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The Fireman's Pole

Page 17

by Sue Brown

  The nurse made a humming noise as she checked his pulse and blood pressure. “I’m just going to get the doctor to examine you. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  “Is everything all right?” Dale asked.

  “His stats have dropped a little. Not a lot, but we need to keep a close eye on him.”

  Ben knocked the mask off. “Is it serious?”

  Dale put the mask back in place. “It’s just precautionary.” Ben frowned at him, but Dale just sat down and took his hand. “Why don’t you go to have a nap for a while?”

  “Why don’t you go home?” Ben suggested.

  “I’m not leaving you.”


  Dale shook his head. “I’m staying here until they throw me out. Close your eyes and nap. I’ll play on my phone for a while.”

  Ben thought about arguing, but he was exhausted, and a brief nap seemed like a really good idea. He yawned, grimacing as his throat and lungs registered their protest.

  Dale stroked Ben’s hair again. “I’m so glad I found you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if—”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Ben said sleepily.

  “I can’t help it.”

  Ben fumbled until he found Dale’s face and cupped his jaw. “I’m fine. I told you you’re a hero. You’re my hero.”

  Dale kissed Ben’s forehead. “Sleep now. I won’t leave you alone.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  ALTHOUGH Dale was still new to the station, Fang allowed him to take a few days leave while Ben was in hospital. Dale stayed by Ben’s side until he was thrown out at night—like a fucking guard dog, Ben muttered constantly. Dale ignored his complaints. He noticed Ben’s language was less Lord Calminster these days, and more like the firefighters’ mess. Ben tried to plaster an aristocratic sneer on his face when Dale pointed this out, but it descended into giggles when Dale tickled him. Ben was very ticklish.

  Ben kept a polite smile on his face for the constant stream of visitors to his room, only breathing a sigh of relief when they left. He only dropped the mask for Dale, Colson, and Mrs. Wilson. The latter brought food and insisted Dale took breaks while she was there to mind his lordship. Ben, Colson, and Dale did as they were told because, after all, it was Mrs. Wilson.

  The smile on Ben’s face was somewhat strained after forty-eight hours of being poked, prodded, and x-rayed. By the time he was officially discharged, Ben was barely speaking to anyone, including Dale. Dale didn’t know what to say or do to make him feel better. The situation hadn’t improved when Lee Fang confirmed they were treating the fire as arson, and Olly Miller was their prime suspect.

  Once Ben discovered the power had been restored safely to the Hall, he decided to go home rather than staying at Dale’s cottage. Dale was disappointed about Ben’s decision, but as Ben had retreated into sullen silence, perhaps it was for the best. He drove up the long driveway to Calminster Hall, deciding to deliver Ben into the care of Mr. Colson and leave him alone. However, as Dale parked, he caught sight of Ben’s white face as he stared up the blackened side of the outer building near the kitchen.

  Dale ran around the car and put his arm around Ben’s shoulders. “It’s okay, Ben. I know it looks bad, but the kitchen took the brunt of the fire. The upstairs and the rest of the house is barely touched.”

  “My home,” Ben whispered.

  Dale turned Ben into his chest and stroked his hair. After a few days, Ben’s thick curls were greasy, and Dale wanted to get him inside and clean him up. “I promise you we can fix this.”

  Ben snorted. “Like you did the pole?”

  “It might take more than a few firefighters and a tin of paint,” Dale admitted. “But it can be fixed. Come on, let’s get you settled.”

  He coaxed Ben up the steps. Colson opened the door, and the dogs rushed out to greet Ben, Fluffy throwing himself at his master in his eagerness to attract his attention. Dale stood back to give Ben some space as he knelt down to love his animals.

  “They’ve been so depressed without Mr. Ben.”

  Dale smiled at Mrs. Wilson, who had joined him. “I didn’t even think about the dogs,” he admitted.

  “You had more important things to think about,” she said. “Besides, there were enough of us here to look after the mutts.”

  The dogs momentarily calmed, Ben turned to Mrs. Wilson and took her hands. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Wilson.”

  She furrowed her brow. Dale was puzzled too, not sure what Ben was apologizing for.

  “I had no idea what it was like to lose your home. I’ve been feeling sorry for myself the last couple of days. But you lost everything.”

  Her chin wobbled, but Mrs. Wilson nodded as she held on to his hands. “The fire in my cottage was partly my fault. Sandra was always scolding me for having tea towels so close to the cooker. Your beautiful home has been destroyed because a foolish man had a grudge against you.”

  Dale growled because if he ever got his hands on Miller, he was going to string him up by the nutsac and leave him there for a piñata. He didn’t say it out loud because he didn’t want to offend Mrs. Wilson. Ben obviously heard the growl, because he rolled his eyes at Dale.

  “If I ever get my hands on that man, I’m chopping him up for dog meat,” Mrs. Wilson declared.

  Dale smiled in satisfaction. Perhaps he should voice his thoughts in the future. He had a feeling Mrs. Wilson wasn’t easily offended.

  Ben’s eyes were going to roll out of his sockets. “I’m surrounded by savages.”

  Colson coughed politely. “Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll bring afternoon tea. We’ve set up a temporary kitchen in the dining room.”

  Fresh snow had more color than Ben’s face and Dale was sure he was holding himself together by sheer will as he said, “Show me the kitchen first.”

  Dale guided Ben down the stairs. Ben’s face grew tighter as he saw the blackened walls and ceiling. The kitchen was a mess, the furniture that was left just amorphous black blobs.

  “The structure is still sound,” Dale said. “It won’t take long to repair.”

  “Show me the rest,” Ben ordered.

  Colson took him around the rest of the servants’ quarters until he’d seen the devastation for himself. Ben’s face grew tighter and whiter until Dale got toppy and insisted Ben sat down.

  “Afternoon tea now, please, Mr. Colson,” Dale said. He ignored Ben’s protests and steered him to his private study. The hall reeked of smoke, but there was no obvious damage. Ben stumbled once but Dale was there to hold him, and he collapsed as soon his legs touched the back of the sofa.

  “I don’t need another cup of bloody tea.” Ben had complained long and loud about how much tea they were forcing down his throat in hospital.

  As usual, Dale ignored the complaints. “Sit, relax, drink tea, and then I’ll give you the guided tour.”

  “This is my damned house. I want to see it now.”

  “Fucking sit there before I tie you down,” Dale snapped. “They’re all trying to keep it together for you.”

  Ben subsided with a pout. “I know that.”

  Dale took a deep breath and made an effort to soften his tone. “Let them pamper you for today. Mrs. Wilson is one flap away from a meltdown, and Colson doesn’t know whether to hug you, shackle you to the bed, or run to Joe’s hut and never come out.”

  Ben opened his mouth and then closed it again. “You know about Colson and Joe?”

  “Joe had his arms around Colson.”

  “In public?” Ben smirked at Dale.

  “Yep, but I’m under orders not to mention it to your burly gardener.”

  “Burly gardener?” Ben burst out laughing. “I’ve got a hot butler and a burly gardener? Sounds like a porn movie.”

  “I wouldn’t mind watching those two together.” Dale waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  Ben smacked him on the bicep. “You’re disgusting.”

  “You can’t tell me you don’t think the same thing.”

  “Dale, they’re my butler and gardener.”

  “Porn, man, I’m telling you.”

  Ben made a gagging noise, which turned into choking as Colson walked into the room with a tray. Dale snickered and sat on one of the armchairs. He knew Ben was totally grossed out by the thought, but he watched Colson pour the tea. Damn, the man had a fine arse. He was totally aware of Ben’s glare as Colson left the room.

  “I’m going to kill you,” Ben said.

  “Sure you are.”

  “I am.”

  “Aw, then I won’t be able to do my reenactment of rescuing you,” Dale said.

  Ben raised his eyebrow. “You’re going to throw me over your shoulder again?”

  “I thought being rescued by a fireman was your fantasy?”

  “Hell, yes. Only in my fantasy, I was awake to remember it.”

  “Then I’ll rescue you again.” Dale mimed throwing someone over his shoulder.

  Ben sighed and leaned back against the sofa, and the energy seeped out of him. “Maybe not today.”

  “I can wait.” Dale moved to the sofa and took Ben into his arms. “Go to sleep for a while. There’s nothing for us to do.”

  Ben sighed and relaxed in Dale’s arms. “I’m supposed to be the master of the house.”

  “You are, but I’m the master of you. ’Kay?”

  Ben pressed a kiss into Dale’s chest. “’Kay.”

  Dale held him close until Ben’s breathing slowed. He grinned when he heard a snorting, snoring noise. Dale wriggled a bit as his arse went numb. He was going to have to persuade Ben to get a more comfortable sofa in his private study. Maybe something made this century.

  He was almost dozing himself when his phone rang. Dale fumbled to get it quickly before it disturbed Ben, only to cut off the call. Dale cursed under his breath. He went to return the call; then it rang again.


  Dale frowned. His station commander was the last person he expected to hear from. “Sir? Is everything okay?”

  “I need to speak to his lordship. I can’t get hold of him. Do you know where he is?”

  “He’s asleep. Can it wait?”

  “Not really. Miller’s on his way over to you. He ran away from a fire near the café. They chased him into the trees, but he gave the slip.”


  “PC Verne’s on his way over,” Fang said. “And Tank and the crew are coming in Buffy.”

  “I’ll alert the security guards and the rest of the staff.” Dale stood, trying to keep the phone tucked under his ear and settle Ben on the sofa without waking him. “Thanks for calling.”

  “Keep in touch.”

  Dale made sure Ben was still asleep and then checked the windows. He briefly contemplated locking Ben in, but the thought of Ben not being able to escape in the event of another fire made his blood run cold.

  The first person he told was Colson. The butler’s face tightened, but he immediately got on the phone to security. Then he phoned Joe.

  Dale waited until he finished. “Lord Calminster is asleep in his study. I want to talk to my crew, who are on their way.”

  Colson nodded. “I’ll make sure the house is locked down. Then I’ll stay with him.”

  Dale left him and went to the dining room. Mrs. Wilson and Lisa smiled at him when he entered, but their smiles soon faded when he told them about Miller.

  “He’d better not come in here,” Mrs. Wilson growled, brandishing a large chopping knife.

  “Don’t take any risks,” Dale said. “I’ll make sure my boys look after you.”

  She pointed the knife. “We’re not helpless, dear.”

  Dale had no doubt of that. “Make sure the windows are locked.”

  “I’ll do that.” Lisa hopped up and went over to the windows.

  “Er…. Dale. There’s a man running towards the house and a load of hunky firemen running after him.” She squinted. “I think some of them are your lot.”

  Dale rushed over to the window to join her. “Hunky firemen? Where?”

  She laughed as Dale groaned. “You need your eyes checked, Lisa. Tank and Mick are not hunky.”

  “Got you over here, though.”

  Dale snorted. “I ought to check all the windows are closed along this wing.”

  “Do you think he’s going to make the house? Have you seen how fast your guys are going?”

  It was almost comical. Miller pounded toward the house, but hard on his heels were Verne, Tank, Keith, and Mick. They were within arms’ length when suddenly Miller was tackled from the side.

  “What the hell?” Dale said.

  “Joe’s taken him down.” Lisa punched the air. “Go Calminster!”

  The four firemen stood around Miller while Joe got to his feet. Sensibly, Miller stayed on the ground.

  “I think I’ll go back to Ben,” Dale said.

  “You know he’s going to be angry you didn’t wake him up,” Lisa said.

  Dale shrugged. “He’ll forgive me eventually. I have my ways.”

  Lisa made a gagging noise. “Ewww, I don’t want to think about that.”

  “Lisa!” Mrs. Wilson scolded. “That’s enough of that.”

  Dale decided to vanish before he got told off.

  The door to the study was locked. Dale panicked for a moment until he remembered Colson was with Ben. He knocked on the door. “It’s over. Miller’s been caught.”

  “Hold on,” Colson said. He unlocked the door and stepped out, closing the door behind him. “Mr. Ben is still asleep. You said Miller is in custody?”

  “Well, now he’s crashed out on the lawn,” Dale said. “The police and firefighters were almost on him, but he got taken out by a burly gardener.”

  Colson’s lips twitched. “It’s porn all over again. Just missing the hot butler!”

  Dale’s cheeks flushed. “You heard that conversation.”

  “I have very good hearing,” Colson said, not bothering to hide his smirk.

  “Oh God.”

  “I’ll go and see if they need help.”

  “I’ll go and hide—forever.” Dale waited until Colson had walked down the corridor before he thumped his forehead on the door.

  Then, still blushing, Dale opened the door. Ben stirred, blinking sleepily. “Hey, where did you go?”

  “Just went to see Mrs. Wilson. Are you okay?”

  Ben sat up, yawned loudly, and scratched his belly. “Just tired.”

  Dale sat down next to him and kissed Ben on the mouth. “You can relax in your own bed tonight.”

  “I don’t think I’m ever going to relax until Miller is caught,” Ben admitted.

  “In which case you can sleep like a baby.”

  Ben tried to get up but Dale pulled him back, tugging Ben into his arms. “He’s been caught? Where? Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You missed the gardener in action.”

  Ben furrowed his brow, obviously confused. “What?”

  Dale placed a finger over Ben’s mouth. “I’m going to kiss you.”


  Ben faded off into a moan as Dale kissed him. Ben could be the Lord of Calminster in a few moments. Right this second, he could be Dale’s.

  SUE BROWN is owned by her dogs and two children. When she isn’t following their orders, she can be found with her laptop in Starbucks, drinking latte and eating chocolate.

  Sue discovered M/M romance at the time she woke up to find two men kissing on her favorite television series. The kissing was hot and tender and Sue wanted to write about these men. She may be late to the party, but she’s made up for it since, writing fan fiction until she was brave enough to venture out into the world of original fiction.

  Sue can be found at:



  Twitter: @suebrownstories


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