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The Infected (Book 4): Wrecked

Page 9

by Justin Gowland

  “Right. I can’t keep calling you Doc or Doctor, so what can I call you?” I asked, as he pulled off the dressing that I had on.

  “Well, you could just call me Doc, always liked the way that sounded in films. My given name is David, or you can call me Dave.” He said, as he used some water and cotton balls to clean the blood from my shoulder.

  “If you’re happy with Doc, then that’s what it will be.” I said.

  Watching him work, I could see why he was a doctor. His movements were precise and he took his time making sure each area was done before moving on to the next. Chris had his arm in a sling just as Doc was finishing off. I looked over and saw my friend grinning as he stood up off the bed. I was about to flip him the finger when Doc came back carrying a large syringe with a clear liquid inside.

  Doc looked at my face and said “Don’t worry, Marc, it’s just an antibiotic for the infection.”

  Chris nearly injured himself laughing when he saw the terrified look on my face.

  “Fuck off!” I said at him, which earned me a look of distain from Nurse Fleur.

  Which of course set him off even more. This time he was on the receiving end of the look. Fleur just lifted her arm and pointed at the door.

  Walking to the door, Chris turned and asked “Doc, we need to have a chat with the invalid later. Is it ok if a few of us call by later?”

  Doc looked over just as he stuck the needle into my shoulder, which of course didn’t fill me with the greatest of confidence.

  “Shouldn’t be a problem, but I will ask you all not to stay long. As we say in the game, the more you rest, the quicker you heal.” Doc said, smiling and pulling the syringe out.

  “No problem.” Chris replied as he left the room.

  Fleur dressed my shoulder and then bandaged it to the point where I could only move it a few centimetres and I lay back on the bed. Doc nodded at the job and left the room. Fleur went back to her clipboard and back to checking things off in the draws.

  “Err…Fleur, can I ask you a question?” I asked.

  With a sigh, she turned round and said “What?”

  “Where did you get all the medical stuff?”

  Putting the clipboard down on the drawers she leaned back. “Well, when we got here we had Tom go through your stores and bring all the medical equipment up here. When we saw how little you had we convinced David and Mike to do a couple of supply runs to the Emergency Drop in Centre’s nearby. Either Dr. Thompson or I went with them to help decide what was needed.”

  The next question was going to be a difficult one. “What was it like in the hospitals when the infection struck?” I asked.

  She looked at the floor and said “To be honest, it was a nightmare. There were dead bodies everywhere, and those that weren’t fully dead were eating the living. Down nearly every corridor there were bodies half eaten or the infected eating the living. The screams will haunt me for a long time.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories.” I said, looking down at my hands.

  “There is a question I would like to ask you.” She said, looking over at me.

  “After what I asked you, not a problem.”

  “David said that you used to work for the company that caused all this. Is it true?” She asked. Her eyes seemed to take on a look I didn’t like.

  I thought about what to say and I decided the truth was the best course. “Yeah, I was a night security guard. I was there the night the infection got out.” I said. It was some of the truth but not all of it.

  “Those bastards.” She nearly shouted. “With David saying that you worked for them, I had thought you were a technician or something.”

  “Sorry, not smart enough to be one of those.” I said, smiling.

  I had to warn the others about this. The last thing we needed was Jane and Kathy getting hurt or killed just because they worked for Benton’s.

  Fleur walked over and said, “I’m sorry about the cold reception earlier. It’s just that I had been thinking about what I would do or say when I met you. But that was all based on you being one of them that made this thing.”

  She held out her hand and I took it. Her hands were very soft and warm and her grip was quite firm.

  “Is there any chance of a coffee or something?” I asked, laughing.

  “Where are my manners? Of course I’ll get you something from the dining room.” She said, leaving.

  Chapter Twelve

  I lay my head back on the pillow and tried to relax. God only knows how she might have reacted if I had told her that I had let the infection out. At the moment I think I was the only one hating myself for that nugget of information. It wasn’t long before I heard footsteps. Looking at the door, I was surprised when Rosa entered carrying a tray with a mug and bowl of something hot.

  “Hey, Marc, nice to see you’ve come back. Fleur asked if I could bring this in to you.” She said, carrying the tray over and placing it on the small table beside the bed.

  “It’s nice to be back, Rosa. How are you and Tom doing?” I said, smiling.

  The last time I had seen Rosa, Tom had told me she was doped up to keep her from the tantrums she kept throwing.

  “We’re good. The kitchen has me busy nearly all the time now and we’ve managed to turn that job for security over to someone else. Tom and Philip are doing a great job in the armoury, so at the moment everything is good.” She said, virtually bubbling with energy.

  “Well, it’s good to see that things are turning out okay for you both.” I said.

  “Thank you. Sorry, can’t stay and chat but I’m helping out on the evening meal.” She said, turning to leave.

  “Err…Rosa if you see Amy, can you tell her where I am, please?” I asked her.

  “Sure, of course.” With that said, Rosa walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

  I leaned over and picked up the mug and blew on the top of it, trying to cool down the hot liquid inside. The first sip of hot coffee was like drinking the nectar of the Gods. I sighed as the hot liquid flowed down my throat. It seemed that it spread out through my limbs and helped me to relax. I drank the rest of the mug. Putting it down, I picked up the bowl and looked inside. There was some kind of broth. It smelled a little gamey and I really didn’t want to chance getting a stomach bug as well as the infection in my shoulder. Putting the bowl down on the table, I lay back down and closed my eyes.

  “You know, you should eat something.” A voice said.

  I opened my eyes and saw Doc stood beside the bed holding onto my wrist with one hand and a small pocket watch with the other.

  “Sorry, Doc, must have dozed off there.” I said.

  He laughed and said “From the sound of the chainsaw coming from you, I’m sure that’s a safe bet.”

  I laughed and said “Yeah, I should eat, but that broth smelled a little gamey.”

  “It should have. It was pheasant and duck broth.” He said, smiling.

  “Since when did we have any of that in the stores?” I asked.

  “The two lads that came in with me and Fleur are hunters. They’re very good with air rifles, or so I am told.” Doc said, letting go of my wrist.

  I looked down at the now cold broth and wished I had asked Rosa when she had brought it to me.

  Doc was writing on a clipboard at the bottom of the bed and looked up before saying, “Well, your temperature is high but not overly so and your pulse is a little quick. I think we might have caught the infection at the right time. Hopefully we might be able to kick you loose in a couple of days.”

  “That’s great news, Doc.” I said, even though I felt well enough at the minute.

  “I’m heading off to the dining room so I’ll see if they can send you something less gamey.” He said, picking up the tray, laughing.

  “Thanks, Doc!” I said, as he closed the door.

  Doc was starting to grow on me. He seemed to have a jovial manner that went with his ginger hair. I don’t know what he had made
of me, but that would take a while to find out. I lay back and closed my eyes.

  I was shocked when I woke up to find that it was the following morning. I lay there wondering how I had been asleep for so long, and I was starting to wonder if I would get any food when Amy walked in with a small plate with a few sandwiches on it.

  “Morning, Amy.” I said, trying to sit up.

  She set the plate down on the small table before sitting on the bed. Leaning forward, she gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Dr. Thompson said you have an infection.” She said, holding my hand.

  “Nothing serious. He says I should be out of here in a couple of days.” I replied, lifting her hand to my lips.

  She looked relived when I said that.

  “What’s the matter, Amy?” I asked.

  She looked down at her hands and said “Foxton.”

  “What the fuck has he done?” I said, getting angry.

  “He’s started trying to throw his weight around by telling people it’s your fault that the infection happened in the first place.” She said.

  “What?!” I said, falling back onto the pillow.

  “It’s okay. No one is actually bothered. Most of who is here knows what happened to you. Mainly because you’ve never hidden it from them.”

  “But?” I said, pressing her for an answer.

  “Fleur says she won’t treat you and the two lads that came in with Fleur say they would rather follow Foxton than you.” She said, going red.

  “I knew having that fucker here would cause trouble. I should have left him back on the ship.”

  “You don’t mean that and you know it. There’s one other thing.” She said.

  “Let me guess. He wants access to the radios and the armoury?” I asked.

  “Yes. Chris, David and Mike have politely told him no. Well, actually Chris told him to ‘Fuck off!’ Mike said he would shoot him if he tried going near either and David just punched him in the face.”

  I laughed so hard my shoulder started to hurt even more. I sort of knew what Chris and Mike’s response would have been, but David’s reaction was by far the best.

  “What happened after David punched him?” I asked, slowly getting myself under control.

  “Foxton scurried from the room with his hands over his face.” She said.

  I shook my head. I could see another situation like the one we had with Tracy if we didn’t nip this in the bud straight away. There was no way I would be able to do anything if I was stuck in here. That, and Fleur might decide to take it upon herself to help me depart this mortal coil.

  “Amy, I need you to go and get Doc for me, please.” I asked.

  “Marc, what have you got going through that swiss cheese of a brain?” She said, looking at me.

  “Look, please ,can you get the Doc, and once he’s here I’ll explain?” I said, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

  She stood up and headed for the door saying, “It better be good.”

  As she closed the door I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Reaching down to pick up my boots, I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Fleur standing in the doorway with a look that could kill on her face.

  “You lied to me.” She hissed.

  “Actually, Fleur, I didn’t lie to you. I just didn’t tell you everything.” I said, standing up to face her.

  “That Foxton said it was your fault all this happened. He said you let the infection out and then escaped police custody.” She said, walking into the room.

  “I accidently let the infection out. I was trying to save my friend, and as for the police thing, that corrupt copper you have taken to believe had me locked in a lab ready to be experimented on just so they could have a cover-up, not that it mattered.” I said, watching her.

  “So he was lying?” She said.

  I watched as she moved toward the drawers.

  “Look, there is someone else in his group. She can tell you everything you want to know.” I said.

  Fleur stopped beside the drawers, opened one and reached inside. She pulled out a strange blade that looked like half hacksaw and half meat cleaver.

  “Why?” She asked.

  I slowly tried to edge toward the door. Having one arm immobilized was going to make any defence nearly impossible.

  “Why what?” I asked.

  “Why is it people who lie think that they can get away with it?” She said, turning around to look at me.

  “Look, Fleur, just because Foxton lied to you doesn’t mean that he should be hurt!” I said, even though by the time I finished with him he’d be more than just hurt.

  “Who said I was going to hurt Foxton?” She said.

  “FLEUR!” A huge male voice boomed from the doorway.

  Turning, I saw Doc with Amy standing behind him in the doorway. His face had gone a deep red right up to the roots of his hair. Storming into the room, he stood between Fleur and myself, his hands on his hips.

  “What do you think you are doing?” He asked.

  “It’s his fault. All of this is his fault.” Fleur said, shaking.

  All this time I was watching the large knife/saw in her hand.

  “You took that man’s word without even asking anyone else about what happened back then. Marc might have let the animal that caused this out by accident but the company had been trying to develop this infection before that and they have also been experimenting on people since then. The woman, Jane, that came in with Mr. Foxton was a researcher for the company and I have had time to ask her some questions. She does not paint Mr. Foxton in a very good light, let me tell you.” Doc said, his voice slowly lowering as he spoke.

  “But…” Fleur began.

  “But nothing, Fleur. If you want to know anything, ask me and stop threatening this man. If it wasn’t for him, you and I wouldn’t have this safe haven to call home.” Doc said.

  Fleur placed the knife/saw in the drawer and said, “I’ll listen to what you have to say, Doctor.”

  “Very well. Marc, I am letting you leave, but please call in tomorrow. I want to check the dressing and see how we are doing with the infection.” Doc said over his shoulder.

  “Okay, Doc. I’ll call by first thing.” I said, heading for the door. I turned just before getting to it and said “Fleur, if it means anything, there isn’t a day goes by that I don’t hate myself for what happened.”

  Amy and I walked out of the Operations room and toward the lifts. I really didn’t feel like talking with anyone after what had happened so I decided to head straight for my room on the fourth floor.

  I stopped at the lifts but Amy walked on for few feet before turning around and asking “You not coming to talk with the others?”

  I shook my head and said “No, it might be best if I head to my room.”

  “Marc, everyone knows that Foxton is a shit of the largest order.” Amy said, walking back toward me.

  “Amy, that might be but what happens if we get another large group and he manages to say something to them before anyone else. Look what happened today with Fleur, and she was just one person.” I said, pressing the button calling the lift.

  “Marc…” Amy started to say.

  “Look, I just want to go lie down.” I said, cutting her off.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Before she could say anything else the lift doors opened and I stepped inside. She watched as the doors closed. I slumped against the side of the lift as it made its way down to the fourth floor. The doors opened and I stepped out into the familiar hallway. By the time I reached my room I was wrecked and need my bed. Opening the door, I was greeted by the flying white fur ball that was Spirit. She scampered around my legs. In the end, she ran over and jumped onto the bed waiting for me to join her. First thing I did, though, was to get a bottle of water. Drinking it with slow sips, I headed for the bed. Spirit moved so I could sit down and she lay with her head on her front paws watching me slowly drink the water.

  Reaching over, I gave her a
scratch behind her ears and sat looking at the door. I knew that at least one of my friends would be knocking on it at any time. Fleur had gotten me thinking about everything that had happened to me. Had I really brought this all about? Was Max telling us the truth back at the ship? And could I really trust Jane or Kathy? I knew that I couldn’t trust that fucking snake Foxton. Up till now, everything he did or said was in his own best interest.

  Eventually the knock did come.

  “Come in!” I shouted from the bed.

  The door opened and in trooped Chris, Mike and David.

  “Hey, guys, what brings you visiting the sick.” I said, smiling.

  It was Chris who spoke first “Marc, we have to get rid of Foxton.”

  “I agree.” Mike said.

  David looked up and said “The more time he has to talk to people, the more he is going to turn them against you.”

  “Look, guys, I can’t just kick him out for telling the truth as he sees it.” I said.

  “That’s just it, Marc. It’s his view of what happened in the beginning and it's wrong.” Chris said.

  I shook my head and said “Look, what would we do with him? The truth of the matter is if we kick him out, he might try and do a Tracy and this time he might win. If we lock him up, people might think that he was right and we are hiding the truth from them. If we kill him, we’ll end up with another problem.”

  “Marc, we can’t just let him destroy you. Especially after all that you have done for the community.” Mike said.

  “Community?” I said with small smile.

  “Yes, this is a fucking community. The outside area should be ready soon.” David said.

  I started laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” Chris asked.

  “Just thinking that a few weeks back David hardly swore. Now you can’t get him to stop.” I said, laughing.

  “You know, I think he’s right.” Chris said, laughing as well.

  Soon we were all laughing so much we didn’t see Amy, Tessa, Jane, Kathy and Jennie walk in.

  “What’s so funny?” Jennie asked.

  “Nothing, sweetheart.” David said, walking over to give his wife a large hug.


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