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Hitta's Tea Maker

Page 13

by Edwina Fort

  I was so fidgety in my seat I felt like a small child and Hitta wasn’t helping. At one point, I looked up because he asked me if my food was good, but at the time he was licking his fingers in a way that reminded me of the movie theater. I zoned in on the action and completely forgot his question.

  “Is it good, Teacup?” He repeated.

  “Mmmmmhhhhhmmm,” I told him.

  It was Jessie’s laugh that caused me to snap out of it. I blinked rapidly looking away from him. Dang it! The man had just cast a spell on me. I couldn’t even eat dinner without sex on the brain.

  By the time we made it back home, neither of us was doing well at hiding our anticipation. I was so relieved to see that all the furniture we had ordered was in fact set-up and placed in the rooms we’d gotten it for. Each room would need just a little tweaking, but not much…And that’s just because I’m a perfectionist and have to see my vision done to a tee.

  After such a full day of activities, Jessie was out cold. Hitta carried her in and straight to her bed. I took off her coat and shoes and put the covers over her. Kissing her little head I smiled down at her, so pleased that Hitta was able to make this day happen for her. She’d had a ball and had not stopped talking about having the movie theater and a big bucket of popcorn all to herself.

  I’d not stopped thinking about the movie theater either. And as I let myself out of her room pulling the door up, I ran into somebody else who still had the movie theater on his mind.

  Hitta was walking out of our bedroom to meet me with nothing on but his sweatpants.

  Have mercy on me! This man’s body looked as if it had been personally molded by the hand of God.

  He took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. As I stood in front of him, I was finally able to read what the fancy script of his tattoo said.

  Blessed be יהוה my Rock, which teaches my hands to war, my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and in whom I trust; who subdues my enemies under me.

  --Psalms 144:1-2

  A shiver went through me when my gaze went back down to the lion that was ripping his enemy’s heart out with its sharp teeth. That’s what Hitta put me in the mind of, a man who would tear his enemies’ hearts out.

  “I can’t wait another minute, baby. I feel like I’ve waited forever to get you in my bed.” His words were like a tender caress. And once again, I found myself wondering how could something so fierce be so gentle with me?

  I held my hands up as he grabbed my dress from the bottom and pulled it over my head, leaving me standing there in only my red panties, bra, and thigh high boots as he took his time and looked his fill.

  “Damn, shawty, you sexy than a mutha f****, way better than I’d imagined,” he whispered as he fingered the birthmark on my shoulder. “Is that… Africa?”

  I chuckled. “It looks like it, but it’s a birthmark.”

  His bedroom gaze came up to mine and he grinned a bit. “Damn, Teacup, even that sh*t sexy as hell.”

  I reached up and pulled out the headbands and the clips that held my braids in a messy bun letting them drop to the floor as my hair fell down around my shoulders and back to my waist. All this Hitta watched as if I was putting on a show for him. Only I didn’t know what to do next.

  He took the decision out of my hands because right then, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. The feel of his warm, hard body pressed against my soft one caused me to moan in his mouth.

  In the blink of an eye, I was in his arms and he was carrying me the rest of the way to the bed. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I was getting ready to lose my virginity.

  I was getting ready to lose my virginity to Hard Hitta.

  Gently he laid me on the bed and removed my boots one at a time. “These mutha f****’s been driving me nuts all day,” he muttered before he ran his hand up my stocking clad leg.

  And of course, I wore a secret smile because this came from the same man that had told me I dressed like a homeless person.

  My bra was the kind that clipped in the front, so when he lowered himself over me, supporting his weight on his massive arms, I thought for sure he was going to have a problem opening it with his big hand.

  My surprised gaze flew up to his when not only did he not have a problem, but had it unclipped and my breasts spilling out in record time.

  He grinned, for the first time looking bashful. “Wasn’t my first time.”

  I went to respond, but never got the chance because his head had lowered, and he was drawing the tip of my breast into his hungry mouth. I think it’s safe to say that Hitta is a breast man. Just like my lips, my nipples have been deliciously sore all day. As a matter of fact, my whole body was still so very sensitive that it didn’t take him any time to cause it to shatter.

  However, when he finally took off his pants, real fear set in. I grabbed his hands letting him see my fear.

  “I’ve never done this before,” I squeaked sounding like an aroused mouse.

  He gently stroked my cheek as he positioned himself over me. “I know, Teacup.”

  “I’m scared…wh—what if it doesn’t fit? What if I can’t take it all?”

  Still rubbing my cheek looking lovingly in my eyes he smiled just a little. “Do you know how much I’ve dreamed of this? I used to sit in my truck and imagine what you’d look like open and ready for me.”

  He leaned down and kissed me under my ear as he continued to whisper to me. “You are a big girl Teacup, and you can take all of me, baby…I promise.”

  And then he was slowly filling me…

  And yeah…although I thought it was impossible…

  I took all of him…Even when just for a moment, it did feel as if he had split me in two. However, in that moment, there was such tenderness in his eyes.

  He gently palmed my face. “I’m so sorry, baby…I promise, that’s all the pain.”

  “I’m scared, Hitta, it hurts…” I whispered clutching his hands.

  Holding very still, he kissed my lips as I got accustomed to him.

  “I know, baby, but that’s all the pain. Only pleasure from here…” Very slowly he began to move again. “Let me show you…Only pleasure from here.”

  And show me he did…

  True to his word, there was no more pain, only pleasure…

  Chapter 9

  Nothing Like the Taste of Chamomile in the Morning…


  I squatted down in the abandoned car where Hitta had told me to wait, but I wasn’t alone. There was a small group of us waiting for him to give us the signal that it was safe to come out of the rust-eaten cars that the sun flare had shorted out and destroyed years ago along with every other thing on this planet that was electrical.

  Hitta stood in the center of the street with several of his men. My gaze fell on one of them. He was a much younger version of Hitta, he had to be no more than fifteen or sixteen. However, he was a direct replica of him from the fierce scowl on his face to the huge hands. Amazingly he was nearly as wide and as tall as his father, but he had my eyes. I was so afraid for them both.

  They were surrounded by the zombies. At least…what looked like zombies but was really blood feens. Blood, the synthetic drug that hit the streets shortly before the flare hit. They called it that because it came in little brown glass canisters that could only hold a few drops, but when poured out, resembled its namesake.

  Before the flare hit, it was all the rage. Everybody was doing it…kids, adults…movie stars, doctors…judges. It was popular because it was marketed as a safe, clean drug. Unlike other drugs, it didn’t make one high. Instead, it sharpened the mind, made the dumb smart, the slow…fast, the weak…strong.

  Because they said that it wasn’t addictive, they sold the stuff everywhere…but I never trusted it and good thing too because now, something was happening to all of those people, who had come to rely on it. Because it had become very limited over the last ten years since the
flare hit, the sore-riddled feens had started craving real blood in its place and they terrorized the streets for it.

  They were the reason Hitta was now leading this group out of Chicago that had become a den for the zombie-like creatures. Just like me, this group had come to depend on him for not only their safety from the feens, but also to help find edible food and fresh water that had also become scarce over the years and unfortunately, the feens were not the only threat on these streets.

  The people who were not feens and had survived the flare, were not all good people. Like us, most folks had formed groups or gangs…the fact was, there was safety in numbers. To be a lone traveler these days was a suicide mission.

  But some of these gangs were worse than the feens. Something was happening to mankind as a whole. Most folks these days were just…evil. I don’t know what other word to use. People were killing each other for no reason at all but for the sport of it. It was like everyone had gone mad.

  Which is why Hitta was leading us east…everyday our numbers grew. The folks that were unfortunate enough to still have their scruples about them took one look at Hitta and his men and just knew that they would be safer traveling with us. Most times, they didn’t even ask…in desperation, they just fell into line and understood that Hitta was the boss, no question. They’d do anything for his protection.

  He said that we were going east because the voice in the mute warrior’s head told him so. The mute warrior had a twin brother…both had a set of twin sons who were close to my son's age and like their fathers, also fought by Hitta’s side. They said that we had a long journey ahead of us, neither of them knew how far east we were to go, only that we needed to start heading that way.

  How had the world come to this? In one hour, life as we once knew it was gone…dead. The first few years, there were rumors that everything would get back to normal. They said that the United States Government was working with other world governments to get communications back up and running. There were rumors of governmental safety camps where one could find a hot meal and a safe place to sleep.

  But there were also rumors that the people who have gone there disappeared, never to be seen again. Everyone has come to accept that life as we once knew it was over and was never coming back. A new world existed in its place. A new world that was run by monsters.

  The first feen lunged at my son and I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop the scream that wanted to rip from my throat. But there was no need for me to be worried. He moved with amazing skill and precision and downed the feen that came at him. Hitta didn’t even turn his way because he wasn’t worried that his son wouldn’t be able to handle himself.

  After that, all hell broke loose…the feens no longer moved like humans, they walked as if their limbs were too heavy for their body. But it was their hunger for blood that caused them to be relentless in their pursuit. They swarmed the small group of men, but the warriors were so deadly with their hands and the few weapons they had that it wasn’t long before they were surrounded by the sore invested bodies.

  When there were no more to kill, Hitta looked at me… “Come on out, Teacup….It’s safe, baby.”

  I reached for him, but the sound of his deep chuckle radiated through my body waking me. Frowning, I opened my eyes.

  A dream… It had all been a dream.

  I’d never had one in so much detail before. I wondered if I should write down what I saw…It was so terrible seeing the world that way. My heart still beat rapidly because it felt so real…The smell of the rotting flesh of the blood feens and the stagnant taste in the air…felt so real.

  Hitta was there. I wrapped my arms tighter around his strong body, snuggling closer to him. I was so glad he was there for me. And…we had a son.

  My bed moved waking me completely.

  Oh God! I was on the man’s back again. And to make matters worse, I was clinging to him butt naked.

  “Oh my God…I am so sorry,” I muttered as I eased back to my side of the bed wrapping the sheet around me.

  He turned around and smiled at me. “Don’t apologize…It don’t bother me. I think it’s kind of cool.”

  “Still… I pray it doesn’t become a habit.” Goodness…that was so embarrassing.

  “And if it do?”

  His question caught me off guard. I chuckled, “Ummm…then maybe I’ll have to sleep in Jessie’s room once she goes back home.”

  He got out of the bed and I bit my lip to keep from moaning at the sight of all that muscle flexing in his beautiful brown body. You would think I’ve had enough seeing as to how I and the man made love well into the night. I still had the soreness to prove it.

  “Mmm mmm mmm,” he said as he slid into his underwear grinning down at me.

  “Mmm mmm mmm, what?”

  “Mmm mmm mmm, I’d hate to see how Jessie’s little bed is going to hold up under my weight…but if you insist on sleeping there, I guess I have no choice but to find out ‘cause you for damn sho’ won’t be sleeping nowhere without me.”

  Still biting on my bottom lip, I grinned. “So, you really don’t mind that I sleep so wild.”

  He shook his head before sliding his tank over it. “Nope…You climb on top of me ‘cause you mine. It don’t bother me at all.” He leaned down and gave me a kiss before he headed into the bathroom.

  I exhaled as I watched him go, although the dream was beginning to fade from my memory, I could still see the boy with Hitta’s face and body, but my eyes…

  I wondered what that meant. However, I had no more time to think about that because Jessie in true Jessie fashion, burst in my door yelling.

  “Tee-Tee, come look at my room!”

  She was so excited that she ran in and tried to come to a stop, but because the wooden floors were so polished and she was wearing socks, she ended up sliding on past the bed, hitting the floor. But her little excited face popped right back up causing me to laugh.

  “Jessie, it’s way too early for all that yelling.”

  She turned to look at the window where the sun was just beginning to lighten the sky.

  “Well, what time can I start yelling?”

  I grabbed her little smart mouth self, pulling her into my lap and then hugged her. I loved this little knucklehead child.

  “There is never a good time to yell.”

  “Can you come see my room? It’s so pretty,” she asked with her little arm still wrapped around my neck.

  “Okay, but then we need to get ready because I have to open the shop in a few.”

  After playing hooky yesterday, there was no way I could afford to do that today. Plus, it was Friday and Friday was one of my busiest days.

  Greatie was a stickler about not working on the Sabbath. She used to tell me to always remember the Sabbath day and to keep it set-apart no matter what. So, because of it, I didn’t open the Tea Shop on Saturdays. I didn’t bother opening on Sundays either because that was the day I took Jessie home and most times, I spent the whole day cleaning Trina’s apartment. You’d be amazed at how filthy it can get in one week’s time.

  After I pieced together Jessie an outfit from the few things she had in her bag and the things that were still packed in boxes that I’d had at my apartment for her, I got her started in the shower as I hurried to do the same. Hitta had disappeared in the basement. It was quite clear he was serious about working out every morning.

  By the time he made his way to the kitchen showered and dressed for the day in another pair of brand-named sweatpants and a grey t-shirt, I’d unpacked a few of the boxes from my kitchen and had managed to get some chamomile tea and oatmeal on the table. Jessie was already eating her bowl of oatmeal.

  Hitta walked to her and snatched her right out of her chair…Of course Jessie loved it and erupted in laughter as he held her way up in the air and tickled her. She was laughing so hard I was afraid she was going to pee on herself.

  I shook my head as I spooned him up some oatmeal in a bowl. Jessie was so rough; I just di
dn’t understand it.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked when he sat her back down in her chair.

  With a devious grin on his handsome face, he came towards me like he was going to snatch me up as well, but I backed up holding his bowl of chamomile oatmeal in front of me.

  “Look at this…it’s chamomile. You know how you love chamomile.” For good measure, I picked up the little tube of organic honey and drizzled a little over the top of the oatmeal.

  Just like I figured, once the scent of the chamomile and honey reached him, his eyes were drawn to the bowl in my hand. He didn’t understand that he liked the smell of the chamomile because it was a natural stress reducer, which meant his headaches were tension headaches…

  The absolute worst kind because there was no telling what the root of the problem was; Ninety-eight percent of the time it was something psychological.

  He stopped stalking me and I exhaled. But then I squeaked when he suddenly lunged at me pulling me into his arms before taking my lips in one of those drugging kisses.

  “You taste good as hell,” he muttered as his hungry mouth went to my neck.

  It took everything within me not to melt in his arms. If this man had his way, I’ll be playing hooky again with him and we’d never leave the bedroom.

  Although it was the last thing I wanted to do, I slid out of his arms.

  “I bet you’re going to love this oatmeal.”

  His hungry gaze went from my lips to the bowl of oatmeal. He frowned, “Naw, shawty, I don’t really do breakfast.”

  He pulled me back to him. “I’d rather eat you instead,” he whispered in my ear before taking my earlobe in his mouth.

  I bit down on the moan that wanted to escape my lips. I could feel Jessie’s laughing eyes on us. Once again, I slid out of his arms holding the bowl just underneath his nose, so the smell of chamomile could fill his senses. When it did, his gaze fell back to it, but this time, there was no frown.


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