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The Event (Book 1): Survival

Page 7

by Lee Thomas

  I raised the anchor, and then loosened the sails. I headed northwest, then turned after the bridge into the bay. I lowered the sails, securing them to the masts shortly before maneuvering into the marina, engaging the engines to pull her in, and then cut the engines as I settled next to the dock. I jumped onto the dock and secured the forward line, then jogged back and secured the aft line. Jumping back onboard, I quickly gathered all the gear and placed it on the small rolling cart to take back to the marina office where I had left my cart.

  The fish came last, still swimming in their buckets. I set them on a second cart and pushed them up the pier, heading back for the gear second. The cart I brought from the ship was still there, so I loaded everything up, put the keys back in the office, and started back towards the ship. Duty calls, I'm sure. I decided to just head to the ship to get the fish to the processor so they could be cleaned and ready to cook. Michelle never liked fish much, so she didn't know too many fish recipes, but I knew she had several cooks that did, so I looked forward to some good meals. I pulled up to the ship, and signaled for a crewman to come help unload everything. The crewman and I got everything on board and stowed away, then headed up to the bridge.

  "Jeff, I'm going down to the base, I want to look at the wall myself, talk to the inspection crews. I want to check the status of the wall and make sure no serious damage has happened.” I informed him as I stepped into the bridge.

  "Ok, things are quiet here for now. I'll take care of anything that comes up. Do you want me to radio you when we hear from the Leyte Gulf or Port Royal?" he asked, knowing I was concerned with that northern venture.

  "Yes. I'll have my radio on, but turned down while I'm near the fence. If I don't immediately respond, radio the gate guard, they should know where I'm at at all times." I told him. I then headed down to my quarters to change and gear up. I stopped in the kitchen for a drink, dropped my boots in the living room, and walked into my bedroom.

  I got dressed, checking my armor for chinks, tears, any defects or wear. Not finding any, I put my blades on one by one, settling them in place. I fully intended to take a team outside the wall so crews could work on repairs if I had to. Until we secured the northern peninsula, which we were still debating on what to name it, this group is my full responsibility, or so I thought. I walked out into the living room and was surprised to see Roger standing there.

  “Fishing, huh? Likely story, just to get off the ship for a little while. Looks like you are planning on heading back out again though. Where to now?” he asked me.

  “I’m going to go check out the wall, make sure there isn’t any serious damage from the storm. I’m not planning on going outside the wall, don’t worry.” I replied to him, earning myself a stare that just screamed ‘yeah, right’. After a few more minutes of small talk, Roger went his own way, and I headed out.

  As I entered bay 3, I saw the mechanics working on the helicopters, others just walking through, and some just lounging about on the waterfront side elevators, just enjoying the weather on their off time. I was looking forward to the time where I could do that. I walked to the stairs and headed down to the pier. No carts were available, so it looked like I was walking.

  I passed quite a few people on my walk, nodding to some, and chatting with others; everyone was going about their day, taking food to the ship, or whatever their job was. Everyone had to do something here, unless they were injured, sick, or physically unable. Full cooperation was the only way we could survive. I made it to the western gate, which was the westernmost part of the fence since it terminated in the water. We rarely used it except for the hunting parties that went out on foot as the bridge in front of it was small and the gate did not allow for cars. I walked up to the gate house to speak with the guard captain.

  "Good morning Admiral." the guard said as I walked in.

  "Morning Jimmy, how's it going today?" I asked, setting my helmet on the desk.

  "All quiet so far, had a few infected try to cross the bridge overnight I'm told, but they hit the gate and turned around. Haven't seen one yet today, but it's early." Jimmy said, handing me a bottle of water. I nodded my thanks as I took a big pull from it. We may not have filtered, purified water anymore, but we could still boil it then bottle it, and with power we had refrigeration, as long as the Freon lasted.

  "Good, good. I'm starting an inspection of the entire wall today. I need a clipboard, some paper, and pen or pencil please. Something isn't adding up with the reports Dave is getting, and I want a firsthand look at it." I told him. I knew Jimmy wouldn't say anything to anyone if I asked.

  "Ok. Here's the stuff, I'm assuming by your tone this is a need to know inspection, and most of us don't need to know?" he asked. See, I knew he would get it.

  "What inspection?" I asked, grinning. He chuckled and smiled back, both of us knowing the secret was safe. I then headed out and started down the wall line.

  Since the wall was made out of shipping containers, I could actually walk inside them all the way to the first major gate, which was our main western gate. Guards were posted at regular intervals as well as in the towers we had built in the upper level. I spoke with them all, just to make sure they knew how important they were, and that those of us on the ship did not forget that. The entire wall was about five miles long, with the small gate farthest west, the main western gate and another large gate to the east the only breaks in it. Both ends terminated in the water with chain link fencing extending out far enough to prevent anything or anyone from going around it without swimming.

  Finally making it all the way to the main western gate, I had to exit the containers to make my way around the gate, but I immediately entered the container on the other side of the gate and continued my inspection. Stopping to speak with the guards, and stepping outside to climb up into the towers, it took me quite a while to make my way along the wall. Peering out through the viewports, the houses on the other side of the street were plainly visible, and afforded a great view of anything approaching the wall.

  The steel of the containers was holding up very well to the attacks of the infected and the weather alike. We had a couple of attacks from other groups a few times as well, so there were a few bullets holes here and there, but no breaches so far. The eastern gate was also secure, and reported no problems. I continued past the gate once more, and eventually made my way all the way east to the ocean side of the wall. I stopped and just looked out at the water for a little while before starting my trek back.

  I found an available cart at one of the guard stations, so I used it to just wander through the base, looking at damage, how the repairs were going, talking with people, and just generally making sure they knew things were going well. I heard a few complaints about some people hoarding food, so I made a note to talk to Dave about that. A few disagreements between neighbors were one thing, but we needed to nip it quick if we were to really succeed.

  Since we really didn't have a way to fashion tools and such like before, that was a worry I had, but we actually found out we had two people who had some blacksmithing skills, so they had a shop set up, and from the looks of it as I pulled up, business was good. I could see both of them hard at work, with several apprentices learning the trade along with them. They made excellent swords, and farming tools. We had the machine shop on board the ships for the detailed machinery parts we needed, and I was extremely thankful for them. I pulled up to the shop, just to see how they were doing. They knew my love of knives, and usually tried to make something nice for me.

  I waved to Allen and Jacob, the two with the experience. Jacob waved back; Allen nodded and continued speaking with his apprentice. Jacob motioned me back to the office where it would be quieter and cooler. The fires needed for smithing kept the shop hot. We went into the office area and he shut the door.

  "How are you Sheldon, been a while since we've seen you." he asked, rummaging through a cabinet while he talked. He came back out with a wrapped package, and laid it on his desk, unwrapping the cloth
. It was a very neat looking dagger, double edged, nice handle with a thin spike coming out of the pommel. The handle was just wide enough for my hand, with a good grip on it. I swung it a little, testing the weight on it. It had an excellent balance and swung well without taking the arm with it.

  "Very nice" I said, handing it back to him.

  "Thanks. We were planning on making several of them for the hunting parties. Figured it would be good for them, smaller blade, plus the spike could be driven into the ground as used as an early warning defense or trap." he said, putting the blade back up. We chatted for a few more minutes about how things were going, and the possibility of opening a bigger shop up north when we secured the peninsula. I took my leave of him, waved to the others in the shop, and then headed back out.

  I passed through the base, stopping at the hospital to check on the guards blown off the walkway in the hurricane. They seemed to be doing fine, as well as the few in there with cuts and bruises, or illness. The little medical staff we had seemed well trained at least, but we were woefully limited in supplies. I left the hospital and turned towards the ship as I wanted to get an update on the bridge mission. If it was done, I would let the men rest for a few days while we made plans and preparations for the push to clear out the infected. I really wanted that done by Thanksgiving so we could start spreading out before it really got cold.

  Pulling up to the ship, I parked the cart in the garage and walked up the stairs. I headed up to the bridge first to get a progress report. Walking in, I saw Jeff leaning over a report; he then looked up when he noticed my presence.

  "The Leyte Gulf is almost back, and the Port Royal reports all bridges fortified or destroyed. The western and northern bridges both have solar batteries hooked up and have been raised. The southern bridge has been secured at both tunnel entrances. They should be back around 8 this evening. Ethan's group has agreed to join us, and allow us to use them as a forward base for phase two of your little project." Jeff said, handing me the paper. I glanced it over, and started planning the next phase already.

  "Alright. When the Port Royal gets back, I want her crew on a 48 hour leave, no duties, all rest. After the 48, I want them refueled and all maintenance done to prepare for long term departure. Send a message to Ethan with my thanks. I need a meeting with Tony, Jack, Jackson, Dave, Dut, and you, no more than two hours after the Royal gets back. Get Comms to snap some new pictures of the area and send them to the map room. I'll be in my office or the map room if you need me." I said, turning to a yeoman and requesting coffee sent to the map room. I should still have enough for a pot in my office. I walked down to my quarters to drop off my blades and change out of my armor. I then walked across the hallway to my office, fixed the last of my coffee, and got to work.

  I set my notebook on the desk and got some of my smaller maps out. I planned starting the push from two areas. One, the complex that Ethan had. From there we could spread all directions systematically, drawing the infected to us and setting traps. My hope was that there was not a huge mutant presence, as that would be harder to deal with. I filled my mug and ran my finger over the map, looking for likely places they would gather. I didn’t see any likely caves or large buildings, but they could hole up anywhere. I decided to look at the larger maps, so I took my notes to the map room so I could pull up better images.

  Walking in the map room, I saw the yeoman had set a cart with coffee and snacks in here. I also saw Roger already looking at the maps. I should have known he would know about my plan. We thought too much alike.

  "What's up man, should've know you were here. What all have you heard so far?" I asked him, setting my notes out. I warmed up the projector so we could see the big map on the wall.

  "Not much. I know the bridges are gone, or sealed up. I know you want to get started on phase two as soon as possible. I figure you would look for gathering spots first, so I've been searching the maps, but I haven't found any place that just screams 'infected den'. How was your fishing trip?" he asked.

  "It was, relaxing. Caught a nice amount, but did see some infected down the river though." I replied.

  "No problems I’m assuming. Anyways, if Ethan will let us use the apartments as a lead point, we can hit just about the entire peninsula systematically in one day trips. I also noticed that while it's overgrown as all hell, the farmland is still growing whatever was planted last, so it should be ready to use fairly quickly. Also, we got plenty of wood for firewood thanks to that last storm. I assume we are keeping the base operational too, right?"

  "Of course. I know some are going to consider this place home, and will not want to give it up. I'm kinda partial to its advantages too, to be honest. I'm hoping to expand the wall to the south to enclose the southern bridge from the peninsula. That would give us plenty of space to grow, and allow for safe ground travel. It's not a priority though."

  "So when do we start? I know the Leyte Gulf and Port Royal should both be back soon, but we do have several ships that could be ready soon."

  "I set some orders in motion already. I've ordered a 48 hour leave for the Port Royal crew upon their return, then the Royal is set to be refueled and outfitted for the mission. They should be back in dock around 8 tonight, then I have a meeting scheduled to go over the plan. Comms was supposed to be getting new pictures of the area and sending them down here. Ethan's group has decided to join us, and allow us to use the apartments as a forward base to start the process. Depending on how thick the infected presence is, we should be able to clear it completely by thanksgiving." I told him. We had the big map up by then, and started planning out sectors to clear them out by.

  "That looks like a good start. I'm assuming the meeting you have planned will work out some details, like how big are the teams, what skill sets should be there, etc.?" he asked me.

  "Of course, I'm not just sending anyone. The volunteers from the bridge mission, all of them this time, will be going. I want recon teams of no less than five, and search teams of no less than ten. The faster this goes, the sooner we get off this ship and back to life on land. As much as I enjoy it, I know Michelle, Jeff, most of the people on board are never going to adapt to sea life. You and I may make good pirates, but that's a scant few that will want to stay on board."

  "True. It would be better if one of those smaller ships was a nuke; me and you could have a lot of fun sailing around in a cruiser, or destroyer, playing pirate."

  "Well, after this is done, maybe admiral's prerogative will be to take the Nimitz for a stroll every so often. Or the OKC, I wouldn't mind a little submarine action."

  We talked about various other subjects until six or so, then decided to head for dinner. The Port Royal would be docked soon and preparations would have to begin. Not much time left to relax before my stress level skyrocketed again. I knew Roger would be beside me on this one, as he was just as good with a sword as I was. He would be leading one team, while I took another. Tony would never be left out either, and I knew two other team leaders in security who were very lethal with a blade as well. That made five team leaders I could trust.

  We got our trays and ate in the officer's mess so we could talk. A few other senior members of the crew were also in there, but no one deigned to bother us. We talked about strategy, and supply shortcomings. We chatted about what we would do with our own homes again, starting a full time swordsmanship class, sailing lessons, him writing music again. It was finally about eight, so I decided to go up to the flight deck, see if the Royal was in yet.

  I looked out over the bay, and I saw the Royal steaming in. She was about 300 yards out, which meant it would take about 35 to 45 minutes for her to be docked. I went inside to prepare for my meeting with the officers I had arranged for earlier. I stepped in to the bridge and gave orders for my meeting to take place in the conference room, and went to move the projector and computer into there from the map room. I wanted to be able to point out where I was talking about.

  Once I got everything moved, I figured I had about an h
our before everyone would be gathered. I decided to grab a quick drink from the last of my stash. I walked into my kitchen and poured a small glass of scotch, which was all I had left of it, and took it back to the conference room. I set my notes out, pulled the map up on the projector, and waited for everyone to show. One by one they filtered in. There was Dave, Jack from the Royal, Tony, Jeff, Jackson, Roger, and Dut. Michelle walked in with Jeff, and while I didn't actually invite her to this meeting, I figured she should hear it firsthand too.

  "Thank you all for coming. Jack, I know you just got back, and I appreciate you being here. I hope you all brought progress reports like I asked," I asked, looking around the table. After receiving nods and yeses from everyone, I continued, "Ok. The northern venture is underway, and all bridges have been secured or destroyed, thanks to Jack here, and Mike on the Leyte Gulf. Their crew and ground teams did a wonderful job, and no one got hurt. Now comes the serious part. The push to clear out the peninsula of infected so we can move in safely. As you can see from the map here, I have been searching for possible dens, but nothing seems to be jumping out here. I also, along with Roger's help, have sectored off grids to run search and destroy teams systematically, while keeping them to one day time frames. That way no one should be out after dark, without having a safe place to hole up. Stop me at any time if you have questions, need clarification, or see a better way. Ethan's group at the complex has decided to join us, and we have full use of the apartments as a staging point. We will fortify it, and the eastern teams will start from there."

  I went on to explain my plan in detail, getting ideas from them, modifying things when a better way was found. I took their recommendations for people to go on this mission, and told them what I wanted, and what was needed. We talked until almost midnight, then I dismissed them.


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