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Kamikaze Nights [Love on the Rocks 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Be sure to have your ID ready,” he snapped at her.

  She nodded as she caught sight of his eyes gazing over her body in the slim-fitting purple business dress. He reached for his cell phone. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as she hit the button with shaky fingers as the doors closed.

  She had a feeling he was calling up to the tenth floor. My God, he was incredible. Light brown hair, wide shoulders, definitely filled out with muscles under that suit jacket and his eyes, oh my, were they wild. A man who was part of security obviously. She remembered Venetia saying that the company who did security were all retired soldiers. He definitely had an arrogance about him.

  She heard the bell ding just as she looked at the board with the floor numbers. As she locked on to the number nine and realized she hit the wrong number, the doors opened. She quickly hit number ten, but the door didn’t close and instead two men, dressed in black suits approached and narrowed their eyes at her. The older one snapped at her and the younger one gazed at her body.

  “What are you doing up here? Who are you?” he asked with authority.

  “I hit the wrong button. I’m going to the tenth floor. Sorry, the door won’t close,” she said and then reached over toward it again and pressed the number ten, four times.

  “You don’t belong up here,” the older one with the dark black hair, long distinguished nose, and firm expression told her.

  “We’ll escort you up,” the younger one said and stepped inside, hitting another button. She stepped back, her rear hitting the narrow railing at the back of the elevator. These men were big and tall. Six feet plus, and, Jesus, did they smell incredible. She couldn’t believe how unnerved they made her feel. She was used to being around sexy, attractive men. Hell, she stayed out of Paulano’s bed, which was why she was looking for a new job. Scumbag.

  She took a deep breath and then exhaled. The younger guy turned around to face her.

  “You staying here at the hotel?” he asked with a soft smile. Oh boy, was he a player.

  “No, how about you?” she countered, thinking he wasn’t going to be the one running this conversation.

  He raised one of his eyebrows up at her as the doors opened and he winked.

  “No, I’m not either.”

  She glanced toward the older guy, who stepped out of the elevator and the young guy with the brown crew-cut hair and killer smile motioned with his hand for her to go first. Her initial thought was that the man wanted to check out her ass. Maybe all those workouts and kickboxing classes were working. She straightened her shoulders and paused in the hallway at the security desk. It was high tech.

  The guy there immediately checked her out.

  “Name?” he asked.

  “Louisa Bellino,” she said and with a bit more of her Brooklyn/Italian accent than she meant. She always got her New York attitude up when she felt under a microscope or nervous. Apparently by the way the older security guy stared at her she caught his full attention.

  “Miss Cortland is waiting on you. Right down the hall, first door on the right,” the security guard behind the desk said and she smiled softly.

  “Thank you.” She started to walk down the hallway and could feel their eyes on her. She didn’t want to look back and encourage them. It wouldn’t be smart if she got the job and they worked here, too. So she didn’t look back and for some strange reason she felt like she missed an opportunity or almost regretted not looking back. So weird.

  “Miss Bellino. Such a pleasure meeting you. I’ve heard wonderful things about you from Paulano Fellini. Please come on in and have a seat,” Miss Cortland said.

  Louisa swallowed hard. At least she knew that Paulano took her threats of sexual harassment seriously. He could have called her bluff and not given her a referral. She had worked her ass off for his company and dealt with all his crap, too, even from his friends.

  “I must say, your experience and responsibilities at your last job are beyond what is required for the position here,” Miss Cortland said and then looked away from the file and back at Louisa. She could tell the older woman was sizing her up, and her words made Louisa think that she may not offer her the job. Overqualified was as bad as not a good fit for the position.

  “Well, I was responsible for many different aspects of Mr. Fellini’s business that went beyond event planner and personal assistant.”

  “Any particular reason why you left working for him?”

  There it was. The challenge question. She couldn’t say that he was an asshole who sexually harassed her and constantly tried to get her in his bed. No, she needed to be diplomatic here, and calm.

  “To be honest, what I liked about this position here at the hotel is the opportunity to be more involved with people. I’m a people person. I love helping clients and assisting them in obtaining everything they imagine, everything they desire for their event from creation to completion. With Mr. Fellini’s business that isn’t possible. It’s small, and this position here would fit me well.”

  Miss Cortland smiled. She then went on to ask a few more questions and gave Louisa some different scenarios and problems, asking how she would approach and solve them. By the time they were done with the interview, Miss Cortland was smiling and laughing at Louisa’s jokes and really seemed to like her. She did her best. She wasn’t fake or misleading, so there wasn’t much more she could do to try and land the position.

  “Well, I don’t want to take up too much of your time, and I have a few more interviews today.” Miss Cortland stood up and so did Louisa. They shook hands.

  “I appreciate the opportunity to interview for the position.”

  “It was a wonderful interview, Louisa, and I enjoyed talking to you. I’ll be in touch,” Miss Cortland said.

  When Louisa walked out of the office the younger security guard who escorted her in the elevator was still there talking to the security guy at the front desk.

  They both smiled at her. “Going down?” the younger guy asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t think I need an escort this time,” she replied.

  He looked a little surprised, like maybe he expected her to get all giddy and blush. He hadn’t a clue what kind of woman she was. Untrusting, protective, insecure when it came to men. He pushed the button for the elevator and held it open as she stepped inside.

  The other security guard at the desk tilted his nose up as if he was sniffing the air, or maybe her. She quickly turned back toward the other guy and the elevator doors.

  “We take security very seriously here, Miss Bellino,” he said and then pressed the button to close the door.

  She couldn’t help but to take in the sight of the guy. He was definitely physically fit, bulky, wide shoulders, military-like. He wore a thick silver watch that was pricey and added to his appeal.

  “How did your interview go?” he asked, squinting at her as if he was memorizing her face.

  “Okay,” she said and looked away from him.

  “Just okay? You were in there for thirty-seven minutes.”

  She looked right back at him. “Timing me?” she asked.

  “Just an observation. It must have gone well.”

  “Oh yeah? Why do you think that?” she asked him as the door to the elevator opened. She was trying very hard to not be affected by the gorgeous man, or the fact he carried a gun and seemed to portray a man of capabilities. She didn’t know why. Maybe she was making him into something he wasn’t. Her mom’s conversation with her and asking if she were a lesbian hit her mind. No, Mom, I’m just not a whore like you.

  “You lasted the longest in the interview, and are the most attractive prospect thus far,” he countered and swept his eyes over her body. She squinted at him.

  “Security here must be an easy job. With all the time on your hands to make such observations,” she said instantly, getting her defensive attitude up, and then walked out of the elevator. Why did she always have to do that? Maybe he was a nice guy. Maybe he would be a good date. Her stomach ac

  He chuckled at her response and that damn deep tone in his chuckle penetrated her skin and went straight to her breasts. He walked with her.

  “What makes you think I work here as security?” he asked her. She stopped at the front desk, signed out, handed over the visitor card and then said thank you to the guy there. He looked at the young guy talking to her and smirked and winked. She rolled her eyes.

  “Have a nice day,” she said and continued walking.

  “Wait,” he said and touched her hand. The second they made physical contact she froze in place. The spark of attraction was crazy. A total first for her and it seemed that he felt it, too. He smirked.

  “So answer my question. Why do you to think I work here?”

  She pulled her hand back and eyed him over.

  “The suit, the gun, and your reprimanding tone when the elevator doors opened on the ninth floor and the fact you accompanied me to the right floor. You acted like you work here.”

  “I’m head of security here.”

  “Oh, so that explains your ability to slack off and monitor my interview time. Like I said, it must be a sweet job working security here.” She turned around to leave when he went to stop her again, but then she heard her name.


  She turned around to see Apollo and Garvan. They smiled wide, approached, kissed her cheek, then shook the other man’s hand.

  “Cooper, you know Louisa?” Garvan asked.

  “No, we just met upstairs when she was interviewing with Miss Cortland,” Cooper told them. She felt her chest tighten and waited for Apollo’s outburst.

  “Interview? Here? What is he talking about, Louisa?” Apollo asked.

  “Thanks, Cooper,” she said sarcastically and then nibbled her bottom lip as Apollo gave her the stare down.

  “Start talking,” he demanded.

  “I went on an interview here for the opening in hospitality.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us? We would have hired you on the spot,” Garvan said.

  “That’s exactly why. I wanted to come here and interview, get the job based on my experiences, and not pull strings with the owners of the place, Apollo.”

  “That’s silly. You can run circles around these people,” he said.

  “Wait, what happened to the job you had? I thought you were making amazing money. In fact a lot more than this job pays,” Garvan asked.

  She glanced at Cooper and then down at the floor.

  “Louisa?” Apollo asked.

  “I needed a change.”

  “That asshole try something again?” Apollo pushed.

  “What asshole?” Cooper asked.

  “Oh God, please, Apollo, I just wanted to interview on my own. I’m fine, and if it doesn’t work out here, then I can look elsewhere.”

  “It will work out fine,” Garvan said and pulled his cell phone from his hip.

  She reached out and touched his hand.

  “Don’t, Garvan. Please, I mean it. I want to achieve this without your help.”

  He put down his cell phone and stared at her. “Did Venetia know about this?” he asked, and she swallowed hard. They were super protective of Venetia and if she did anything to place herself in danger or hold information back from them there would be hell to pay. They were her protectors. She was so envious of her, and Gianna, too. They were in ménage relationships with great men who truly loved them, respected them, and protected them. What she would do to be appreciated by a man, never mind respected by one she could trust.

  “No, of course not, and now that you know and you’ll tell her about this, she is going to be pissed at me. Let’s just drop it, okay, Apollo, and see what happens. Promise me that the two of you will not interfere and won’t get me this job,” she said to them.

  “Okay, we promise, but if you’re still looking for work let us know. There are a lot of opportunities and we know a lot of people,” Garvan said.

  “I appreciate that,” she said and then glanced at Cooper who was in a dead stare at her.

  Garvan gave Cooper a tap to his belly.

  “Come on, we’ll head up for our meeting,” he said to him, but Cooper looked like he didn’t want to go yet.

  She smiled at Cooper. “Bye,” she said.

  “Nice meeting you, Louisa. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon,” he said and gave her a wink before he walked away with Garvan. She watched him go, felt the butterflies in her belly, and then she heard Apollo chuckle.

  “I’ll be damned, Cooper likes you,” he said to her in a tone that indicated that was strange.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  He snorted. “He is a character. He’s head of our security here and is a big-time hard-ass.”

  She narrowed her eyes at Apollo. “Hard-ass? I kind of got the whole player vibe from him.”

  “Well, I guess out of all the Hunt brothers he can be the most approachable.”

  “Whatever. I don’t really care. Please promise me that you won’t do anything to influence the woman I interviewed with.”

  “Louisa, I promise, even though I wish you had told me you were looking for a job. I don’t understand what happened with your other job. I thought you liked working there.”

  “I needed a change,” she said, unable to hold his gaze.

  He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “What happened?” he asked firmly.

  She looked up at him. “Apollo, I’m not your responsibility. I can take care of myself and I’m pretty good at it. Things were just uncomfortable there and I had enough.”

  “Did your boss try something with you?” he asked with his eyes narrowed at her.

  “Apollo, you’re Venetia’s boyfriend and she’s your responsibility, not me. If it were anything I thought I couldn’t handle or resolve, believe me, I would definitely let you in on it. You know a lot of people.”

  He glanced past her shoulder but before she could look to see what caught his eye he gave a small smile. “You are important to us, too. All of Venetia’s friends are.”

  She smiled.

  “You’re the best. I’d better get going. I have another interview in thirty minutes.”

  “Where? Another one of our hotels?”

  She shook her head. “It’s a freelance opportunity. Just a week-long job with a party at the end.”

  “Are you okay financially? Do you need some help?”

  “Oh God no, and on that note I’m outta here. Thank you so much though. I’ll see you soon,” she said.

  He kissed her cheek good-bye and off she went.

  * * * *

  “So you crashed and burned with Louisa?” Garvan asked Cooper as they headed upstairs in the elevator.

  Cooper was quiet. He didn’t know what came over him, but the second he laid eyes on Louisa he was interested. The woman was drop dead gorgeous, had these striking bright, almost glowing hazel, caramel-colored eyes that looked incredible, a perfect body, and her personality was hot. She kind of got a bit of attitude and a Brooklyn accent came out. He also noticed his brother Daxton took an interest, too. In fact, he could have sworn he saw him standing in the lobby just a few minutes ago watching them talking.

  “Not talking now, huh? Very interesting. She’s a beauty. Single, too, from what I know,” Garvan told him. He looked at him.

  “I don’t date,” he replied.

  “Yeah, I didn’t ‘date’ either, until I laid eyes on Venetia, then it was a whole different ball game. You and your brothers aren’t getting any younger.”

  Cooper chuckled. “Not interested.”

  “We’ll see. Especially when she gets the job here.”

  “I thought you and Apollo promised her that you wouldn’t get involved.”

  “Oh, we won’t need to. She’s overqualified for this position, and Eliza Cortland will snag her up in a snap.”

  “If she’s overqualified, then why did she apply for this position?”

  “I’m sure Apollo is trying to get that out
of her. If he doesn’t, then Venetia will.”

  “You sound concerned.”

  “Venetia mentioned how much of a flirt Louisa’s boss was and how some of his friends were always trying to hit on Louisa. She indicated he made a move and was being a little more aggressive two weeks ago, so it makes me wonder what happened.”

  Cooper narrowed his eyes. “Maybe he made a move. Does he have a lot of money?”

  “I believe so. She was doing great financially.”

  “Maybe she finally broke down and did the dirty and then he wanted her out. You know it works both ways? Where the women want the men’s money.”

  “Not Louisa. When I tell you she’s a sweetheart I mean it. She is an honest and good person. So don’t make a move unless you plan on making a commitment.”

  “What if you’re wrong and she makes a move and turns out to be after a good time, too?”

  He shook his head. “That type of thought process is all wrong. Rub her the wrong way and you’ll miss out on an opportunity.”

  Cooper chuckled. “No need to worry. I’m not interested.”

  Garvan smirked as Apollo walked into the office.

  “We need to call Venetia first. Something went down with Louisa and her boss to get her to up and quit.”

  “What makes you say that, Apollo?” Garvan asked.

  “She told me she can take care of herself and that she handled it. What does that sound like to you?” Apollo asked.

  “Like she’s lying and minimizing an incident,” Cooper said, adding to the conversation.

  Garvan nodded. “Call Venetia and get to the bottom of it.”

  * * * *

  Cooper listened to them talk to their girlfriend and heard their frustration. Seemed to him that Louisa hadn’t confided in Venetia in anything so the conversation ended quickly. He was curious and he couldn’t understand why. He didn’t know Louisa, but he wouldn’t lie and say she didn’t do it for him. She was sexy, classy, and beautiful.

  “So, Cooper, are we all set with security for next week and the event here?” Garvan asked him. Cooper stood straight, shoulders back and in complete military form. He was a soldier, always had been, and never thought he would be running a security firm with his five brothers, never mind heading security for this hotel. Apollo, Garvan, and Roman were brothers of his good friends Zane, Ace, and Titan. He had worked on a few crazy specialized assignments with the guys and then branched off to the private sector as his brothers began to establish Ultimate Defense, their security firm.


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