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Page 7

by Sara Humphreys

  Matt shrugged awkwardly and picked up a magazine from the coffee table.

  “The kitchen has been fully stocked, but if there’s anything you need, I’m sure you can find it in town. Although,” Dominic said with a smile as he put his hands in his pockets, “it’s pretty limited as far as shopping options are concerned. If you blinked on your way here, you may have missed it.”

  “Yeah.” Tatiana looked at him and laughed softly.

  Dominic tried not to notice that the knot in his stomach eased with the sound of her laugh.

  “It did go by quickly.” Tatiana smiled. “Not exactly a bustling metropolis, but that’s fine by me.”

  “Tatiana I are used to rural towns,” Matt chimed in.

  Dominic turned and gave the kid a bored look.

  “Come on.” Layla chuckled. She grabbed one of the bags off the couch and gave Matt a friendly pat on the shoulder. “I’ll show you where the bedrooms are.”

  “I call whichever room has a view of that,” Tatiana said, pointing to the back windows of the house. “I miss Oregon, but I’ve got to admit, those mountains make for one breathtaking skyline,” she said on a sigh.

  Tatiana strode toward the back of the cabin and tugged open the glass sliders. She stepped out onto the small deck and leaned on the railing. Dominic’s gaze skimmed up her well-shaped legs, which were bronzed from the summer sun, then wandered along the curve of her hip and up her toned arms.

  Images of her naked body curled around his flooded his mind…

  “Can we swim in that pond?” She looked at him over her shoulder and smirked as she caught him checking her out.

  “What?” He blinked and shook his head, but those images of her still wandered through his imagination. “I’m sorry. What?”

  “Dominic?” Smiling, she looked back out to the mirrorlike body of water in the distance. “That pond? Can we swim in it?”

  “It’s not a pond, actually. It’s a swimming pool.” He moved closer so he stood next to her, but not close enough to accidentally touch her. “It’s a freshwater swimming pool complete with heat in the winter and lights at night. Salinda had it designed to look like a pond so it wouldn’t ruin the natural landscape.”

  Heat radiated from her body, and even amid the thick summer air, he could feel it rippling over him like a siren song. Calling him. Daring him to touch her again. Tempting him to break the stupid deal he made with her, throw her on the ground, and kiss her silly.

  Why did he make that deal? That was the dumbest fucking move ever.

  Dominic tightened his grip on the railing and squared his shoulders against the all-consuming urge to stroke that gorgeous skin. Instead, he focused on the setting sun and grit his teeth against the driving, physical need to connect with her.

  “Are you alright?” Tatiana’s voice, soft and delicate, drifted over him with the breeze.

  “No,” he said, his voice tight with restraint. Dominic looked down into those huge brown eyes, and he knew he was a goner. “I’m not alright. Not at all.”

  Without thinking he brushed a lock of dark hair off her forehead, and as her warm skin rushed beneath his fingertips, a wave of static electricity rippled up his arm and shot through his body. Her eyes widened, and those red lips that tasted like cherries parted temptingly as she sucked in a slow, quivering breath.

  “I’m doing my best to be a gentleman and keep my word,” he whispered as he trailed one finger along her jawline. Her body wavered closer, her eyes searched his for answers, but none came as the ripples of nerve-tingling electricity slowed. “I have a feeling I’m going to renege on our deal.”

  “I think we should try to stay clear of each other,” Tatiana murmured. She nodded slowly. Her tongued darted out, moistening her plump lower lip.

  “It’s really the best way to handle this situation. Neither of us wants a mate, so the smart thing to do would be to forget it. We still have free will. Don’t we?”

  Tatiana inched nearer in spite of what she was saying. Her hand brushed his as it curled along the weathered wood railing, and that same zapping sensation fired through his body. An odd buzzing filled Dominic’s head as their energy signatures whipped through the air like an invisible tornado, dancing around them like a whirling dervish. The buzzing reached a crescendo, and with one final pass, their energy waves merged with a jolt.

  Tatiana cried out in surprise and stepped back, but Dominic linked one arm around her waist and pulled her up against him. Her hands gripped his shoulders, and although she didn’t push him away, she gaped at him like a deer in the headlights.

  “Wha—what was that?” she asked breathlessly, her voice edged with fear. “I don’t think I can handle this.”

  “I’m not entirely sure, but I think our energy signatures merged, and we’ve imprinted on each other. There is one thing I am sure of.” Dominic kissed the corner of her mouth and murmured against her cheek. “The only woman I’m looking to handle… is you.”

  Tatiana’s fingers dug into his shoulders, and her body trembled against his as she leaned into him. He knew she wanted him. Her energy waves, now clearly joined with his, were thick with lust but wavered with fear. She was afraid of him, his people, and their way of life.

  “Man, this place is freaking awesome,” Matt said, but the smile fell from his face when he saw the two of them. Dominic stepped back, abruptly releasing her. “Sorry to interrupt,” Matt said tightly.

  Dominic put his hands in his pockets and leveled a glare at Matt, who gave him his best dirty look right back.

  “Don’t be silly,” Tatiana said, waving off Matt’s comment. She glanced briefly at Dominic before turning to face the mountains. “We were admiring the view.”

  “Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Layla said in a teasing tone as she sidled up next to her sister.

  Tatiana elbowed her sister and shot her a look.

  “I’ll be on my way.” Dominic strode past them without sparing a glance at anyone and trotted down the steps.

  “Good night, Dominic.” Tatiana’s tentative voice was edged with a promise to continue what they both knew had already started.

  “Yeah. It’s a real shame you have to go, but I guess you have security stuff to do.” Matt moved in on the other side of Tatiana. “Bye.”

  “I won’t be far away.” Dominic stopped and turned to face them. He jutted a thumb toward the cabin next door. “I live right over there.”

  “That’s awesome,” Matt mumbled under his breath before going into the house. “This place has like a million acres, and his cabin is right next door.”

  “Thanks for your help today, Dom,” Layla said. “And I, for one, am glad my sister has you nearby. A girl can never have too much security, especially this girl. If I know her, she’s gonna stumble out here in the middle of the night to take a midnight dip in the pool.”

  “No, I won’t,” Tatiana said. She gave Layla a playful smack on the butt as her sister brushed past and went inside. “I have to be up early to check on the horses.”

  “Then you better get some sleep.” Dominic winked before heading toward his cabin. As he strode through the tall grass, he touched her mind easily. Sweet dreams, Doc.


  The fog of the dream realm rolled gently around Tatiana in billowy gray and lavender clouds flickering with light. She had dream-walked many times over the years, though most of them had been spent avoiding Dominic—but not tonight.

  Tonight she would face him head on.

  There was no denying she was attracted to him. She rolled her eyes at the enormous understatement. Attracted. Right. That didn’t cover the half of it. It was like her body was genetically programmed to respond to his, and Dominic had become an itch she had to scratch. So she would—but only if he agreed that’s all it would be.

  Just sex.

  Sex with no strings attached.

  It was possible. Layla told her about the binding rite. Amoveo weren’t really mated until those words were spoken. So wh
y not go ahead and scratch the itch, as long as neither of them said those words?

  That was her plan. Find him in the dream realm and offer him a new deal. Based on the way the two of them couldn’t keep their hands off each other, they needed one quick.

  Tatiana steeled her resolve, closed her eyes, and reached out to him. She followed the path of their merged energy signatures, and moments later a humming sound blanketed the realm. Light flashed behind her eyes as a low, rumbling growl filled her mind, growing louder with each passing second, until it sounded as though it came from right in front of her.

  Dominic. She said his name on a whisper, and when she opened her eyes, the clouds were gone and Dominic stood before her in his tiger form. Whoa.

  He was big and gorgeous, and his striped, furry body hummed with pure power. His amber eyes glowed brightly, and a low growl continued to rumble in his throat.

  For all his strength, his fur looked silky soft, and before she could stop herself, she ran one quivering hand along the top of his head. Her suspicions were correct. The fur whispered soft and warm beneath her flesh as she trailed one finger down his snout before abruptly dropping her hand.

  It took a second to realize his growl had turned into a purr. She folded her arms over her chest quickly worried she might rub him behind his ears.

  I wasn’t sure if you would come. Her voice echoed around them, giving Tatiana the sense that they were the only two people who existed in the universe. I have a new deal to propose. So thank you for meeting me here.

  Static filled the air, and he shimmered as though he were underwater as he shifted into his human form. Dominic towered over her now, wearing the same black T-shirt and camo pants she’d seen him in earlier. He looked more sexy—and dangerous—than ever before.

  Sharp, dark eyes fixed on her with that familiar predatory look, and she suddenly became self-conscious as Dominic looked her up and down. She tugged the edge of her nightshirt down with one hand, but it didn’t do much good. The summery T-shirt she wore was barely long enough to cover her backside and left little to the imagination.

  Actually, Doc, you came to me. He gave her a lopsided grin and waved one hand out. This is one of my favorite places in the world.

  Tatiana gave him a puzzled look. What are you talking about? I didn’t—She gasped, covering her mouth with both hands, when she saw where they were.

  It was stunning. They were standing on top of a volcano looking out over one of the most spectacular views she’d ever laid eyes on. Lush, thick foliage rolled down the mountain until it met a sparkling, azure ocean. It was rich green and blue for as far as the eye could see. She’d been so captivated by him that she didn’t notice where they were.

  Dominic. She dropped her hands and gave him a wide smile. This place is gorgeous. Where are we?

  It’s a volcano in Hawaii. I was stationed here for a while when I was in the military, and it was the most beautiful place I’d ever been. So I come back in the dream realm whenever I can. He took her hand in his. Warm and strong, it curled easily around hers, sending every coherent thought out of her head. His thumb brushed the top of her hand, sending shivers up her back. I’d love to visit again in person, especially if I had a traveling companion.

  Military. That made sense, Tatiana thought as she gave him a sidelong glance. Dominic was stealthy, attuned to everything and poised for battle at a moment’s notice. He was ruggedly handsome and had an ever-present five o’clock shadow.

  The scar that ran down the side of his face made him even sexier, probably because he seemed blissfully unaware of it. His self-possessed confidence was as much of a turn-on as his smile. It was wicked and edged with promises of lust-filled nights.

  To be honest, until you showed up today, I hadn’t been able to visit here in a long time.

  I see. Tatiana swallowed the lump in her throat and fought the inevitable wave of panic. Your powers were fading because we hadn’t connected?

  That’s part of it, yes. Dominic turned those gorgeous, fiery eyes to her. The real reason is because I’ve spent most nights looking for you. He smirked and wagged a finger at her playfully. You were there too, weren’t you? But you were hiding from me.

  Maybe. She lifted one shoulder and looked back out at the ocean, but her hand remained linked with his. I’m not hiding anymore, Dominic.

  Hey. He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her to face him. I’m not going to force you into anything, and believe it or not, I’d like to get to know you. He trailed his index finger along her jawline and tilted her chin, making her look him in the eye. His brow furrowed, and his mouth set in a firm line. I would never hurt you.

  Eyes wide, her skin on fire, all she could do was nod as her body took on a life of its own. He ran the back of his fingers down the sensitive skin of her throat, along the curve of her shoulder.

  On the contrary, I want to give you pleasure, he murmured. He cradled one hand around the back of her neck and kissed her cheek before blazing a trail down her throat. In fact, all I can think about is pleasuring you.

  Tatiana moaned, closed her eyes, and sank into the delicious sensation of his lips, moist and hot against her skin. She linked her arms around his waist and held him to her, wanting him closer. His hard, distinctly male body pressed against hers, hot and needy. It would be so easy to just…

  Wait! She grabbed his head with both hands and pulled him back. Breathless, they remained like that. Eyes glowing, bodies locked in an embrace that held promise of more to come, she wrestled to find the right words in her lust-muddled brain.

  What’s wrong? Dominic’s fingers dug into her hips, and his erection pressed against her belly, daring her to make a move, but she held her ground.

  We need a new deal. The words tumbled carelessly from her mouth.

  A new deal, huh? I suppose we do, especially since we just broke the last one. He looked at her quizzically, and a smile played at his lips. One hand drifted down and rested on her ass, pressing her harder against him, and his voice dropped to a seductive tone. What did you have in mind?

  Sex with no strings. He gave her a wary look, but she continued. Look, this attraction, she said, waving a hand between what little distance was between them. It has a crazy hold on us, right?

  Agreed, he said slowly.

  And as far as I understand it, the bonding rite must be said during sex in order for the mating to be finalized. So I don’t think there’s any reason we can’t have sex as long as we don’t say the mating rite. She leaned closer, popped on her toes, and kissed his throat. See? Sex with no strings.

  Is that what you want? The winds of the realm picked up and blew briskly around them as Dominic peered down at her through those eyes of wildfire. Are you sure that’s all you want?

  I want you, Dominic. Tatiana pulled back and looked at him through the glowing eyes of her clan. She did want him. That wasn’t a lie, but as he studied her intently, a little voice inside of her disagreed. She’d never been a one-night-stand girl. In fact, she’d only had two lovers—both of whom she’d been in relationships with. However, as her body burned against his, the fire consumed her doubts. We’re consenting adults with the will to choose what we want. So do we have a new deal?

  Thank God, he groaned. You bet your sweet ass, we do. In one fluid motion, Dominic swept her into his arms as the winds blew harder. His mouth crashed down, and as his lips tangled with hers, all she could do was think about getting more. Hands linked around his neck, she kissed him back desperately and reveled in the feel of his arms wrapped around her.

  The winds whistled past as he laid her down on a soft bed of grass and covered her body with his. Straddling her on his knees, he broke the embrace long enough to take off his shirt, and Tatiana let out a gasp when she saw the multitude of scars that marred his muscled chest.

  Tatiana sat up and ran her hands over the battle scars that marked him, and her throat tightened with emotion. Where on earth did you get these? She looked into his face as a tea
r rolled down her cheek. You really do put your life on the line for the Amoveo, don’t you? It’s not some macho badge you wear or something you say… you would die for them.

  I would do anything to protect my people, Tatiana, and that includes you. He pushed her back gently and covered her small frame easily as the weight of him settled between her legs. He brushed the hair from her face with his fingers and kissed the tip of her nose. Mating ceremony or not.

  A tsunami of emotions battered her. This man she barely knew was telling her he would lay his life down for hers, protect her at all cost. Tatiana remembered how gentle he was with the baby and the concern he expressed for Courtney. The man was fiercely devoted, and it was evident he loved the people he protected, though she doubted he would admit as much.

  Running her hands over his back, she felt the unmistakable ridges of scarred skin. He had experienced more pain in his life than anyone she’d ever encountered, and looking into those fiery eyes, all she wanted to do now was to give him pleasure. Afford him an escape from the weight of his responsibility.

  Tatiana pulled him to her, and just as his lips met hers, the haunting sound of a woman crying filled the realm. Dominic’s body tensed. He jumped to his feet and pulled her up with him. Holding her in the shelter of his body, he scanned the realm, which had become unrecognizable.

  Tatiana had been so wrapped up in Dominic that she hadn’t even noticed the change to the environment—neither of them had. The sky was awash in angry, gray storm clouds, and the winds, once warm and inviting, were now cold and damp, as the woman’s wailing grew louder.

  Who’s there? Dominic’s voice, deep and commanding, thundered through the unsettled dreamscape. Show yourself.

  Dominic. Tatiana huddled deeper into his embrace and looked around the unstable new world. What’s going on?

  Someone has invaded our dream. His jaw clenched, and he held her tighter against his taut frame. We have to leave. Come on. He took her hand and started climbing up the hill. Picture some place safe, he shouted above the wind.


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