Book Read Free

Do Over

Page 3

by Mari Carr

  “The night’s still young.”

  She growled. “Oh my God. I’m going to have to kill you now.”

  He laughed at her threat. “Anticipation,” he said, repeating his earlier words.

  “Insanity. Mine. Coming soon if you don’t fuck me.”

  Troy pulled away, feigning affront. “Here I am trying to be romantic and all you can think about is sex, sex, sex.”

  Faith grinned coyly as her hand launched a sneak attack on his covered cock. He gasped when her hand brushed against his all-too-prevalent erection. “I don’t appear to be the only one thinking about sex, Troy.”

  Troy grasped her wrist firmly in his hand. She thought he meant to pull it away, so she was surprised when he pushed it against his cock, harder. “Take a good long feel, Faith. I want you to remember exactly what you’re going to have pounding between your legs tonight. I’m going to fuck you for hours. Going to have you begging for mercy.”

  “Mercy?” she asked. “Or more?”

  His eyes darkened at her sensual teasing. “I’m going to warn you now, Faith. This isn’t going to be a night of the same-old, same-old. None of that comfortable, easy lovemaking we’ve fallen into. I’ve been planning tonight for weeks and I’ve had plenty of time to figure out all the ways I’m going to take you.”

  Faith felt her knees go weak at his naughty threat.

  “Like?” she prompted, loving Troy’s sudden talent for dirty talk. She could feel her arousal gathering and she briefly wondered if it was seeping through her jeans.

  “Like tying you up and fucking every part of your sexy body.”

  Faith closed her eyes, groaned. “Every part?”

  He bent forward to nip at her earlobe, his words rumbling through her soul like a freight train. “Mouth, pussy, ass, tits. Every part.”

  “God, yes,” she whispered as she attempted to grind her aching clit against his leg harder.

  “Shit,” Troy said, taking another step away from her. “You’re driving me crazy, Faith. I have a plan, but you are seriously fucking with it.”

  She laughed. Her lovely, organized husband. No doubt, he had their evening’s activities plotted out down to the very second. She loved the idea that she could turn him on so much, he lost his way. Loved the power she felt in that moment, the knowledge that she could still fluster him, leave him panting for more.

  “Take me back to the truck,” she said, dragging her fingers along his chest.

  His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “You’ll play along? Be a good girl?”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”


  “You aren’t the only one with some plans for tonight, Mr. Wainwright. Let’s go.”

  Their return to the truck was much quicker than their leisurely stroll toward the park. Troy had an iron-clad grip on her hand and Faith knew he was hanging on to his sanity by a mere thread. He opened her car door, quickly crossing to take his place behind the driver’s seat.

  “Do you remember those woods over on Watkins’ Lane?” she asked as he started the car.

  She distinctly heard him mumble the word “fuck” before he put the truck in drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Why?” he finally asked.

  “I want to go there. I mean, that place certainly has some sentimental memories attached to it.” Faith tried to give him an innocent grin, but she knew she was falling short. She and Troy had spent many a night “parking” on the very secluded, dirt lane and she’d lost her virginity to Troy in the backseat of his dad’s car there shortly after graduation.

  “Dammit, Faith.”

  “You seriously mean to tell me that Watkins’ Lane wasn’t a stop on your tour?”

  He gave her a sheepish grin and shrugged. “I knew what would happen if we went there and I’m too old and too large to try to have sex in the front seat of a truck. I’ve gotten spoiled by years of being able to have sex in the privacy of our bedroom…in a king-sized bed.”

  She reached across the truck seat and ran her hand up his thigh until she could press her palm against his cock. “Take me there, Troy. I want to see it again.”

  He briefly glanced in her direction and didn’t respond, but she noticed when he took the appropriate turn and she knew she was getting her request. “There’s nothing to see back there except trees and a dirt road.”

  “Well, I wasn’t really planning to look at the scenery. Actually I just want to suck your cock. Since you have this hang-up about public places, I thought maybe you’d feel more comfortable there. I seem to recall you didn’t mind doing all sorts of naughty things there when we were younger.”

  “Shit.” He pulled to the side of the road so quickly she almost got whiplash. “You wanna go to Watkins’ Lane, fine. But first, we’re gonna pretend to follow my plan.” He reached for the photo album, placing it on her lap. Dusk had descended so he had to turn on the interior light. “Turn the page. You can read the letter while I drive.”

  She flipped the page as he pulled back out on to the road. The picture was of the two of them before they married. Troy was facing the camera and she was looking up at him—both of them were laughing. Had they ever been that young, that carefree? Troy’s dark eyes were brimming with a self-assuredness that said the world was his to claim. She recognized it as the same look that now resided in her son’s brown eyes and she was amazed by how similar the father and son really were.

  Her gaze traveled to her younger face and in it, she saw shades of Jenna. Faith looked like a young woman—happy and in love, with her future looming bright before her. She silently prayed she’d see that exact same expression on her daughter’s face one day when she met the young man who would turn her head and make her believe in forever.

  As Troy drove, she read the letter and realized the future captured by that photograph was now her past. And oh, what a past it had been.

  My beautiful Faith,

  I remember my dad telling me when I was younger I’d know instantly when I met the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. At the time, I thought the old guy was off his rocker. Dating had never been comfortable for me and I was pretty sure married life would be more of the same—endless hassles and complications.

  Then I met you. It’s always been easy between us, Faith. Easy to talk, to laugh, to love. I’d dated lots of girls before I met you and it was always damn hard work. I felt like I had to think before I spoke, that I was always second-guessing every gesture, every move, playing games with no clear-cut rules. I never did any of that with you. You just came into my life and let me be me. When I look back now, I can’t remember a time when you weren’t there or a time when I didn’t want you there.

  I remember the day I proposed to you like it was yesterday. I’d carried that damn little ring around in my pocket for nearly a week, trying to find the right time, the right words. And after all that worry, I still fucked it up. We walked around that stupid lake for hours and the whole time I was giving myself an internal pep talk, determined you’d have my ring on your finger before I took you home that night.

  Finally, my nerves snapped and when we sat down on that bench, I blurted out, “Hey, let’s get hitched.” Days of practicing flowery proposals and that’s what came out. I didn’t remember my dad’s words about knowing the right woman until you answered me. You just smiled, laughed a little and said, “Okay. That sounds like fun,” and I knew the man was right. You didn’t want the fancy words or flowers or even a big ring. You just wanted me and in that moment, I felt like I was ten feet tall.

  You have always been the only woman in the world for me. You’re my best friend, my lover, my wife and my life.


  Chapter Three

  Troy pulled the truck over to the side of the secluded road as Faith finished reading the letter and closed the album. Her heart was filled with so much happiness and love, she wondered how it all fit without bursting at the seams.

  Troy remained silent and she appreciated
that he gave her time to compose herself and her thoughts. She looked around at their quiet surroundings and felt certain there wasn’t another human being for miles around. Fred Watkins, Troy’s father’s best friend, owned the land where they were parked. He’d inherited it from a great aunt, but he chose to reside in his family’s large house in town, rather than move into his late aunt’s small cabin. He only used the land during hunting season, usually with Troy’s father.

  Troy put the car in park and turned off the engine, leaving the power to the radio on. He unbuckled his seatbelt and fiddled with the CD player for a second. Soon the truck was filled with Lionel Ritchie’s voice singing “Truly.”

  “Have you been rifling through my CD collection?” she teased, glad for the opportunity to lighten the emotions of the moment.

  “I know you like his music.”

  “Troy…tonight…everything—” She closed her eyes and tried to find a way to express how much this evening meant to her.

  He reached over to take her hand, squeezing it gently. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, she knew he understood. He could read the words in her face as easily as she could see the understanding in his. They were connected by a lifetime of experience and sometimes words just weren’t necessary.

  The crinkles around his eyes deepened as he grinned. “So, here we are.”

  “Watkins’ Lane. This certainly brings back some memories. One night in particular…” She smiled when she saw he was recalling the same night she was.

  “We did quite a bit of fumbling around in my dad’s backseat,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Have to admit I’m not real proud of my effort that first night.”

  “I was a virgin and nervous as hell. You knew that.”

  “Yeah, I did. And it sort of scared the shit out of me. I didn’t want to hurt you, Faith.”

  She scooted across the seat, closer to him. “You didn’t.” She tucked her hand under his T-shirt, running her fingers along his chest.

  “Yeah well, even so, you have to admit, it wasn’t my finest hour. It was over in less than a minute.”

  She stroked his nipple, loving his quick intake of breath. “Funny. I don’t remember that night as being anything short of magical.”

  He snorted. “You’re crazy. You don’t know what magic is.”

  She smiled and decided to throw out a challenge. “I don’t, eh? Well, then maybe you should show me.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna show you alright. What do you say we go for a do over?”

  “Do over?”

  He nodded. “Sort of like taking a Mulligan in golf. I want a chance to take your virginity again…this time without all the shaking hands and rushing.”

  “Sounds like we’ve finally gotten to the good part of your planned activities.”

  He placed his hand on top of where hers rested on his chest, the thin layer of his shirt separating them. For a moment, he looked at her and as she watched he seemed to transform before her eyes. Gone was her cocky, fun-loving husband and in his place, she watched the boy she’d fallen in love with reemerge. His face was more serious, more sincere. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  She blinked, trying to figure out what he was asking, until he continued.

  “I mean I’ve heard it can hurt the first time.”

  She closed her eyes and smiled. He was taking them back in time, giving her a second chance for magic.

  “I’m sure,” she whispered, trying to bring forth the younger woman, the Faith she’d been all those years ago, when sex was an unknown and exciting thing.

  At her answer, he bent forward and kissed her. It was a gentle melding of lips that spoke of newness and discovery. She moved closer, anxious to relearn all the things she’d forgotten about her husband’s lips.

  “God, Faith. I want you so bad. It feels like I’ve waited forever for this night. We’ll go slow, I promise, and if you change your mind, just say so. We don’t have to do this.”

  “Please,” she whispered when his hand drifted up to cup her breast.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of you. I’ll always take care of you.”

  With his gentle touches and sweet words, he transported her back in time and she felt the slightest fluttering in her stomach. Butterflies? Nerves? God, this really was starting to feel like her first time.

  “I want to see you,” he whispered as his lips moved along her cheek, not stopping ’til he reached her ear. He sucked the lobe into his mouth. “I want to take your shirt off. Just your shirt…for now. Okay?”

  She nodded, her voice failing her as he reached for the hem of her T-shirt, pulling it over her head. His gaze fell to her chest and she felt a hot blush rise to her cheeks as he looked at her. His eyes studied her body as if he’d never seen her before and for the briefest of moments, she actually felt the urge to cover herself up out of modesty.

  “God,” he murmured. “You’re so beautiful. Can I take your bra off? I want to touch your breasts, kiss them.”

  She moaned as she nodded. She wanted his lips on her, wanted his hands touching her. He reached behind her and she smiled when he fumbled with the clasp of her bra. His words drifted back to her. Do over. Magic.

  As he pulled the lace away from her body, her hands did move up to cover herself. The moment was too real and she couldn’t overcome the belief that he was truly seeing her for the first time.

  “Don’t hide yourself from me, Faith. Ever.” He gripped her wrists in his large hands, pulling them away from her breasts. His touch was firm, and arousal dampened her panties as she trembled slightly. He noticed her response, but mistook it. “Are you cold? I can turn the heater on.”

  She shook her head. “No. No heat. I’m burning up.”

  He smiled at her admission and she watched him slip briefly out of his role, back into the skin of her confident, sex-incarnate husband. “Those are only sparks. By the time we’re finished, I’m going to have you hotter than a raging inferno.”

  He didn’t give her time to respond as he bent his head to her breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth roughly. She threw her head back and he took the motion as an invitation to advance their play. Pulling away briefly, he reached beneath his legs and hit the release on the bucket seat, pushing it as far back as it would go.

  Gripping her legs, he pulled them toward him. “Lie down.”

  She slowly reclined as Troy twisted, positioning himself between her legs and coming over her. He resumed his kisses to her breasts, tweaking her hard nipples until she was squirming beneath him. “I love your tits,” he whispered and she grinned at his very masculine admission. “I want to squeeze them around my cock and fuck them.”

  “Do it,” she urged.

  He shook his head and she watched as he seemed to catch himself. “Later. This time is for you.”

  He unbuttoned her pants and slowly dragged down the zipper. The entire time he watched her face and she could see he’d fallen back into his earlier role. The transformation was amazing. Why hadn’t they ever tried role-playing in bed? Troy was obviously a natural.

  Anxious to resume the play, she reached out and grasped his wrists—her nervous gesture causing him to stop.

  “I just want to touch you. Just my fingers, Faith. If you don’t want any more than that, I’ll stop. Honest. Let me show you how good I can make you feel.”

  She licked her lips apprehensively. “Just your fingers?”

  “For now,” he added. “Then you can tell me if you want more.”

  She nodded her assent, lifting her hips as he pulled her jeans down. She expected him to leave them around her ankles, so she was surprised when he didn’t stop until the denim and her tennis shoes were lying in a heap on the floorboard. She was completely naked in his truck in the middle of nowhere and he’d yet to take off a stitch of clothing.

  He’d given up his place between her legs when he undressed her and his hip was now next to her closed legs on the seat. His hand drifted along her upper thigh a
nd instinct had her pressing her legs together more tightly. “Just my fingers, Faith,” he repeated. She nodded, but made no move. “Open your legs. Let me in.”

  She spread her legs a couple inches.

  “More.” He moved his hand to her stomach and left it resting there while his gaze remained on her pussy. “Spread them apart more.”

  The tight space in the truck cab limited her legroom until Troy took over for her. Lifting her left leg, he placed it over the back of the truck seat. Then he gripped her right one and pulled it around his hip as he resumed his place behind the driver’s seat and between her legs. If she’d felt exposed before, it was nothing compared to now as she lay spread-eagle and nude.

  “Jesus. I have a feeling should my life ever pass before my eyes, this is going to be the image that flashes in my mind. God, Faith. You are so sexy.”

  His words eased her discomfort until his hand reached for her. Dragging his fingers slowly down her stomach, he drew a trail from her navel to her clit, stopping when he reached the distended flesh begging for his touch. “You’re wet.”

  She nodded. Of course, she was wet. She was drenched, drowning in a sea of arousal.

  “You weren’t wet the first night.”

  His words caught her unaware. “I wasn’t?”

  He shook his head. “You were too nervous and I was too stupid to know how to put you at ease. I know I must have hurt you.”

  “Doesn’t look like that will be a problem tonight.”

  His face was serious and she suddenly realized just how much he’d worried about their first time. The worst part was she could have set his mind at ease years ago. She didn’t remember a bit of pain. She didn’t remember anything except the amazing feeling of having him inside her. But she knew her husband and she knew words wouldn’t have the same effect as actions.

  “What would you have done differently?” she asked.

  He turned on the seat and slowly leaned forward until his mouth was hovering just above her pussy. His hot breath as he spoke tickled her sensitive flesh. “I would have done this.”


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