Tales of the Were 004 - Rocky
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“How is it going? Do you need any help?” Betina knocked on the door, dragging her from her troubling thoughts.
“I’m fine,” she called out over the shushing of the water. “Just finishing up.”
Maggie rinsed off and felt even stronger than before. The shower had definitely helped. She shut off the jets and left the steamy enclosure.
A big, fluffy towel was hanging on a warming rack nearby. She luxuriated in its softness and warmth. Rocky really knew how to live, she’d grant him that. He’d spared no expense on his inner sanctum from the quality of the towels, to the computer wizardry of the shower, to the artwork and soothing, natural tile. This room was a haven, no doubt about it.
Allie had laid out a robe for her. It looked like some kind of ornate ceremonial robe, made of thick, warm fabric—a blend of soft wool and cotton, if she wasn’t mistaken. It had knot work designs woven into the dark fabric that were pleasing to the eye, complex, yet beautiful in their simplicity.
Maggie’s body still ached a little, but her energy level was surprisingly high. She didn’t want to face up to her own more complicated clothing, so the robe was just the ticket. She put it on and was immediately surrounded by its warmth. It felt good.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, Rocky moved immediately to her side, offering an arm for support. She took it, glad for his steadying presence.
“You’re looking better already.” Betina smiled at her and ushered her to the freshly cleaned bed.
Rocky’s low dresser was next to it, now topped by a large, emptied drawer filled with a wad of blankets. It was clear what they’d done. Someone—Rocky, most likely—had taken out the top drawer and emptied it. He’d put the wide drawer on top of the dresser and filled it, covering all the hard edges with soft blankets.
Her babies were nestled inside the cushy nest, sleeping. She paused in front of it to touch each little face, count each set of fingers and toes again. These were her sons, and they were perfect.
“Will they be safe up here?” There were no rails, except the sides of the drawer, and it was a long way down.
“Newborns don’t move around much,” Betina said. “But one of us will be here watching them while you rest. You have time for a short nap and then we’ll see about getting you to the ceremony, if you’re still up for it.”
She turned to Rocky, who stood beside her. “Do you think it’d be all right? I mean, it’s cold out and the babies—”
“Are grizzly shifters. The cold isn’t as bad for them as it would be for a purely human baby. Besides, it’s not really that cold for this time of year. I bet they’ll like it.” He winked at her and grinned. “And Betina wouldn’t ask you to take part in the ceremony if it wasn’t important. These babies…” He seemed to be having a hard time articulating his thoughts. “They’re special. Bear shifters are rare. Grizzlies even more so. And twin boys are important to all were, not just bear shifters.”
She thought about his words and realized it all came down to trust. She trusted Rocky with her life. More importantly, she trusted him with the lives of her babies. If he thought it was okay then she’d do it, if she was able.
“All right. I’ll try that nap first and then we’ll see.”
“Perfect.” Betina helped her into the clean bed and tucked her under warm covers while Rocky watched over them both from his imposing height. As he turned to look at the babies, the expression on his face was so tender it almost broke her heart. For the first time in a long time, she felt safe. Like she was finally home.
Chapter Four
When Maggie woke a short while later, she felt a lot better. The progress she’d made in the hours since the twins’ birth was remarkable. Night had fallen in earnest and the babies were just waking up as she did.
Betina was there, helping her by lifting each child and bringing them to her one at a time so she could feed them. They stopped fussing after their little bellies were full and promptly fell back asleep.
Maggie ate a light meal Rocky brought in a little while later. He sat with her as she ate, making small talk about the babies and life in general, but they didn’t touch on any subject that was too difficult. They didn’t talk about the danger she and her children had brought to his door, but she was never unaware of it. This idle time could end in disaster. For nothing short of disaster had been dogging her tracks for months now.
“So do you want to make an appearance at the Samhain ceremony?” Rocky’s tone was encouraging as he sat in the chair next to his bed, keeping her company and watching the babies.
“Is it far?” She wanted to go, but she was also very aware of the ordeal she and the boys had just been through. She didn’t want to do anything that might be too much for any of them.
“Not far. I can get you there without much fuss.”
She agreed to go, trusting his judgment. She shouldn’t have been surprised when he scooped her into his strong arms and carried her all the way. The man was strong as an ox…or a grizzly.
Allie and Betina each carried one of the babies, who behaved beautifully for the women as Rocky led them to the sacred grove. Hidden at the top of the hill in the forest behind his cabin was a circle of stones—like a miniature version of Stonehenge. Maggie never would have believed it if she hadn’t seen it for herself. The place was beautiful in a woodsy way. It was overgrown with moss and vines that seemed to part to let the people through.
Maggie saw animals of all kinds surrounding them, both within the circle and without. Betina and Allie walked to the very center of the circle where a slab of stone sat like an altar. That gave Maggie pause, but deep in her heart she knew Rocky would never put her or her babies in any kind of danger.
“Do all these people turn into bears?” she whispered to Rocky as he put her down and they walked the last few steps together. Betina and Allie handed the babies back to her and Rocky while they went about some sort of preparations near the altar. Maggie and Rocky stood back, a few feet behind them.
He chuckled at her words, the deep rumble sending warmth through her. “No, Maggie. Only me.” He paused to stroke one large finger over the baby’s chubby cheek. “And the cubs.”
The night was chilly, but inside the circle of stones it was comfortable enough. It seemed as if the energy of the place kept things warm and comfy, while a soft dusting of snow fell to earth outside in the forest. A snow owl hooted and all within and without the circle quieted while Betina began to sing in the loveliest voice Maggie had ever heard. Allie joined in and the thrum of power amplified through the stones so that even Maggie could feel it.
She knew she was surrounded by magic, but she had no fear. For one thing, Rocky was standing firmly by her side. For another, she didn’t feel the same fear, the same warning in her bones that she’d felt for the past months whenever the Venifucus drew too close. The savage killer who’d been following her was evil. These people, by contrast, had none of that taint.
Betina motioned her to stand in front of the altar-like stone and she moved forward, glad of Rocky’s solid presence beside her. The ceremony was beautiful, the song ringing through the stones and echoing back into the circle. Allie stood behind Betina, flanked by two identical men, both handsome as sin and both quite obviously protective of her. She wondered, looking at those twins, if someday her sons would have the same proud bearing, the same quiet strength.
Betina’s song stopped and she spoke a few words about the earth, air, water and fire, then a few other things Maggie didn’t quite follow. She caught the part about giving thanks to the Lady, just before her babies decided to wake up and claim all her attention. Squirming, they began to fidget and wiggle so much she almost dropped the one she held. Jumping forward, she used the stone slab for support, mortified when the baby climbed right out of her arms and his swaddling to tumble naked onto the stone. She reached for him, but Rocky’s gentle grip held her back as he deposited the other twin next to his brother.
She looked up, blushing heatedly to see a beati
fic smile on Betina’s face. When she looked down again, her babies were no longer human. They were two tiny bear cubs, barely able to stand on their own…paws.
She nearly fainted.
Her children had paws.
Rocky caught her shoulders, offering her his immense strength. She needed every bit of it at that moment.
Betina was speaking again and the twin men stepped forward. Each reached out one hand to one of her babies—cubs—touching them gently. Almost immediately a hum of energy pulsed through the clearing and bright swirls of rainbow light moved like a benign whirlwind through the circle, spreading out into the woods all around, lighting up the faces of many animals and people. Many more than she would have imagined. The woods were teeming with creatures and people, all of whom had come to celebrate this event, and were now smiling at the spectacle that seemed to originate from the two sets of twins by the stone altar.
When the men stepped back, the rainbows remained, ambient light over the clearing. The babies weren’t bears any longer, she was relieved to see. They were back to human form, kicking their little feet in the air as they wiggled near each other.
“We welcome the next generation.” Betina captured her attention once more. “The next set of twin Alphas born of one of the most powerful Clans. More special than any in many years, these two will be Grizzly Clan shaman. May they grow straight and strong with the loving guidance of their parents.”
Rocky stepped forward, keeping one arm around Maggie’s shoulders for support. “I claim these boys in place of their blood father, my Clan brother, who is gone from this realm. As is my Clan right, and as I know Tony would have wanted, I claim these boys as my own.”
A cheer went up and questions crowded Maggie’s mind, but there was no time to ask them now. She wasn’t sure what he meant by those ritualistic words, but they certainly sounded serious to her. She sent Rocky a questioning glance, but he redirected her attention to Betina, who was looking at her expectantly.
“What are their names?”
“Antonio and James,” she said quickly, surprised by the question. She’d decided in the first weeks of her pregnancy to name them for their father, using his first and middle names. She felt Rocky squeeze her shoulder in approval as Betina smiled, making swirling patterns in the air over where her babies now rested quietly, almost asleep once more. They’d had an exciting night for newborns.
Of course, they acted like no newborns she’d ever seen, but she guessed that was to be expected with so much magic in their tiny little bodies. They’d healed her to the point she felt able to attend this gathering, and her energy level was higher than it had any right to be after what she’d been through. Then there was the shifting-into-bears thing that alternately frightened and amazed her. It was such a strange idea, even after having nine months to get used to it.
The rest of the ceremony passed quickly, and then Rocky was helping her wrap up the babies in the little warm blankets Allie had brought. She kept James while Rocky cradled Antonio in one large hand. She could already tell them apart, though to others she supposed they were identical in every way. Still, she knew her babies—and they knew her.
Rocky bundled his new family back to his home, intercepting the congratulatory nods from the other shifters they passed along the way. Maggie was so tired she probably didn’t even notice the reverent stares following their path or the way the other people and animals made way and guarded their steps. All babies were precious among the weretribes, but these special twin babies especially so. Their magic and the way it had manifested tonight proved to all that these were indeed the Alpha pair that would rule over the next generation.
He couldn’t be any prouder had he fathered them himself. Tony had been his Clan brother, but he’d also been his best friend. They were closer than blood brothers, closer than regular Clan brothers, and they both shared a love for the woman now walking quietly at his side. Tony was gone and Rocky had to stand in his place with the babies. He also hoped their mother would find a place for him in her heart—after it had healed from her loss.
Perhaps he’d have a second chance to woo this special woman. No other had ever touched his heart like her, and frankly, he’d given up looking. No other woman was Maggie. No other woman could tame him and make him want to be a better man. Not the way Maggie could.
He’d loved her for a long time, but when she’d chosen Tony, he’d bowed out with as much grace as he could muster. Now, however, all bets were off. Maggie would have to stay with him. Not only was she still in danger, but the babies needed him. She would realize that soon enough. He would protect her and help raise the cubs, and if the Goddess had any mercy at all, he’d win Maggie’s heart in the process.
Their progress down the mountain was much slower than their trip up had been. Maggie walked, treading carefully with the baby in her arms, and Rocky was content to watch over them both. Her strength was returning little by little, and he figured it would do her good to expend a little of the magical energy the boys had gifted her with before they reached his home. He had an idea what they’d find when they got there and wanted to give everyone time to do their own kind of magic.
“What’s all this?” Maggie stopped short as they entered the clearing in front of his single story house. There were a few cars and trucks crowding the available space and about a half dozen people milling around. More than a few had boxes or bundles in their arms. They’d even turned on the outdoor lighting, though shifters had excellent night vision. Some thoughtful soul had put on the lights for Maggie, one of the few humans among them.
“This, my dear…” he strolled forward, smiling broadly as she followed, “…is the were community coming together.”
The question in her voice made him wonder just how much Tony had told her.
“I’m were. So are the cubs. So are all these people. They’re members of the various Packs and Clans that live in this area.”
“But I thought you said you and the boys were the only ones who could turn into bears.”
“Grizzlies. Yes. We are one of the rarest Clans. Tim and Rafe run a big Pack though, and most of these folks are wolves.”
“Wolves?” She stopped in her tracks, her face alarmed. “Were. Wolves?” She enunciated each word, clearly stunned as her voice dropped to a whisper. “Werewolves? For real?”
“For real.” Rocky smiled as he nudged her into motion again. The wolves knew they were here but for now, they were keeping their distance. He noted a few grins though, as their sharp ears had undoubtedly picked up on the conversation. Little got past were hearing.
Tim and Rafe waited for them near the front door. “Thanks for all this,” Rocky said, extending the hand that wasn’t cradling a baby for a respectful shake from each of the wolf Alphas.
“It’s the least we could do,” said Tim, turning to Maggie.
Rocky made the introductions but thought it wiser to wait to discuss Rafe and Tim’s roles as Lords of the were. The topic was a little too complicated for quick explanation, especially since Maggie’s sons were so clearly destined to fill the same position eventually.
“I’m pleased to meet you.” Maggie smiled at the twin Alphas.
“The honor is ours.” Rafe smiled warmly and made way for Rocky to open the front door. It was unlocked, but once again, few would dare enter the grizzly bear’s den without an explicit invitation. “We brought over a few things to help you with the twins.”
Rocky went in first to be certain of the home’s security, with Maggie close behind, followed by Rafe. Tim stayed outside to organize the Pack members and parcels. Rocky settled Maggie and both babies on the wide bed while he helped position a double-sized crib, changing table, rocker and other bits that would help with the newborns as well as a whole heck of a lot of diapers and clothing for the little tykes.
Within just a half hour, his house had been turned from bachelor pad to nursery. Rocky knew the power of the Pack, but this impressed even him. Eac
h person who came in received a smile and a few words of thanks from Maggie, though Rocky could see the lines of fatigue returning to her beautiful face. She’d been through a hell of a lot in a short time, and though the magic had sustained her, her energy was starting to flag.
Rocky sent the last of the Pack members on their way with his thanks, knowing they and their brethren would be prowling the woods around his house until the danger passed. He locked his door for the first time in years and turned back to find Maggie and the boys fast asleep in the middle of his bed. Gently as he could, he moved the babies one at a time to the twin sized, hand-me-down crib where they would be safe. It had been a gift from Tim and Rafe—their own crib from when they were babies.
He then took a moment to relieve Maggie of her shoes and place a blanket over her. She needed rest more than she needed to get out of the ceremonial robe Allie had lent her. He tucked Maggie in and took a pillow and a few blankets to make a place for himself on the floor. He’d slept in worse places, and he’d do all in his power to keep Maggie and the cubs safe. If that meant sleeping on the floor, so be it.
Rocky intended to stay awake for a bit, keeping watch, but fatigue claimed him unexpectedly. He knew magic when he felt it. Benign magic. Comforting magic. On this most sacred of nights, he felt the blessings directed toward him and his new family from the other side of the veil, and for a shining moment as his eyes drifted closed, he saw the ghostly outline of his best friend, the brother of his heart, as Tony smiled down on them all.
Chapter Five
Maggie woke in the middle of the night when the babies did. They didn’t really cry—not loudly—instead, they made sort of mewling sounds, alerting her that they were hungry. She’d fed them soon after they were born, but this time there was no one around to help.
Disoriented in the strange setting, she slipped her legs over the side of the unfamiliar bed, immediately encountering a warm lump on the floor that made her jump.