situation. I've neither seen nor heard from her since we argued about this. As, I suspect, she still feels me responsible for the situation, I doubt that I will.

  ‘I'm just popping out to get a bite to eat, darling. Would you like me to bring you back anything?’ my mother asks, walking into my office without feeling the need to knock first.

  She's been working with me for the past few weeks, and it’s been working out much better than I thought. In fact, it's working out quite well for everyone. My father has Seraphina in his office, and now I have my mother in mine. It’s turned into a real family-run organisation, and I like the idea of that. Besides, it's nice to have her around, she seems to like it, which is surprising. Perhaps I don't know her that well. In fact, I'm sure I don't. She's here with me most days and I don't think we've spent this much time together before in my adult life.

  I haven't seen the man I spotted outside my father's home and office either, so we may have seen the last of him. Which would be good, as my mother could do without people like that in her life. I know she can be a bit of a handful sometimes, but she's my mother. I did, of course, try to buy her a new apartment. But she's insisted on renting one herself with the wages she's earning from working in my office. She did let me put the deposit and first few months down, but she's covering the rest. At least she thinks she is; I've struck up a secret deal with the landlord. She has no idea of the cost of apartments in this area, and nowhere near the amount of money needed to afford one (despite my paying her more than the job is worth, which she hasn't noticed either). So while she pays half of the rent, I pay the rest. I get to look out for my mother, and she gets her independence. Everybody's happy.

  She wanted to come and work for me for free, but I could never allow that. I did envision all sorts of problems occurring at first, but it's been smooth sailing so far. The staff and the clients both seem to love her; she's gotten on with everybody like a charm. If there is one downside to having my mother in the office, it's having Penelope here with her. The office is no place for a dog, even one as cute as Penelope. She sheds like crazy, which doesn't work well with the black designer upholstery. Still, the secretaries have taken a shine to her and I think there’d be nothing short of a revolt if I tried to oust her now.

  ‘No mother, I'm all right, thank you.’

  ‘You have my mobile number. If you want anything, just give me a call.’

  ‘Will do, Mother,’ I reply as I watch her trot from my office with Penelope under her arm. ‘Joanna,’ I say, pressing my finger down on the intercom button on the phone once my mother's left the room.

  ‘Yes, Mr. Montgomery,’ Joanna replies across the intercom.

  ‘Could you come in here, please? If you're not busy, that is.’

  ‘Of course, Mr. Montgomery. I'll be right there.’

  Taking my finger off the button, I look back over the papers in front of me. After a few seconds, I hear the tap on my office door.

  ‘Come in!’ I call out.

  The door opens and in walks Joanna.

  ‘How may I help, Mr. Montgomery?’

  ‘Could you please get these papers off to my solicitors for me when you can? They're signed and dated. He just needs to action the transfer of the lease on his end,’ I say, passing the paperwork to her.

  ‘Of course, I’ll see to it right away.’ Reaching out, she takes the paperwork from my hands.

  Thank you, Joanna. Could you please let me know when that's done?’

  ‘Will do.’ Placing a hand on top of the papers in her arms, she turns and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

  Chapter 27


  Pulling my notepad out of the front of my apron, I slip my pencil from behind my ear as I approach table number five.

  ‘Good afternoon ladies, what would you like today?’ I ask, my pencil poised and ready.

  I glance up to make eye contact and notice a familiar face and mane of bright red hair. It's the woman Crawford was with outside the coffee shop the first time we met.

  ‘Are you all right, dear? You look rather startled,’ her dark-haired companion asks me.

  ‘What? Oh sorry, it's nothing, I'm fine,’ I reply, shaking my head and looking back at my pad.

  Seeing her here today is bringing it all back to me and I can't help thinking of Crawford. The feeling I had when I first looked up and saw him looking down at me. His dark gold hair, tanned complexion, and sea-green eyes. I remember noticing the most perfect cupid’s bow shape on the top of his lip.

  The redhead’s companion also has thick, glossy hair, but this time it’s dark curls, as opposed to red waves. Her make-up's impeccable, as is her manicure. She has bright eyes with a scarlet red smile stretching across the front of a row of pearly white teeth.

  ‘I believe we've met before, haven't we?’ The red-haired woman asks.

  ‘I believe we have. Well, not met, but we have seen each other before.’

  ‘Ah yes, I remember now. You're the lady who took the unfortunate tumble just outside those doors a little while back.’

  ‘Yes, I am.’ I look down in embarrassment.

  ‘We’re all women of the world here. I'm sure we've all had our fair share of trips and falls,’ the dark-haired woman says.

  ‘It was quite a visual spectacle as it happens, Marcella. Crawford was there to catch her in his arms, swooping her up to safety. I've not seen anything like it for a long time; it was like watching an old-fashioned movie.’ I feel my cheeks begin to blush as the red-haired woman speaks.

  ‘Who, my son? I have raised him well,’ the dark haired lady smiles.

  Her son?

  ‘Indeed, I think he was quite taken by the girl. Listen to us talking about her as though
she's not here. I do apologise, dear, it must seem quite rude.’

  ‘No, it's no problem.’

  ‘So you've met my darling son, then...Amy?’ The dark-haired woman says, looking at the name tag on my polo shirt. ‘Are you friends?’ she adds.

  ‘I don't know if you could call us friends. But we do know each other, yes,’ I reply, trying not to make eye contact with her in the process.

  ‘I do believe there's more to this story than meets the eye, Seraphina,’ she says raising an eyebrow.

  ‘Oh Marcella, don't tease the poor woman. I am sorry, Amy. Here you are waiting to take our order while we mess around like a pair of silly old women.’

  ‘Speak for yourself, Seraphina, there's no old lady in me yet. But you're quite right; we shouldn't keep the woman waiting. What would you like?’ The dark-haired woman asks.

  ‘No, I'll get these, Marcella,’ her companion replies.

  ‘Nonsense, I wouldn't hear of it.’

  ‘Well, if you insist, I'll have the special please, and a latte to go with it. Thank you,’ the red-haired woman says, passing me a menu. ‘I'm Seraphina, by the way.’ I take the menu from her, and she continues to hold her hand out to me.

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Seraphina,’ I smile as I shake her hand. ‘I'm Amy,’ I say motioning towards my nametag. ‘But then you've already established that.’

  ‘Oh yes,’ she says, resting her chin on her fingers. ‘It's all coming back to me now. You’re quite the comedian, aren't you?’

  ‘Well, I wouldn't say that myself.’

  ‘The funniest people never do, dear. I'm Crawford's mother, Marcella. Pleased to meet you.’ Marcella also extends her hand towards me.

  ‘Well it's been lovely meeting you both, but if you would excuse me, I must go and get your drinks. I’ll be back in a moment.’

  ‘Thank you, Amy,’ Seraphina says as I leave the table heading back towards the counter.


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