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Vanquish (The Pike Chronicles Book 6)

Page 11

by G. P. Hudson

  “We all are.”

  “What did you mean when you said it’s one of you?”

  “My gift, my sight, emanates from my symbiont, just as your gifts emanate from yours.”

  “So your symbiont allows you to see the future?”

  “The future. The past. In reality I see many futures. They are like so many threads. Each one is possible, yet it can be unraveled. My role as See’er is to relay the possibilities, and advise on the most beneficial. The people are free to follow my guidance, or not. But there is no difference between the symbiont and myself. Just as there is no difference between you and your symbiont.”

  “Oh there’s plenty of difference between me and the monster in my belly.”

  “You and your symbiont are one, Jon Pike. You must accept this.”

  “If you say so,” Jon said sarcastically. “So if all Diakans have symbionts, does that mean their symbionts give them different powers?”

  “No. They give them harmony, and control over their emotions.”

  “Is that why Diakans have no sense of humor?”

  “Diakans possess powerful emotions. In the past they could not control them, causing much death and suffering. The symbionts provide control. With their help, Diakans have learned to master their feelings.”

  “They turned them into robots, if you ask me. Okay, then what’s so different about my symbiont? Is it that they genetically engineered it?”

  “Your symbiont is from the Great Pool. Just as mine.”

  “So what, they’re like cousins or something?”

  “Symbionts from the Great Pool are only meant for those serving the Temple, yet some have violated the Temple’s sanctity.”

  “Are you saying that they stole DNA from this Great Pool of yours so that they could tap into its power?”


  “Then why didn’t they put the symbiont into their own bellies?”

  “It would be blasphemy for a Diakan to do so.”

  “But a human… I get it. Once again, we’re the guinea pigs.”

  “They expected to control you. They could not foresee the unfolding events. Now they move to intercept them.”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “Yes. The Diakans who created your symbiont, are the ones who seek to terminate you. They are known as The Faction.”

  Chapter 29

  Jon felt like a cudgel had hit him. This Faction had been behind everything from the beginning. The genetic engineering of his symbiont. It’s insertion into his body, and its early tyranny over him. His assignment on the Hermes was probably orchestrated by them too. Sending him in search of the lost colonies was a great way to get rid of him for a few years. The attempt on his life. Even now they tried to use him. Killing him off would allow The Faction to take control of the territory he had gained over the past year. They could then bring the colonies into the Galactic Accord, and reassert Diakan dominance. Whoever these people were, they were playing for keeps.

  “You must accept yourself, Jon Pike,” said the Great See’er.

  “What makes you think I don’t?” said Jon.

  “You and your symbiont are one. It is part of you. You must accept this. To hate your symbiont is to hate yourself.”

  “You’re saying I shouldn’t take it out. How do I know you’re not trying to control me too?”

  “I do not seek control.”

  “Bullshit. This whole planet hangs off your every word. If that’s not control, I don’t know what is. Are you telling me you don’t like having that kind of power?”

  “Power is an illusion. I merely advise. They are free to choose their actions. As are you.”

  “And your advice is to keep the symbiont.”

  “It is a part of you. All you have accomplished, all you will accomplish, is intertwined with your symbiosis.”

  “Wait, are you saying that your prophecy about me won’t come true if I remove the symbiont?”

  “If you destroy the symbiont, you destroy the prophecy.”

  Jon hadn’t considered that angle. The Faction wanted to sabotage the prophecy. What better way to do it than by killing the symbiont? That’s why it was poisoned. It occurred to him that even the doctor at the medical facility might be part of the conspiracy. Why else would he try so hard to tell Jon that the creature could be removed? “So if I decide to keep the symbiont, then what happens?”

  “You must accept it, as you must accept yourself.”

  “Why do you keep saying that?”

  “Because you and the symbiont are one. That makes you not only human, but Diakan as well.”

  “There’s no way that I’m a Diakan. Do you see any green skin? Look at my face. I have a nose. You don’t. We’re nothing like each other.”

  “Appearance is an illusion. The symbiont is Diakan. It is part of you. It is also of this place, which means you are part of us, and we part of you.”

  “So I’m not only a Diakan, but I’m a See’er too?”

  “No. Only I possess the gift of sight. You have your own gifts. But your symbiont is of the Temple, as are you.”

  “My eyes don’t glow like yours.”


  “I know, they’re an illusion. Anybody ever tell you that you need to come up with some new material? This stuff gets old quick.”

  “This is not a performance, Jon Pike.”

  “No, I guess it’s not.” Jon looked the woman over, realizing that the whole time he had been glued to her eyes. “How long have you been here anyway?”

  “I am the See’er. I have always been the See’er.”

  “Since day one? It’s just been you?”


  “That must make you thousands of years old.”

  “Yes. My symbiont has given the gift of long life. As has yours.”

  “I thought symbionts only lived up to a thousand years.”

  “Yes, but they are not of the Great Pool.”

  “But you will die one day.”

  “Yes, as will you.”

  With the symbiont regaining its strength, Jon’s enhanced abilities had returned, including his hearing. He began to pick up on weapons fire in the distance near the shuttle landing.

  “We’re under attack.”


  “I thought The Faction wouldn’t attack us here?”

  “They pursue their future, as you must pursue yours.”

  “I have to help my people.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Jon heard the sound of the giant doors opening behind him. Without another word, he spun around and raced toward the familiar sound of battle.

  Chapter 30

  Kevin heard the blast, and without thinking he was sprinting for the shuttle. Thankfully he wasn’t alone. The Chaanisar, with their augmented speed, bolted ahead, and had already entered the craft. The rest of the group followed in kind. Even Seiben clued in, struggling to keep up with the pack. Bast emerged from the shuttle, tossing weapons to the rest. The other two Chaanisar took defensive positions, waiting for the inevitable assault.

  They didn’t have to wait long. Within moments the room erupted with weapon fire, as an assault team equipped with Diakan combat suits laid siege to the Temple.

  “I thought you said this was holy ground,” Kevin said to Ilthos, as they returned fire.

  “It is. This has never happened before.”

  “Well it’s happening now.”

  The good and bad thing about the large room was that it offered plenty of cover to both sides. Kevin spotted one of the enemy advancing and responded with a volley of energy bolts. Each bolt connected but the Diakan pushed forward, finding new cover closer to the group.

  “They’ve got combat suits on. We can’t hold them off much longer,” said Kevin.

  Another Diakan jumped out, advancing on their position. He was hit by several rounds, but his combat suit maintained its integrity until the Diakan found cover. This Diakan was o
verly ambitious, seconds later bolting forward again. A barrage of energy bolts forced him back this time, returning him to his hiding spot.

  “We need to get Jon out of here,” shouted Breeah from behind an upended table.

  “We have to find him first,” said Kevin. “That might lead our new friends straight to him.”

  As if on cue, Jon streaked into the room, heading straight for the shuttle. The Diakans fired on him, their energy bolts sailing by harmlessly behind him.

  Now inside the shuttle, the Diakans began shooting at the craft instead.

  “Suppressive fire,” yelled Kevin, and the group let loose a storm of blue lightning bolts at the enemy. Their rate of fire began to slow. “Please tell me that thing is armored,” Kevin said to Ilthos.

  “It is,” said Ilthos.

  Suddenly the craft came to life, and its engines purred. Increasing their rate of fire again, The Diakans were trying hard to stop the shuttle. The craft slowly lifted off the ground, amidst the pounding of energy bolts against its hull.

  “Is he trying to escape?” said Ilthos.

  “I don’t think so,” said Kevin.

  The craft rose several meters off the ground and spun around to engage the Diakans.

  “Oh shit,” said Kevin, at the whir of the weapon systems coming online.

  The craft fired its heavy guns. The Diakans tried to escape. Carnage ensued. Even the Diakan combat suits were no protection against the powerful guns.

  The shuttle strafed the enemy, its guns turning left to right, over and over, laying waste to that part of the temple, and killing all the Diakan attackers. When it was all over Jon set the craft back down and emerged from it.

  “You look like you’re feeling better,” said Kevin, stepping out to greet Jon.

  “I am. I’m almost back to one hundred percent,” said Jon.

  Breeah ran out from behind the table, and leaped at Jon, “I thought I lost you,” she said as she embraced him.

  “Now why would you think something silly like that?”

  She stepped back, looking Jon up and down. “You are healed?”



  “It’s a long story. This place healed me. I’ll explain later.”

  The three priestesses entered the room accompanied by a fourth woman, who Kevin figured must be the Great See’er. His assumption was confirmed when Ilthos dropped down to his knees, lowering his head to the floor before her. A priestess stepped up and handed Jon his comm.

  “Thank you,” said Jon, as he placed it back onto his uniform. “I’m sorry about all this.” He turned to the Great See’er, waving a hand toward the aftermath. “I’m sure it was irreplaceable.”

  “You did not violate the Temple’s sanctity. You did as you had to do,” said the Great See’er.

  “It’s still a great loss.”

  “We share the loss, Jon Pike. You are of the Temple.”

  “What does she mean?” said Breeah, looking at the See’er suspiciously.

  “Later,” said Jon.

  The Great See’er turned to Ilthos, who’s forehead remained on the ground. “Arise, Major Ilthos.”

  Ilthos slowly got to his feet, and Kevin couldn’t help but notice he made a point of avoiding the Great See’er’s eyes, preferring to keep his head lowered.

  “You must leave now. You must return these people to their spacecrafts. It is your purpose to guide them to safety.”

  “By Your will, Reverence,” said Ilthos, head lowered.

  “Beware, things are not as they seem. Your enemies are all around you.”

  “I understand.”

  “Can this thing get us into orbit?” said Kevin.

  “Yes,” said Ilthos. “It will have to. We have no other option.”

  Chapter 31

  Jon watched the tactical display closely, as the temple roof opened. The shuttle climbed out, racing up to the edges of the atmosphere. To his dismay, red threat icons appeared almost immediately.

  “Contacts,” announced the Diakan pilot. “More assault fighters.”

  “How long until they are in weapons range?” said Ilthos.

  “They’ve entered weapons range. They’re firing missiles. Launching countermeasures.”

  The hull pulsed repeatedly, as the shuttle launched the countermeasure drones. Once launched, the drones would race away from the shuttle, while broadcasting its signature. The advancing missiles drew nearer, and then veered off in pursuit of the drones.

  Jon let out a breath. “Those fighters are soon going to be in energy weapon range,” he said to Ilthos. “You need to take them out before that happens.”

  “This is not possible,” said Ilthos, staring at the portable command console he held in his hand.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The satellites capable of shooting down the fighters have been destroyed.”


  “Preliminary data indicates they were fired on by a Diakan warship.”

  “We’re screwed. If the fighters don’t get us, that orbiting warship will.”

  “Your assessment is correct, Admiral.”

  “Bullshit. We need another option.”

  “We have none. Our communications remain jammed, and fighters will be in energy weapons range in less than a minute.”

  Jon began to feel increasingly claustrophobic in the small Diakan vessel. If they had combat suits, they could jump out of the craft toward the surface. The fighters would have a difficult time getting a lock on them that way.

  Only there were no suits. They would have to rely on slower emergency gear. The fighters would have no trouble locking onto them.

  But what other option did they have? If they stayed in the shuttle they would all soon be blown out of the sky. If they jumped, they would end up as smears on the planet’s surface.

  “Contacts!” said the pilot.

  “More assault fighters?” said Ilthos. “How many?”

  “Ten, but they are not assault fighters,” said the pilot. “These are different. Identifying. They’re colonial space fighters!”

  “Yes,” shouted Kevin.

  Jon smiled. “Here come the cavalry.”

  “What the hell took them so long?” said Seiben.

  “You can ask them that yourself,” said Jon.

  Looking back to the tactical screen he watched the squadron swarm the Diakan assault fighters. The Diakans broke off pursuit of the shuttle, and tried to escape, but the colonial fighters cut them off.

  The Diakans tried to fight, but were outnumbered.

  The shuttle raced toward the upper limits of the atmosphere, as Diakan and colonial fighters streaked by at blinding speeds. To their credit, the Diakans fought bravely, and showed exceptional skill. But their disadvantage was too great, and the blue sky lit up repeatedly with the red-orange flash of exploding aircraft.

  Moments later the Diakan fighters were destroyed, and the red threat icons disappeared from the tactical display. The colonial squadron changed course toward the shuttle. Once they reached it, the fighters surrounded the shuttle, shielding it from attack.

  “Alpha Squadron leader to Admiral Pike,” came a voice over Jon’s comm.

  “Pike here,” Jon replied. “We’re all happy you could make it to the party.”

  “We wouldn’t miss it, Sir.”

  “Good, because I’m sure we’ll have a few more party crashers.”

  “We won’t be here when they do, Sir. We are going to jump to the Freedom. Our jump fields will envelop your shuttle, and bring you with us.”

  “Understood. We’re ready. Jump at will.”


  Chapter 32

  The shuttle reappeared in space, alongside the Freedom, in the middle of a war zone. Jon’s anger grew as he watched the same Diakan battle group that had escorted them to Diakus, firing on his ships. There seemed to be no other ships in the vicinity. He had been in the Diakus system before, and knew that it was an extremely bu
sy region of space. Was The Faction so powerful that it could reroute space traffic?

  His ships were holding their own for the time being, but they were outnumbered, and they would soon be overwhelmed by the giant Diakan battleships. And that they were battling Diakan ships in orbit around Diakus, left them sitting ducks should the remaining Diakan military pick the wrong side. Why hadn’t they intervened already?

  As the fighters escorted the shuttle onto the hangar bay, Jon knew he had only one choice. He tapped his comm, connecting with his XO, Commander Henderson.

  “Henderson here. Welcome aboard, Admiral.”

  “Nice to be back, Commander, but we have to get going. Order our birds back and jump us out of here.”

  “That’s not possible, Sir. The Diakans knocked out our jump system, and our FTL generator.”

  “How about the Vanguard? It should be big enough for its jump system to take us with it.”

  “Its jump system is down too. The Diakans took our jump systems out first when they turned on us.”

  An ambush. They destroyed the jump systems to ensure that escape was impossible.

  “Damn it. Alright, I’m coming to the bridge.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll be here.”

  In the shuttle, Kevin, Jonas and Bast were busy getting up to speed on the state of their own ships. The shuttle came to a stop, and he looked to Breeah.

  “Go,” she said, with a stoic expression. “I will see you when this is over.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get through this.”

  “I know.”

  When Jon jumped through the hatch, he hastily saluted the men waiting for him, before rushing out toward the bridge. With the creature’s health now fully restored, Jon didn’t waste any time.

  Racing through the ship, he encountered injured crewmembers, and damaged equipment. Everything indicated that they were taking a pounding. At each sight he became more enraged, bristling at the Diakan betrayal.

  As the anger surged, he was surprised to see the Great See’er. Not in person, but in his mind. She seemed so real, and he wondered if she wasn’t attempting telepathic communication. Whatever the vision was, it served to remind him that not all Diakans were his enemy. Only the members of The Faction. Focus returned as his angry mind found calm.


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