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The Daemon Within

Page 10

by Jeremy Croston

  Ruth was slowly tearing off the bread while I was eating. After more than enough drumsticks, “Victor, Izabella, the task that awaits you is tantamount to suicide.”

  I’d been thinking of seeing if that kettle had any other tricks, but Ruth’s words took the air out of my sails. “I don’t believe anything is impossible, if that’s what you’re implying,” I said defiantly.

  “Allow me to tell you both a story.” It didn’t seem like this was the right time for a story. Isa seemed to want to hear it, however. Interesting. “Ages ago, four artifacts were created to anchor certain evils in place. The orb you carry, Vic, was one of those. When Roderick, the vampire emissary in London, defeated The Wild Hunt in 1702 A.D., he freed the Eye of The Redeemer from its burden. That is how you are able to hold it with no consequence.”

  When she said Eye of the Redeemer, the orb danced against my chest for a moment. I guess the Gem of Babylon wasn’t the real name. “That’s why the crystal of the top of the mountain ain’t coming easily. The Chernybog is still alive.”

  “Your intentions are good, trying to save the pack of innocent wolves, but the Chernybog must never be allowed to leave his makeshift prison. The Defender will not give up the Heart of The Daemon to you.”

  “The Defender?” I asked.

  Ruth spread her hands and ghostly images of five angels decked out in pure white armor with blue accents appeared. “These warriors are known as The War Angels. It is their job to protect the artifacts.” She added, “You have met Jecoliah, in the catacombs under London.”

  “That was a rather cool experience,” I said, amused with my own pun. Jecoliah, or Jack as he had me call him, was an angel of ice. I survived his test and he let me move on. “After meeting him, he gave me the okay to grab the Gem of Babylon, that’s what we know the orb as.”

  Ruth bowed her head. “Of course, true names have power.” That was a running theme. “You have the right to know the name, as you are the recognized guardian.”

  “With it, I have access to holy places, right?”

  “Each artifact has a purpose and a power to go along with it. The Heart of the Daemon allows the wearer to pass unseen by agents of Heaven.” Then without even having to ask, “The Soul of the Mystic will show the user all the portals on this plane and the Sword of the Fallen gives the wielder the power to slay holy beings. For these reasons, all four must be kept separate at all costs, except…”

  She was leaving us hanging. “Except?” I asked.

  “The artifacts’ purpose on this plane is two-fold.” She held up her index finger. “First, they are to bind great evils into one place.” Then, like a school teacher, she held up a second finger. “Second, they are failsafes, should anything catastrophic happen to the War Angels.”

  I got it; “So if I get two in my possession, I could be seen as a threat.”

  “Exactly, Victor.”

  “Why don’t you people just kill the big, bad evils of the world?” Isa questioned her. “Letting them loose, even trapped, is irresponsible.”

  Ruth raised an eyebrow to her. “Even though they are fallen, they are still children of God. Another angel cannot kill a brother.” Ahhh, so the Chernybog wasn’t a God! He was a fallen angel.

  Something was unsaid between the two of them. Seeing as how neither woman seemed too eager to say whatever aloud, “I have one artifact, the second one is at the top of this peak. Where are the other two?”

  She slowly shook her head. “I cannot give you that information. The last two evils being held in place are the most dangerous.” Then, looking right at me, “The need to unite all four would be too great, even for a soul as pure as yours.”

  There was a finality in her voice, like we’d come to the end of this conversation. As I contemplated what Ruth just explained, “I’m sorry, but we’re going to take the crystal and do what needs to be done.” Isa was firm in her conviction.

  “He said you were a stubborn one,” Ruth told her. “The Teacher did not believe I would be able to persuade you from this task, yet it was my duty to try, and if I failed, to educate.” The campfire went out. “Victor,” she addressed just me. “Be smart, be brave, and be loyal. With those three traits, you will find success and happiness.”

  Then, just as The Teacher had, Ruth backed away from us and faded from sight. Our respite was over, it was time to face the final task and save the wolves. “No turning back now,” I said.

  “After everything I’ve seen on this mountain, my resolve has never been greater, Vic.”

  That was good to hear. I had a feeling for this final task we were going to need that and a lot more.

  Chapter 19

  The driving rain that had been hindering us immediately came to an end as soon as we crossed the threshold on to the peak. Lightning flashed in the sky and thunder shook the mountain, but it seemed we were shielded from the millions of droplets of water that were descending from the heavens. It was eerie, almost spooky, the way the peak seemed so tranquil.

  As we crossed the plateau and more of it came into view, there was a stone pedestal in the middle. Suspended in air just above it was a yellow, jagged crystal. The Eye of the Redeemer (a much better name I felt) called out to it, the Heart of the Daemon. The two of them wanted to be reunited.

  “That is far enough,” a voice commanded. “Your presence is a blight to this sacred space.”

  A figure landed beside the pedestal, decked out in white armor. He was holding a large sword and his wingspan was at least six feet wide. A good two heads taller than me, this was quite the impressive figure. “Sorry, sir,” I politely addressed him. “But I kind of need that stone to save a few of my friends.”

  “Victor Inglewood, please step aside.” He took two steps forward and jabbed his sword into the rock, causing a small fissure to break out to each side. “Izabella, last of the Old Ones, your treachery has stretched too far.”

  That was some decree Mr. Angel just threw out there. I felt the need to defend my girl, but it looked like she had things under control. “You know my name but I don’t have the pleasure of knowing yours.”

  “Unlike Jecoliah, I understand the importance of a name and I will not have it cross a daemon such as yourself.” He was just getting harsher and harsher. “The blood flowing through you is all the evidence I need.”

  “You’re a bit insufferable, my man.” I knew it was probably best to keep the old yap shut. That just wasn’t who I was. “Being mean to the lady, that’s just not cool. She’s changed and even The Teacher acknowledged as much.”

  He yanked the sword back out of the ground. “Forgiveness is his very nature. I am The Defender and I will defend my duty with my life.” Lightning struck the sword and the protection keeping the rain off of us disappeared. It was like we dropped into a monsoon. His voice bellowing over the wind and rain, “You have chosen not to leave willingly. Your lives are forfeit.”

  One minute I was standing and the next I was sliding across the wet rock. As my slip n slide adventure came to an end, I realized Isa pushed me out of the way to engage the angel herself. The tanto I’d given her was the only thing holding back the angel’s sword and his murderous intent. They seemed fairly evenly matched, strength for strength.

  “Use me!” the Warg urged in my mind. “This is a fight only I can win.”

  I felt this pit in my stomach. “I want to believe you man,” I replied. “I have no guarantees when it’s all said and done that I’ll come back.”

  As I waited on the Warg’s reply, the angel kicked water up into Isa’s face and then swept her feet out from under her. It was dirty pool, but it accomplished the task. He was about to kill her.

  “I can save her.”

  That was all I needed to hear. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  Unlike previous transformations, the world started to go black real fast. Great bursts of energy came from the deepest parts of my soul and out into the open. Cries to the moon were the last thing I heard before I was sucked in so deep t
hat I didn’t even know where I was – who I was…


  At least Victor was safe, for now. I was hopeful he was smart enough to flee when he saw that I had lost, fallen prey to a dirty trick and a smart tactic. As I hit the rock, I couldn’t even see the angel anymore as water filled my eyes. But I didn’t need my eyes to know what had just happened. The Warg, the entire daemon himself, was free.

  As I wiped the water away, the angel had turned its attention from me to the new player on the field. Twice the size Vic’s transformations ever were, it’d been a long time since I had seen the beast fully. Its red eyes were dripping with blood lust and the long dagger-like teeth were itching to rip flesh from bone. The Defender, as he called himself, knew the tides of battle had turned.

  The angel wasted no time and began his assault on the hellhound. The Warg’s large, clawed paws met the blade at each pass. These two titans weren’t holding back, either. It was as if the mountain knew what was at stake, thunder echoed each time the behemoths met attack for attack.

  And, for the first time in a long time, I felt helpless.

  The Defender picked up on the blood of Cain inside me. Thankfully no more was said as there’d be no way to explain that to Vic. Especially how everything went down. The more he was kept in the dark about certain truths, the better. I turned around, taking my eye off the fight for a moment. I could’ve sworn I felt someone, or something staring at me, yet there was no one. This had to be the work of The Teacher!

  The angel and the Warg were in a stalemate. Neither was able to gain any ground, but neither lost any. It was a battle of wills. It was also a battle of two beings that hadn’t been in a real fight in ages. For all the strength they had, the skill to use it wasn’t there. The angel couldn’t use the same tricks he’d used on me while the Warg couldn’t get close enough to rip his throat out.

  Seeing an opening, I picked up the tanto and slowly moved into the frantic battle. With an opportunity to take out the angel’s one knee, as I sliced down, one of the wings caught me in the chest, knocking me far away from the battle. The angel didn’t even need to turn around to see what had happened. He kept fighting the Warg as if I was nothing more than a bug.

  How dare he treat me, Izabella, the oldest vampire to walk the Earth as such! I had the blood of Cain powering me! This angel may have been from the time before the beginning, but I was still a force to reckon with. With anger and hatred fueling my new sense of being, I didn’t so much as meekly enter the battle. I stormed my way in.

  Rain parted ways as I rushed towards the angel and this time, I would not be ignored. I slid between his legs and avoided the attack of the Warg in the process. I flipped myself up and added my blade right behind the Warg’s paw. The angel’s sword blocked the claws of the beast, but not me. The tanto found the soft spot in the armor, the mesh that covered the wrist and stabbed it. Our first successful attack.

  The rich blood of the angel was too good to ignore. With my fangs extended, I plunged them in and began taking in as much as I could. I hadn’t had a meal this good in so long. I got lost in my own hunger, forgetting the true nature of what I was in the middle of.

  The Defender wouldn’t be dissuaded by that. He used his off hand and punched me in the head. The blow was sufficient enough that I let go of the tanto and stumbled away to gather my bearings. A solid blow like that would’ve killed me had I not been enhanced courtesy of Cain.

  My interference had done the trick. The Warg sensed the blood flowing and focused its attention solely on the open wound. The creature had an unrelenting thirst that would make a vampire cringe. I bit down hard on the area I cut open, ripping the tanto from the angel’s flesh. After a few snaps, it bit the hand clean off.

  The Defender was far from done. He swept up his sword in his good hand, and in one fluid motion, sliced at the Warg, catching him in the ear. The top portion of the creature’s organ was cut clean off. Looking at him, I could’ve sworn the daemon enjoyed the thrill of being hurt. It was actually smiling.

  At that point, I believe both The Defender and I came to the same conclusion – this wasn’t a winnable fight for the angel. The Warg was a creature like no other. It would never stop until it killed its target and savored in the glory. That’s when The Defender made a choice I never thought I’d see. “I yield, daemon.”

  If he expected mercy from the monster in control, he was in the wrong spot. Vic was nowhere to be found and the only thing that the Warg responded with was a primal howl and an attempt to rip the angel in two. The Defender, though large, was quick enough to escape into the air. Hovering over us, his wrath was still aimed at me. “This is your doing, Izabella. You unleashed this creature upon the world, yet another crime you have committed.”

  “It’s easy to cast blame as you run away.”

  “I am not fleeing. I have been ordered to stand down,” he answered.

  I couldn’t help but to laugh at him, mockingly. “Retreat, run away – call it what you will. I have enough experience in both.”

  His cold blue eyes were issuing silent warnings. “One day,” he said calmly, “you will not have your guard dog to protect you. That is when the War Angels shall come for you.” He flew higher. “That is when you will answer for your sins.”


  As quickly as the darkness came, it left. How long had I been stuck so deep in my own body? I felt the raindrops hitting me and opened my eyes. Standing beside me was Isa. “You are welcome,” the Warg sneered.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.” He sunk back in deep. After that experience, I was expecting to be bending over in pain from the bloodlust, but he seemed quite content. Upset with me, but content with the way things worked out. I’d have to reach out to him again, later.

  A hand helped me up. Smiling, “We did it, Vic. We won the stone.”

  I looked around and there was no sight of the angel. I saw plenty of blood staining the rock, which gave me an answer into the Warg’s current state of mind. I also couldn’t help but notice that the top of my right ear was gone. “Isa, just what in blue blazes happened?” I asked. “I’m missing the top of my ear!”

  “The Defender finally acknowledged us as worthy,” she told me. “We’ll be able to save the wolves.”

  The Warg’s thoughts crossed mine for a split second before he realized it. It was just long enough to know that what Isa just told me may not have been everything. “Are you sure that’s all?”

  She rubbed the side of my cheek, softly. “Yes. Once he knew he couldn’t overcome our resolve, he gave up his position and the crystal to us.” It was hard not to believe her, she sounded so genuine. “I think you should take it. We wouldn’t be here without you.”

  The responsibility of two of these things, I wasn’t sure about that. Still, I walked over and grabbed it with both hands. A warmth passed from this stone and into the Eye of the Redeemer – it was a very weird feeling. The moment it passed, the Heart of the Daemon fell into my hands, no longer a resident of Mount Sinai. It belonged to me.

  I couldn’t believe I was about to say this, “You know what? Just when I thought no place could be even worse for your health than Chernobyl, we find Mount Sinai.” I inhaled quite a bit of the cold, wet air. “Let’s get back and save some wolves.”

  Interlude II


  It had only been a day since Victor and Isa left for the reactor. Everything had been relatively quiet, that is until one evening when I felt someone enter my dwelling, uninvited. I knew this, so I followed him out and into the forest, away from the wolves. Reno Taveras looked worse for wear since we parted ways just a few days ago.

  “Liz has gone off the deep end, man,” he said, rather calmly. “This whole Vic situation, it doesn’t have her thinking straight.”

  Knowing Liz’s torrid past and failures in the romantic department the way I did, I was not as shocked as I should have been. For an ambassador, council member, and oldest ‘born’ vampire, this latest b
out of topsy-turvy love had been the one to break her. If Reno was betraying her by seeking me out, things must have been dire.

  “Why come to me? You know my position on the matter,” I said.

  Running his fingers through his long hair, “”You’re the only one she’ll listen to. With Anna dead,” he trailed off. Her death was unfortunate but it was a product of her own stupidity. “And this mystery vampire… speaking of, you gotta tell me who it is.”

  This was one secret I was not going to spill. It would be pouring gas on an already volatile situation. “I’m sorry,” I replied. “Just know it’s someone who has gone a long way to earn Vic’s trust and that says a lot to me.”

  “God help us – Phil thinks it’s the elder Romina, Forte style.” Something about my face must have given him a reason to jump. “Shit Gregory, it is, isn’t it?”

  “You can speculate all you want, Reno.”

  He threw his hands in the air, frustrated. “Either way, she’ll find out soon enough. Her and that idiot Anatoli are planning a raid in two nights.” He hung his head in shame. “You guys are my friends and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  I patted him on the back. “Thank you, Reno. Knowing that we have forty-eight hours to come up with a plan to avoid further bloodshed gives me a bit of clarity.”

  I could tell he was getting antsy and wanting to get back before anyone knew where he had gone. “Whatever you come up with, make it good. If not, we’re going to have a werewolf civil war on our hands and we’ll be stuck cleaning up the mess.”

  A werewolf civil war… my God, he was right. And it would be all our fault.


  The insatiable bloodlust never hit, but about halfway down the mountain, Vic dropped like a rock. “I don’t know what happened,” he apologized to me. “I’m just so worn out.”


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