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Untamed (The Amoveo Legend 3)

Page 19

by Sara Humphreys

  Layla studied his face and nodded silently. She knew there was little point in arguing. She’d do whatever she had to for Rosie, and if it made William feel better to think she’d follow his orders, then so be it. She gave him a quick kiss and turned onto her side as he snuggled up behind and spooned her body against his. As they lay with their bodies nestled together, she listened to the steady pattern of William’s breathing as he fell asleep, and she struggled to shield her emotions.

  She tried not to think about the fact that he didn’t say the ceremonial mating rites when they’d made love in the cabin. She thought for sure that since he’d pledged his love, he would’ve bound them together forever. She’d been with him again, knowing that it was likely he would do it… but he didn’t.

  Layla expected to feel relieved, but she felt something far more surprising… disappointment.

  Chapter 13

  The smell of bacon frying filled the bright country kitchen and sent William’s stomach rumbling. He padded around silently on bare feet as he cooked breakfast for Layla and their guests. Dante, Kerry, Samantha, and Malcolm were due to arrive. He tuned in on Layla’s energy signature and found that she was finally awake and in the shower. She’d looked so serene this morning that he couldn’t bear to wake her up, and hopefully, she wouldn’t mind that he was making himself at home in Rosie’s kitchen.

  He smiled at the memory of Layla sleeping peacefully. He’d never get tired of seeing her red curls splayed over snow-white sheets, or the graceful curve of her bare shoulder that peeked out from under the covers. He warmed as he recalled everything they’d shared last night—she was beginning to trust him, but she still had doubts.

  He’d wanted nothing more than to say the ceremonial mating rites and bind her to him for eternity, but no matter how much he desired it, he couldn’t do it—wouldn’t do it—until she was ready. He wanted her to be certain of what she was doing and understand that there was no going back. She had to be willing to bind her life to his—it had to be her choice. As William set the table for breakfast, he couldn’t shut out the nagging question. What if she never did?

  The sound of tires crunching up the gravel driveway captured his attention, and he sensed the familiar energy signatures of his friends. Within seconds, Layla’s panicked voice whipped into his mind. Who’s here? Jesus Christ! William, how many are there?

  He smiled. As difficult as it was to hear her that alarmed, it was also a blessing. She picked up on their energy signatures as swiftly as he did, and that was one sense she would need to master for her own safety.

  Yes, it’s Malcolm and Dante. He touched his mind to her, sending her soothing energy as he looked out the window at the approaching car. And as I suspected they would, they brought their mates with them as well.

  They came in a car? Isn’t that slumming it for the Amoveo? Her jab sliced into his mind with all the sass she’d intended.

  William sighed audibly and shook his head at her clear annoyance. First of all, they’ve never imprinted on this location. Secondly, we can’t just materialize in and out of places all the time. We have managed to stay hidden for hundreds of years, and that wouldn’t have happened if we were constantly appearing out of nowhere. He softened his tone and sent her subtle waves of reassurance. Come downstairs, so you can meet them.

  She shut her mind to him on a curse, which only served to broaden his smile. He didn’t know exactly why her mild irritation was amusing, but it was. Perhaps it was due to a new comfort level they had with each other, or perhaps it was because he enjoyed needling her. Maybe it was both.

  William tossed the dish towel over his shoulder and opened the front door to greet his friends who were already walking up the steps. However, instead of the warm embraces he expected, and was mildly uncomfortable with, he was greeted by four shocked individuals who stared at him as if he’d shapeshifted into a squirrel.

  Dante and Malcolm, overnight bags in hand, looked him up and down and shook their heads in disbelief as both women gave each other a knowing glance.

  “Looks like someone finally figured out how to loosen you up,” Samantha said with a wink as she tucked her long blond hair behind her ear.

  William pushed his hair off his reddening face and snatched the dish towel off his shoulder in a vain attempt to straighten his rumpled appearance. His button-down shirt wasn’t tucked into his jeans and looked like he’d slept in it—even though there’d been little sleeping last night. His lips curved at the memories.

  Dante let out a slow whistle. “Oh man.” He laughed. “I never thought I’d live to see the day that William Fleury wears anything but a three-piece suit.” He pointed at his feet. “Holy shit! He’s barefoot too.”

  “If you must know—” William sniffed and wiped his hands with the towel. “I’ve been busy making you ingrates breakfast, but I have half a mind to feed it to the horses.”

  “Barefoot and in the kitchen?” Malcolm chimed in. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

  William cast him his signature glare, but it did little to snuff out their amusement at his expense, but the truth was that he couldn’t blame them. They were right. He looked and felt nothing like the man he’d been a few days ago. He was no longer weighed down by the worry of never finding his mate, and it showed in more ways than one. He was lighter, less encumbered, and it was reflected in everything from the way he dressed to the way he wore his hair—and it was all because of Layla.

  “Leave him alone, boys,” Kerry added. The statuesque beauty with the raven hair linked her arm with Dante’s.

  “Kerry’s right,” Samantha added. “Something tells me he’s got his hands full enough without you two giving him a hard time.”

  “Your mates are very perceptive women.” He bowed his head and stepped back to allow them entry into the house. “Welcome to Layla’s home, ladies.”


  William filled them in on the latest developments over a hearty breakfast, and he was relieved to find they were as surprised by several of the revelations as he was.

  “Interesting,” Dante mused before sipping his coffee. “Raife and Tatiana are the first hybrids that we’ve encountered who were able to shift before finding their mates. Maybe it’s because they’re twins, and their combined energies helped bolster each other?”

  “I’m more curious about the chick who left the note—Bianca,” Kerry added. She turned her large brown eyes to William. “I understand why Layla is so pissed. People have been playing with her life and taking away her choices.” She let out a slow breath. “I can totally relate.”

  William watched Dante take her hand in his as she smiled lovingly back. The unfamiliar feeling of jealousy crawled up his back. Would Layla ever be that comfortable with him?

  “Speaking as the other hybrid in the room, I agree with Kerry on both counts. I have a question,” Samantha said as her big blue eyes flicked around the table at them. “Is anyone else a little unsettled by the fact that we have a Council member hiding three hybrids, and obviously keeping it from Richard and the rest of the Council?”

  They all looked at her and then at each other.

  “Hello,” she sang. “If Bianca knows about Layla being here, then she must know about Raife and Tatiana, right?” She retrieved the pot of coffee from the counter. “William, didn’t you say that in her note she referred to this house as a ‘safe house’?”

  William furrowed his brow and frowned. “Well, yes, she did.”

  “Hmm,” she murmured as she poured more coffee for herself and Malcolm. “I wonder how many other ‘safe houses’ there are?” Samantha sat back down, and Malcolm rubbed her back reassuringly. “What really bothers me is that Richard told the Council members about the Purist movement and their crimes. So why would Bianca continue to keep these safe houses, and the hybrids living in them, a secret? Why wouldn’t she have told Richard and the rest of the Council?”

  She looked around the room at each. William nodded in agreement as understanding washed over hi
m, and the cold hand of dread ran up his belly.

  “It could only mean that what we’ve feared the most is true.” William looked from Malcolm to Dante, while the gravity of the situation settled. “There are Purists on the Council.”


  “I thought the Council members wanted to protect us?” All eyes turned to Layla.

  She stood in the doorway of the kitchen with her arms folded tightly over her chest, regarding them through serious green eyes. She had never met another Amoveo or hybrid other than William, Raife, and Tati, and she had no idea what to expect.

  She’d met Dante and Kerry on the photo shoot in New Orleans, but somehow, they seemed different now, more at ease with one another. Kerry was almost as tall as her auburn-haired mate, who looked like he could model alongside her any day of the week. She gave them a tight smile and nod.

  Layla’s gaze instantly went to the other two she hadn’t met and could only assume were Samantha and Malcolm. The curvy, stunning blonde had smiling, blue eyes and an open, welcoming energy signature. Her mate, Malcolm, was as gorgeous as she would expect any Amoveo man to be.

  Shit. Did the Amoveo even make unattractive people? They were all good-looking, and even though she should feel at home—after all it was her house—she still felt like a freak. Raggedy Ann doesn’t belong in this dollhouse.

  She knew William would sense her apprehension as her energy signature rolled and tumbled through his. She flicked her eyes to his as he rose to greet her. Layla tugged at her plaid flannel shirt, wishing she’d put on something nicer than this old shirt and her jeans. These two women looked absolutely stunning, and she looked like a hayseed.

  “Good morning.” Taking her hand, he pulled her into the shelter of his embrace and placed a gentle kiss on her head.

  As she studied each of their guests carefully, her body trembled in spite of her best efforts to keep her nervousness under control. They’re here to help, Firefly. You can trust them. I promise. She didn’t answer but glanced at him briefly before introducing herself.

  “Hello again,” she said with a quick wave to Kerry and Dante. “Weird, huh?” She shrugged, which only made William squeeze her tighter. Awkward.

  “Hey.” Kerry winked. “Good to see you again. It’s a small world, isn’t it? Last month you’re shooting my layout, and this month we’re practically related.” She raised her coffee mug and smiled broadly. “Welcome to the family, girl.”

  “We haven’t been properly introduced.” Samantha hopped out of her chair, skirted the table, walked over, elbowed William out of the way, and proceeded to wrap Layla up in a hug. “It’s so great to meet you.”

  “I should’ve warned you,” Kerry said with a smile at Layla’s shocked expression as she received the unexpected embrace. “She’s a hugger.”

  “Good to meet you too.” Layla looked at them through surprised eyes as she hugged her back.

  “I feel like I just gained a long lost sister.” Samantha released her from the embrace, wiped at her eyes, and sat down next to Malcolm.

  “Oh yeah.” Kerry laughed. “She’s a crier too.”

  “Hey—” Samantha giggled and swatted her friend playfully. “I can’t help it if I get emotional, and now that I’m pregnant, it’s about a million times worse.”

  “Oh please.” Kerry rolled her eyes and turned to Layla. “Don’t let the pregnancy excuse fool you for a second. She’s always been a crier, no matter what she tells you.”

  “Pregnant?” William shook Malcolm’s hand, who was grinning from ear to ear. “That didn’t take long—you two have only been mated for a couple of months.”

  Samantha turned beet red, but Malcolm gave them a bigger smile and draped his arm around Sam’s shoulders. Layla observed the stunning couple and wondered how on earth they could be so happy, considering all the dangers that lurked around every corner.

  After all, their child wouldn’t be considered a pure-blood, and that meant it would be fair game for the Purists. How they could intentionally bring a child into this crazy world?

  “Congratulations,” Layla said. She sat in the chair that William held out for her and snagged a piece of toast. Bland bread was about all her nervous stomach could handle.

  “Have you heard from Raife this morning?” William asked.

  “Yes,” Layla said as she swallowed a bite of her toast. “Rosie is still sedated, and he’s still refusing to leave her side. I told him we’d bring a change of clothes at some point today.” She glanced around the room at the others, before looking back to William. “Besides, I’ll need to introduce him to whoever is going to help cover the hospital. I’ll feel much better when we get the person who hurt her.” And have fewer shifters in the house.

  “Well, let’s take a look at the evidence so far,” William said, ignoring her comment.

  He poured some coffee and sat next to her at the unusually crowded table. Layla cast him a sidelong glance as she sipped her coffee. He’d obviously put his bossy boots back on and was in lawyer mode.

  “The letter was written by Bianca Wayland, who claims to be your aunt, and we know she’s a member of the Council. It doesn’t make sense that she would harm Rosie.” He looked pointedly at each of them. “What we don’t know is who else was here that night and why they hurt Rosie, which is why I’ve asked you all for help.”

  “You’ve got it,” Malcolm said firmly. “We’re here until we’ve got more answers, and we know that Layla and her family are safe.”

  Layla’s eyes flicked to Malcolm in surprise. Her family. He’d acknowledged her adoptive human and hybrid family with genuine respect; there was nothing coming from him that suggested anything else. She watched the way he doted on Samantha, and it was evident that he loved her, and she was clearly gaga for him. Maybe fate knew what it was doing.

  William stood and cleared his dishes into the sink. “After I clean up, I’d like to take Dante and Malcolm around the property so they can develop some familiarity and imprint on the farm. I was hoping you could show Samantha and Kerry where they’ll be staying, and then we can go to the hospital to see Raife and check on Rosie.”

  He turned to face her, and his penetrating brown eyes scrutinized hers with an intensity that had become oddly comfortable. When did that happen? Her throat suddenly dry, she sipped her coffee and nodded agreement.

  After a record-fast clean up, William took the men out to survey the farm, which left Layla with two strangers in the kitchen. She rinsed her cup and set it in the overflowing dishwasher, before turning it on.

  She discovered Samantha and Kerry waiting for her in the front hall. She didn’t make friends easily, and these two were already friends. It was never easy to be the third wheel, and it made her feel like an interloper in her own home.

  Sam and Kerry were admiring her photographs.

  “They’re gorgeous,” Samantha breathed, snapping Layla from the dismal thoughts. She stood and gave Layla a huge smile. “You are so talented. I can’t wait to see the shots you took of Kerry on the bayou.”

  “William said that you get psychic impressions from photographs,” Kerry said bluntly.

  Layla’s startled eyes flew to Kerry’s face. No one other than her family knew about her gift, so it wasn’t exactly something she was used to talking about.

  “Don’t bug out.” She laughed. “I have second sight when I touch people, and Sam’s artwork carries her energy signature.” She shrugged and threw her hands up in mock defeat. “We’re a bunch of freaks. What can I tell ya?”

  “Yeah.” Layla relaxed her shoulders, and a faint smile cracked her face. “I think that’s why I’m beginning to like you.”

  She did like Kerry and appreciated her direct nature, because she needed more guessing games like a hole in the head. Both women were stunning, which was expected since Kerry was a model, but Sam was lovely in her own way. Samantha’s positive energy was inescapable, and she had an infectious smile. Against all odds, Layla felt surprisingly comfortable around them, and hop
e flickered at the edges of her mind.

  “So, what do you see?” Sam asked with genuine curiosity. “You took Kerry’s pictures out in the bayou. Did you see anything different with her than you would see from a typical human?”

  “Yeah.” Layla sighed and shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans. “With most people, I get images, pictures, and emotions.” She scrunched up her face, searching for the right words. “It’s kind of like a silent movie that only I can see.” She glanced at Kerry, who was leaning against the banister and hanging on every word. “But when I took your picture, I saw your clan animal. The panther, right?”

  “Yeah, girl.” Kerry nodded slowly and grinned. “Why didn’t you freak out and split?”

  Layla shrugged. “I figured you were a hybrid like me, Raife, and Tati because your clan image was mixed with your human image. I saw both just like I always have with us.” She let out a slow breath and looked from Sam to Kerry. “I was afraid to say anything. I didn’t know if you even knew what you were, and I thought that if you did know, you might be linked up with other Amoveo. I didn’t want to rock the boat.” She cleared her throat. “But then William found me, and well… you know the rest. Come on.” She headed to the stairs, desperate to change the subject. “I’ll show you to your rooms.”

  As they headed upstairs, Layla made a mental list of the sleeping arrangements. Dante and Kerry could have Tatiana’s old room, and Samantha and Malcolm could use her room. She knew that William would simply expect her to stay with him in his room, and given what they’d shared, she couldn’t blame him for assuming that. However, she needed some space and some time to get her bearings.

  “Hey, everything okay?” Samantha asked, concern in her blue eyes. “You look like you’re going to puke.” She put one hand on her belly and grimaced. “Jeez. Your energy waves might make me puke but don’t take that personally,” she added quickly and put her palm against Layla’s arm reassuringly. “I think it’s the pregnancy. I’d gotten a pretty good handle on tuning out other people’s emotions, but ever since I got pregnant—all bets are off.” She made a face. “Is it us? I mean, having us here in your home? We did kind of invade your space.”


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