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Juliette's dream aotr-1

Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  Scotty smiled, “It’s a dream within a dream, Jingo. First we must try to make it a reality. Let’s go talk with Samuel.”

  “He’ll never believe you.”

  “True, but he’ll believe you.”

  Jingo sighed and said, “I might as well bring father with us.”

  “We need to tell him first.” Scotty paused, “Why did you get so quiet and calm during the meeting with the Zord?”

  Jingo shook his head, “That’s what happens to my race when we pump secretions out of our war gland.”

  “War gland?”

  “Yes, you have something similar called an adrenal something or other. When we find ourselves in a situation that demands combat, our war gland secretes a fluid that focuses us on the situation and attenuates our dexterity. Our four arms almost take on a life of their own. Needless to say, I became quite focused when I saw that Zord six feet away.”

  “Ever had it happen before?”

  “Nope, this was the first time, and I see why my species are natural warriors. I rather enjoyed the experience. I want to experience it again. Fear is good.”

  Scotty looked up the hill and said, “I suspect you will, my brother. The journey begins tonight.”

  “What journey?”

  Scotty smiled, looked up, and said, “Why, my dream of course. Let’s go see your father.”

  Chapter Three

  Jing Dorg looked at Scotty and Jingo and said, “You did what?!?”

  Scotty said, “We met two Zord tonight and set up a meeting with their leaders in four days at midnight. We’ve discovered they are intelligent creatures.”

  Jing just stared at Scotty and said nothing. It was obvious he thought Scotty had gone insane.

  Jingo looked at his father and said, “By the oath of Dorg-Ross, he’s telling the truth. I was there and witnessed it.”

  Jing now knew something had happened. No Cainth would ever lie using that sacred name. His demeanor changed to anger, “You endangered my son by meeting with Zord?”

  “He wouldn’t let me go alone, Clan Leader.”

  Jing looked at his son and Jingo said, “Where he goes, I go. I promised his mother to always take care of him. I will not violate that oath.”

  “You are the next Clan Leader. You exhibited great stupidity meeting a Zord.”

  Scotty said, “Actually, I didn’t tell him I was meeting a Zord. He thought I was meeting a female until we walked up on them.”

  Jing started swearing at the top of his voice while looking up at the sky, turning in small circles venting his anger. All the children within the sound of his voice ran to their mothers and hid. Even the adults ran for cover. It wasn’t a good thing to be near Jing when he was this angry.

  Scotty looked at Jingo and raised his eyebrows. Jingo said, “Give him a moment. He needs to get some steam released.”

  Jing settled down after thirty minutes of swearing. Jingo left five minutes after Jing’s tirade began and brought back a piece of paper.

  “What are you doing, Jingo?”

  “I’m going to write some of these down. They’re great. I might need them in the future.” He sat down and started writing. Scotty would hear, “That’s a good one. Wow, I’d have never thought of that one. Oooo, that’s a doozy.”

  Jing finally wound down and looked at the two. “Tell me how this happened.”

  The three sat down next to the fire and Scotty told him about saving the Zord from a Torg and setting its broken wing. Jing listened and said, “You brought water to that killer for two weeks.” He looked at Jingo and asked, “Why weren’t you keeping your oath? Where were you during this time?”

  Jingo looked very uncomfortable, and saw his father was not going to let him avoid the question. “Uh, I was helping Jesa gather pods.”

  Scotty and Jing looked at Jingo and both of them burst out laughing. Jingo was embarrassed and said, “Let it go, please. Just let it go.”

  Jing turned around quickly and saw Jesa staring around the corner of a building in the now deserted square. He smiled and said, “She worries about you, son. You have made a good choice. Not many would stay when I’m this angry.” Jing motioned Jesa to join the conversation. She looked around and pointed to herself and mouthed, “Me?” Jing nodded.

  Jesa walked slowly forward ready to turn and run. Jing motioned for her to sit beside Jingo. Scotty saw his friend’s face light up as she approached. Jing said, “It appears you two are an item. Do you love my son, Jesa?”

  Jingo looked like he was going to die. He hadn’t even come close to letting Jesa know his feelings, and here she was being embarrassed by his father. He wished he could just disappear. He knew she had others she liked more than him.

  Jesa looked at Jing and said, “I don’t believe you have the right to ask that question, Clan Leader.”

  Jingo was miserable until Jesa’s next statement.

  “However, I will answer it. I’ve loved him since the day I first saw him. He has always been the one I’ve wanted to spend my life with.”

  Jingo was stunned. He looked up at Jesa and she could see his amazement.

  She continued as she looked at Jingo, “I just don’t know if he feels the same, and I’m giving him as much time as he needs to realize that I am the one best suited for him.”

  Jing looked down at his son and said, “Same question, Son.”

  Jingo looked at Jesa and said, “I’ll love her forever, Father. If I can’t have her, I’ll have no one.”

  Jesa beamed at Jingo and Jing said, “Sit down and join us, Jesa. If you are going to be his mate, he’ll need your insights.” Jing turned to Scotty and asked, “What do the Zord want? “We have all noticed that we are not being attacked by them. Something obviously happened to cause that.”

  Scotty said, “We never knew they were intelligent. Now that we know they are, it makes a huge difference in how we should deal with them.”

  Jing sat down, “How so?”

  “I used the learning center to see what is known about them, and there’s not much information available. What I did learn was that six nesting pairs were captured by poachers who were not members of the Holy Stars Realm.” Everyone touched their heart at the mention of the Realm. “The Realm issued an edict that poaching Zord would be a capital offense, and anyone caught doing it would be executed. Those six pairs are the only ones ever taken into captivity. You know how the ancient evil Duke wanted a zoo greater than the one on Ross.” The four again touched their hearts.

  “What do you make of that?”

  “Jing, I believe that the Zord were known to be intelligent, and you know the principle of defending those that cannot defend themselves.”

  Jingo said, “I think they are quite capable of defending themselves.”

  “Not against beam weapons and stunners. The Zord are an intelligent species that were brought here as prisoners.” Scotty shook his head and said, “It was Humans that imprisoned them. It’s really no wonder they attack us.”

  Jing looked up at the two moons overhead and said, “Four nights from now, Atlas and Diana will be full. Their light will be shining down on our meeting. That has to be a good omen. Scotty; go and bring Samuel here now.”

  Scotty stood and walked into the darkness.

  Three nights later both communities were gathered in the clearing between the two villages. Samuel stood and yelled, “Everyone sit and listen! We have a meeting tomorrow night and you are going to follow our instructions.”

  The huge gathering sat and Jing stood and told them who they were meeting. The gathering grew noisy, especially the young members. Jing waited until they grew silent. They noticed his growing anger and didn’t want to provoke him. Jing said, “Our communities have never shown such disrespect for your leaders before. You will be quiet.”

  Silence ruled the gathering. They knew the danger of violating the codes of meeting.

  “We have just learned the Zord are intelligent beings.” Jing heard the indrawn breath of the crowd and
continued. “Their ancestors were captured and brought here to be imprisoned in the evil Duke’s zoo.” Jing waited while that piece of information was absorbed by the group. “How would you feel if your children were captured, taken away from their homes, and then imprisoned for life to be stared at by aliens? Never being allowed freedom, only imprisonment and isolation; what would you do if you encountered those that caused your misery? It was Humans that captured them and brought them to this planet.”

  Jing waited and said, “One of us saved one of their children’s life, and they are confused about who we are. They are going to meet with us to discuss the future of our two species.”

  Ben Withers stood, “It could be a trap to kill our leaders.”

  Samuel looked at Ben and said, “What if it is? They have not attacked us in over a year. If we can find peace with these beings, it will save many lives. I’m willing to risk mine to make that happen.”

  Many in the crowd looked at each other, not knowing what they should do.

  Jing said, “The only way for a successful agreement to be made is to make sure we do not endanger the Zord’s leaders coming to this meeting.”

  Samuel said, “Everyone stand and place your hand on your heart.”

  The gathering rose and Samuel said, “Repeat after me. I swear on the memory of the Hold Stars Realm.” The gathering repeated his words. “That I will not endanger the Zord during the coming conference.” Again the gathering repeated his words.

  Jing who watched the assembly carefully said, “Those who did not speak that oath, come forward now.” No one moved. Jing drew his four swords and said, “I said for you to come forward now!”

  Six teenage Humans stepped out of the crowd. They knew that those standing around them knew they had not spoken the oath and didn’t know if they would be reported. They also didn’t know if Jing had seen them remain silent. Their fear was obvious.

  Samuel stood in front of the six and said, “You refuse to give your oath?”

  Everyone in the gathering knew that to violate an oath given in the Stars Realm’s name would lead to certain death to violator and their families. None would violate such an oath, and the only way to avoid the catastrophe of that violation was to just not make it.

  The six said nothing. Samuel glared at the young boys. “Well?!?”

  Ben Withers said, “A Zord killed my father.”

  Terry Black said, “They killed my Mother.”

  Samuel interrupted and yelled, “And they’ll kill many more if this madness continues. How many Zord have you killed, Ben?”

  Ben startled at the question, “Six.”

  “How many Zord children are now without one of their parents due to your actions?”

  Ben looked at the ground.

  Jing said, “You will give the oath now.”

  Three of the boys gave the oath. Ben, Dominick, and Zim did not.

  Ben looked at Jing and said, “I will never have peace with the Zord.” The other two nodded with him.

  Samuel drew two short swords faster than anyone thought possible and made three vicious slashes that took the heads off all three boys. The gathering was shocked into silence. No one moved or made a sound.

  Samuel turned to the Humans and yelled, “Are there any more that place their hatred over the safety and well being of us all?” Samuel was showing his rage. “I am your chosen leader. You selected me to guide us to a better life. Now some of you want to challenge my judgment. It was this kind of hatred that led to us losing the joy we once all shared. This is the legacy of the Duke we all curse, and I will not have it poison our spirits.”

  Samuel stared the community into silence and said, “Take these bodies and leave them out on the wasteland where they belong, with all the others that died because of their hatred. No one places themselves above the values we once ignored and lost all because of it. These three placed their hatred above the safety of our communities. That can never be tolerated by any of us.”

  The three boys’ families came forward and picked up the bodies. Ben’s Mother was ashamed of what Ben had done, but said, “Samuel, he has not been the same since he lost his Father. His sorrow has been all he’s known.”

  Samuel looked at her and said softly, “Melissa, there has been suffering enough for all of us. If the Zord love their families as much as we, they have also suffered. Ben could not embrace the harm we have done to others. He only looked at his loss. We cannot ignore our actions, and we are accountable for them. This and all the deaths caused between our species, Zord, Humans, and Cainth, is a result of how these creatures were treated by us. They were taken from their homes and made prisoners by Humans. They are the ones that have to forgive much more than we. These three refused to see it.”

  The two communities stood and mingled to see old friends they had not talked with in a long time. After several hours, they all were praying their leaders would survive the coming conference with the Zord.

  High overhead a giant Zord listened to the meeting and just couldn’t understand what had happened. It flew back to the nesting grounds and shared his memories with Bleath, the Zord’s Leader. Bleath thought about what he learned and called the flocks together. The attack scheduled for the next night was delayed. Bleath looked at his son being held in restraints and said, “It looks like you get your wish. We will speak with the two-legs.”

  Vring took a deep breath and quit attempting to break free to warn the Humans of the impending attack. Bleath cut the vines from his son and said, “You will be the first to land.”

  Samuel and Jing motioned Scotty and Jingo to join them. They came and sat down. Jing said, “The two of your will welcome our guests. We’ll join you afterwards.”

  Scotty looked at Samuel and said, “If you still have doubts about this, why did you kill those three?”

  “My doubts are irrelevant to their betrayal of our community. They were a poison that would infect us. Refusal to take the oath revealed their true character. They would have attacked our guests and demonstrated that we are without honor. What I did had to be done.”

  Jesa who had been listening to the conversation stepped up and said, “If Jingo is there, I will be there as well.”

  Jing started to order her not to go, but Samuel said, “You love does him honor.”

  Jingo said, “No, you must not be here.”

  Jesa took his four hands in her’s and said, “Would you allow me to face danger and stay away?”

  Jingo said, “We will not have weapons. I won’t be able to defend you.”

  Jesa hugged Jingo, “If you die, I don’t want to live without you. We will be together either way.”

  Jing knew his son had found his heart. He walked away and left the two young Cainth to their love.

  Scotty walked away and wished he had what Jingo had found.

  All of them worried about the following night.

  Scotty and Jingo sat by the fire in the center of the clearing and looked at the two full moons overhead. The night was clear and the symphony of stars shining brightly, in spite of the moons, was beautiful. The only light in the two communities was that single fire. Scotty looked at Jingo and asked, “Where’s Jesa?”

  Jingo gave a smirk and said, “Her father forbid her coming; thank the creator for that.”

  “How did that go?”

  “Not well. She’s not of age, so she had no choice but to obey him. I told her he was protecting his only daughter. She hasn’t spoken to him since.”

  Scotty sighed, “If something happens to you, she probably never will. Even I can see how much she loves you.”

  Jingo took his eyes off the moons and looked at Scotty, “I don’t deserve her. She is such a beautiful person. And smart. Golly she’s smart.”

  Scotty laughed, “She’ll need to be to keep you in line.”

  Jingo smiled, “Yeah, I can see that. Do you think this meeting is a good idea?”

  Scotty looked back up at the sky and said, “I didn’t get a good feeling from t
he larger Zord we met. I think the one I helped can be trusted, but the older one carries a lot of hatred toward us.”

  Jingo swore, using several epitaphs he had heard his father use, “I wish you had kept that to yourself. We’re defenseless here. If you felt that, why are we here?”

  “Jingo, if there is a chance we can come to terms with the Zord, our lives would be worth making the effort. They are apex predators and we’ve lost tens of thousands to them over the centuries. Now that we know they’re intelligent and not just attacking out of instinct, there is a possibility we can bring this to an end. Even if we die, it’s worth the effort. Jesa could be one of their victims.”

  Jingo thought about what Scotty was saying, “It wouldn’t have bothered me before, but now I have something to live for.”

  “I’d understand if you joined the communities in the trees.”

  Jingo just shook his head and stared at the sky, “Shouldn’t be long now.”

  Both of them saw the form coming down to the clearing and then there it was landing next to them. The young Zord folded his wings and settled on his four legs. “It looks like no one trusts anyone these days.”

  Scotty looked at the Zord, “Why do you say that?”

  “My father was planning to attack everyone here. He had me tied to a tree so I couldn’t warn you. I don’t know what happened here last night, but he changed his mind because of it.”

  Jing and Samuel walked out of the trees and joined the three at the fire. Jing said, “I thought my son was insane, but I guess he was telling the truth. My name is Jing and this is Samuel. We are the leaders of the two communities.”

  The Zord looked at the two and said, “My name is Vring. I am the son of our leader. I’m hoping he will join us.” The Zord looked up at the sky and said, “I’m still not certain if he can overcome his hatred of you.”

  Scotty shook his head, “My name is Scotty, and this is Jingo. You appear to be back in good health.”

  Vring held the injured wing out and flapped it. “It’s just about back to normal.” He looked at Scotty and said, “Thanks to you. That Torg would have killed me if the broken wing didn’t. Thank you, again.”


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