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Page 10

by Sara Humphreys

  Images of Dominic appearing in her bedroom came immediately to mind, and her fear ratcheted up a notch as she answered her own question. Of course they were in danger. If the Purists were involved, couldn’t they simply blink in and out of the area with little effort? She made a mental note to bring up that little tidbit at the meeting.

  They continued toward the heated barn on the other side of the property, and as she wiped the sweat from her brow, her stomach turned at the idea of being inside what was essentially a giant metal tube. The long cylindrical structure glinted in the sunlight, and she could see heat waves wafting from the steel.

  “Where are we going?” Tatiana asked as she swatted at a mosquito on her neck. “I hope this meeting space isn’t in that metal barn. I can’t imagine it’s less than a hundred and ten degrees in there right now.”

  Dominic glanced at her as they approached the entrance of the barn. His brown eyes stared at her intently. “As Matt learned today, not everything is as it appears.”

  Matt moaned again but remained unconscious in Dominic’s grasp, and Tatiana noticed Dominic wasn’t even winded by carrying him. The muscles in his arms bulged, stretching the army green T-shirt to its limits which, in spite of the situation, had her remembering their little tryst this morning. Her face heated with embarrassment when Dominic caught her eye and winked.

  “Oh please,” she said with roll of her eyes.

  Eric stepped up to the massive metal doors, and the entrance swung open silently, as if by magic. Tatiana’s stomach fluttered nervously as she followed the others inside, and the doors began to close as soon as she cleared the threshold.

  Tatiana glanced over her shoulder, and as the entrance closed, she saw Eric shimmer and burst into clan form. The glowing yellow eyes of a black panther were the last thing she saw before it shut, and they were sealed inside.

  The temperature in the cavernous space was surprisingly cool, but that wasn’t the only surprise. The high, curved ceiling of the building stretched overhead like a steel rainbow, and the floor was a checked pattern of black-and-white marble tile—a far cry from a heated barn.

  “What the hell is this place,” Tatiana asked as she instinctively inched closer to Courtney. Her voice echoed in the open space. She looked around as she rubbed her bare arms, which suddenly felt chilled by the dramatic change in temperature. “It’s obviously not a barn.”

  “No.” Dominic’s deep voice rumbled through the air. “It protects one of our most sacred places and keeps it hidden from the world.”

  “Where is everyone?” Tatiana gave Courtney a smile and waved one hand around. “I mean, there’s nothing in here. Not even some place to—”

  “Revelamini.” Dominic’s voice, clear and commanding, cut off further conversation.

  Seconds later the long white wall in front of them disappeared into the floor, and a subtle humming filled the space. As the wall vanished, a cavernous space was revealed. Tatiana inched closer to Dominic, and before she could stop herself, grabbed his arm for reassurance. He gave her a slanted glance, and his lips curved as he looked at her fingers draped over his bicep, but he had the good sense not to say anything.

  They crossed the threshold, and Tatiana let out a whistle as she took in the sight before her. They were standing at the top of a gigantic set of steps, and at the bottom there was an arena. All four sides had steps that led down to the main floor, and it conjured images of the arenas in Ancient Rome. The floor vibrated, and the wall behind them rose, immediately sealing them inside the mysterious space.

  “Why do I feel like I’m being buried alive?” she whispered. Tatiana gripped Dominic’s arm tighter. “Please tell me you can open that again, and get us out of here.”

  “You are perfectly safe, Tatiana.” Dominic captured her gaze, and his eyes flickered to their clan form. “I would never let anything happen to you, and you are among friends.”

  Looking into those intense amber eyes, she knew he meant every word, but she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that he might be wrong. What if they weren’t all friends, and there was indeed a traitor among them?

  The four of them descended the steep marble stairs together with Matt still passed out through the whole thing. When they reached the floor of the arena, she was able to make out the rest of the space. However, every thought rushed from her head when she looked up and saw a starry night sky. The walls and door they entered through were gone, and if she didn’t know better, she’d say they were nowhere near Montana anymore.

  There were five sets of enormous marble platforms lining either side of the arena, and it looked as though the floor, platforms, and steps were carved from one mammoth hunk of snow-white marble. At the other end of the pristine space, opposite from where they stood, there were two more platforms. The air was cool and comfortable, and the scent of pine lingered.

  “Time for our boy here to wake up.” Dominic set Matt on one of the platforms to the right and threw a quick look over his shoulder to Tatiana. “He’ll be fine, but if you’re worried, I’m sure Steven can have a look at him.”

  Tatiana pushed past Dominic and knelt down next to Matt. She closed her eyes and tried to tune into his energy the way she did with the animals she treated. Matt moaned, and when she opened her eyes, he was awake and looking confused. He rubbed his face, and she helped him sit up, but the instant he saw the others, his face drained of color.

  “Holy shit,” Matt breathed. He flicked his gaze between them, and his voice quivered. “I didn’t dream all that stuff, did I?”

  “No.” Tatiana shook her head and sat next to him on the large marble platform. To her relief, he didn’t shy away or flinch but looked at her wide-eyed. “I promise that I’ll explain everything, Matt.”

  Seconds later, Richard and Salinda, with baby Jessica in her arms, materialized at the center of the arena in a rush of static electricity. Matt stiffened and leaned against Tatiana but didn’t make a sound as they approached.

  “Thank you all for coming.” Richard waved his hand wide. “Verto.”

  Tatiana watched in awe as a round table and chairs, also carved from white marble, materialized in the center of the room. She had heard about the visualization skills that the pure-bloods had, but she had never seen it in action until today. Some hybrids could do it too, but from what Layla said, it wasn’t an ability that came easily.

  “I’m sure we’d all be more comfortable sitting here than in the traditional Council seating,” Richard said, jutting a thumb toward the large platforms. “Especially since this isn’t an official Council meeting. The others will arrive momentarily.”

  As the last word slipped from his lips, the space flickered with static again, and three more couples materialized.

  In addition to Layla and William, there were two other couples, neither of whom Tatiana had never met. To the left of Layla stood a strikingly handsome pair, and while the man was unfamiliar, the woman was immediately recognizable—Kerry Smithson’s face was seen in pictures all over the world, and she was even more stunning in person. Tatiana remembered Layla saying that Kerry was a hybrid from the Panther Clan, and she had the gift of sight—one touch and all your secrets were hers to tell.

  The other couple was eye-catching and gorgeous in the way that all Amoveo seemed to be. The man was handsome with an unusual air of intensity. However, he definitely was not an Amoveo—not a pure-blood or a hybrid. His energy signature was distinctly different, and she could tell that he wasn’t human either. He stood with one arm protectively around his mate, who was very pregnant—the poor woman looked ready to pop.

  All of them took their seats around the large table with Matt staying close to Tatiana and sitting to her right. Dominic sat on her left, watching every move, and occasionally glowering at Matt. Steven and Courtney sat together but remained quiet, and Tatiana noticed that Steven barely took his eyes off his wife.

  Tatiana kept her focus on Richard and couldn’t stop wondering why on earth they had to meet here… wherev
er here was.

  “Before we begin,” Richard said solemnly. “I’d like to thank you for joining us. I realize you all have lives outside of Amoveo business, but your prompt attention to the latest development is greatly appreciated.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be on a photo shoot somewhere?” Tatiana asked her sister.

  “I’ll get there.” Layla winked as William took her hand in his. “William and I want to make sure everyone is safe before we head out. I was able to postpone it for a few days. Family first, right?”

  “Tatiana and Matt.” Richard’s voice filled the cavernous space effortlessly. “You already know Layla and William, but I have yet to introduce the others.”

  “I’m Kerry,” said the stunning brunette. “And this big hunk of hottie is my husband, Dante. I’m a hybrid—Panther Clan—but my baby here is all Fox.” She winked at Tatiana and smiled at her husband as he draped one arm over her shoulder. “Good to meet you, by the way. I just wish it was at a spa for a girl’s day out and not more of this everyone-wants-to-kill-us bullshit.”

  “Tell us how you really feel, princess.” Dante chuckled and kissed her hand, which was linked with his.

  Kerry exchanged a look with the prince and nodded. She rose from her seat and walked around the table until she stood next to Matt. She extended her hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Matt,” she murmured as her eyes shifted to her clan form.

  Matt looked to Tatiana for reassurance.

  “It’s okay, Matt.” Tatiana rubbed his back. “She’s not going to hurt you.”

  “I’m only going to put everyone’s minds at ease.” Kerry smiled sweetly. “If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.”

  “O-okay,” Matt sputtered.

  Placing his hand in hers, Kerry’s body jolted as the link was made. After a few minutes, her eyes fluttered open, and she dropped Matt’s hand. She flicked her glowing gaze to Tatiana, and a wide smile cracked her face.

  “Other than harboring a serious crush on you, the kid is clean.” Kerry breezed back to her seat as Matt rubbed absently at his hand and blushed. “He didn’t shoot the horse, and as far as I can tell, he’s got no connection to the Caedo.”

  “Thank you.” Tatiana nodded and let out a sigh of relief. “It’s very nice to meet you, Kerry.”

  “This is Pete Castro and Marianna Coltari.” Richard gestured to the expectant woman and her unusual mate. “You may have noticed that Pete is not Amoveo.”

  “Yes.” Tatiana swallowed hard and flicked her gaze to the intense man with the pale blue eyes. “I picked up on… something.”

  “Vampire and part demon,” Pete said with a shrug. “I promise I won’t suck your blood. Up until a few months ago, I was human like you… well, except for the whole demon lineage, but to be fair, I didn’t know about it so it doesn’t really count.”

  “Vampire?” Matt whimpered and put his head in his hands as he rocked in his seat. “This is fucking crazy.”

  “You’ll be okay, kid.” Pete winked and chuckled. “I know you think you’re going nuts, but it’s gonna be fine.” He tilted his head and smiled at Tatiana. “Nice to meet you too, Tatiana. Wolf Clan. Right?”

  Tatiana nodded but didn’t say anything as she looked at the man who admitted to being a vampire. She’d never met a vampire, but unlike Matt, she knew they existed, along with a multitude of other supernatural creatures. Tension, and an overall sense of unease, settled over her.

  Pete won’t hurt you. Dominic’s voice, calm and commanding, floated into her mind. His energy waves wafted around her like a blanket, comforting her. She ducked her chin and slanted a glance in his direction. I know… but I won’t deny that I’d feel safer if a vampire wasn’t sitting across the table from me.

  “I’m Marianna. Pete’s extremely pregnant wife and member of the Bear Clan.” She ran both hands over her enormous belly and let out a long, slow breath as she squeezed her eyes shut. “Oh baby. There’s another one.”

  “Holy shit! You’re having a contraction?” Pete’s eyes flickered and glowed bright red. “I’m getting you out of here.”

  He stood, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him back down into his seat without even opening her eyes. Tatiana suppressed a grin as she watched Pete, a strapping vampire, reduced to a pile of mush by his wife. His eyes continued to glow, and his body was wound tight, ready to spring into action, but he did as she asked and sat next to her.

  “I’m fine,” she said calmly as she opened her eyes. Marianna turned her surprisingly serene gaze to Richard. “It’s those Braxton Hicks thingies.”

  “Are you sure?” Steven asked.

  “Yes,” Marianna said evenly. “They only happen every so often, but they’re getting stronger. So while I’m all for helping out, I’d really like to go back to New York City to get ready for the big event. Now, what’s going on, and what can we do to help?”

  All eyes turned to Richard.

  “Of course. I’m sure Tatiana is wondering why we are meeting here instead of the house,” Richard said with the hint of a smile as he took his wife’s hand and looked lovingly at baby Jessica. “This is a sacred space. It is shielded from psychic invasion, or any type of unwanted intrusion, and given our situation, I felt that kind of assured privacy was important.”

  “Where is here, exactly?” Tatiana looked up at the starry sky and then to the prince. “Where are we?”

  “This space has housed our Council, the governing body of the Amoveo, for a millennium. The people seated around this table right now, aside from yourself and Matt, are all members of our new Council.”

  The air flickered with static again, and seconds later, another Amoveo couple materialized in the room and, like Salinda and Richard, they had an infant with them. The man was tall and well-built like most Amoveo men, and his wife was a petite blonde with large blue eyes. Their child couldn’t have been more than a couple of months old, and she gurgled happily in her mother’s arms.

  “Apologies for being late, Richard,” said the man with the tousled chestnut hair. “Jane needed a diaper change, and given what’s been going on, I didn’t want to leave my girls alone.”

  “Understood,” Richard said. He waved his hand and uttered the ancient language, making two more chairs appear at the table next to himself and Salinda. “Malcolm and Samantha, this is Tatiana and her friend Matt, who is now part of the Vasullus family.”

  Tatiana braced herself, waiting for the prince to introduce her as Dominic’s mate, but to her surprise, he did not.

  “Hi,” Matt said through a shuddering breath and a strangled giggle.

  “Hello,” Tatiana said before turning her gaze back to Richard.

  Amoveo were multiplying by the second, which only made her want to run the hell out of this place. However, since the door seemed to have disappeared, she figured her best chance of getting out was to move this little meeting along.

  “So, we’re in a super-secret, whammy-proof bunker.” Tatiana fought to keep her voice calm and controlled. “Now, with all due respect… what the hell is going on? Why would the Caedo, or anyone else for that matter, want to kill your horses? I don’t get it.”

  “I’m not convinced the Caedo are behind this particular incident,” Richard said.

  “Purists?” Dominic’s voice cut in, suddenly making Tatiana jump. “Could they be working with the Caedo again?”

  “That’s entirely possible, but whoever did it got onto the ranch undetected, which would lead me to believe it’s another Amoveo. A Caedo—a human—would not be able to do that, at least not without help.”

  “Fine.” Tatiana sighed with frustration. “Then why would a Purist want to kill your horses?”

  “It was a warning, and it wasn’t just any horse.” Richard squeezed his wife’s hand as she wept quietly. “It was Salinda’s mare, and until Spirit got sick, she rode her every day.”

  “Agreed,” Dominic said tightly. His energy waves rippled with tension as he leaned back in the c
hair and folded his muscular arms over his chest. “Whoever was poisoning the animals must’ve realized that Tatiana was here to treat them, and obviously, they ended up resorting to more drastic measures.”

  “Shock value,” Dante interjected. “Slaughtering the horse like that and leaving a bloody message? That has definitely got the marks of a Purist. They use the love we have for our mates against us. Whoever is doing this wants us to be terrified for the safety our women.” He looked at Kerry through worried eyes. “I have to be honest… it’s working.”

  “They want us off our game.” Dominic flicked a brief glance to Tatiana before turning his attention to Richard. “They know how intense the bond between mates is, and they are using it. Our enemies want us on edge and so fucking freaked out that we’ll make mistakes.” He straightened his back and avoided Tatiana’s gaze. “Fatal mistakes.”

  “True,” William said slowly. “However, the Caedo are well-schooled in our ways and know how important our mates are to us. They could be involved as well.”

  “You saw the message yourself,” Dominic insisted. “It’s about the women, and a Purist, not a Caedo, is going to target our women. The Caedo hate all of us equally, but the Purists are driven by their hatred for hybrids and lack of pure-blood mates.”

  “Yes.” Richard nodded solemnly. “I tend to agree, and given the fact that this individual got onto the ranch undetected… it leads me to believe it is one of our elders.” He turned his serious eyes to Tatiana. “Amoveo over two centuries old, like myself and Salinda, have the ability to mask their presence from others. My money is on one of the Purists.”

  “I don’t understand.” Courtney looked at Steven through frightened eyes. She’d been quiet for so long, Tatiana almost forgot she was there. “You told me that the Purist group was dismantled. You said they couldn’t hurt anyone anymore.”

  “The Purist compound was destroyed, and most traitors went back to their clans and begged forgiveness.” Steven’s features darkened. “They’re lucky that their clans were willing to give them another chance.”


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