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Beyond the Checkpoint

Page 24

by Addison M. Conley

  “Did it move?” Ali was still scanning.

  Lynn couldn’t hide the smile, and more laughter escaped.

  Ali gave her a scowl. “It’s not funny.”

  “You know most snakes are non-venomous and people misidentify them all the time.” Lynn’s words were only met by a deeper frown. “Okay, Ali. Let’s go see what kind of snake is sunbathing on your lawn.”

  With Ali tiptoeing behind her, Lynn approached the pond.

  “That’s your snake?”

  Ali nodded and furiously took pictures a good ten feet back.

  Lynn tossed the shovel aside and picked up a nearby stick. Pinning the snake behind the head, she picked it up and held it out toward Ali. “It’s an Eastern Black Rat Snake. Non-venomous and a beneficial species to have around. Come closer, and you can see it has round eyes and no triangular head.” The snake wiggled about, clearly irritated.

  “Put that thing down.”

  Lynn laughed loudly. “It’s a two-foot-long, harmless baby. I’m going to put it back.”

  “What! Are you crazy?”

  “Ali, calm down. They’re harmless and eat rodents.” The snake’s body was now moving vigorously.

  “I don’t have rats. Maybe mice occasionally.”

  “They’re tearing down an old apartment building along Four Mile Run. It was an old building, and rats scatter into the surrounding area when their nests are disturbed. This guy is saving the neighborhood from being infested.”

  Ali shook her finger. “You should put him down before he bites you.”

  “He can’t get to me the way I’m holding him, and I know how to handle him. You sure you don’t want to touch him while I have a good grip on his head?” Lynn wanted to laugh again upon seeing the grimace on Ali’s face. “Are you going to take some pictures or just stand there?”

  Ali snapped a few shots. “They don’t bite if they’re non-venomous?”

  “Oh, they can bite when irritated.”

  “How are you going to put him down without getting bit?”

  “Watch.” Lynn gently put the snake back in the grass pointing toward the trees, released her grip and swiftly stepped back. The snake slithered away as Ali snapped more photos.

  “The boys used to dare me to catch snakes when I was a kid. I went to the library and learned everything I could. The bite from non-venomous ones will hurt, but they won’t kill you. Do you know what a venomous Copperhead looks like?”

  “Yeah, but not up close.”

  “It’s the one you have to worry about around here.” Lynn pointed to the stacked firewood. “They like wood piles.”

  Ali shook her upper body with an over dramatized effect. “Call me a fraidy cat, but snakes give me the creeps.”

  “But you like to hike?”

  “I know Virginia has over thirty species of snakes, but hopefully they don’t want to see me just as much as I don’t want to see them. Enough of the snake talk. Please wash your hands.”

  Lynn held out her hands and scrunched her fingers like a monster, then stepped toward Ali.

  “Don’t you dare touch me.”

  Lynn growled and lunged. Ali sprinted away with Lynn on her heels. By the time they reached the deck, Lynn was bent over laughing.

  Ali turned on the nearby hose. “Rinse your hands.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Lynn rubbed underneath the cool water. “Is that good enough?” She squinted to look up at Ali.


  Lynn’s eyes snapped shut as cool water sprayed on her face and soaked her shirt. “Oh, that’s war.” She grabbed the end and forced it in Ali’s direction.

  “No fair. You’re stronger.”

  Ali dropped her grip and ran. Lynn chased her until the hose wouldn’t stretch anymore. Laughing at each other in the middle of the yard, Ali stepped forward and slipped. Lynn moved in to finish her off.

  Ali raised her hands up to protect her face. “I give up. You win.”

  Lynn dropped the hose and ran up to turn it off. Despite the fact they were soaking wet in a breezy afternoon, she felt elated.

  “Oh my.” Ali brushed her pants, but it was useless.

  “Oops, sorry about your muddy jeans.”

  “I started it. All in good fun.” Ali’s grin was wide. “I’ll grab us some towels and fresh T-shirts and sweatpants. Scott left a pair the other day that should fit you. I washed them. And we probably should order delivery. How about your favorite Greek restaurant? I’ll buy.”

  “Ah, bribing me with food works every time.”

  Lynn watched the sway of Ali’s hips as she walked away, and the sensation of warmth spread through her.

  They shared more laughs through the evening as they ate on the back deck. Their friendship was getting back on track. Deep inside, Lynn hoped for more.

  “Thanks for everything, Lynn.”

  “You’re welcome. It’s getting late.” She rose and pushed in her chair. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. My niece’s birthday party is tomorrow.” She pulled a key off her ring. “Here. Let yourself in.”

  The fact that Ali trusted her with the key put another smile on Lynn’s lips.

  Ali snapped her fingers. “The party should be done by two. Wanna play hooky and blow off the house tomorrow? We could hike around Lake Accotink.”

  Lynn leaned her hand on the doorway above Ali’s head and smiled broadly. “I’d love to.”

  Chapter 43

  May 2017 – Lake Accotink, Springfield, Virginia

  They stopped at a cluster of wild blue phlox that flourished along a small stream. The sun filtered down through the canopy of deciduous trees, allowing just the right amount of sunlight for the fragrant flowers to grow. The nearby stream gurgling over rocks was the only sound.

  Lynn watched Ali crouch on her knees and snap some pictures. You’re gorgeous among the flowers.

  “I often come out here on days off. Most people do the hour power hike, but they miss a lot. I take my time. Isn’t it gorgeous?”

  “Yes, and the scent is lovely as well.” Lynn cleared her throat. “What about those snakes?”

  “I’ve seen a couple. One was lying across the trail. I didn’t finish that day.”

  They walked to a hilltop with a vantage point of the lake. A few people were enjoying the day in canoes. The silence was peaceful.

  “We’ll have to rent a canoe next time.”

  Ali nodded and wrapped her hand around Lynn’s. “I’m sorry that things have not always worked out in the past. Let’s put that aside and focus on the positive. Today is beautiful. Let’s finish our hike.”

  Ali squeezed her hand, then climbed down the hill toward the trail. Ali’s pace had significantly increased and her arms pumped. She seemed to be lost in thought as she stopped at a bench.

  “You need a rest?” Lynn held out a water bottle.

  “No. I need to say something. Please forgive me. I’ve gone a little overboard with punishing you. Can we do a reset? I miss our friendship. I miss us.”

  “I forgive you. Yes, I’d like a reset.” I forgive you because part of me has never stopped loving you.

  Chapter 44

  June 2017 – Northern Virginia

  Ali let out a sigh as Lynn finished the last section of the upstairs master bedroom. “Wow. I don’t know how you did this on your own. Yeah, you have the lifter, but these sheets are heavy. The work is exhausting. And I can’t believe the amount of dust.” Ali quickly cleaned up the mess with a shop-vac.

  After Ali finished, Lynn peeled away her dust mask. “The final sanding is the last chance to get the whole job right. Any taping flaws will be glaringly apparent afterward. But I think we did an excellent job. Thanks for helping me.”

  Ali’s mouth twisted into a grin. “I did like watching your muscles as you carried those sheets, but then I felt too guilty and worried about you getting hurt.” Ali ran her fingers along the wall. “You do have the art of taping, spackling, and sanding down p
at. Thanks for teaching me even though I know I tested your patience.”

  Lynn cracked a smile. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. It takes time, and you were a good student.” She moved to the bay window, looking out over the backyard and setting sun. “That’s a beautiful view. You picked a good house, Ali.”

  Ali joined her. They stood in silence, admiring the sunset. Various shades of pink and golden yellows mixed through the wispy clouds. After several minutes, Ali said, “It’s almost eight-thirty, and we haven’t eaten. Guess we know how to spend a rousing Saturday night. How about pizza?”

  “Oh yeah, with pepperoni and extra cheese please.”

  Ali shook her head. “You should eat healthier.”

  “You can add your veggies, but just a few.” Lynn cocked her head.

  “Okay, I’ll agree to pepperoni, but I want feta cheese, spinach, and mushrooms.”

  “I like feta—adds some tang and saltiness. But mushrooms? Nope.”

  Ali placed her fingers on Lynn’s lips to silence her and didn’t remove them immediately. A bolt of excitement shot through Lynn’s system.

  Their eyes lingered for a moment before Ali said, “You get pepperoni only if I get mushrooms.” She removed her fingers and Lynn immediately missed her touch.

  “Deal. Or we could get two pizzas.” Lynn bit her lip but couldn’t hide the grin.

  Ali smacked her on the arm. “Oh, you colossal foodaholic.”

  “Makes great leftovers, and you owe me.” Lynn bounced on her toes. “We finished tonight. Now the bedrooms are ready for painting.”

  “Aren’t you coming tomorrow? I need help with the yard.”

  Without thinking, Lynn said, “Yeah sure, if you promise we quit early, dress up, and have dinner out on the town.”

  The pizza tonight was only the fourth time they’d shared a meal. All had been take-out or delivery after working in the house. Lynn felt panic as Ali hadn’t said a word. Have I messed it all up by suggesting a date?

  “That sounds lovely, but I want to take it slow.”

  “Absolutely. Just dinner and talk,” Lynn quickly added. God, this will be our first formal date. “How about Zaytinya in D.C.? Excellent Mediterranean food. My treat. It’s one of my favorites. You can buy next time. And nice jeans and a blouse are fine.” Lynn hoped there would be a next time.

  As Ali called for pizza delivery, Lynn called Zaytinya and was delighted to snag a seven o’clock reservation.

  Date night, Washington D.C. and Arlington, Virginia

  The night at Zaytinya was heavenly, and so was the kiss at the end of the night. It was wonderful to hear Ali laughed again. Lynn was optimistic and excited, but cautious about tonight.

  It’s our second official date! Excitement bubbled up. Lynn tamped it down and knocked on the door.

  “Hi, I’m ready.”

  Lynn watched as she locked up.

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “No. You look beautiful, Ali.”

  “I’m dressed in capris and a polo shirt.”

  “The cream-colored capris and cobalt blue shirt…You always look striking even in work clothes.”

  “Thank you.”

  To hell with caution. Gently, Lynn placed her hand on Ali’s lower back and pressed their bodies together. Once more, she slowly kissed those tender lips she’d be dreaming about. She wasn’t sure if the sweet taste of strawberry was Ali’s lips or the lip balm, but she couldn’t get enough.


  “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to go slow.”

  With a stroke as light as a feather, Ali ran her fingertips down Lynn’s jaw. “The kiss after our dinner date was lovely. This was sizzling. I’m not complaining.” Lynn went to kiss her again, but Ali pulled away. “Except, I did want to see this concert. Let’s go. I’ll make it up to you later.” Ali winked and grabbed her by the hand.

  The air was warm with the scent of vanilla from the Sweetbay Magnolia mingling with the aromas from the outdoor café. They ate their food while dangling their feet in the fountain.

  “Now I know why you wanted to get here early. This is a fantastic view.”

  “Mm-hmm. The garden fills up fast. Want a bite of my lemongrass chicken soft taco?” Ali broke off a piece and leaned into Lynn’s shoulder, holding it inches from Lynn’s mouth.

  As Lynn’s lips closed around the bite, the tips of Ali’s fingers brushed her lips.

  Lynn nodded. “Yum.” Kicking her feet in the water didn’t help cool the fire erupting inside. “The black bean burger’s delicious too.” Lynn broke off a piece of the burger and held it out to Ali.

  Ali raked the bite off gently with her teeth. The gesture made Lynn swallow, and from the looks of it, Ali enjoyed the tease.

  “Half of my cupcake?” Ali held it close.

  Lynn examined the delicate fingers hold the cupcake. If we weren’t in public, I’d take a big bite of you. By now, her body was buzzing from the intimate act of affection.

  “Thank you.”

  “You have icing on your face.”

  “Is that so?” Lynn turned, and Ali wiped her thumb on the corner of Lynn’s mouth.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to Jazz in the Garden at the National Gallery of Art… Tonight, we have the amazing Tony Craddock Jr. & Cold Front.” The crowd erupted.

  Lynn found it challenging to keep her eyes on the show. She was more interested in continuing the dance of seduction and feeling the goose bumps up and down her body. The desire to kiss Ali senseless was overwhelming.

  The concert flew by, and they rode home in Lynn’s car. At Ali’s house, Lynn intended to hop out and escort Ali to the front door. All along, she hoped Ali would invite her in. Before her hand was off the ignition, Ali leaned over and gripped her forearm.

  “Thank you for joining me. I had a fantastic time.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “Now about those sizzling kisses. Do you have strength for another?”

  Looking into Ali’s brown eyes, Lynn took her mouth, relishing in her soft lips and delighting when Ali allowed her tongue inside. One kiss turned into another.

  Lynn separated and pressed her forehead against Ali’s. “I’ve never stopped caring for you. I’ll never hurt you again. I promise.”

  “I believe you.”

  “Ali, I don’t want to mess it up. I’ll let you decide when to take it further.” She intertwined her fingers with Ali’s.

  “I’ve thought about us constantly over the past few days. We’ve certainly had rough patches, but don’t you think we’ve wasted enough time? It’s been nine years.” Ali kissed the back of Lynn’s hand. “To hell with slow. I want you to spend the night. I know my basement is only partially finished and isn’t the most romantic.”

  Lynn laughed. “Watch out. I happen to know who did that job.”

  “Yes, and I’d like her in my bed tonight.” Ali’s finger moved down and tugged on the waistband of Lynn’s jeans.

  “Waking up to you will be bliss.”

  Ali led her into the house and down to the bedroom. She threw a light scarf over the bedside lamp, creating a soft glow. Tender and slow, they undressed one another. Their hands and lips teasing just enough of each other’s skin to spread the flame of desire. With their bodies pressed together, warm and soft, Lynn couldn’t get enough of the scent of Ali. Her hair smelled like a mix of vanilla and cocoa butter. Her skin like jasmine petals.

  As the kissing became more passionate, Lynn guided Ali towards the bed.

  Breathless, Ali broke off. “I’d like to lay in your arms for a few minutes.”

  Lynn wanted Ali, but on Ali’s terms. The back of Lynn’s hand skimmed down Ali’s cheek, over her lips. She drew Ali’s body to hers tightly and kissed her. “I’m all yours.”

  She eased Ali onto the bed, cradling her. Ali’s head rested on her chest with her auburn hair spilling around her. Her soft lips were so close to Lynn’s breast.

  Ali rose to face Lynn, and her brown eyes were warm and co
mmanding. “I want to explore your beautiful body.”

  Fingertips ever so slightly traced circles over Lynn’s heart, coming close to her nipple before skimming down to her stomach. The tease made Lynn’s nipples rock hard.

  Lynn’s pulse ticked up, and she ran her fingers through Ali’s hair. “So silky. Oh…” Ali’s hand brushed over one nipple, and her mouth kissed the other. Lynn sucked in a deep breath. “Please, Ali.”

  Ali smiled and positioned herself on top of Lynn. Her teeth raking in a nipple, alternating with her swirling tongue. Lynn grasped the sheet in a tight knot as Ali lavished her breasts. The tingling between her legs intensified. As she was about to plead, Ali planted kisses over her stomach.

  Once more, those lovely brown eyes glanced up into Lynn’s. Their eyes locked briefly. Ali smiled then crawled down to Lynn’s thighs and nestled in. Her hands explored and caressed, only occasionally brushing over Lynn’s swelling clit.

  The teasing was erotic, but Lynn needed Ali, now.


  Ali swiped her tongue upwards in a long slow motion over Lynn’s clit then flicked the tip several times before taking her fully into her mouth. Ali’s hand moved up caressing Lynn’s breasts as she teased Lynn further with every movement of her lips and tongue.

  Throwing her head back, Lynn moaned. She could hear and feel the pounding of her heart. The rising and falling of her chest matched the acceleration. “God, please don’t stop.” Ripples of pleasure rolled over Lynn as her muscles clenched and relaxed over and over.

  Ali increased the rhythm, nipping and sucking, until bursts of light flickered under Lynn’s half-closed eyelids. Her body blazed like a firestorm, she gasped for air as if she couldn’t breathe. Urgent need, mixed with intensity, pushed Lynn further than she had ever been. Her body clenched once more, and her heart thumped wildly. Ali rested her head on Lynn’s belly as her body calmed.

  Soon, Ali inched up beside her, resting on her bent elbow and looking down into Lynn’s face. She kissed the tip of Lynn’s nose.

  “You’re gorgeous. I like your strong, take-charge personality, but in bed, I marvel that you trust me to let me have my way with you.” Ali smiled wickedly as her fingertips traced a line from Lynn’s sternum to her stomach.


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