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Stealing First: (A Bad Boy Single Father Billionaire Novel)

Page 16

by Weston Parker

  "I'll pull out, but I've gotta come, Ter." He slid his hand up my back and worked my pussy hard and fast, my ass bouncing against his lower stomach as he grunted and cursed.

  I didn't want him to release anywhere but inside of me. If I ended up pregnant, we would deal with it together. I loved him and he loved me. We would find a life together no doubt. It was just a matter of time.

  "That's it. Lift up and milk my dick, baby. I'll pull out."

  "No, don't." I lifted up and pumped my hips, forcing his huge dick in and out of my sloppy wet slit. It felt so wrong and yet so right at the same time.

  "Okay, angel. Move." He gripped my ass and locked up.

  I glanced back at him, falling in love all over again as he watched me with pure bliss. "No," I whispered and slid back down his shaft, taking him over the edge and enjoying every fucking minute of it.

  He might have stolen my first, but I was going to hit a grand slam every night with him for the rest of our lives.


  Nine Months Later


  "It's opening day, man. I'm beyond excited. You?" Jeremy popped my butt and walked onto the field. We had a quick warm up before moving down to the bullpen. I would be opening the game that day, and excited wasn't really the word I was looking for.

  "I'm just hoping like hell that everything goes okay. You know?" I rolled my shoulders and turned my attention up to the owner's box. My girl was already up there, the smile on her face enough to have every cell in my body teaming with desire. We'd been together for nine months, and every day had been better than the last.

  Our GM, Alan was the one behind the HGH bullshit. Once Joe found out, he and Terra got him out of the club so fast it had everyone's head spinning. Jeremy and all the other players who got wrapped up in the shit were back on the team and their names cleared. My mother and Lyndsay were up in the stands, both of them healing from the loss of my dad just like I was. It would take a lot longer than nine months, but we'd get through it like we always did. Together. Terra had played a huge role in helping us move forward, both my mother and Lyndsay falling in love with my beautiful redhead vixen.

  "You playing this one for your dad?" Jeremy glanced over his shoulder as he stopped by the first base.

  "No. I played my guts out for him last season." I blew a kiss up toward Terra. "I'm playing for the woman that's going to be wearing my ring soon."

  "Oh shit." He put his hands on my chest, stopping me. "You're going to do it here? On opening day?"

  "Yeah. Why not?" I smiled and moved past him. After giving Gary a quick nod as he knelt behind home plate, I got on the pitcher's mound. The old guy was going to retire the year before, but like most of us, he just couldn't give it up yet. For the love of the game, we'd all grow old on the crimson dirt and deep green grass.

  "In front of fucking everyone?" Jeremy yelled from the sideline.

  "Hell yeah," I yelled back and got into position. I put a fastball in Gary's glove and a few of the early fans let off a collective holler. I got ready to throw another, but Gary stood and nodded to someone walking up behind me.

  I turned to find Joe, our head coach doing a less than attractive mall-walk my way. "Hey. Everything is in place. We'll call her down here shortly. You got the ring?"

  A laugh bubbled up inside of me. "Yeah, Joe. I got it. I swear you guys are more nervous than I am. What the hell?"

  He lifted his eyebrow, giving me his famous warning look. "Her father was my best friend. She grew up on the sidelines of this field. We're all going to be watching you, Danny. She's our daughter, our sister, our leader."

  "This is true." I turned and took a shaky breath. No pressure.

  After warming up a little more, the announcer's voice filled the stadium. "Good Evening folks. We're going to get things started tonight with a surprise guest who will be throwing out the honorary first pitch to kick off our season."

  The crowd went wild, and I turned to glance up at Terra. The poor thing had no clue that we'd all worked to set her up. I glanced around in a circle to find the guys on the team standing stone still with goofy smiles on their faces. I shook my head and turned my attention back up toward my girl as she pressed her hands to the glass on the other side of the owner's box.

  "Miss Terra Harmon, could you make your way down to the field? We usually have our guest on the field ready to go, but tonight is a surprise for the Owner of your favorite baseball team here in Seattle." The crowd went nuts as Terra walked out of the box and gave me a look. The announcer continued. "Terra is also the daughter of the late Martin Harmon, the best owner Seattle has ever seen. We're all behind Terra as she carries on her father's legacy."

  The crowd got louder, and the players behind me lifted up their own accolade to Terra.

  A smile crept up my lips as she walked toward me, her hand on her hip, her long red hair flying behind her. "You knew about this."

  "Me?" I reached out and pulled her against me, leaning down to kiss her in a romantic fashion. No need to leave the crowd speculating about our relationship as they had for the last nine months. I was about to take the final lap around the bases and ask her to be mine forever.

  "Danny," she whispered softly against my lips as I kissed her again.

  "You okay with me catching the ball?"

  "For my pitch?" She rolled her shoulders, almost mimicking my moments from earlier. We'd been together too long. I chuckled at the thought.

  "Yeah. I want to catch the ball." I touched her cheek and smiled. "Fuck you're beautiful. You doing anything later tonight?"

  "You." She took the ball from me and got into position. "Get ready for the heat, McAdams."

  "Please?" I turned and jogged over to Gary.

  The older man stood and offered me his glove.

  "No. I got this. Just wish me luck." I moved into position and lifted my glove.

  "You don't need it boy. That girl has loved you for as long as I've known you both. About damn time you stopped acting like a fool and finally bought the ring.

  "Shh, Gary. I'm trying to concentrate. Jeez." I gave him a wink and nodded at Terra. "Let's see whatcha got, Miss Harmon."

  She threw the ball and the power of it almost knocked me back. Hot.

  The crowd went wild again, and she walked toward me, waving and smiling up at them. I stayed in a squatting position, letting the ball roll behind me while she wasn't looking.

  "Get up. That's it right?" She stopped in front of me.

  "What do we have here?" I pulled my hand from the glove and moved to my knee. "A ring for my girl?"

  "Danny. What are you doing right now?" She reached down and ran her fingers through the hair on the side of my head. I wanted to lean into her touch, but a crowd full of fans were watching.

  "I've loved you for all of my life. Since I was pretending to be your brother's best friend in sixth grade just to spend the night."

  She laughed. "He was pretty nerdy back then."

  "Pretty?" I lifted the ring. "You trusted me with your future, your heart and your body, baby. Let me spend the rest of my life showing you how much that means to me. I want you to be my wife, to stand beside me forever, Terra. Come be my partner and let's build a big family together."

  "Yes." She reached for me as I stood and pulled me in close, kissing me deep and long. The stadium erupted, and joy filled my heart as someone tugged on my pants’ leg.

  "Peanut." I bent down and picked up my daughter, holding her between me and Terra. We shared a group hug and Terra kissed me one more time before walking off the field with Lyndsay.

  It had been a long nine months, but a good one, and now life was going to get better. No more stealing anything.

  She agreed to be mine.


  The End

  If you’re interested in seeing deleted sexy ski trip during Christmas for Danny & Terra, please make sure you grab your copy HERE!

  We did something pretty cool for Stealing First. We made up some baseball
cards. I’d love for you to check them out HERE on my website. Just a fun extra for you to see if you haven’t already!!

  If you enjoyed the book, I sure would love to have a review on Amazon if you’re up for it. It’s about the best way you can love on me from afar. I enjoy hearing how you felt about my work… BIG TIME! Thanks in advance.

  Also… I have lots of Unpublished and some never before seen stories included here for you. If we have them lying around, why not share them with you for picking up this new release? Most of these great additional reads are only here for a limited time in this book, so enjoy.

  RAS: I played baseball in High School and was a pitcher. I had a horrible attitude back then, much like Paul in the story, but I grew up. Sort of. *smiles*

  Unpublished Exclusive Story

  Risky Business

  A Forbidden Fruit Novel

  (Co-written and previously published by my sister, Ali Parker)

  Caden Taylor has worked beside his brother, Luke for the last few years to build up their investment firm – the one that no one believed they could construct. He’s cocky, living high on the hog, and is a bachelor for life.

  And he plans to stay that way.

  Nothing is getting in the way of his success, besides… he’s got all he needs. Him and his brother are best friends, confidants and loyal to each other, almost to a fault. That relationship and a few one-night-stands and he’s golden.

  Unfortunately, Luke has a new girlfriend that he plans on hiring at the firm, but Caden is completely against it. Olivia is beautiful, brilliant, and the first girl that Caden ever loved.

  As things heat up with this forbidden romance, Caden must decide… His brother, or his first, and possibly true love?

  *** Full Novel, HEA ***


  Chapter 1


  "You nervous?" Dr. Darren glanced over at me as we stood beside the stage. The auditorium was filled with his advanced finance students who were peppering the speaker before me with rather intimidating questions.

  "Never." I winked. "And even if I were, no one will know it."

  He chuckled and pressed his shoulder against mine. "Somehow I knew that would be your response."

  "No, you didn't." I gave him a cocky grin and moved up onto the stage as the speaker before me made his exit on the far side of the platform. The clap was lackluster at best. Dr. Darren had been my advisor throughout my five years at NYC and was an excellent professor. He cared for his students and took far more time helping me not only understand the value of an invested dollar but many of the other skills I would need to access in front of the crowd of sharks in front of me.

  "Class," his voice boomed through the room, "please help me welcome one of my favorite students, and a top graduate from our program last year. Miss Olivia Desmant."

  "Hot," someone muttered and the class snickered.

  I tugged at the collar of my white button down and gave them a tight smile. "It is rather hot in here... isn't it. Maybe we should turn the air on."

  Another round of snickers, this time they were welcomed.

  "I'm Olivia and after working for one of the top investment firms in New York for the last year, Dr. Darren asked that I come back and tell you all the things you might not know, and perhaps wouldn't want to." I smiled and let my eyes move across the room. Half the people staring back at me would never make it in the dog-eat-dog world of financial investments.

  "Let's start with a quick experiment and then I'll give you some statistics." I brushed my hands together and pursed my lips as I moved to the edge of the stage. "If you're a female please stand."

  The girls in the room stood up, half of them giving me an eat-shit-and-die look. It was almost comical.

  "If you're over the age of forty. Please stand up." I spoke softly but kept my tone steady. They already believed me to be less than worthy of their time, regardless of my credentials. I was a pretty blonde female. I had multiple strikes against me. Where most would pull the covers over their heads and go back to bed over some of the shit I took on each day, I almost enjoyed overcoming the odds.

  "If you're timid, shy, or have a speech impediment of any kind. Stand." More stood and glanced around at the others as if they might attack any minute. A third of the classroom were still seated.

  "If you enjoy eating lunch, sleeping at night or taking a piss. Please... stand."

  A chuckle resounded around me.

  I pressed my fingers to my lips as everyone stood but one handsome guy. Tilting my head to the side, I gave him a warm smile.

  "You there... how about sex. If you enjoy the warmth of having a woman in your bed. Or a man." I shrugged. "If you enjoy that in the slightest - stand on up."

  He popped up like his ass was on fire and the room broke out into laughter.

  "Good." I clapped my hands. "Now, look around. Every one of you."

  They glanced around the room and shuffled back and forth a little bit.

  "If you think you're capable of not only making it as an investment manager but rising to the top and owning your own firm... please, sit down."

  Four males sat down and several others started to but seemed to waver in their belief about the future.

  "Right. Everyone sit down. Let's be clear." I moved to the podium and pulled out my notes. "This isn't a career, it's a life. And if you're not one of the chosen few who might be ushered to the top, you have a long life ahead of you."

  I glanced up and crossed my arms across my chest. "So why do it? What would be your reasons? Fame? Money? Prestige?"

  "All the above," Handsome called out and winked at me.

  "And what is that promise worth to you, Sir? Would you sell your last second in the day? The last warm meal you might ever experience? The last romp in the sheets you might get?"

  The room was solemn... right where I wanted them to be. I stood in stony silence and ignored Dr. Darren's chuckle from beside the stage. He knew where I was going. It was a lesson he'd taught me far too well.

  "Right. That's step one in making this thing work. What would I be willing to give up for the fame I'm capable of reaching and step two... how do I get the confidence to grab ahold of it when I see it."

  I moved through the rest of my presentation, dragging the students back into an interactive discussion about all the parts of the investment world and what to truly expect. My time was over far too quickly.

  "Now, if you're still interested in working for a large firm like Taylor, Taylor, and Barden, then stand up." I smiled as half the class stood up. "Good. Come see me in a few years when you graduate."

  I walked across the stage to the room clapping and moved over to Dr. Darren.

  "Excellent job. Why mention Taylor, Taylor, and Barden? Did you get an offer from them?" His eyebrow raised sharply.

  "Not yet, but I think it's coming soon. I'm dating one of their partners, but I didn't think that would go over too well as a good reason to sleep with the boss." I laughed and touched his shoulder. "It's been a long process. Luke Taylor and I have been dating since my junior year here. We've talked about me joining him. I'm just waiting on his offer."

  "I think that's incredible news." He pulled me into a side hug and chuckled as students walked toward us. "You were successful here, and will be in any endeavor you decide to take on."

  All of them but the one that mattered most. Love.

  "Miss Desmant, I'm Talon. Nice to meet you." Handsome from the front row stuck out his hand, and I shook it firmly.

  "Pleasure is all mine."

  "Can I call you Olivia?"

  "I'd rather you didn't, but suit yourself." I pulled my hand from his and watched him closely. I'd known his type all my life, and yet I couldn't force myself to judge him too harshly. He'd already labeled me as an easy win either in business or the bedroom, but that is where he was wrong - on both accounts.

  "A tough cookie, I see. I like it."

  "What's that? Cookies?" I smiled and moved past him to ta
lk to a few more students. After twenty minutes of answering questions, I made my leave. My best friend Dana was flying in that night for the next week or so. She needed a vacation from UCLA, and I needed the company. Luke was becoming more and more pushy about the future. He didn't at all seem like the kind of guy who would want to settle down, but his words spoke of another reality entirely.

  "Olivia." A deep voice called my name, and I turned to see Talon jogging toward me.

  "I'm late for picking up someone at the airport." I glanced over at him as he walked with me toward the exit just ahead of us. His sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes most likely made a few hearts flutter and thighs clench, but he wasn't at all my type.

  Dark brown hair and deep green eyes with a southern accent, and I was all in, but the frat boy look with a cocky disposition? Hell no.

  "I won't keep you. I just wanted to ask a question and you were so busy in there answering questions." He chuckled as if something he said was funny. Nervous.

  "It was the Q&A portion of the discussion." I smiled and stopped beside my red BMW. "What's your question?"

  "I'd really like to come by your office sometime and talk about the future. I graduate in December this year, and I think I could offer a lot to any firm smart enough to take me on."

  I opened the door and pulled a card from my handbag. "I like your confidence, but you'd better understand what you're signing up for before you dive head first into something that has the power to suck you under, drink you dry and spit you out."

  "You're surviving well. If you can do it... I can do it." His smile was out of place for the comment.

  "Because I'm a woman?"

  "Yeah. Exactly. And you're blonde." He slipped his hands into his pocket. "And likely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Can't be easy for you. All those alpha males vying for your attention."


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