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Page 15

by Sara Humphreys

  Dominic made a sound of understanding as he finished making the scrambled eggs and scraped them onto two plates.

  “Remember what happened in the dream realm the other night?”

  “Which part?” He stilled and gave her a sly look.

  “Not the part you’re thinking of.” Her face heated with embarrassment, and she looked at the saltshaker, which she immediately started fiddling with again. “That woman’s voice. I’m not entirely sure… but I think it was Spirit. Which is another first for me because I’ve never had an animal communicate with me in the dream realm.” She flicked her eyes to his. “My abilities seem to be taking on a life of their own.”

  “Mmm-hmm. I was thinking the same, about the voice, I mean.” He put the dirty pan in the sink and captured her gaze. “Okay, so if Spirit was in the dream realm, what was she trying to tell you?”

  “A warning of some kind, but I can’t shake the feeling that whoever killed Spirit had nothing to do with the Purists. Richard confirmed that no Purists had been on the property at that point, so that means it was either a Caedo or…” She trailed off, afraid to say what she was thinking.

  “What?” Dominic scoffed and tossed the dish towel onto the counter. “Someone already here on the ranch? No way. Unless, you think that dear old Matt isn’t as innocent as we believe he was. He did take off, after all.”

  “Damn.” Tatiana let out a growl and put her face in her hands. “I don’t know what I think.”

  “Yeah? Well, it’s the middle of the night, and you need to eat. So the horses and everything else can wait, at least until we get some food into you.”

  “That does smell incredible,” she said as she rested her chin in her hand again.

  “I figured you’d be hungry.” Dominic made quick work of fixing her a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast. “I don’t think you had much to eat yesterday, and when we got back here you passed right out.”

  “Mm-hmmm.” She arched an eyebrow and gave him a doubtful look. “I don’t remember changing my clothes.”

  “That’s because I did it,” Dominic said without looking up. He moved to the end of the counter and placed the plate of food in front of her. “It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.”

  “I’m sure,” Tatiana said.

  Dominic went to the fridge and pulled out a carton of orange juice. She watched as he moved effortlessly around the kitchen and served her juice before getting back to his own food, which he was devouring.

  “You do this a lot?” she asked, gesturing with her fork.

  “What?” He leaned on the counter with one hand and ate his toast with the other. The muscles in his chest flexed, and it took considerable effort to look him in the face. “Cook breakfast or undress women who are in my bed?”

  Tatiana choked on a sip of orange juice. She wiped her mouth with the napkin he held out for her and didn’t miss the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

  “Thank you,” she said through a cough. “I was referring to cooking breakfast at midnight.” She buttered her toast, hoping a mundane task like that would take her mind off the taste of him that lingered in her memory. “But since you brought it up, do you make a habit of undressing women you barely know?”

  “Yes and no.”

  “Which is which?” She took a bite of her toast and leveled a challenging gaze at him. “Yes to the midnight cooking, or the naked women?”

  “You don’t get it, do you?” Dominic let out a chuckle and shook his head. “Shit. I can’t do anything right.”

  His smile faded as he cleared his dishes into the sink. He leaned both hands on the edge of the sink, keeping his back to her. The muscles in his shoulders bunched, and his energy waves pulsed around the room insistently.

  “I don’t suppose I do,” Tatiana said quietly. She wiped her mouth and pushed her plate away, watching him closely. “How about you explain it?”

  “You are the first woman I’ve ever brought into my home,” he said over his shoulder. He looked back out the window, and silence stretched for a beat or two. Quite frankly, she had no response. “I’ve never done this, Tatiana. I mean, I’ve had women before, and I’m sure you’ve had lovers.”

  Dominic held up one hand before she could respond.

  “I don’t want to hear about it because it will only upset me. The mere idea of you with another man makes me want to eviscerate someone. Besides, I doubt those encounters had much meaning for you. I know mine didn’t.”

  “Agreed,” she said quietly.

  “Remember how you told me that you were tired of living in an uncertain world with an unknown future?” He turned and looked her in the eye as he leaned against the sink. His features were set like stone, and his voice was just above a whisper. “You said it felt like the rug could be pulled out from under you at any moment. Right?”

  “Yes,” she murmured. “My whole life was unsteady, and nothing made sense. It was a terrifying way to live.”

  Dominic nodded and walked slowly around the counter until he stood next to her. Heat from his body wafted over her, and the scent that was so distinctly his filled her head, making her dizzy with need. Her gaze skittered over his face, lingering for a moment on the scar—a blatant reminder of what he would do to protect the people he cared for.

  “Well, that’s exactly how I feel now,” he rasped. His eyes snapped to their clan form and glowed at her beneath a dark, furrowed brow. Dominic leaned closer. “I’m no good at this, Tatiana.” He gestured between them. “I keep fucking it up. I want to give you space, and I can’t keep my hands off you. I agree we won’t say the mating rite, and then I do.” His jaw clenched, and he trailed one finger along her bare arm as his voice wavered. “I tell myself that sex will be just sex… and then I fall in love with you.” He dropped his hand abruptly. “After what happened in the stables, it became glaringly clear that sex with you will never be just sex.”

  Tatiana blinked and stared at him. Did she hear what she thought she did? He was in love with her?

  “You see, Tatiana.” He stepped back, increasing the distance between them as he squared his shoulders. “Until I met you, my world was clear. Firm and solid. I knew who I was, where I was going, and what I was meant to do.”

  A wry smile played at his lips, and he rested his hands on his hips as he spoke. It was a good thing he kept talking because she was too stunned to say a word.

  “And now, the only thing I’m certain of is that I’m in love with a woman who thinks I’m a macho, overbearing, alpha-male jerk. So, to answer your questions… no, I don’t make a habit of cooking after midnight, but, yes, I do like to cook. Yes, I’ve undressed women, but no, I’ve never done it out of the simple desire to care for her and make sure she’s comfortable.”

  Cass whimpered at their feet and wagged his tail as he looked from Dominic to Tatiana. Dominic took a step forward, and for a second, she thought he was going to kiss her. But he didn’t. He stopped and tilted his head as his eyes searched hers. Her heart thundered in her chest, and she hung on the silence that filled the air.

  “That dark piece of myself,” he said, his voice barely audible, as if he couldn’t quite believe he was saying it, “the hard, demanding man who saw nothing but duty has been shattered, and now, I find myself laid bare. I am yours, Tatiana Winters. Totally and completely… if you’ll have me.”

  Time seemed to stand still as she stared at him, attempting to process everything he said. No one had ever been so thoroughly honest with her, so clear about feelings or intentions. Yet, this man, the one she dreaded finding, bared his soul and set everything out on the table.

  There was no uncertainty in what he said, and for the first time in her life, Tatiana felt sure-footed. She knew where she stood, and there was no more guessing, no more wondering what might happen.

  The one man she worried would take her independence ended up being the one to give her freedom—freedom from fear and an ambiguous future.

  “So that’s it.” He spread his arms out a
nd lifted his shoulders. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going upstairs to take a shower to see if I can wash away my embarrassment. Based on the look on your face, you think I’m an ass.”

  Dominic turned to go but stopped and spun to face her again.

  “One more thing. I’m not sorry I said the bonding rite. I do love you, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life figuring out how to make you happy. I’m sure I’ll keep making mistakes, Tatiana—lots of them. But I’ll never stop trying. I’ll keep going until you can see me—not a predestined mate you have to be with—but me. A man who loves you and would do anything for you.” His jaw clenched. “Even if that means letting you go back to Oregon without me.”

  Tatiana scrambled off the stool as he turned and started to leave.

  “Dominic.” She placed her hand on his arm tentatively. “Please wait.”

  “Don’t.” His hands clenched into fists as he glanced over his shoulder, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. “Tatiana,” he breathed her name.

  “Please don’t go.” Tatiana inched closer until their bodies were a breath apart.

  Tension radiated off him, but he didn’t move, not even when her bare knees brushed the back of his legs. She trailed her fingers up his arms, along the broad swath of his shoulders, and down his back, following the path of muscles. He remained motionless, but she sensed his heart beating faster and in perfect time with hers.

  Tatiana pressed her lips against his shoulder and ran her hand over the curve of his ass as she walked around to stand in front of him. His hooded gaze glowed down at her brightly as she held his stare and rested her hands on his narrow waist. Dominic didn’t flinch, but his body was wound tight, and he looked ready to pounce, to devour, and to consume her like wildfire.

  “You’re right,” she whispered and inched closer, pressing her body against his, which hardened beneath her touch. “Before I met you, I was terrified of my future, of who I was and what I was capable of. Nothing about me made sense.”

  Taking a deep breath, Tatiana steeled her strength and tightened her grip. Sensing her struggle, his brow furrowed, and he cradled her cheek with one hand, showing her with that tiny gesture his innate capability for compassion. Tears pricked her eyes, and her throat tightened with emotion as she fought to get the words out.

  “The truth is, Dominic, everything about me that didn’t make sense before… makes sense when I’m with you.”


  Stark need blazed through him as the weight of her words registered, and Dominic’s last shred of restraint ruptured. His mouth crashed over hers and plundered. Tatiana opened to him, her tongue tangling with his. He picked her up as he kissed her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, clinging to him as he drank from her sweet lips. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was real. Was she truly his, was she giving herself to him forever, or just for tonight?

  If tonight was all she could give, he’d take it. He’d take it all.

  Dominic grabbed the hem of the T-shirt she wore and broke the kiss long enough to whip it from her body, leaving her naked in his arms. He swore as her heated skin pressed against his.

  Holding her around the waist with one arm, he shucked his shorts with the other and kicked them off as she trailed hot, wet kisses along his throat, and her fingers threaded through his hair.

  Dominic backed blindly into the kitchen and eagerly captured her lips again. He held her soft bottom in his hands as his cock pressed between them, begging to be inside of her. Dominic spun around, and in one fell swoop, shoved all the clutter on the counter aside and sent it flying. He barely registered the crash of the dishes as they shattered to the floor.

  He placed her bottom on the edge of the counter, and in one swift thrust he was inside her. Tatiana’s fingernails raked his shoulders, and her heels dug into his lower back as he pumped into her like a man possessed.

  Dominic rode the wave of carnal pleasure and groaned as her velvety sheath covered him with every long, hard stroke. As her body moved with his in perfect unison, taking all he had to give, he knew there was no other woman who could satisfy him.

  Tatiana cried his name, clutching him closer as he drove into her hot channel with a quick, hard thrust. In one final surge, he took them both to the crest and tumbling over the edge into oblivion as she milked him dry.

  Shaking and spent, he swept his lips over hers, wanting to savor the way it felt to have her in his arms and be locked firmly inside her. Dominic suckled her lower lip before breaking the kiss and looked into the glowing eyes of her clan. Her mouth was red and swollen from their kisses, her cheeks were flushed with satisfied desire, and he didn’t think she could look more beautiful than she did right at this moment.

  “Yikes.” She giggled breathlessly. Tatiana kissed his nose as she sliced a glance toward the floor. “If we keep this up, I think you’re going to have to invest in paper plates.”

  “Good idea,” he said, struggling to catch his breath.

  A chewing sound caught their attention, and when they looked down, the sight on the floor had them laughing. Cass sat on the other side of the kitchen, making quick work of eating the bacon and eggs that had fallen on the floor during their latest encounter.

  “So much for not giving him any bacon.” Dominic laughed.

  Cass sat on his haunches and burped.

  “Great.” Tatiana linked her arms around Dominic’s neck and rested her head on his chest as she grinned at the puppy. “Looks like he’s going to be a beggar after all.”

  “He’s not the only one.” Dominic, still buried in the warmth of her body, felt himself stirring to life again. He gave Tatiana a wicked grin and wiggled his eyebrows. “Wanna break more dishes?”

  “Oh yeah.” She leaned in his embrace and tightened her legs around his waist. “Something tells me,” Tatiana said with a sigh as she licked his lower lip, “the only begging I’ll do is when I’m begging you not to stop.”

  Dominic swept her up in his arms, carried her upstairs, and reveled in the feel of her flesh as it slid along his. As he placed her on the bed and covered her body with his own, he feared the only one begging would be him—when he begged her not to leave.

  Chapter 10

  Dominic and Tatiana walked to the main house together hand in hand with Cass running alongside. The bright summer sun beat down on them, and he squinted against the light as he stole a glance at her. No makeup, and her hair was drying in the wind, but she was still a stunner.

  The freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose gave her a particularly youthful look. Wearing a simple tank top and shorts, she was a natural beauty, which he loved. He’d never been a fan of makeup and high heels. Give him a woman in a T-shirt and jeans, but not just any woman—his woman.

  Courtney’s condition hadn’t changed, but Richard asked everyone to gather at the main house this morning. There had been no other attempts from the Purists overnight, but with Moravian still out there, the threat loomed. Dominic knew Richard well enough to know he wouldn’t sit and wait for another strike. Chances are he was planning a counterattack.

  Normally, Dominic would use his visualization abilities to go back, but Tatiana made it clear she wasn’t fond of the Amoveo’s usual form of travel. He’d tried to get her to try it again, but she adamantly refused.

  “I can show you how to do it, you know,” he said after a few minutes of silence. “You’re perfectly capable of doing it on your own, and maybe it won’t make you feel as strange if you’re the one controlling it.”

  “No way.” Tatiana laughed and squeezed his hand before releasing it.

  Dominic fought the urge to touch her, and instead, gave her the space she obviously wanted. They made love two more times last night after their kitchen escapade. However, when she woke up this morning, she seemed distant. He was itching to ask her if she was staying with him or going back to Oregon alone, but he refrained. He told her how he felt, and the rest was up to Tatiana.

stick with the usual human modes of transportation.” She avoided his gaze and watched Cass run up the hill. “That blinky thing makes me feel like I’m going to barf.”

  “Whatever you say, Doc,” he said through a chuckle.

  The main house came into view, and they saw Richard, Eric, Malcolm, Kerry, and Dante gathered outside. Cass barked and ran ahead, clearly excited to see the rest of the group. Richard waved them over, and Dominic noticed everyone carried a gun, and they were all dressed in black fatigues.

  Tatiana must have noticed it as well because the instant she saw them, her energy waves rippled with apprehension. Everyone has a gun. Her voice touched his mind along the protected telepathic channel between mates. What the hell is going on now?

  Just take it easy, Tatiana. He brushed his hand along her lower back. I’m sure they’re only being cautious.

  Tatiana didn’t respond, but she didn’t have to because her energy signature was wracked with tension. As they approached the group, she immediately trotted over to Cass and scooped him up. She snuggled the puppy in a move that was surely meant to comfort her more than the dog.

  Dominic tried not to be insulted that she sought reassurance from the dog and not him. He’d hoped that after everything they shared last night, she would be more comfortable with him around the others, but apparently she wasn’t.

  “Morning.” Eric handed Dominic a rifle and slung another over his shoulder.

  “Thanks.” Dominic checked the ammo chamber and gave him a satisfied look. “You know just what I like.”

  “I usually wake up with coffee.” Tatiana shot Dominic an uneasy look as she tried to make light of a tense situation. “But hey, to each his own.”

  “I’m not a fan of guns either,” Kerry interjected. “If I have to fight, it’s all teeth and claws for me.”

  “Right.” Tatiana kissed the dog’s head and frowned as she looked around. “Where are Layla and William?”

  “They’re staying with Courtney and Steven,” Richard said. “I’m sure you want to check on her yourself, but I am sad to say her condition hasn’t improved.”


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