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Magic After Dark: A Collection of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Novels

Page 45

by Margo Bond Collins

  “He took me stargazing.”

  “Stargazing? Are you kidding me?” Fonso places the invitation on the counter. “He sends you flowers to ask you out on another date. Brilliant execution.”

  I shove him.

  “Look who’s blushing.” He points at my face.

  “I’m not blushing.”

  “Did you do anything other than gaze at the stars last night?” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  “Maybe.” I bite my lip and smile.

  “You floozy.”

  “We kissed. That’s it.” I walk around to the kitchen and pour a glass of orange juice. “It’s probably a bad idea to date someone I work with, isn’t it? I shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Yes, you should.” He displays the flowers as if pretending to be Vanna White.

  “Fine. I’ll go.” I roll my eyes.

  “That took a lot of convincing.” He smiles. “I wonder where he’ll take you. Maybe he’ll take you out of town. There’re not many good choices nearby.”

  “I’ll call him later.”

  “You better.” He presses his hands together as if praying. “So, Elysia, dear cousin, can I crash with you?”

  “There’s only one bed, but I’ll talk with Deena. Maybe she’ll make you a deal with one of the other cabins. Until then, you’re welcome to the couch.”


  “First, you have to help me with something.”

  “What’s that?” He places the juice back into the empty fridge. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, can you take me grocery shopping?”

  “Sure thing. Let’s do this.” He holds his glass up and clinks it with mine. “Too bad these aren’t mimosas.”

  I take a sip. “We can rectify that situation.”

  We laugh.

  Heading into town, we stop at the diner to retrieve my bags I accidently left. We decide to travel further to hit a discount store to buy cheaper groceries and a few cleaning supplies. I also get a new pair of sandals to replace the ones I left at the beach when I was with Colin.

  Fonso visits the liquor store and refuses to tell me what he bought.

  “Why are you being so secretive?”

  “Why are you being so nosy?” he quips.

  When we return home, I feel like cleaning so I sweep the cabin.

  Fonso puts the groceries away.

  “Here you go.” He brings me a light orange drink in a clean glass, holding his own in his other hand. “Now, we have mimosas.”

  I take a sip. “That’s good.”

  “Another of my many talents: bartender extraordinaire.”

  “Yes, you’re a master with orange juice and champagne.” I laugh. “It’s really good though.”

  “It’s the type of champagne you use. Nothing but the best.”

  “Cleaning with mimosas. That’s a first for me.” I start in on the bathroom, scrubbing the toilet and cleaning the shower.

  Fonso makes the bed and puts my clothes away on the new hangers we bought.

  It begins to feel like I have a roommate and friend again. I keep reminding myself he’s family and I don’t need to pretend around him. He knows I’m Elysia. There’s only one thing I didn’t tell thing I promised Dad I’d never tell anyone.

  “Did you call Kyle?” Fonso yells through the bedroom.

  “Not yet.”

  “It’s getting late.”

  The sun sinks on the horizon. The day has gotten away from us as we drank and cleaned. “I didn’t realize it was so late.” I come into the living room and see the flowers on the counter. “I’ll call him after I take out the trash.”

  Fonso grabs the trash bag out of the kitchen. “I can take it out.”

  “No, let me, please. Maybe I’ll run into Deena and talk with her.”

  He hands me the trash. “Okay, but call him as soon as you get back.” He places his smartphone on the counter.


  The one street light switches on over the campground office. Deena’s dark trailer, coupled with her missing car tells me she’s not here. I’ll have to make it a point to go over early to see her.

  The sun exits as I near the putrid green trash bin. Surveying the grounds, I see no early partiers. It’s quiet and still. Aunt Simza’s trailer light remains on. Maybe she’ll speak with Fonso tomorrow. I know he’ll try again. At least she hasn’t left, yet.

  A rustling in the woods grabs my attention. Expecting a raccoon to peek out, I’m surprised when a russet wolf appears. It steps in my path, blocking my way home. It bares its teeth and growls.

  Chapter 14

  My heart races when the wolf lowers its body, positioning itself to strike. This isn’t good.

  “Whoa, you stay there, dog.”

  It snaps, snarling at me.

  I slowly walk back toward the trash bin...the closest cover.

  It matches my steps, toying with me. If it were hungry, it would have struck by now. It lunges. I run behind the trash bin and circle around, leaving the wolf on the opposite side. There’s no way I can outrun it, but I have to try. I race toward the cabin. The wolf follows and a tug at my ankle takes me down. Its teeth have a good chunk of pants in its mouth, along with a bit of my skin. My instincts kick in and I stomp its head with my free leg, causing it to loosen its clenching jaws.

  Hail falls fast, pummeling us with bigger than normal round ice balls.

  The wolf shakes its head and gets back on its feet at the same time I do.

  The cabin is less than 15 feet away, but by the look in the wolf’s eyes, it will attack before I can make it.

  A hailstone the size of a baseball smacks onto its back and a squeal escapes its jaw. It recovers and jumps toward me. I raise my arms, knowing it’ll chomp into them within seconds.

  Out of the corner of my eye, a shadow flashes by. I lower my arms to see another wolf in midair blocking my attacker. They tumble in the dirt snapping at each other.

  The brown one convulses on the ground. It yelps and hollers, while changing into flesh and blood. It’s Kayla.

  The other one rises, shakes, and turns into Colin.

  “Get out of here, now!” he yells at Kayla.

  She scowls at me and runs off into the woods, stark naked.

  Colin faces me, also naked and sweating. The hail falls in smaller pebbles, turning into heavy raindrops the closer he walks to me. He stops a few feet away.

  Emilian was right. They are werewolves.

  “Elysia!” Fonso steps onto the porch. He sees Colin and his gaze trails down his body. “Are you okay?”

  “Elysia?” Colin asks.

  “I’m fine.” I glance toward Fonso and mouth the words again. He looks at me and then at Colin before retreating inside.

  “You’re name isn’t Alice. You lied.” Colin crosses his arms.

  “And, you’re a fucking werewolf, so I’d say we’re even.” I take off my shirt, leaving me in my bra, and toss it to him. “Cover up.”

  He holds it over his groin. “I never pretended to be otherwise. We don’t go around announcing our heritage.”

  “Your girlfriend tried to kill me.” The shock of seeing him in wolf form hits me and I sit on the porch step. “You’re a werewolf and your girlfriend tried to eat me.”

  “Kayla isn’t my girlfriend.” He steps closer and kneels in front of me with my shirt strategically placed. “Not anymore. It was over a long time ago, but she can’t let go.”

  “So she goes around eating potential threats?” I rub my temples. “You’re a werewolf.”

  He grabs my hands. The electric mini-shock pulses through me and releases a calming feeling.

  “She’s jealous. She knows I’m into you and it upsets her. I’m sorry she came out here and tried to hurt you. I won’t allow it to happen again.” He smiles.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “You called yourself a potential threat, so does that mean I have a chance?” He leans closer and brushes the hair from my
face, sending a flurry of excitement through me.

  “’re a...” I stumble with my thoughts and the right words. Kyle pops into my head. His sweetness and patience with me when we were stargazing tug at my chest. The flowers...those beautiful eyes.

  “I’m a werewolf. There are no more secrets between us, Elysia.” Colin’s dark chestnut eyes penetrate me. My name on his lips awakens a burning desire; a feeling so alien it’s spine-chilling, yet utterly arousing. “Are there any more secrets?” He doesn’t give me a chance to answer before he leans in. Our lips are only millimeters apart. My breath quickens. The air around us stirs and a breeze lifts strands of my hair. “The name Elysia is almost as beautiful as you.” He pulls me up, wraps his hand around my neck, and kisses me. My shirt falls to the ground and I feel him against me...his eagerness, unable to hide.

  It feels as if a hundred sparklers light inside me all at once. My body quivers as the kiss deepens. He peels slowly away. My eyes remain closed as he places his forehead against mine.

  “I’ll take that...for now.” He backs away and runs toward the trees.

  My knees weaken. I sit back on the porch, pulling my shirt over me. A howl erupts in the woods.

  “Elysia?” Fonso peeks out of the cabin.

  “Huh?” My fuddled, foggy mind clears. “I’m coming.”

  “What happened?” He holds the door open for me. “Your jeans are all ripped.”

  “I was attacked by a werewolf. That jealous bitch from the beach. She’s a fucking werewolf.” My lower lip trembles. “Colin’s a fucking werewolf.”

  “And you thought we were lying?” Fonso closes the door. “They’ve been tormenting our kind for millennia, and you thought they were make-believe monsters?”

  “But, Emilian...”

  “Emilian thinks these wolves are different. He says they aren’t like the others. They can be trusted, but he’s wrong.”

  “Werewolves exist,” I say in a daze and plop on the couch.

  “We’ve covered this, I thought.”

  “He kissed me.” I touch my lips.

  “Colin? The naked werewolf kissed you?” Fonso sits next to me. “You let him?”

  “ caught me by surprise.”

  “I can’t believe it. You’re here two fucking days and already you have two gorgeous men pinning over you and I’ve been here months and nothing.” He chuckles. “Maybe you are trouble.”

  I playfully shove him. “What am I going to do?”

  “You’re going to call Kyle and accept his date. Right now.” Fonso gets his phone from the counter and presses it into my hand. “Those flowers weren’t cheap, girl.”

  “But, Colin...”

  “But Colin nothing. Did Colin send you expensive-ass flowers? No!” He pushes my hand with the phone in it. “Kyle’s number is punched in. Hit send.”

  “You’re like a drug dealer.” I poke him.

  “You’re the floozy.”

  “That’s not funny.” I pout. After hitting the button, I take the phone into my room.

  “Hello?” Kyle answers.

  “Hi Kyle. It’s Alice.” I pause. My stomach feels like the mimosas are swishing around inside.

  “Hey.” He sounds eager. “How’s it going?”

  “I received your invitation. Thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome. So, are we on for tomorrow?”


  “Great. Pick you up at 6?” He asks.

  “See you then.”

  “Have a good night.”

  “You, too.” I hang up and fall back onto the bed.

  I stare at the fan circling, imagining it’s the top of a helicopter. Maybe it’ll take me far away to a deserted island free of problems. Colin pops into my mind. I touch my lips and wonder if I’ll ever feel a kiss like that again.

  The morning dew blankets the pine needles, making them look like mini icicles. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and begin to jog in the forest. Keeping in line with the rising sun, I keep an even pace. Once I hit the road, I follow it north, away from town. Coming close to Cassadaga, I see a morning yoga class, and turn back toward the campground.

  It feels peaceful listening to the sounds of the forest. Most runners prefer music, but it’s nature that soothes me. I ran longer than I expected, so the last mile I walk back. When I enter the campground, I see Deena head toward the office.

  “Hey.” I catch my breath. “Can I talk to you?”

  “Hi Alice. You’ve been busy this morning already, I see. I’m exhausted looking at you.” She holds her hand over her eyes, blocking the sun’s rays.

  “It feels good to jog every once in a while.” I hold the door open for her. “My cousin popped in last night, needing a place to crash for a while, and—”

  “He needs one of the cabins soon.” Deena nods. “I figured as much when I saw his car parked by your cabin. He usually visits Madame Aishe.”

  “Yes. I swear sometimes you can read my mind.”

  She touches some keys hanging behind the counter and plucks one down. “Here’s an extra key to your cabin, but same rules apply.”

  “Got it.” I hug her. “You’re the best.”

  “Oh, I know.” She grins. “Get out of here.”

  I race to my cabin and open the door to a delicious scent of fried buttery bread.

  “Deena said you can stay with me, but if the owner ever comes to town we’ll have to leave.” I watch Fonso fix grilled cheeses on the stove. “I’m sure she’ll give you the same deal on your own cabin, too, when you need it.”

  “That’s great.” He turns them over. “I’ll have to find a full-time job now and we can save up money to have a stash when needed.”

  The way he says ‘we’ makes me feel a part of a family again. It’s so easy with him. He’s the big brother I never knew I wanted. “She’s cool.”

  “I talked to Aunt Simza this morning. Well, she talked through the window. She won’t even open the door for me now.” He scoops the sandwiches onto two plates, placing one in front of me.


  “I told her I was staying with you.”

  “What’d she say?”

  “She said I was a damn fool and I should go back to my mother.” He chomps into his sandwich.

  “She doesn’t like me. What does she think I’ll do? Corrupt you?”

  “She says you attract trouble and more trouble is bound to come to me if I stay. Then I told her that trouble has always followed us everywhere, so why is now so different?”


  “She didn’t say one more word. She closed her curtain and walked away from me.”

  “This is good.” I hold my grilled cheese up. “Extremely buttery.”

  “I like to eat.” He pats on his bulging stomach. “What are you wearing on your date tonight?”

  “I figure I’d go completely nude and stir things up.” His eyes bulge and I roll my eyes. “Jeans and a top. What I always wear.”

  “That’s classy.” He bangs his glass down too hard, causing milk to slosh out the side. “What if he takes you to a fancy restaurant and you feel underdressed?”

  “Now you’re making me anxious.”

  “I’m sure Colin wouldn’t mind you showing up naked. Werewolves are very free with their bodies.”

  “You don’t like him much, do you?”

  “No. I don’t like what I’ve seen of him. He’s not a good person.”

  “You warned me about him before. When you picked me up at the beach. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “I think they bully some of the townspeople.”

  “What do you mean, bully?”

  “He’s a damn werewolf. They are known for bullying. Do you ever see any of them work? No. When we traveled with the carnival, we ran into quite a lot of them. They weren’t nice. They’ve been chasing our kind for a long time. I don’t care what Emilian says. I don’t trust them.”

hat do you mean chasing?”

  “We’ll talk later. Get ready for your date. I don’t want to give another history lesson now.” He blows a kiss at me. “I have to go find another job.”

  “Here.” I dig in my pocket. “Deena gave me an extra key for you.”

  “Love Deena.” He walks out the door, locking it behind him.

  Viewing my wardrobe, I fear Fonso’s right. I don’t have anything fancy. If Kyle shows up in a nice suit, I’m screwed.

  Dusk descends. I hear Kyle’s Jeep and peek through the curtain. Kyle parks in front of my cabin and gets out. He’s wearing a long-sleeved flannel and jeans...thank goodness.

  I open the door before he climbs the stairs. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” He leans in and kisses me. It’s a quick, sweet kiss, but reminds me of the longer one we had under the stars two nights ago. “You look nice.”

  “Thank you. So do you.” I grab my bag and lock the door. “Where are we going?”

  “Do you like Italian?”


  “Then I know the perfect place.”

  He holds my hand for the duration of the 20-minute ride south. The restaurant sits on a lakeside, with candlelit tables outside. “This is pretty.”

  The hostess seats us at a secluded table near the water.

  “What’s your favorite Italian food?” Kyle asks as he reads the menu.

  “Chicken Parmigiana.” I lick my lips. “Yours?”

  “Veal Parmigiana.”

  “Baby cows? That’s awful.”

  “Don’t judge me.” He smiles.

  We place our orders. A soft breeze blows in. Frogs croak near the lake edge. “It’s beautiful out tonight.”

  The waitress returns with our drinks. “It is. It’s even nicer that you’re here with me.” He passes the sweeteners over. I refuse. “No sugar in your tea? How could you make such a mistake?”

  “I thought this was a judgment-free zone?” I smirk.

  “Ok. Ok. Judge-free zone. Can we now get all the bad first date questions out of the way?”

  “Bad first date questions? I can’t wait to hear them.”

  “You know...the questions you’re not supposed to ask people that tend to scare them away. I’m apparently great at that.”


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