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Beyond the Checkpoint

Page 29

by Addison M. Conley

  “I love you.” Ali’s mouth took possession of Lynn. Her tongue slipped in, gently at first, then with intensity. They had never kissed in front of Ali’s family, but Lynn melted into Ali’s embrace. The taste of Ali’s strawberry lip balm and soft lips were too irresistible. She was breathless when Ali withdrew.

  Ali draped her arm over Lynn and turned back to her sisters. “Lynn and I have been through a lot together and had our share of mistakes, but we love each other. Part of the deal in healing our family is you recognize Lynn as my partner. No more hush, hush, and denial. Either you accept Lynn or we part ways, because I’m tired of being treated as if I’m damaged goods.”

  “Absolutely,” Denise said as she elbowed Stephanie, whose mouth hung open.

  “Of course, I’ve been a little old-fashioned, but I like Lynn.”

  “Oh yeah, forgot to mention it. Lynn moved in last week and will be renting her house. Bottom line: I don’t want to hear one bad word if we hold hands or kiss at a family event. Well, not a French kiss, but everyone else shows affection to their partners. I want the same.”

  Denise put a hand on her hip and said, “That’s never been my problem. What do you have to say Stephanie?”

  “Ah…I…I see your point.” She licked her lips. “You should be treated equally. And for the record, I think Lynn seems good for you. In all honesty, she’s the best girlfriend you’ve ever had.”

  “Partner not girlfriend.”

  Stephanie smiled. “Lynn is welcome as your partner to family events.”

  “And between the three of us, we can shut Kevin down if he complains.” Denise punched her fist in the air.

  “Surprisingly, he was easy to talk to yesterday, and he promised to treat Lynn better.”

  “Wow. I knew I felt the earth move.” Denise giggled.

  Chapter 54

  May 2018 – Eastern Shore, Maryland

  Ali sunk into the sofa. “This beach house is an amazing rental. Why so big? I could fit a boat in the living room.” She made a sweeping motion with her arm. “And a gigantic deck facing the ocean with an outdoor fireplace. Wow.”

  “You deserve something special for our anniversary.” Lynn kissed the tip of Ali’s nose.

  “Anniversary? We’ve only be living together for about eight months.”

  “Don’t you remember Lake Accotink? That was May last year. You asked me for a reset, and don’t forget last month.”

  Ali blinked a couple of times. “Sorry, what did we do last month?”

  “We met ten years ago last month.”

  Grabbing the back of Ali’s neck, Lynn pulled her in. She sucked on Ali’s lower lip, grazing it with her teeth before diving in for a full kiss. Her body tingled more as her tongue met Ali’s. Her hand skimmed down Ali’s neck to her chest, circling a nipple, sending sensational bursts of pleasure to her lower body.

  “I think we’ve got enough time before the art fair,” she whispered while her hand slipped under Ali’s T-shirt.

  “Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.”

  After one more kiss, Lynn cupped Ali’s chin and looked deep into her eyes. “I love it when your eyes get so smoky.”

  “Less talking, more action.”

  Lynn retook Ali’s mouth with a relentless need, and her hand stroked the muscles of Ali’s stomach while her mouth moved to Ali’s neck.


  “Like that?” Lynn dipped below Ali’s waist band. “Your clothes are loose, but I think it’d be much better if they came off.”

  Ali sucked in a deep breath as Lynn’s finger glided lower. Lynn withdrew suddenly.


  “No. Just a prelude.” Lynn stood and held out her hand. “I want you in the bedroom now to savor every inch of you.”

  Ali popped up off the sofa and into Lynn’s arms. They stumbled towards the bedroom while kissing and groping.

  Lynn planted kisses over Ali as she peeled off each garment. “So, beautiful,” she mumbled, then took a mouthful of Ali’s plump breast while tracing the curves of her hips. Lynn pushed her onto the bed and crawled on top.

  “Uh-uh.” Ali pushed her shoulder. “I want you naked.”

  Lynn jumped up, whipped her shirt and sports bra off in one swoop. Ali sat on the edge of the bed as Lynn wiggled out of her jeans and boy shorts.

  Ali leaned back and curled her finger with a sultry come-hither look, then slowly crept backwards and spread herself. Lynn’s heart beat faster as she positioned over Ali.

  She caressed and kissed from Ali’s neck to her inner thighs as she breathed in the scent of her lover. “Your skin’s so soft.”

  Her eyes glanced up to watch Ali’s face as her fingers gently moved into the tender folds, exploring and, with each stroke, inching closer and closer to Ali’s clit. Over the roar of her own beating heart and breathing, Lynn listened to Ali’s soft cries. She slipped two fingers in, and her tongue flicked Ali’s clit. Ali arched her back as Lynn’s fingers glided faster and faster. Lynn’s tongue circled and flicked until Ali cried, “Please.”

  Lynn smiled again then her mouth took all of Ali in, sucking and nipping until Ali twitched below her. When she felt Ali was depleted of energy, Lynn moved up and laid next to her, gently caressing her breasts. Her body buzzing.

  After a few minutes, Ali rolled her over and positioned her leg between Lynn’s hips, moving against her slick sex, while her thumb rubbed over Lynn’s taut nipple. “Slow and steady or…”

  “Quick, please.” Lynn gasped.

  Ali nestled between her legs. Lynn drew a sharp breath as Ali gripped her ass and that nimble tongue began long loving strokes.

  “Oh, dear.” Lynn fists tightly clenched the sheets.

  As Ali alternated between long strokes with the flat of her tongue and flicking rapidly with the tip, Lynn lifted her hips to meet every move. Ali thrust inside Lynn then back to the clit. Bright bursts of light flashed behind Lynn’s eyelids as she crested each wave. A hand moved to Ali’s head. Her fingers firmly gripped the scalp and loosened over and over as Ali licked until Lynn’s whole body exploded in an intense orgasm. Her chest heaved and her heart beat wildly as she gasped for air.

  They laid there in bliss for some time, their fingertips gently tracing loving circles over each other’s skin.

  Lynn finally chanced a look at the clock. “We should shower and go to the art fair.”

  “What’s the rush?”

  “If we go now, we’ll catch the last two hours. I really want to see it.”

  “I was the one that wanted to go.”

  Lynn smoothed Ali’s hair and kissed the top of her head. “I read about one of your favorite artists. I think she might be here.”


  “Ah…can’t remember the name.” Lynn scooted out from underneath Ali and moved towards the bathroom. “Come on. I’ll make the shower worth your effort.”

  After showering, Lynn dressed while Ali put on makeup. She rushed to make the bed and snatched up the discarded garments from around the room. She threw them in a laundry bag, and tossed it in the closet.

  “Why are you cleaning the room? We’ll only mess up the bed later.”

  Lynn shrugged her shoulders and tapped her watch. “Almost three p.m. and time to go. You don’t want to miss this one. I heard this year is super.”

  She put her hand on the small of Ali’s back and guided her out the room.

  Ali let out a sigh. “What a day. Fantastic sex, art, dinner, and a stroll through the town. I’m tired. Maybe we should watch a movie in bed.”

  “No. The night is young.” Lynn pulled her towards the deck.

  “My feet are sore.”

  “Let’s walk along the beach, then relax in front of the outdoor fire. Come on. You’re always telling me how much the beach walk revitalizes you.”

  “True. Any chance of a foot rub afterward.”

  Lynn grinned and tugged harder.

  As the cool surf washed over their ankles and sand squished bet
ween their toes, Ali relished being cradled in Lynn’s arms. They had come so far. Even after every low, they bounced back stronger and wiser.

  “The water and fresh air reinvigorated me, but I’m getting cold. Lynn, thank you for surprising me with this trip. I love you.”

  Lynn rubbed her shoulder and kissed her. “Love you too, and you’re welcome. How’s your knee?”

  “It keeps getting better. I wish I had done the surgery sooner. I’m going to miss this—the ocean, the sound of the waves lapping on the shore, the walks with you in the surf…Maybe we should move to the ocean when we retire.”

  Even in the moonlight, Ali could see Lynn’s eyes glisten with joy.

  “I like the sound of that. Us, together in retirement. Now let’s get back before you turn into a popsicle. I can feel you starting to shiver.”

  Rounding the corner, Ali grabbed Lynn’s arm. “Someone’s on the deck, and the fire’s roaring.”

  “No worries. I paid someone.” Lynn kissed Ali’s hand. “There’s chilled sparkling champagne, non-alcoholic of course, and snacks waiting for us. As I said, you deserve to be treated special.”

  “I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful partner.” Ali squeezed Lynn tight.

  “Welcome back, ladies,” a man called out. He motioned to the deck loveseat.

  “Happy tenth, sweetie.” Lynn kissed her mouth, then leaned her forehead against Ali’s. “I could kiss you all night. Let’s relax, and I’ll make it up to you once he leaves.”

  They snuggled into the loveseat, and the gentleman poured their drinks and disappeared inside.

  “You pamper me too much.”

  “I enjoy the return on my investment.” Lynn leaned in and brushed her lips against Ali’s then traced Ali’s bottom lip with her tongue. Lynn sat back and licked her lips.

  “You’re teasing again.”

  “I wanted to get the taste of you and the champagne from your lips. There’s plenty of time to make out later.” Lynn waggled her eyebrows. “That is, if you’re not too tired.”

  “The ocean helped wake me up, but you have revved up my engine.”

  Ali grabbed Lynn’s jacket and pulled her in. Her mouth captured Lynn’s. She started gently, then took her with a wild thirst, nipping Lynn’s ear before moving to her neck.

  “Oh, my. You know I have trouble resisting you.”

  “Then don’t.” Ali sucked in the tender skin on Lynn’s throat.

  Lynn pressed her hand against Ali’s shoulder. “I want you, sweetie. But the server’s still here.”

  Ali pulled back. “Dismiss him, and let’s make love in front of the fire.”

  “Sounds wonderful except I don’t want to give a show to someone who might walk by on the beach.”

  “That’s what blankets are for. Be adventurous.”

  “Tempting, but you know I’m the modest one.”

  The server reappeared with a plate of smoked salmon, cucumber slices, cheese, and crackers.

  Lynn rubbed her hands together. “My favorite. Looks amazing. Thank you.” She piled food onto a plate. Ali watched her in disbelief.

  “Enjoy, ladies. I’ll be leaving now.”

  Lynn waved and leaned back with a full plate. She shoved a large piece in her mouth.

  Ali sipped her champagne and eyed Lynn. “You’re still hungry? Dinner wasn’t that long ago.”

  “Yep. Oh no, it looks like he forgot something.”

  Before Ali could get a word, Lynn rushed into the house and returned, placing a bowl next to the food platter.

  “What’s in the fancy bowl?”

  Lynn poured more champagne into their flute glasses. “Caviar dip.” She popped a cracker in her mouth.

  “Caviar dip in a foil-wrapped bowl?”

  Ali cocked an eyebrow, and Lynn stopped munching halfway through.

  “Ah…I made it yesterday when you were in the shower.”

  Ali wrapped her arm around Lynn and whispered in her ear, “But now that the server’s gone, maybe we should have fun and snack later.” She twirled a strand of Lynn’s hair with her finger. “Finish your cracker and make love to me.”

  “Have some. The crackers have a little parmesan, and the dip is awesome.” Lynn crammed another cracker in her mouth.

  Ali dropped her arm. “You’re turning me down for food?”

  “I’m not turning you down. I’m hungry.” She took Ali’s hand. “The night is young. Let’s enjoy the fire. Look.” She waved her hand. “The outdoor fireplace is situated so we can also see the ocean. Now, please have some dip. I bought it, especially for you.”

  “I thought you made it?” Ali cocked her head.

  Lynn stopped chewing and crammed another cracker in her mouth. “It’s a little of both. I combined the two.”

  “Okay, goofy. Stop talking with crackers in your mouth.”

  Ali ripped off the foil. She blinked and picked up the bowl. The reflection of the white sparkles of a diamond ring contrasted against the dip as she rotated the bowl.

  Lynn got on one knee. “Ali, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I pledge to work hard to make you happy and to always be by your side. Will you marry me?”

  “Wow. I never expected this.”

  “Marry me.”

  Ali leaned in, brushing her hand down Lynn’s face. “I’ll marry you on one condition.”

  “Okay.” Lynn cleared her throat. “What’s the condition?”

  “You give me at least a year of engagement. We had enough drama this past year, and there are still people to meet in your family and the Blair family. We don’t have to have a fancy ceremony, but I want as many of our friends and family to join us as possible.”

  “But you’ll marry me?”

  “Yes. Are you going to remain on one knee all night long?” Ali cracked a devilish smile. “Or do you need help getting up?”

  Lynn jumped up, throwing her hands in the air and dancing around. “Yes! She said, ‘Yes!’”

  “Is there someone you’re shouting to?”

  Lynn cupped her hands and yelled, “I’m the happiest woman in the world! She said, ‘Yes!’”

  In the light of the blazing fire and glow of the moon, Ali saw movement. Footsteps echoed from every direction as family and friends descended onto the deck. Ali put her hand to her mouth.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “Are you okay?” Lynn squinted, looking concerned.

  “Yes!” Ali wrapped her arms around Lynn’s neck. Her body shook.

  Lynn whispered in her ear. “You sure?”

  The softness of Lynn’s lips tickled Ali’s ear. “I can’t believe you pulled this off. I love you, Lynn Stewart.”

  Lynn picked her up and spun her around, yelling, “Yahoo!”

  Ali was punch-drunk from the surprise and from the spinning. Her siblings and Thomas Blair were the first to congratulate the couple. Thomas wrapped his arms around a woman with long, gray wavy hair and a woman about Ali’s age.

  “Ali, this is your Aunt Sara and her daughter Jane from Ohio.”

  There was no need for words, only hugs. Laughter and smiles mixed with tears of joy. As others congratulated them, Ali figured the deck had to be filled with at least forty people. Their work colleagues were in the back of the crowd. Dory and Paul enthusiastically waved.

  Next, a man stepped forward. He was helping a frail old woman. Lynn squeezed Ali’s shoulder but didn’t say a word. Her face was beaming.

  “Hello Ali, I’m Lynn’s brother Ian, and this is our Aunt Louise.”

  Ali hugged them. She was careful with Louise, who suffered from Parkinson’s disease. With a slight tremor, Louise held Ali’s hand.

  “I prefer Florida.” Even Louise’s voice trembled. “It’s so cold here, but I wanted to see my darling niece.” She smiled at Lynn, never releasing Ali’s hand. Slowly she turned to Ali. “Do you plan on having children? I heard artificial insemination is more effective and reasonably priced nowadays.”

  Ali’s jaw dropped
. “We haven’t thought about that.”

  “Well, you should. Lynn talks about you so much. All good. I’m sure you’d be lovely mommies.”

  The words were heartwarming, but becoming a parent in her mid-forties was a bit daunting. Ali could tell Ian was hiding a laugh. Scotty was further away but with his hand over his mouth, snickering. Ali turned to Lynn.

  “Uhm…We’ll think about it, but…ah…”

  “Aunt Louise.” Ian rubbed her shoulder while she still held Ali’s hand. He kissed the top of her head. “That’s a splendid idea. Now let’s give others a chance to say their congratulations.” She nodded, and he carefully helped her to the side.

  Aunt Judy was next. She rocked Ali back and forth. “I’m so happy for you.” She hugged Lynn. “Take good care of our girl.”

  “I will.”

  Scotty bounced on his toes. “And you thought I was too bold when I got you a hot woman to help you fix up your house. Looks like she fixed a lot of things. I’m happy for you.” He kissed Ali on the cheek and bear hugged them both.

  The rest of the friends and family made quick congratulatory greetings.

  “Oh, listen up, everyone!” Ali cocked an eyebrow. “Lynn, there is another condition on our marriage.” She twirled her fingers through Lynn’s hair. “A black tux rocking that curly blonde hair. Got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am, but only if you wear your wavy auburn hair cascading down your back.” Lynn caressed Ali’s hand and kissed her palm.

  Scotty yelled, “Lynn, you forgot to say plenty of cleavage showing and backless.” He dipped a cracker and stuffed it in his mouth.

  Ali waved him off.

  “Oh crap.” Lynn darted over to Scott.

  “What’s wrong, babe?”

  “With all the excitement, I forgot to put the ring on your finger.”

  In a frenzy, Lynn yelled at Scott, “Stop. Where’s the ring?”

  “Huh?” he mumbled around a mouth full of crackers and dip.

  Lynn grabbed the bowl from him. Her smile dropped as she turned it around several times. Her fingers dug in. Silence grew.

  She threw her head back, looking up at the stars. Ali’s stomach dropped. Lynn lowered her face and removed the ring from the dip. She rushed back to Ali.


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