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Her Three Werebears: Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

Page 12

by Natalie Kristen

  She knew her eyes were glowing with heat and hunger. Reaching for Ford, she took his rock hard cock into her mouth. As she sucked hard, she felt Dillon’s claws digging into her hips as he pushed into her from behind.

  Dillon grunted and swore, “Penny, you are so tight.”

  She moaned around Ford’s cock as her body undulated. Their mingled scents filled the air and sounds of their love-making filled the room.

  Penny felt goosebumps breaking out all over her body. She had never felt such intense pleasure before. Her mates were pleasuring her and receiving pleasure from her.

  Penny had never felt so full before. Physically and emotionally. She had never had three men at once, and the experience was thrilling, exhilarating and arousing.

  There was love, trust and respect between them. Penny knew that she never had to hide anything from her mates. They saw her, and they loved her. They saw her before her Change, and they saw her through her Change.

  And even though she was a runaway when they first met her, her mates never saw her as weak or unworthy. They never treated her with suspicion and disdain.

  Because of their unwavering, unconditional love, she healed and became whole, strong and beautiful.

  Penny surrendered to the incredible pleasure that her mates were giving her, and let go of all her inhibitions.

  Her alpha wolf was strong and secure enough to submit to her mates. She would surrender her pleasure and control to her mates.

  They were her lovers, her family, her forever.


  Penny loved how Ford, Ryder and Dillon all seemed to know what she wanted and needed. They knew how to touch her, what to give her and what to take from her.

  She had felt herself being stretched when Dillon inched himself into her. She had never had anal sex before, and she was nervous. But Dillon knew what he was doing, and he was so gentle and patient with her. He took great care of her and made sure that she was well lubricated, ready and relaxed before entering her.

  Penny loved what Ryder was doing to her. He was fucking her and suckling her furiously, taking everything she had to give. The guy knew what to do with his mouth and hands, and he was making her body turn to jelly.

  Penny swirled her tongue around Ford’s cock, relishing the taste of him. Ford was always so restrained and she loved seeing him lose control. She could tell that he was hanging on to his restraint by a thread. He was about to shatter, and she wanted him to take her with him.

  She bobbed her head, taking Ford deeper into her mouth. She sucked harder on his huge cock, taking him as deep as possible.

  Both Ryder and Dillon were buried to the hilt inside of her, and the sensation was so incredible.

  Penny could feel the first flickers of her cresting orgasm. The pleasure built and rolled in like a powerful, thundering wave.

  Her three mates thrust into her, their strokes deep, powerful and assured. Penny closed her eyes as tremors overtook her body. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her, and she heard her mates roar their release.

  Penny swallowed greedily as Ford emptied himself inside her mouth. She could feel Dillon and Ryder shooting their hot seed into her body, and her muscles pulsed as she came again and again.

  She felt her mates withdraw slowly from her body and she whimpered. She bared her throat fully for her mates, signaling her complete surrender and readiness to be marked.

  Her whimper became a scream as fangs sank into her flesh.

  Ryder bit her just above her right breast as Ford and Dillon plunged their fangs into her shoulders. Every nerve in her body ignited with burning, explosive pleasure and she screamed as she experienced the most intense orgasm of her life.

  Their bites were quick and the pain was rapidly replaced by pleasure as they licked her wounds, sealing her wounds with their saliva.

  They had marked her.

  Penny panted and opened her eyes. Her fangs were out and her wolf growled low. It was her turn to mark her mates.

  She went to Ford and he pulled her into his strong arms. When she bit down on his shoulder, he gripped her tighter and snarled her name possessively.

  Ford released her and she went to Dillon. He exposed the side of his neck for her, and she ground against his cock as she bit him. They both groaned in pleasure, and Penny felt herself growing wet again. She could never get enough of her mates, and she knew she would desire them always.

  Ryder’s blue eyes blazed with anticipation and yearning as he waited for Penny to come to him. He growled her name and exposed the side of his neck for her. As Penny bit deep into his shoulder, Ryder dug his claws into her buttocks and roared in ecstasy.

  Penny had claimed and marked her three mates. They were hers. They had always been hers.

  Completely exhausted and satisfied, Penny collapsed and Ryder caught her in his arms. On the bed, she lay between her mates, safe in their loving embrace.

  “That was...intense,” she managed at last. She pushed herself up and saw her mark on her mates’ shoulders.

  She smiled proudly. “Mine. All mine.”

  “And you are ours,” Dillon said. “You belong to each of us, and all of us.”

  “We will love, cherish and protect you always,” Ryder whispered into her hair.

  Ford leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Our mate. Our beautiful, amazing, incredible mate.”

  Penny saw the fierce love and pride in her mates’ eyes. “Do you know how much I love you?” she whispered.

  Dillon quirked an impish grin. “You could show us. Again.”

  Penny saw his amber eyes darken with lust. She straddled him and she felt Ford’s and Ryder’s hands and mouths on her body.

  Penny sighed contentedly. How could one girl have so much love in her life?

  “I’m a lucky girl,” she whispered. “I’m a very lucky girl indeed.”


  Penny heard a soft knock on the door. She frowned and hurried out of the kitchen. Who could it be? It was late morning, and the guys were at work. She wasn’t expecting anybody today.

  She wiped her hands on her apron and went to the window. Drawing the curtains back, she peeked out and saw a young woman standing at the front door. Penny couldn’t see the woman’s face because she kept her head bowed. Her blond hair was tied in a neat ponytail, and she was fidgeting with a big bag on her shoulder. The woman raised her hand to knock again before quietly turning away. Penny saw her limp down the front steps and shuffle away from the house.

  With a start of recognition, Penny flew to the door and wrenched it wide open.


  The woman turned around and a shy smile appeared. “I wasn’t sure if you would remember me...” she stammered.

  Penny ran down the front steps to Meg and hugged her. “Of course I remember you. You saved me, Meg. I wouldn’t have escaped from that horrid mansion if you hadn’t helped me. How could I ever forget you?”

  Meg wound her thin arms around Penny and hugged her back. “I’m so happy to see that you’re doing well,” she said.

  Penny led her back to the house. “Come in,” she urged. “Oh, I am so happy to see you too! How did you find me?”

  Meg stepped into the house and her eyes rounded as she took in the warm cozy decor and the quality furnishings. “You have a really lovely home,” she said.

  Penny smiled. “Thank you. My mates built the house, and they built all the furniture too. They really are the best.” She knew there was a dreamy, goofy smile on her face. Just thinking and talking about her wonderful mates made her heart swell with pride and joy.

  “Please, take a seat and make yourself comfortable,” Penny said as she bustled around the kitchen. “I just baked an apple pie. Let’s talk over pie and coffee.”

  Meg seemed rather tense as she sat down at the dining table so Penny prattled on about herself and her new life to put Meg at ease. “You know that I’m a wolf shifter now, right?” Penny asked as she placed two large mugs of coffee
on the table.

  Meg nodded. “Yes. Omer came back to tell the Alpha that the pack had twenty-four hours to collect their dead. He told Esmeralda that the bodies would be burned after midnight.” Seeing the look on Penny’s face, Meg clarified, “Omer is...was, the pack executioner.”

  “The black wolf,” Penny said, keeping her tone neutral. After a pause, she said, “The Emerald pack never came to collect the bodies.”

  “No. The Emerald pack no longer exists.”

  Penny sat down and waited for Meg to take a big bite of apple pie before asking, “What happened to the pack?”

  “There was an uprising,” Meg answered. “Some of the wolves had been unhappy with Esmeralda for some time. An Alpha should be firm and impartial, and any pack member who broke pack law should be dealt with fairly and openly. But Esmeralda let her son get away with murder. Literally.”

  Penny exhaled slowly. “You told me that Gordon killed his first wife to marry you.”

  Meg gave a sharp nod. “Yes. And he would have killed me too had a senior lieutenant, Neil, not interceded for me. Neil advised Gordon to let me go, but Gordon refused. So I begged to stay and be a servant girl in the pack.”

  Penny put her cup down and looked at Meg. Meg had suffered horribly, yet her heart hadn’t been hardened and embittered. There was still so much compassion, love and courage in her. She had risked her life to save Penny.

  “Meg...” Penny began, reaching out to take her hand.

  Meg smiled gently and went on, “A number of servants and I were in the room when Omer gave Esmeralda the report. The lieutenants were there too. Omer said that Gordon and all the wolves he took with him had been killed. Half the pack was destroyed because of Gordon.”

  “Neil, the lieutenant who saved my life, stood up and questioned Esmeralda. And it became clear that Esmeralda knew what Gordon had done. She knew that her son had bitten you and Changed you. Her son had violated the laws of the pack, yet she did nothing about it. Instead, she allowed him to lead half the pack to their deaths.” Meg took a deep breath and said, “Neil told Esmeralda that she wasn’t fit to lead the pack as Alpha.”

  “She didn’t step down, did she?” Penny said.

  “No. Neil challenged her, but instead of accepting the challenge, Esmeralda ordered her guards to kill Neil. Some guards remained loyal to their Alpha, but many of the guards stood with Neil. The pack began to tear itself apart, and in the chaos and bloodshed, Esmeralda tried to escape.” Meg looked up and her eyes shone. “But I blocked her.”

  Meg balled her fists. “Esmeralda never protected the vulnerable members of her pack. The servants belonged to the pack, but she never protected us. She knew her son killed his first wife, and she covered up the murder by announcing that his wife had died suddenly in her sleep. When Gordon kidnapped me to be his bride, she did nothing. When he wanted to kill me, she didn’t stop him either. Esmeralda was no Alpha. She was a useless, vain, evil bitch!”

  “I blocked her escape.” Meg smiled grimly. “And Neil killed her. The Emerald pack is no more. The surviving wolves scattered and the servants escaped. I’ve always kept all my belongings in this big bag, so I just grabbed my bag and ran.”

  Penny took both Meg’s hands in hers and said, “You can stay with me and my mates. The house is big enough and...”

  Meg shook her head and smiled. “I have money with me. I want to start anew. I was living with my grandfather when Gordon kidnapped me. My grandfather died a few months after I was kidnapped. I visited his grave and told him that I’m free now. My grandfather has been dead for five years, and I have no other family. I’m going to start living my life now. I’ve seen the town of Nightbrook. The people seem nice. A bunch of elderly hookers gave me directions to your house.”

  “Elderly hookers?” Penny sputtered, almost spewing coffee from her nose.

  “That’s what they called themselves. The Ballsy Hookers, or something like that.”

  Penny burst into laughter. “Oh, The Ballsy Hookers are a knitting club!”

  Meg chortled. “They invited me to join them on Friday nights. They told me they would show me the biggest balls and longest sticks!”

  The two women laughed. They laughed till they cried, and through their tears, they laughed some more.

  They released all their buried emotions, all their grief, anger and pain. They were moving forward, and leaving the past where it belonged.

  “At least let me drive you to town,” Penny said when Meg insisted on making her way to Nightbrook. “I’ll show you around and find you a nice inn. I’ll introduce you to some of the shopkeepers and innkeepers.”

  Meg smiled. “Thank you, Penny.”

  Penny linked her arm through Meg’s. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you will be staying in Nightbrook!”


  Penny glanced over her shoulder nervously. Her two maids of honor, Kira and Meg, grinned at her. “Go get ’em!” Meg whispered.

  “She already got them,” Kira retorted.

  Penny giggled with her best friends and adjusted her bridal veil. “Stop,” Kira ordered. “Don’t touch anything. You look perfect.”

  Penny took a deep breath when the door to the town hall started to open. The Ballsy Hookers were flanking the door, beaming proudly at her. “Here comes the bride!” they sang at the top of their lungs.

  Penny walked into the hall and everyone started clapping and cheering. The hall was packed with their friends. Ford, Ryder and Dillon had a lot of friends in Nightbrook, having grown up in the town. Penny had made some very good friends too, and they were all here for her wedding.

  Penny walked towards her three handsome bridegrooms. Ryder, Dillon and Ford looked so smart and dashing in their tuxedos, and the smiles on their faces took her breath away.

  She was getting married. She was marrying her wonderful, loving mates. This was the wedding of her dreams.

  One of the Ballsy Hookers was officiating the wedding. The little grandmother looked regal in pearls and a lovely dress from Wendi’s shop.

  The vows were sweet and simple, and her grooms took turns to dip and kiss her to loud whistles and applause from the crowd.

  There was a long buffet table at the end of the hall, and as the music began to play, people starting dancing while others made their way to the food.

  Penny laughed and chatted with her wedding guests, and danced with her bridegrooms. She looked around and saw Meg chatting happily with a large group.

  Meg had settled well in Nightbrook, and she had built a new life for herself. Her eyes now sparkled with life and humor, and Penny could see how confident and happy her friend was.

  The town of Nightbrook had welcomed and embraced her, and Penny felt so blessed to be surrounded by so many caring friends on her happy day. She looked across the room and saw Ford, Dillon and Ryder mingling with their guests.

  Her mates seemed to be able to sense when her eyes were on them. When their smoldering gazes met hers, Penny felt a delicious shiver go through her body.

  She would be going home with these sexy, handsome, amazing men.


  She had a real home now.

  A home filled with true love and joy.

  She had three wonderful mates and a great life.

  Ford, Ryder and Dillon were making their way across the crowded hall to her. They couldn’t seem to bear being away from her for too long.

  “I’m a lucky girl,” Penny sighed.

  Her three mates surrounded her and grinned. “And we are the luckiest guys in the world!”

  * * * * *


  More Books by Natalie Kristen:


  Skyfire Dragon

  Stormfire Dragon

  Seafire Dragon


  Billionaire Boss Bear

  Billionaire Chef Bear


  The Werewolf's Baby

  The Dragon Tycoon's Bride

bsp; The Dragon’s Match

  The Wolf’s Mate

  STORM DRAGONS (Scifi Alien Weredragon Romance)



  Alpha Next Door (Book 1)

  Beta's Baby (Book 2)

  Savage Wolf (Book 3)


  Bad Bear (Book 1)

  Brave Bear (Book 2)

  Brash Bear (Book 3)

  Big Bear (Book 4)

  Mail-Order Bear (Book 5)

  Dating Agency Bear (Book 6)

  Guardian Bear (Book 7)

  GRAY BEARS series

  Marrying The Bear (Book 1)

  Loving The Bear (Book 2)

  Mating The Bear(Book3)

  Tempting The Bear (Book 4)

  Taming The Lion (Book 5)

  Embracing The Lion (Book 6)

  GRIMM BEARS (Fairytale Shifters)

  Red and the Bear (Book 1)

  Snow and the Bear (Book 2)

  Gretel and the Bear (Book 3)

  BEAR HEAT series

  Bear's Bride (Book 1)

  Bear's Kiss (Book 2)

  Bear's Claim (Book 3)

  Bear's Baby (Book 4)

  Bear's Heart (Book 5)

  Bear's Match (Book 6)


  Taken by the Billionaire Dragon (Book 1)

  Desired by the Billionaire Dragon (Book 2)


  A Bride For The Bear

  A Date For The Bear

  A Wife For The Bear

  A Mate For The Bear

  Billionaire Bear Shifters Romance

  Taken By The Bear

  Owned By The Bear

  Saved By The Bear


  Growl For Me

  Fight For Me

  Purrfect For Me

  MATE series

  Alpha Mate

  Bear Mate

  Vampire Mate

  Wolf Mate


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