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Heart of a Wolf

Page 5

by K. D. Friedrich

  The man chuckled. "Ah, pretty witch, you're a funny one. We'll see how funny you are when the scientist gets a hold of you." She shivered at the vampire’s leer. His sharp fangs peeked out from beneath his top lip. "Your fear has a tangy bitterness, but I bet your blood is sweet."

  She narrowed her gaze on him. "Who are you?"

  "You can say I'm an old friend of your brother-in-law and a business associate of your host." The vamp sauntered past her as if strolling through a park on a pleasant sunny day. He had a bloated confidence that usually came from a lifetime of getting your way and the posture of refinement. Again, a wave of familiarity washed over her, but she had no idea why. "Your family is getting closer to finding you. I have to say, I was curious to see how things might develop between Lex and your family. Unfortunately, you will bring a fine price, and a seasoned businessman like me can't pass up such a sound investment." He licked his lips as he eyed the column of her throat. "The photos Lex had didn't do you justice. You are exquisite." He sighed. "But it's not your beauty that will make me a small fortune. It's your special gift. Not to mention, your blood and the genetics it carries."

  She sensed him attempting to charm her with his powers. She broke eye contact. Weakened by her captivity, she feared she wasn't strong enough to resist. "My family is not stupid enough to fall into your trap."

  "I wouldn't be so sure. Right now, there's the local wolf pack and a vamp coven looking for you, but there's another who's joined the mix. A very interesting party. A wolf from the MacGlenn pack. Oh, and not just any wolf, but the alpha. The local pack and the vamp I can understand, you're one of their top guards, but why would the MacGlenn alpha leave his pack to come after you?" He tapped his chin. "Hmm…he could have sent his guards to aid the search. But no. He is personally leading the efforts. Curious…very curious."

  "The MacGlenn pack is very close with my family. My father probably—"

  "Lies don't become you, witch. The man is here because he's your mate. One of my spies heard him confirm my suspicions when he was checking out your apartment."

  "So why ask?"

  He shrugged. "I wanted to see what you'd say." He sat on the side of the bed. She tried to scoot away, but there was nowhere to go. "This is perfect, actually. The humans that will be coming to claim you are very interested in the true mates’ dynamic. Especially, how they breed." He sighed. "Lex didn't agree with my new financial arrangement when I suggested it. But he doesn't have to know."

  "You make me sick. You would sell your own people."

  A look of disgust darkened his face. "You are not my people, witch. You aren't even fit to shine my shoes."

  He drew closer, his hand moving up her thigh, and Winter struggled against her binding. They cut into her wrist deeper. "I would fuck you, though. If you wish to save yourself, I could take your kin when they come to get you. Offer them in your place. Perhaps, give them the human you live with. I know the scientists wouldn't mind having another human to breed the animals with."

  "I would never betray my friends to save my own ass…ever. I leave that action to cowards like you."

  He growled and pushed himself away from her. "Loyalty will get you killed. Take it from me. Even blood doesn't guarantee devotion."

  "If I die. It's on you. Not my family or friends."

  "You say that like I care." He turned his back to her. "Sleep well, witch." He left the room, slamming the door behind him.


  Tristan watched Summer on the screen as she relayed him information. She had Winter's eyes. Not the same beautiful shade, but the same intelligence. "I've narrowed down the search to three possible suspects based on the description. I'm sending their files to your phone," Summer added. "Goddess, I hope these help."

  "Speaking of the Goddess. Did you get to talk to her? She'd probably have no problem finding—"

  "You know the sisters and their brother have gone into seclusion."

  "Pretty convenient if you ask me," Tristan grumbled.

  Summer sighed. "I hope Winter's okay."

  "I will find her, Summer. I swear to you." Tristan's wolf backed up the promise with a deep growl.

  "I know you will, Tristan."

  The despair in Summer's tone made Tristan's claws extend. They all knew each passing second Winter remained missing sealed her fate. His wolf whimpered as a wave of horrific possibilities darkened his thoughts. No, don't even think it, he scolded himself. I am going to find her. I will bring her home safe and sound.

  "I will keep you updated." Tristan hung up the phone. He downloaded the files Summer sent and opened them.

  The faces of three men stared up at him. One of these men might have his mate and one of these men would certainly die.

  Tristan heard the door open behind him but didn't turn. He knew the witch Aric stood behind him. The man's energy had drifted in moments before he entered. Typical arrogant guardsman. Tristan was surprised the man lived this long.

  "If you're going to eavesdrop, best to bind your magic, guard, any shifter could sense you a mile away."

  When he heard of Aric's involvement with Winter, his first instinct was to drive down to Long Island's east end and rip the fucker's throat out. But he resisted. It would have only driven her further away and deeper into Aric's arms.

  "Those are the men Winter's sister found?" He leaned over Tristan's shoulder.

  "Yeah, that would be them." Tristan glanced behind him with a glare. "Do you mind?"

  "Winter often refers to you as laid back. I don't get that vibe." Aric continued to eye the suspects.

  "Living for ten years without your mate takes its toll. I assure you." Tristan focused his eyes back on the computer screen. "Do you know any of them?"

  Aric pointed. "This one with the receding hairline, I've seen him at the coven meetings. He's the human-witch liaison in the sector. Not the kidnapping type. Not all that powerful either. The other two I don't recognize."

  "Isn't that unusual considering your parents’ status in the witch community?" Tristan leaned back. He crossed his arms over his chest and offered Aric a sideways smirk.

  Aric lowered his gaze. Interesting. "I don't really follow in my parents’ circles."

  Tristan lifted a brow. He glanced at his watch. "I'm heading over to Winter's place. See if the building manager recognizes any of these men."

  "You're taking your man with you, right?"

  "No, he's checking on a few things for me."

  "I'll send Isaac with you." Aric reached for his phone.

  Tristan held up a hand. He needed to do this himself without distractions. "I'm good."

  "We have no idea who or what we're dealing with. You should have backup."

  "I'll be fine. Tell Grayson I'll be back shortly."

  He needed to go back to Winter's place on his own. Yes, he had to question the manager, but he also needed to immerse himself in her scent and he didn't need an audience when he did it.


  Darkness shrouded Winter's apartment building. Several of the streetlights lining the parking area were out and a few others flickered. Tristan lifted his nose to scent the air. He smelled a few humans, supernaturals, and the local wildlife scurrying about, but none of the scents belonged to the ones they found in Winter's place.

  He stalked toward the property manager's apartment, making sure to stay alert for anything suspicious. The place appeared deserted, but as he drew closer, he noticed the door ajar.

  Tristan narrowed his gaze. A bad feeling crept over him all of a sudden. Within, his wolf growled a warning to be vigilant, forcing him to scan the dark shadows with a discerning eye.

  Nothing stirred.

  A breeze shifted, blowing past him from the east, carrying with it a slight scent of the ocean and a familiar vampire scent. He growled low in his throat. The bastard who took his Winter had been here or still lurked. Tristan hoped the latter, because he'd rip the son of a bitch apart.

  He slowly pushed open the manager's door. The stench of
aging blood hit him like a fist, making him grimace. He walked in farther to find two large feet poking out from behind the couch’s left leg.

  "Jesus." He growled. Tristan rushed over to the lifeless figure. He fell to his knees at the human's side. "Larry, Larry, can you hear me, man?" No response. He placed two fingers on the side of Larry's throat.

  Shit, no pulse.

  The door slammed shut behind him. Tristan spun to discover a large figure blocking his exit. Another form appeared in the entryway to the kitchen and then a third at the end of the hallway.

  "The exact man I was hoping to see tonight," teased the figure blocking the closed front door. He stank of vampire.

  Tristan glared at the man. Although hidden in shadows, his features appeared familiar, yet Tristan couldn't remember where he'd seen the vampire before.

  "Where is my mate?" Tristan's voice grew deeper with each word. His wolf paced along the edge of his control, ready to burst free from his skin, and kill.

  "She is safe…for now."

  A sudden sharp pain struck his neck. Tristan reached for the object now protruding from his throat, yanked it out, and tossed it to the side. Seconds later, his vision blurred. He staggered, but caught himself on the wall. Another sharp pain hit his spine. He grunted.

  "Coward." Supernatural beings didn't use tranks What the hell?

  "I thought you'd at least come with a few others. I was hoping to get a bunch of products for my buyers, but…" The vampire shrugged. "A pair of mates will do. And you and Winter are mates, aren't you? True mates, if my guess is right."

  "If you hurt her, I'll kill you." A powerful wave of nausea brought Tristan to his knees. His words slurred. Whatever drugs surged through his body were strong.

  The bastard laughed. "No, you won't, you'll be a tad tied up." Tristan heard snickers from each corner, but his vision was so fuzzy he couldn't make out the bastards who mocked him as they approached. His head swam. Woozy, he collapsed to the floor beside the old man's body. "A few shots of tranquilizers and look how easy the mighty wolf falls."

  Hands reached under his arms seconds before everything went black.


  Lex threw open the door to the study to find Maxwell lounging on the sofa with a drink.

  "What the hell did you do? Where is she?"

  Moments earlier, Lex's power had been thrust into an erratic spiral. Strength and magic soared within him like it had before the blasted curse his mother forced him in to. The sudden burst meant one thing. The woman was either dead or suffering enough to satisfy the promise.

  The shift of circumstance sent him running to check on his hostage and as he dreaded, he found the room empty. Nothing but a trace of her lovely scent remained.

  Lex pinned Maxwell with a glare. The vampire rolled the ice cubes around in his glass. He didn't lift his gaze from the swirling liquor. "I did what you were too afraid to do. I took care of the witch and her family. Vengeance is yours and…I made us a nice profit." He took a sip. "You're welcome."

  He should be thrilled, but he couldn't shake the awful sense of guilt. Yes, his magic was free, but at what price.

  "I didn't tell you, you could take her. I had my own plans for her."

  The vampire rose. His gaze glowed bright silver. "I didn't need your permission."

  They stood face-to-face. The vampire hissed. "I'm getting real sick of you throwing around your weight like you're the goddamned king of the world."

  With his strength growing with each passing second, Lex wielded his magic with far more ease than he had in years. He laughed. "You think this is throwing around my weight?" The vampire staggered back and fell onto the nearby couch. Lex locked him to the seat with a spell. "You forget how I found you. Sniveling on the prison floor like some pathetic vermin, draining rats for sustenance." When the scent of fear drifted past him, he released the vampire from the magic shackles he enforced and grinned.

  "You forget that I'm no longer human." Already recovered from the attack, Maxwell stood and straightened his jacket. "I don't see the fucking problem anyway. The witch is out of your hair. We have more money to add to our fortune." Max straightened his hair that had gotten rumpled. "Now, sit. Have a drink with me."

  "Where did you send the woman?"

  The vampire shook his head. "I found a group of people willing to take her off our hands for a small fortune. Not to mention one of her friends. Don't worry. They won't be a problem anymore."

  "That didn't answer my goddess damned question. Where is she?"

  The vampire rolled his eyes. Then he grinned. "She's with some human doctors, a secret section of the government even the president doesn't know about. They just want to experiment a little."

  "You sold her to that damn human testing facility. She's not a fucking animal."

  "Don't be so self-righteous. You kidnapped her from her apartment in the middle of the night. So, give me a fucking break with the theatrics. Don't worry. They will survive. Well, at least I think they will."

  "Wait, what do you mean…her mate?"

  "That's the best part of this entire development. I killed two birds with one stone. I managed to stick it to the MacGlenn pack too. Turns out, Winter's true mate is none other than Tristan MacGlenn. Your problems are solved."

  "What!" Lex raked his fingers through his hair. "You are brewing the biggest shit storm ever. His entire pack will be looking for him. The MacGlenns have connections. Powerful friends in every supernatural corner, you fool."

  The vampire waved off Lex's concern. "You worry too much. Come…sit, have a drink with me."

  Drink? Lex wanted to kill the bastard. "I think I had my fill of your company for one day." He had to find out what happened to the woman and the alpha. The first place he was going was to see the vampire's two minions.

  The vampire shrugged. He poured another glass of whiskey. "Suit yourself." He sipped it as Lex turned his back and marched out the door.

  Chapter 6

  Tristan's eyelids sprang open. He squinted. Above him, bright fluorescent lights pierced him with blinding white light. His temples throbbed as if he spent a week drowning in whiskey and finally sobered up. He closed his eyes, struggling through the haze clouding his mind.

  Where the hell am I?

  What the fuck happened?

  The last thing he remembered was being at the property manager's condo, finding his body, and then…

  "Motherfucker," he roared. His inhuman tone echoed throughout the room. He winced at the sharp pain his outburst caused his head. "Damn tranks." Tranquilizers had a nasty effect on a shifter since they needed a much stronger dose than humans. The drug would burn out of his system fast once he gained consciousness, but not before giving him one hell of a hangover. "I'm going to kill that vampire."

  The anger coursing through him heated his blood, bringing attention to the cold hard metal slab beneath his back.

  Desperate to survey his surroundings, he swung out his legs to sit up and immediately regretted the decision as a wave of nausea and dizziness struck him hard. For a moment, he sat still with his chin against his chest, waiting for the sickness to go away. Despair began to root inside him. He cursed the sudden weakness. Alphas needed to maintain control at all times. Right now, he had no idea what the hell he was going to do.

  Winter was still out there. He had to stay strong for her.

  Once his stomach settled, he lifted his gaze. Except for the table he lay on and the tray of food by a slot in the steel door, the room was empty.

  His cell held the clinical stink of disinfectant, pills, and a subtle trace of blood. He stretched his neck to loosen the knots forming in his nape and felt a tight restriction around his throat.

  "Are you fucking kidding me? Those bastards collared me." Well, no shifting, unless he wanted to strangle to death. "I’m going to fucking rip their throats out."

  Anger burned hot within him. Beneath the confines of his skin, his wolf growled and snarled. His beast was already affected by the cage t
hey locked around his throat. The need to escape the collar became overwhelming. Shifters hated having their animals confined. Their human half may be tame, but the wolf within him possessed a wild spirit and despised any sort of imprisonment.

  "Calm down," he told himself out loud.

  His wolf hated the tight metal wrapped around his neck. That's why Tristan never wore necklaces or scarves. They hindered shifting. Not to mention, they made him feel locked within his own skin. Humans could seal him in a cell the size of refrigerator and it would not feel as restrictive as the cold steel band wrapping his throat.

  "Get your mind off the damn collar," he repeated the order to himself several times.

  After a few deep breaths, he hopped off the steel gurney. He stumbled, but then caught the corner of a nearby counter. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Whatever drug they gave him remained strong in his system, fogging his senses.

  Tristan glanced up to see a large wall made of bars that looked into the room next door. He lurched toward the bars. His heart sunk when he saw who lay inside.

  "Winter," he whispered. He banged on the bars with his shifter might, but they didn't budge. "Winter, baby, are you okay? Open you damn eyes."

  "She is fine, sleeping thanks to a sedative. She will wake soon with limited side effects."

  Tristan swung around. He saw no one behind him and soon realized the voice came from a speaker attached to the ceiling in the corner.

  "Who the hell are you?" He growled, barely able to contain his anger.

  "I am simply a man of science. Working with other colleagues to protect and serve the human race."

  Tristan flashed his fangs. "What do you want?"

  "Almost ten years since the discovery of supernaturals and there is still much we do not know of your kind. Except, the pitiful information you are willing to supply. This lack of knowledge makes it difficult to protect humanity from those who wish us harm."

  "We don't wish anyone harm." Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Winter move. Her eyes fluttered open. Fear entered them in an instant and he didn't like it. "Let her go. I'll help you with whatever you want, but she has no part in it."


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