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When Love Takes Over You

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by Norah C. Peters

  Susan filled their wine glasses and admired Becky’s winter tan, earned during a 3 month career break on the beaches of Morocco. "Oh, I’m doing fine. Everything is rolling along, very busy at work, as usual, and I’m looking forward to taking my own holiday as soon as things quieten down."

  "No change there then. But what about that hot guy you mentioned last time I saw you? What was his name again?" Becky nudged her friend.

  "Oh, you mean Mike. I haven’t seen him in ages. I deal with one of his managers these days, he’s off setting up his next big project. Oh, I didn’t tell you this. He asked me on a date once." Susan winked and tasted her wine.

  Becky raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? This is the first I’ve heard of that. So where did he take you?"

  Susan looked down and moved her hands along the carpet while she spoke. "I told him I didn’t think it was such a good idea seeing as how he’s a client. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so uptight about it and gone for it. I don’t know. I felt weak at the knees every time I met him, I don’t know if I could trust myself with a man like that. And, he’s a womanizer, it was all one big disaster just waiting to happen. I wasn’t prepared to take the chance."

  Becky shook her head. "I don’t even want to hear this. So, you meet this hot guy and you turn him down. What did you have to lose? Worst case scenario you’d get some well needed male attention, best case scenario maybe the two of you have a bright future together. The way he makes you feel, you won’t get that with just anyone. I say listen to what that feeling is telling you and go for it."

  "I suppose you’re right, Becky. Hey, this kind of funny. I went to a few gossip sites yesterday and it’s like he disappeared from the social scene. He used always be on the front page with the hot babe of the moment but now it’s like he disappeared in a puff of smoke. I wonder if he’s ok. Do you think I should call him to find out?"

  Becky nodded. "Yeah, call him. Just don’t mention you read the gossip news or he’ll run a mile. Think of a better reason and call him before you change your mind."

  "Becky, I’m just worried that I should know better than to be even thinking of dating a womanizer. It’s not exactly a recipe for happiness, you know."

  "Maybe you need to stop over thinking this, Susan. Give the man a chance and get to know him better before writing him off. His public reputation may be unfair or even out of date, maybe he’s matured and moved on in his life. If it was me, I’d take a chance and go for it. Very few things in life come from saying "no" as they say."

  "There is one other thing, Becky. He told me he has a dark secret, whatever that is."

  "Oh my, you sure know how to pick them, don’t you, Susan? Anything else you’re not telling me?"

  Susan averted her eyes. "Actually there is. Apparently, Mike is always asking how I am. Quite a few people from his office have told me that, it’s the worst kept secret on the building project team. One girl I know quite well told me he’s never asked about someone so much before."

  Becky shook her head. "So, why doesn’t he call you in for a meeting to get to see you?

  Susan wiped a tear from her eye. "Maybe it’s because I told him I never mix business with pleasure and I don’t date clients. That probably did it."

  "Don’t cry, Susan. Trust me on this, call him and just see how things work out."

  Susan sniffled and dried her eyes, "You’re right, nothing ventured nothing gained. I’ll call him tomorrow, I just hope he’s not already dating someone."

  * * *

  After an hour’s drive out of London the car turned down a dirt track to reveal a secluded beach. Mike held Susan’s hand as she stepped out of the limo before leading her over to their candle lit table for their private picnic. He helped her into her seat before sitting down.

  As Susan sat down she felt the same butterflies in her stomach she always felt whenever she was with Mike, and her pulse raced. She felt almost too excited to eat and when she looked into his deep blue eyes she felt breathless, he looked so handsome in his navy suit that she found it impossible to slow her pounding heart no matter how hard she tried.

  "I’m so pleased you phoned me, Susan. I never called you because I respected your wishes to keep everything strictly professional. But so many times I had to stop myself from dialing your number. I’ve really missed your company."

  "I’ve missed you too, Mike. And thank you, for asking me out and for dealing with my change of heart. I feel so much more comfortable about this now that we don’t deal directly with each other at work."

  "It’s funny, this is the first time I’ve been on a date in months, I hardly go out that much anymore. And it was well worth the wait, you look beautiful tonight and you’re wonderful company as usual." Mike beamed as his eyes twinkled in the candle light.

  "Oh, thank you! And you don’t look so bad yourself, Mike. So, why haven’t you been going out lately? Actually, I did notice you’re not in the gossip news so much of late. Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to mention that." Susan blushed.

  Mike laughed. "Hey, don’t worry about it, Susan. I read the London gossip news myself. It’s all a bit of fun just don’t believe half of what you read. The gossip sites make me look like a womanizer when nothing could be further from the truth. What they don’t mention is that my day starts at 5 in the morning in the gym before I cycle to the office. I don’t have the time or the stamina to be out all night with a different actress each week."

  "Oh really? And you haven’t been out at all, for a while?" Susan furrowed her brow and tried to make sense of what he was saying.

  "To be perfectly honest, after I met you I just didn’t feel like hanging out in the night club scene any more. I’m tired of it. I only ever went along with it to establish myself as a name in the property development game, my clients hang out in all the right clubs so it’s where I used to socialize. And, yes, over the years, I dated some famous models but not half as many as the gossip media would make you think. A lot of those women I’m photographed with are good friends, clients and wives of business partners. It’s all much more innocent than the journalists would like it to be."

  "Oh, I see. Thanks for explaining that, I had thought we were very different people." Susan felt herself relax and saw a different side of Mike.

  Mike lowered his voice. "What I’m trying to say, in a round about way is this, after meeting you the night life scene seemed shallow, and frankly, it started to bore me. I’d be in a club for a couple of hours, until it was acceptable to leave, and the whole time I’d be thinking about you and comparing other women to you. Which wasn’t very fair on them. You’ve got it all, Susan. You’re beautiful, you’re intelligent, successful and great to talk to. You’re just very different to anyone I’ve ever been out with.

  "And, I’ve really missed your company. I’ve been thinking about you a lot even though I never expected we’d meet again outside of work so I tried to block my feelings for you. But the truth is, I’m crazy about you, from the moment you walked into my office, I’ve had you on my mind."

  Mike reached across the table and squeezed her hand. Susan started to feel light headed but looked into his eyes anyway, not knowing if she could take anymore of this electricity between them.

  "Mike, I feel the same way. I’ve thought about you every single day since we met. I just can’t get you of my mind. Every time my phone goes, my heart leaps in case it’s you. I’ve been an emotional wreck for weeks and weeks.

  "But please, tell me, what is that dark secret that you mentioned the last time we met?"

  Mike leaned forward and whispered, "I’ve always have one big fear that I’ve never mentioned to anyone. I’ve always worried that if I ever settled down it would cost me my success, that I’d be too busy and too distracted to really push it at work. But, strangely enough, I don’t feel like that anymore. Since I met you I’ve not stopped thinking about you and in some strange way I don’t quite understand it’s unleashed a wave of creativity and drive I’ve never had before, I’ve never felt s
o unstoppable. And, because of that I’m about to announce the most adventurous high end property development London has ever seen, it’s going to position the city as the one to follow."

  Just then rain drops started to fall, Mike opened an umbrella and moved to Susan’s side of the table to shelter her.

  Susan felt a tear in her eye and she sighed before squeezing Mike’s hand. "That’s wonderful, I’m so happy for you. And does that mean we’ll make a great power couple?"

  Mike moved closer and firmly kissed Susan on the lips. He whispered in her ear, "I’m in love with you. And, I’m not letting you get away this time, this time is for keeps."

  Mike put his strong arms around her and Susan softened into his chest, in his warmth she could feel his broad chest against her body and his warm breath on her cheek. She looked up into his wonderful deep blue eyes, "I’ve been waiting for this for so long, this is everything I hoped it would be. It’s so good to finally feel you."

  "You’re beautiful, my angel. This feels just right, you fit me just right." Mike kissed her again only this time with all the passion he had held back, with all the longing and all the wanting and waiting that had finally been satisfied.

  Susan sank into his strong, tight embrace and knew she had found the one.

  * * *

  About the Author

  Norah C. Peters has always loved telling stories that make people smile and she especially enjoys writing stories that reacquaint us with what really matters in life: love and friendship. When’s she’s not writing she can usually be found losing track of time in the garden with a hot cup of tea close to hand.

  You can find out more about Norah and her other books at her blog.


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