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The Infected (Book 4): Wrecked

Page 11

by Justin Gowland

  Foxton looked up at the camera and said “You’re going to let me go just like that?”

  “Actually, Fuckton, I give you a zero percent chance of living more than one day without becoming food for the infected.” I said to him over the mic.

  “What are you and Amy up to?” Tessa asked.

  “Okay, to put it simply, as soon as he pokes his head out of the bunker, it’s going to pop like a zit.” I said, and just as I it, Amy ran past with a long plastic case and evil grin on her face.

  Chris took one look and started laughing.

  “So what do you say, Fuckton, want to give it a go?” I asked.

  “You know I am going to say yes and that’s just because when I come back with more troops, I’m the one that’s going to kill you. I’ll give you half an hour.”

  “Okay, Fuckton, speak to you in half an hour.” I said.

  Turning around, I quickly gave them the outline of my plan. There were some shakes of the head, but in the end it was the only way to get him out of our home. I sent Chris and David to get everyone inside, including all the guards. I asked Chris to make sure Amy wouldn’t be seen as Foxton exited the bunker. Tessa, who went to check on her dad, headed to the dining room. I stayed and watched Foxton pace the hallway.

  Every now and then during the half hour I would throw him tips on how to kill the infected and every time I spoke I would start with ‘Oi, Fuckton…’ I knew that he was getting more and more angry and that’s what I wanted. If he was too angry, then he wouldn’t be thinking too straight.

  Chris walked in grinning and said “Amy’s well hid and everyone from outside is in the dining room.”

  “Thanks, Chris!” I said, before turning back to the mic and saying “Oi, Fuckton, you’re carriage awaits.”

  Pressing some keys, I released the lifts down to the third floor but locking all the doors to the others. I watched the screen as he stepped into the lift. I changed the camera to the one in the lobby and saw the lift arrive and Foxton walk straight out and headed for the hatch. He paused on the threshold and peered outside. Nothing happened. Where the hell was Amy? Foxton stepped fully outside. Switching to an external view I saw Foxton turn toward the gate and start walking.

  “What’s happened to Amy?” I said.

  “Calm down and watch.” Chris said.

  I sat down to watch what was going to happen. Foxton slowly walked toward the open gate and I could see his face quite clearly and the fucker was smiling. I was looking for any sign of Amy on the screen. Foxton stopped at the gate and looked up toward the camera. He waved and started to walk again. It was then that I saw a small pile of leaves move. Amy stood up and the leaves fell from her body like a shower of snowflakes. Raising a silenced pistol, she fired from roughly four feet away. Her first shot hit Foxton in his lower back. He fell forward onto his face. Amy walked over to him and shoved him over on to his bleeding back with her foot. Chris and I could hardly see her face because she had camo makeup on. But we could see the flash of her white teeth as she spoke to Foxton. He rolled around on the floor clearly in pain. I wish the cameras outside had mics. It would have been nice to hear what was being said. Amy raised her pistol to fire and said something that caused Foxton’s eyes to widen. Then his body jerked as Amy fired three rounds into his face. The rounds pulped his skull and sprayed blood and bone in a circle around his head. I turned away from the screen and keyed the commands to release the locks on the other levels.

  “I have to admit, she took her time doing that.” Chris said.

  I looked at him and said, “I thought she was going to take him out with the rifle?”

  “She was but I thought the bastard deserved a little up close and personal business and Amy agreed.” Chris said with a shrug.

  I sat looking at the monitor which still held Foxton’s dead body and shook my head. Why did he support that corrupt company? They had caused nothing but devastation with their infected. Did they really think that they could just waltz right in afterward and take over? The remaining survivors, if anything like us, would fight back, surely.

  “Chris, can you go and let the others know that it is okay to go outside, and can you arrange for the bodies on the third floor to get buried? Foxton can get dragged outside of the fence and the animals can have him.” I said, sitting back in the chair.

  “Sure. Marc, are you ok?” He asked.

  “Yeah, just a little run down and sick of all the death.” I said.

  Chris placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze before leaving the room. I turned off the monitor and decided to head to the swimming pool and chill out.

  Sitting on the edge of the pool my bare feet in the water, I watched the water. This place, the bunker, had been great for us, but now I was starting to think it was a magnet for any bad element that was left in the world. Who would want it next? Would they come in force when they found us? Would someone from the inside become a threat like Tracy and Foxton? All of these questions ran around inside my head.

  When all this started I ran to Catterick hoping to find some sort of government or Army left, but all that I found was Chris and Jay. What was I going to do? I really didn’t feel like I was needed here anymore. The survivors had done well whilst I was in Hull, and Chris had Tessa now. I had Amy, and yes, I loved her, but I could see things not working out for us. Mike had been stabbed because of me and I hated that.

  The more I sat on the side of the pool, the more I was starting to feel like I should leave. There was something that I did need to do, and that was get rid of the threat that was Benton’s Pharmaceuticals. The question was where exactly were they? From what Foxton said, they were somewhere in the North Sea on another ship. How the hell was I supposed to get at them out there?

  The door to the swimming pool opened and I turned to see Amy standing, watching me.

  “I thought that I would find you in here.” She said, walking over.

  I shrugged and said “It’s quiet and it gives me a place to think.”

  “Nothing bad, I hope?” She said, sitting beside me undoing the laces on her boots.

  “What?” I said.

  “Your thoughts. Nothing bad.” She said, laughing.

  I smiled and placed a hand on her thigh. “No, nothing bad. Just thinking of everything that has happened lately.” I said. I hated lying to Amy but I really didn’t know what else to do.

  We sat there for a while watching the water.

  “So what do we do next?” Amy asked.

  “I suppose I better go and congratulate Chris and Tessa on their baby.” I said, smiling.

  “She only told me and Chris. She said that she wanted to wait before telling anyone else. So how in hell’s name did you find out?” She said, turning toward me.

  “A couple of things, but the main one was when Fleur said something and about it not being time for her check up. I put two and two together and got pregnancy.” I said, pulling my wet feet from the pool.

  Standing, I held out my hand and helped Amy to her feet. Carrying my boots in one hand and holding on to Amy’s hand with the other, we left the swimming pool. After heading to my room and changing, I went looking for Chris and Tessa. I knew where they would be so I headed up to the first floor and the small makeshift hospital. I could see Chris and Tessa standing beside one of the beds.

  Opening the door, I stuck my head in and said “Is it okay to come in?”

  Tessa and Chris moved to one side and I saw Mike laying in bed with the covers up to his chin.

  Lifting a weak hand, Mike said in a croaking voice, “Yeah, come on in.”

  I walked up to the side of the bed and looked at my friend laying there looking pale and drawn.

  “Well, you look like shit!” I said, smiling.

  A small croaking laugh came from him.

  “He’s lost some blood but should be ok.” Tessa said with red rimmed eyes.

  “He’s a fighter and he’ll be fine.” I said, smiling.

  “You do kn
ow I wanted to kill that bastard and you gave Amy the job.” Mike said weakly from the bed.

  “Mate, you couldn’t kill a fly with a rocket launcher at the minute.” I said.

  “You’re probably right.” He said with a weak laugh.

  “Anyway, I also wanted to come and congratulate these two.” I said, pointing to Chris and Tessa.

  “I’ll kill Amy.” Tessa said.

  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe. I figured it out myself.” I said.

  Mike tried to sit but slumped back down and said “What’s going on?”

  Shit, I really put my foot in it this time.

  “Dad, there is something we need to tell you.” Tessa said.

  I left the room so that they could tell Mike the news without the hassle of me being in there. Walking down the hallway, I headed for the kitchen. Walking into the dining room I heard children laughing and singing. I looked over to where the small school had been set up and watched as the kids played some sort of singing game. Reaching the counter I poured a coffee and leaned on the counter watching the kids. I drank the coffee and placed the mug on the tray for cleaning. I turned to leave when I saw familiar face.

  “Hey, Jennie! How are you?” I asked.

  She saw me and smiled “A lot better than I was earlier.” She said.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “No, it’s okay. That man was a horrible piece of work. Sorry to say, Marc, but I have to get food sorted.” She said, disappearing further into the kitchen.

  I left the laughing of the kids behind and went up in the lift to the lobby. I wanted to go outside and see how the fence was getting on.

  Stepping out into the daylight was great. I could feel my body soaking up the light. The fresh air on my face and in my lungs gave me an extra boost as well. Looking around, I could see people moving from one area to the next. Each person seemed to have a job. As I watched, nearly three fence panels were placed along the inner fence. Some of the older survivors were digging a garden and looked to be planting seeds. Ruby had been right; if everyone had a job, things would be easier. The gate had been closed and Foxton’s body was gone. This gave me the chance to walk the fence perimeter. All in all, it took me roughly an hour. Returning to the hatch, I saw David stood with his son Philip watching the people work.

  “Hey, guys.” I said, walking toward them.

  “Hi, Marc.” Philip said, smiling.

  “Marc.” David said.

  “How are things?” I asked, shaking David’s hand.

  “Actually, not too bad. We should have the inner fence up by the end of the week and then we can sort out plots for the external buildings.” David said, smiling at the work being done.

  “You still want to live outside?” I asked.

  Turning to look at me, he said “Even you have to admit the fresh air and sunlight is better than being stuck in the bunker all the time.”

  He did have a point, and as I thought about it, something clicked inside and I knew what I wanted to do. This might actually piss a lot of people off, but I knew that it was something I had to do.

  “You might have something there.” I said, smiling.

  David gave me a puzzled look but didn’t say anything.

  “I have to go and have a chat with Doc so I’ll catch up with you later.” I said, heading back into the bunker.

  I found Doc in his little office sitting looking at a chart and drinking something out of a mug.

  I knocked on the open door and said, “You got a minute, Doc?”

  He looked up at me through his glasses and said, “Sure, Marc, have a seat.”

  Sitting in the chair facing his desk, I asked, “How long till my shoulder is better, Doc?”

  “Hmmm, roughly two, maybe three weeks.” He said, placing the chart down on the desk.

  “When is the earliest that I can do any training?” I said.

  “Marc, what are you thinking?” Doc said, looking me in the eyes.

  I just shrugged and said “Nothing really. I just feel out of place not being able to do anything.”

  That seemed to ease any thoughts he had because he sat back in his chair and said “Well, I would usually say a week of rest, but at the minimum say three or four days, and that’s if you take it easy.”

  I stood up and said “Thanks, Doc.”

  “Not a problem.” He said as he lifted the chart and started to read again.

  My next stop was the armoury. I knocked on the door and tried the handle. The door opened and I saw Tom sitting at the desk with a clipboard.

  “Hey, Tom.” I called as I walked inside.

  He turned around and waved a hand in my direction before going back to look at the clipboard.

  Standing behind him, I looked over his shoulder at the clipboard and saw a list of weapons with ticks and numbers beside each name. This must be the inventory that I had asked him to make.

  “Tom, I want some gear set aside” I said.

  Looking around, he said “What?”

  “I said I want to get some gear and put it aside.”

  “Sorry, I meant what gear did you want?” He said, smiling sheepishly.

  I laughed and said “A .22 rifle with scope if we have one and about a thousand rounds for it, a 9mm Sig with suppressor, four mags and three hundred rounds, four grenades and two flash bangs. I also need a decent one-man tent and a good sleeping bag.”

  “Why do you need all that?” He asked.

  “I just want a bug out kit at hand just in case.” I said.

  “Do you think something is going to happen?” He said, his face losing colour.

  “Nah! Just want it here in the armoury just in case I need to head off and rescue anyone in a hurry.” I said, lying.

  “Oh! Yeah, not a problem, can have it ready for you to look at later today.” He said, smiling.

  “Thanks, Tom.” I said, leaving the armoury.

  Taking the lift, I headed down to fourth floor and my room. Opening my door there was a friendly bark and a rush of white fur. Spirit had been lying on my bed and decided to come meet me at the door. Going to one knee, I took her head in my hands and rubbed my forehead to hers.

  “Hey, girl, how you doing?” I asked, and received a large lick as a reply.

  Standing up, I walked over to where my rucksack had been dumped when we returned from Hull. Opening it up, I found it empty. Panicking, I opened the wardrobe and found all my things washed and neatly stacked on the shelves. Choosing my best gear, I loaded a rucksack and set it beside the door. I went into the bathroom and stripped off my shirt. Looking in the mirror, I slowly peeled the dressing away from where I had been shot. The stiches stood out against the redness of the sore shoulder. Luckily, there was no puss or anything strange leaking from the wound. Smiling, I turned the shower on and stripped off the rest of my clothes and stepped into it. I let the water beat on me for a while as I slowly thought of what I wanted to do. After drying myself, I climbed into bed and fell fast asleep with Spirit happily snoring beside me.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The following morning felt very much like a follow on from what I had been doing yesterday. Except today was going to be a little more difficult. Heading to the dining room, I now need to convince Jennie to hand over a week’s worth of MRE’s and water for two.

  “Morning, Jennie!” I called from the counter.

  “Sorry, Marc, but Jennie has taken the day off.” Rosa said, coming to the counter smiling.

  Maybe my luck was changing, I thought.

  “Oh! I need to talk to her about the stuff I asked her to have ready for me.” I said, trying to look down about it.

  Rosa’s face lit up and said “I can help you with that. What was it you asked her to have ready for you?”

  “I need enough MRE’s and water to last a week for two people.” I said.

  “What would you need all that for?” She asked.

  “Chris and I might be heading out soon to get some more survivors.” I said, lying. I j
ust hoped that Chris was still trying to avoid Rosa.

  “Oh, okay! Give me ten minutes and I’ll get them for you.” She said, heading back into the kitchen.

  She came back ten minutes later carrying a carryall with the MRE’s and water packed inside and passed it to me.

  “Thanks, Rosa.” I said, turning to leave.

  “Not a problem.” She called out behind me.

  I headed to the second floor and the security room. Since yesterday I had the key to the room and had said that seeing as I was injured I would look after the system, and no one argued. This gave me the perfect place to hide the gear I was getting. Heading to the armoury, I stuck my head inside and saw Philip at the desk instead of Tom.

  “Hey, Philip! How are you?” I asked, walking inside.

  He turned round and said “Not too bad, Marc.”

  I pretended to look around and said “Where is Tom? He said he would have some gear sorted out for me.”

  “Tom’s helping dad on guard duty while they finish off the fence. Tom and I are taking turns whilst Mike gets better. Your stuff is here.” He said, getting up and heading over to another desk with a large carryall on it.

  I walked over and peered inside. Everything was inside and Tom had even placed a radio and tactical mike inside for me. Lifting out the radio I looked at it. It was larger than the ones we had been using.

  “That’s got enough range to cover fifty miles. Well, that’s what Tom said yesterday when we were packing this lot.” Philip said.

  “Cool. Thanks, Philip.” I said, lifting the bag off the desk.

  “Not a problem.” He said, sitting back down.

  I headed out of the armoury and back to the security office to stash this lot with the MRE’s and water. I needed to bring my rucksack up from my room and pack. I left the security room and headed over the hall to the comms room. Knocking on the door, I waited for Jake to open the door. I heard the door unlock and his old head peered around the door.

  “Hey, Marc!” He said, opening the door wider.

  “Hi, Jake. Is everything ok?” I asked.

  He walked back into the room and I followed him inside. He sat down and lifted his legs up onto the desk in front of him.


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