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Untamed (The Amoveo Legend 3)

Page 23

by Sara Humphreys

  Her skin tingled with the animal instinct to shift, and her eyes snapped brightly to their clan form as she gazed upon her peers, and for the first time in her life, felt the unique sensation of truly belonging. It wasn’t just to these particular individuals but to the Amoveo as a whole, and that was more unexpected than anything else.

  William’s vibrant energy signature grew stronger as he soared down to meet her, shimmered, and shifted just before making a sure-footed landing at the foot of the porch steps. Layla’s heart skittered, and her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him shifting from gyrfalcon to the strikingly handsome man she’d come to know.

  Dear God, the man was spectacular.

  He cut a hulking figure in the early evening light. His blond hair blew free in the wind, and his moon-glow eyes gleamed brightly in the darkening night. Every cell in her body lit up brilliantly as his gaze slid over her, while he stalked up the steps, until he was just inches away.

  Layla didn’t move. She was locked in the limitless depths of his eyes as everyone else seemed to fade away. Her feet felt like they were glued to the wooden planks of the porch as she heard Dante chuckle at the edges of her mind. Looks like we’re running on our own tonight. Something tells me these two have other plans.

  She sensed the waning energy signatures of the others as they ventured back into the woods along the edge of the farm, leaving her and William utterly alone.

  “Sleep well?” His deep baritone voice wafted over her deliciously as he brushed a stray curl off her forehead.

  “Yes,” she whispered as she held his gaze.

  His tall male body radiated heat, and memories of his warm flesh sliding against hers came roaring back. She licked her lips and watched the muscles in his jaw clench. Layla ached to touch him, but she sensed resistance behind the pulse of desire that thrummed strong and steady in his energy signature.

  “Good,” he said firmly as his eyes shifted back to their human form, “because tomorrow we’re going to meet with the Council.”

  William turned on his heels and trotted back down the steps to the driveway. It was like getting doused with a bucket of cold water. He did what she wanted. William got her a meeting with Bianca and the Council, but why in the hell did he change gears so easily?

  How could he just cut it off like that? One minute he was practically giving her an eyegasm, and the next he was acting like she was some clerk in his law office. Layla stared after him, and if looks could kill, he’d be six feet under, but it was herself she was furious with.

  How could she blame him? She’d been the one to withdraw from him over the past few days, but hadn’t he kept telling her he’d give her time? Apparently, time had run out, and he was tired of waiting for her to make up her mind. Layla swallowed the lump that had formed in her dry throat.

  William seemed unfazed by her current annoyance and stared right back with that calculated, unaffected demeanor he’d had the day he arrived.

  “You should shapeshift tonight and run with us.” His face and voice were void of emotion. “The practice will do you good, and since we’re not formally mated, you’ll need to have a solid handle on your abilities before the Council meeting. I am less than enthused about taking you before the Council without the full power of your abilities, but I know enough about you to know that trying to talk you out of going would be an exercise in futility. If there are Purists hiding on the Council, they may reveal themselves with violence, and although our friends will be there to assist us, we have to be prepared. Once you get the answers you’re looking for from Bianca, you and I can go our separate ways, and your life will be yours to do with as you please.”

  Layla hugged herself against the cold—but it was more from William’s words than the wind.

  “That is what you want?” His nostrils flared, and a cloud passed over his features. “Isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Layla stuck out her chin defiantly. She’d be damned if she was going to tell him how much it would hurt to lose him. “My life, my choices.”

  William’s face remained stone cold. Not even a flicker of emotion rippled to disrupt his collected self. “As you wish.”

  Layla watched as he whispered the ancient language, shimmered, and soared into the sky like a white and brown spotted bullet. That cold son of a bitch. She slammed her mind shut to him and instinctively reached for the energy signatures of Samantha and Kerry, which she found with surprising ease.

  Blinking back tears, Layla ran down the steps and raced up the hill toward the moonlit woods. In a blinding blur of speed and with newfound expertise, Layla shifted into her cheetah form and ran like the wind through the tall grasses. As the cold air whipped over her spotted coat, and her claws tore up the tender flesh of the earth, Layla tried not to think of how much it hurt to have William pull away.

  She rounded the corner by the fallen tree where they’d shared their first kiss, and the memories battered her viciously. Breathless, heart pounding against her ribs, Layla wondered when exactly had she fallen in love with William?


  Chapter 16

  A flash of brilliant white light and the sizzling snap of static electricity accompanied their arrival at Richard’s ranch in Montana, but the second she felt the hard ground beneath her feet, William slipped his hand out of hers.

  Layla stuffed her chilled hands into the pockets of her cargo jacket. She couldn’t help but notice with more envy than she cared to admit that Samantha and Kerry remained hand in hand with their mates.

  William was scanning the property with his signature—stoic demeanor—and likely committing every speck to memory. His hair was tied back tightly at the nape of his neck, and he seemed more tense than usual, which really wasn’t surprising given what they were about to do.

  They’d barely said two words to each other since last night on the porch. She couldn’t blame him. She’d been such a bitch and so cold to him. Why the hell should he bother anymore? She kept telling herself it was best.

  So why did she feel so shitty?

  Although their energy signatures were linked, he’d managed to buffer his somehow. It was as if a steel trap had clamped down over his emotions, and the growing void was unsettling.

  The biting wind howled across the ranch, and an enormous, white clapboard colonial farmhouse with black shutters stood directly in front of them. It made Rosie’s five-bedroom home look like a tinker toy. However, as huge as the house was, it was completely dwarfed by the breathtaking mountains that loomed behind it. There were two classic red barns with white trim off to the right, with a roomy corral between them that Layla assumed was for their horses.

  The place looked like it was plucked out of Better Homes and Gardens of Montana—except for the cylindrical steel structure that loomed ominously to the left. It reminded Layla of something you might see in a movie about Area 51 and looked completely out of place amid the sprawling, rustic ranch. The rest of the property, the house in particular, emanated two thick, distinct energy signatures, which she suspected were those of Richard and his wife Salinda. However, the steel building was completely void of energy, and the only word that came to mind was death.

  “This place is absolutely spectacular,” Samantha breathed. “I’ve never seen anything like it in all my life.” She linked her arm around Malcolm’s waist. “Seriously, isn’t this the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen?”

  Kerry pulled her knit cap over her ears and snuggled into Dante’s arms. “Yeah, yeah. It’s fantastic,” she said through chattering teeth. “I’m freezing my ass off, so can we go in the house and find out how gorgeous the inside is?”

  “No,” William snapped without taking his eyes off the house. “They’re not in there.”

  “But I can sense their energy signatures coming from the house.”

  “Their energy is permanently imprinted on their home. Remember, Richard and Salinda are almost three hundred years old and have been mated almost as long.” That stone-cold mask faltered as
he tore his eyes from hers. “Our powers increase substantially once we are mated. Everyone is in the Council building. We mustn’t keep them waiting.”

  They followed him to the long silver structure, but when they got about fifty feet away, William stopped dead in his tracks. Don’t move. Layla’s gaze skimmed that imposing figure of his, and she imagined that few people would question him in any situation.

  Layla stood to the right behind him, flanked on both sides by the others. Layla scanned the area but could find no evidence of anyone other than the six of them. The double doors of the building had to be ten feet tall, and it didn’t look like there were handles. How the hell were they going to get in there?

  What is it? she asked hesitantly. Do they know we’re here? In spite of her best efforts to remain calm, her heart was beating a mile a minute and she’d broken out in a cold sweat. She found herself inching closer to William, hoping and praying that she could hold it together.

  Where are the guardians? Malcolm’s even voice filled their collective minds. I thought the Council building was always protected by them.

  They’re here, William said confidently.

  What the hell is a guardian? Layla asked abruptly. She glanced at Kerry and Samantha, who both shrugged.

  Don’t ask us, girl. Kerry’s typically candid tone resonated in Layla’s mind. Samantha and I haven’t been at the party that much longer than you have.

  He’s right. Malcolm murmured tensely. I can feel them now too. He pulled Samantha into the crook of his arm as his eyes shifted to their clan form.

  There are always two guardians who keep watch over the Council when it is in session. William’s matter-of-fact tone slid into her mind with irritating calmness. They also provide additional security for the prince and his family on the ranch. It is a position of extremely high honor among our people.

  There. Dante’s sharp tone cut into the conversation as he pointed toward the building. And there.

  Layla squinted and shaded her eyes from the bright afternoon sun, searching for these guardians they were talking about. Irritation crawled up her back at her inability to sense them or see them, and just when she was ready to scream with frustration—she saw them.

  On either side of the towering doorways, just above the tall brown grasses, there was a subtle ripple in the air, similar to heat waves coming off pavement in the summertime. Layla sharpened her focus, and her breath caught in her throat when she found two sets of glowing golden eyes staring back through the fluttering brown stalks.

  The grasses wavered, and if Layla didn’t know better, she’d think she was hallucinating as two enormous tigers stood up from their well-camouflaged hiding spots, finally revealed. Layla’s entire body went stone-still, but her heart raced almost to the point of pain.

  As the massive, striped beasts stalked toward them side by side, her gut instinct was to run the hell away, or visualize herself back to the safety of the farm. Instead, she steeled herself against the mind-numbing fear and stood her ground at William’s side. She would be damned if she was going to run away. No more running.

  They won’t hurt you. His soothing baritone floated gracefully along the edges of her mind, and instantly relaxed the tense muscles in her neck. They’d have to get through me first.

  Layla didn’t respond, worried that she’d sound as terrified as she felt. Gratitude flooded her as she merely nodded and bit back the bile that rose in her throat, while the exotic guardians moved toward them in unison. Their muscular, gold- and black-streaked bodies moved with unnatural grace, and those glowing eyes didn’t move from Layla’s face.

  The beasts stopped about five feet away and bowed their enormous heads low.

  Welcome. I am Dominic, and this is my sister Daniella. The slightly larger tiger on the left spoke first as a low growl emanated from his throat when he touched their minds with his. The prince and the rest of the Council have been expecting you.

  Three hybrids? A high-pitched female voice drifted from the smaller tiger, and laughter edged her words. No wonder they called an emergency meeting, she snarled.

  Daniella! His voice blared into their collective minds. Dominic let out a bone-shattering roar, his ears flattened against his thick skull, and his lips curled back to reveal a mouthful of razor-sharp white teeth. Silence, he snarled, and his hackles rose as he reprimanded his sister. Tell them that the guests have arrived.

  Daniella bowed her head low in submission to her brother, but her glowing eyes never left Layla’s. Apologies, she hissed as she backed up, turned, and stalked to the entrance of the structure.

  Layla didn’t buy it for a second. Guardians of who? She touched her mind to William’s, using the private connection that only he could hear. That bitch is no fan of hybrids.

  William didn’t flinch. We shall see.

  Forgive my sister’s impertinence. Dominic’s sharp voice came through loud and clear. She’s new to the position of guardian, and sometimes she forgets herself. Please follow me. They are ready to see you.

  They followed Dominic back to the now open doors of the Council building. Layla didn’t take her eyes off Daniella, who stood to the right of the open doors and tracked their every move with the same intensity a tiger in the wild might track prey.

  They stepped through the doors, which immediately closed behind them, leaving Dominic and Daniella alone outside to fulfill their duties. Layla was relieved to put some distance between them and the guardians.

  The entryway they stood in was wide open, and the curved walls of the steel skin of the building arched over them like a silver rainbow. The black-and-white marble floor stretched out to the white wall in front of them, and there wasn’t a stick of furniture, a lamp, or a picture. There weren’t any doors or windows either.


  It was a white room—barren of everything—except the six of them.

  “So what the hell is this?” Kerry asked out loud. She took her knit cap off and smoothed her long dark locks as she looked around the empty, cavernous room. “This place sucks, and I have to tell you, I’m unimpressed.”

  Dante sighed and linked his arm around her waist. “Tell us how you really feel, princess.”

  “Sorry, Dante.” Samantha raised one gloved hand. “I agree with Kerry. Major suckage.”

  Malcolm chuckled and kissed the top of Samantha’s head. “Suckage? Is that even a word?”

  Layla smirked. She liked them better and better by the second. Anyone who could diffuse tension from a situation like this was someone she wanted to hang out with. She glanced at William to see if he was remotely amused by their friend’s reactions but he wasn’t. He remained perfectly still and kept his sights fixated on the blank white wall.

  “So where is everyone?” Layla asked, wondering if she wanted to know the answer.

  William looked down at her through the eyes of his clan, and to her surprise, linked his fingers with hers. Those moon-glow eyes zeroed in on her, comforting her, reassuring her, and all without saying a word.

  His eyes twinkled, and he whispered, “Revelamini.”

  The floor vibrated beneath their feet as the white wall disappeared into the floor. Layla gasped and looked from the vanishing wall back to William, who looked remarkably pleased with himself.

  “Okay, that doesn’t suck,” she said through a shaky breath.

  “That doesn’t suck, but you do, William.” Kerry leaned over and gave him a friendly smack on the arm. She winked at Layla. “Your friend here is full of surprises.”

  A smile cracked Layla’s face. “That is the understatement of the century.”

  As the wall disappeared, the Council’s meeting space came into view. Layla’s smile faded. Suddenly, the tigers outside seemed like a walk in the park. The cavernous space reminded her of pictures of lost caves in the mountains of Transylvania or something.

  The three couples crossed the threshold and stood at the top of a flight of stairs. Looking around, she fleetingly thought that this is what it mu
st look like from the top of a Mayan pyramids. The steps ran all the way around the four sides of the structure, and there had to be at least thirty steps leading down to what looked like an arena from Greek and Roman times.

  I bet thousands of people would fit in here, she mused to the others.

  Generations ago, they did. William’s voice touched her mind gently. The clans would gather in this arena once a year, but when the Caedo began to hunt us down, everything changed. The Council has continued to use it for their meeting place, and anyone who stumbles upon the structure would mistake it for a heated barn or a storage facility.

  The rectangular space at the center of the arena was lined with five pairs of raised platforms on either side, and at the far end was what looked like a larger pair of platforms. Behind the platforms at the head of the arena were two enormous carved stone statues of a roaring lion and a snarling tiger.

  Despite the size of the mostly empty space, it was quite warm, and the comforting scent of pine lingered in the air.

  Where is everyone? Layla touched his mind gently. I thought they were here?

  They are here, but you won’t be able to see them until they want you to. William expanded his thoughts to include the others. The prince and a few of the elders have the ability to cloak themselves and those around them. It’s an advanced visualization ability.

  That’s new, Dante said with clear irritation.

  No, but it’s been kept secret for a reason. He glanced at Layla. You can imagine how valuable this can be against our enemies, and it’s even more valuable to us if they don’t know about it.

  What else are the elders keeping from us? Malcolm’s voice bit into the conversation, and he pulled Samantha tighter against him. They lied to us about being able to mate with humans, they kept the truth of the Vasullus from us, and now, they’re covering up certain abilities. He glared at William. What’s next?

  Nothing that I’m aware of. He turned his serious gaze to each and last of all on Layla. I promise you. You now know everything that I do, but I have a feeling there are more secrets within the Council.


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