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The Dark Kingdom (Sage Trilogy, Book 2)

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by St. Clair, Julius

  “My father chose Dominic as my husband when we were children. He wanted a strong young man that could watch over me and protect me from our foreign enemies.” Catherine laughed and continued. “And while he’s…interesting. I don’t really have any intention of marrying him just yet.”

  “Does he know that?”

  “I’ve told him, but you know how stubborn he can be. Talks about how I should do what’s best for the Kingdom and how it’s my duty.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “I’ll put this Kingdom before anything else, but I don’t see how my love life has an effect on the people’s welfare.”

  “Whoever you marry will become king. That’s a big deal.”

  “I’m capable of making my own decisions.”

  “Why do you have to carry the burden as queen all by yourself? There’s plenty of people that would love to be by your side.”

  “I don’t think about it much.”

  “Well, what about Achan?”

  “I don’t understand the question,” Catherine frowned. “What does Achan have to do with this topic?”

  “Never mind. Never mind,” James said, shaking his head. “Stupid question.”

  “What about you, James?” Catherine inquired. “What’s with all the questions about my love life?”

  “I’m not really sure…I mean, I, um…there’s…”

  “It’s okay, James. Let’s just enjoy our time away.”

  James scrunched up his eyes and slapped the palm of his hand on his forehead.

  I BLEW IT!!!

  James looked over to Catherine and was relieved that she was relaxed; she had fallen asleep. He took his cloak off the grass, snapped it out to remove any excess blades and tucked her in. Leaving her to her rest, he walked a few yards away to think. He considered releasing his eidolon but there was no way to guarantee that Arimus wasn’t watching.

  Staring up into the sky, his eyes caught a flicker of movement coming from his right. In the past he would have leapt to action, but now he waited for the threat to reveal itself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, concentrating beyond the breeze, past the noise of the insects, and into the strange. He searched for the foreign movement that tried to elude him. And when he noticed how quiet his surroundings remained, his eyes came open, and he spoke with boldness.

  “Kyran, you can come out now.”

  The man laughed as he stepped out from the shadows, giving James a slow clap as he approached.

  “Look at you. Using your brain.”

  “It wasn’t that hard to figure out it was you,” James smiled. “A beast would have made a sound eventually. An insect is not shy of its comings and goings. So I deducted it had to be a human being, and there is only one I know who can move so stealthily.”

  “Flattery won’t save you,” Kyran said assuredly through the collar of his black trench coat. James kept his eyes steadily on the teacher, his memories replaying the event that caused Kyran to hate even more. The moment he released his eidolon, his soul manifested into the form of a sword for the first time…

  “So what are you here for?” James said. “The Princess is fine.”

  “I’m here for you,” he stated flatly. “You know that.”

  “Would it make a difference to say that I’m sorry?”

  “You cut me. I want to return the favor.”

  Kyran stood there motionless as the winds picked up slightly and the trees began to sway. His long black hair veiled his eyes, but James knew Kyran was staring straight into him, trying to decide the best way to hurt him.

  “We’re teammates now,” James said, a break in his resolve coming to the forefront. He had been so calm. Why was he cracking now?

  “What does that matter?”

  “We need all of us for the journey to the five Kingdoms. Hurting me won’t solve anything.”

  “He’s right, you know,” a sweet voice whispered from the darkness. Kyran turned around to see Chloe emerge, the same way he did earlier. James rolled his eyes. Was the whole faculty watching them?

  “What are you doing here?” Kyran said as Chloe gave him a wink. She moved so fluidly and gracefully that James wondered if this was a source of her power. Arimus had told him months ago that they were all Sages, but he didn’t get into the specifics. He had no idea what Chloe could do and what strength lied beneath her warm smiles and frilly, green sundresses. All that resonated through his mind were the words Arimus said of her:

  “She’s the strongest of us all.”

  “I asked you a question,” Kyran said and Chloe placed her right palm on his chest. James felt a shudder ripple through him. What if Kyran attacked her?

  “And I was going to answer you,” she said. “But the way you said it was so rude. I’m not James. You can’t just speak to me any way you please.”

  “Of course,” he said, straightening up. “I apologize.”

  James raised his eyebrows. Now this was an interesting sight. Kyran on the defense?

  “I’m here to bring you back to the Academy,” she said. Kyran narrowed his eyes.

  “Why? Afraid I’ll harm the Sage-in-training?”

  “No,” she laughed. “I’m actually curious to see how James would deflect an attack coming from you. No, I’m here because we all promised to stay out of Catherine’s day off. She needs this, and…you’re kind of a party pooper.”

  “How graphic.”

  “Kyran, you know what I mean,” she chuckled. “We should allow her to enjoy herself for once.”

  “Then why does he have to be here?”

  “Catherine likes having James around. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “I question the Princess’ judgment.”

  “It’s not your call,” Chloe whispered to him as she leaned in toward his face. “And besides, you promised me a night away too. We only have two weeks left. When was this vacation going to happen?”

  “It’s in the works,” Kyran mumbled as James looked at them back and forth. It was starting to get a little weird.

  “Hurry up,” she cooed before she jumped forward and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

  James nearly screamed.

  The sight was so repulsive he turned away, then back at them, then away again, feeling his stomach rumble and groan. He was suddenly glad he hadn’t eaten recently. It would all be gone now.

  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” James shouted, managing to recover just enough to speak. Catherine mumbled something in her sleep and turned over in the grass. Chloe giggled and put a finger to Kyran’s lips.

  “I’ve got this, Kyran,” she said. “Now James, how do I put this…we’re married.”

  “Why did you tell him that?!” Kyran exclaimed, as much as Kyran could exclaim.

  “It’s true, isn’t it?”

  “EW!” James gagged. “That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard! And how are you two married anyways? I thought there’s not supposed to be any relationships in the Academy.”

  “Oh, that’s just a rule for recruits so they can focus on becoming a Sage rather than their love life.”

  “Hey!” Kyran gruffed. “Don’t give the boy ideas!”

  “He has a right to know. And for the record, James. I think it’s cute the way you look at Catherine. I can just imagine how…how…”

  “How what?” James asked as Chloe’s face became solemn. She pursed her lips and looked back into the darkness, towards the village. Kyran flapped back a corner of his trench coat, revealing a sword underneath. He unsheathed it and held it firmly in his grasp. James couldn’t see what they were saw, but it had to be serious.

  “What’s going on?” he demanded as a hand shot out behind him and grabbed his pant leg. He turned to see Catherine still sitting on the grass, but she was now wide awake and staring into James’ eyes with a deeply concerned look upon her face.

  “Cath -,” James began to say, but she cut him off.

  “James,” she whispered. “The village…”

that’s when the screams began.

  Chapter 2 – Through the Fire and the Flames

  “Eidolon ban lifted,” Catherine barked out as they began running from the meadow at full sprint. And as they ran, they tried not to dwell on the villagers’ cries, echoing across the plain. James couldn’t deny the screams were getting louder, more intense and increasing in number at an alarming rate. Whatever was happening to them, it was happening fast.

  “Kyran, go!” Chloe shouted as he nodded in her direction and then took the lead. Faster than them all, Kyran sped off into the shadows and left them behind, still running to the source of the problem. Chloe turned back to James.

  “James, you have to stay back with Catherine. And protect her with your life. I have to go ahead.”

  “No!” Catherine shouted. “We can help!”

  “You don’t have you eidolon anymore,” Chloe said. “You’ll just be in the way. James will keep you safe.”

  “No, Chloe. You can’t…” Catherine sobbed angrily as Chloe ignored her pleas and ran forward, following Kyran to the battlefield. James stopped running and grabbed Catherine’s arm, pulling her back.

  “James, you can’t listen to her!”

  “This is the most important thing we can do right now!”

  “So we’re going to just sit here while my people are slaughtered?”

  “Catherine, I can’t allow you –“

  She punched him in the face.

  As hard as she could.

  It didn’t hurt nearly as much as the first time they met, but it was enough to catch him off guard and lose his grip…

  Catherine started running as soon as James stumbled and he shouted for her to stop, but it didn’t matter. She was determined to help. James swore under his breath and followed after her, watching as the outskirts of the village came into view. Nothing seemed to be wrong from the outside, but it was undeniable that there was danger in the center.

  The night sky was red and orange, and just over the rooftops; James could see ash rising into the air, wisps of flames lapping at the wooden rooftops…

  But there had to be more than a fire.

  There had been fires in the village before. The villagers usually came together without a panic and put it out before it got out of hand. But this was far different. The screams of help, the splintering of wood, the crashing down of homes and the blood-curdling shrieks of pain were evident of only one thing.

  The Kingdom of Allay was being attacked.

  And Arimus, Catherine, Kyran…all of them…

  They had all said the Kingdom couldn’t survive another one…

  James thought of who the culprit could possibly be as he saw Catherine climb to the rooftop of the first house she saw, using the make-shift tables below it as support. James wasted no time in following. He had to help.

  Placing his right fist on his left rib, he took a breath…

  And the world opened up to him.

  As he pulled the eidolon from his side, it was like his senses activated for the first time. He could see all around him like he had eyes coming from all angles of his head. His nose could catch every trace of ember, how wounded each villager was and how much blood they could afford to lose before they passed out or worse. His ears could identify every cry individually, learn which beam of wood was to fall next and where each person was located. The taste of the air on his tongue told him how long the fires had been ablaze, and where the source of the first ignition was. But the touch was what empowered him the most.

  For he could feel his hands gripping the hilt of his very soul, emerging from his body with great power. A weapon that only a Sage carried, and no one else. He admired it only for a second.

  It was hot white, blazing with the intensity of a star. The hilt was bordered in gold and the blade itself was shaped like a scimitar, boasting an impressive curve. James couldn’t understand the meaning, even to himself, but a black rose keychain hung idly from the hilt. The strange sight drew his attention, but he managed to pull himself away. His village was in trouble, and he had to concentrate if he was going to protect the people he loved.

  “Catherine, wait! I won’t hold you back!” James shouted over the roaring and the screams. She didn’t answer so he picked up the speed. Now that he had activated his eidolon, the world slowed down. Not to mention the boost in basic movement he received automatically. Everything was enhanced as he skipped the tables Catherine used to climb upon and simply jumped over them. Within seconds he had caught up to Catherine and matched his speed with hers. But she barely acknowledged him as they ran across the rooftops, her focus only on the center, the origin of the chaos.

  Before they could reach it, however, James saw some kind of beast on the tin and wooden rooftops with them, headed directly for Catherine’s right. James grabbed the Princess by the waist and moved her over to his left as he faced the creature head on.

  It was ugly. A lion’s body with the neck of a snake and the face of a boar. He had never seen anything like it, yet it didn’t take his enhanced senses to know it was hungry for their flesh.

  It whipped its head directly for his neck but he side stepped it easily and with a swipe of his arm, he decapitated the monster, sending it skidding to the ground below. Catherine had just recovered from James’ save and thanked him quickly as she pointed to the sword hanging from his side. James got the message. She wanted his standard-issued sword since he could manifest his eidolon.

  “Don’t you have an eidolon of your own?” James asked as he handed it to her.

  “Long story,” Catherine commented, inspecting the sharpness of the blade. “But basically, the stone inside me suppresses it. As long as I carry it, I can’t use my Sage powers. But we’ll talk more about that later. Stay with me.”

  They continued running and reached the village center where most of the shops were set up. But not anymore. Every house at the center had been decimated and reduced to rubble, and no living person was left to relay what happened. Only the dead remained.

  Catherine looked over each of the dead bodies carefully, her arms shaking in anger as she searched for clues amongst the debris. James waved his eidolon to each victim, trying not to dwell on their identities and what they meant to him throughout his childhood. Finally, he caught a scent. It was only a trace, very miniscule, and normally, the smell would be foreign to one of Allay. But not James. He remembered this man all too well.

  “It was Alexander,” James said through grit teeth. “He’s here.”

  “The Prattlian?” Catherine asked. “The one on the loose from months earlier?”

  “The same. Arimus and Scarlet had gone searching for him but he was never found. He’s smart. Staying low until he could strike at the right time. When we got complacent.”

  “That beast back there. I’ve seen a couple in the forest beyond the Academy. But normally they’re docile until provoked. Alexander must have invaded their territory and led them here.”

  “There’s more,” James sighed as he examined a large, peculiar footprint. “His Langoran is here too. Goes by the name of Keel. He’s probably the one that destroyed the houses. From what I was sensing, they had been set ablaze, but not for long. No fire could have caused this much damage so quickly.”

  “Where are the villagers now?”

  “Kyran and Chloe are moving large numbers back to the meadow. Some…”

  James’ voice trailed off as he noticed one of the destroyed homes. He and his friends had visited it often, especially when his chubby friend Korey was hungry…

  “This is Leidy’s,” he whispered as he lifted a beam and waved his eidolon forward. “Thank the Maker she’s not here.”

  “We’ll find them,” Catherine said confidently.

  “Wait…there are people nearby.”

  James turned toward one of the broken houses and swung his eidolon down slowly, splitting the wreckage in two halves. He sheathed his eidolon back into his left side and then used his strength to push the separate piles
to the side. As they flew and crumbled out of the way, he unleashed his eidolon again, the blinding light flashing for only a second. And when it cleared, there were twenty villagers hiding underneath a table.

  “Don’t worry, you’re safe,” James said as he sheathed his eidolon again and extended a hand. “That was smart to use the wreckage as a barrier.”

  “JAMES?” Ms. Jelloine exclaimed in shocked, her familiar round face greeting him with awe. James fought back the pride welling up within him. Whenever it tried, he was reminded of Dominic, and he had sworn long ago to never be like that egotistical hothead.

  “It’s me, Ms. Jelloine,” James said soothingly as he helped her to her feet. The other villagers, made up of all different ages, shapes and sizes, stared at him with gaping mouths, unable to contain their disbelief.

  “We heard you were sent to the Academy,” Mr. Lie commented.

  “We thought you were dead,” Little Aaron cried out.

  “I’m alive and well,” James laughed. “But that’s not important right now. What happened here?”

  “A skinny man and a giant,” Mr. Lie spoke up. “They announced themselves in the village square. They asked if we knew where the Sages were but we didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. And that’s when the skinny guy got angry. Had the monster wreck everything in sight while he took a torch and started setting our homes on fire. Then the Terrs came. We had no choice but to hide.”

  “The Terrs are the beasts running around?”

  “Yeah. There were probably a hundred of them.”

  “Where’d they all go?”

  “Not sure. But I saw a pack of them chasing an old man in a big, grey wool cloak.”

  “Arimus,” Catherine said behind them. James nodded.

  “Where’s the skinny guy and the monster now?” Catherine asked the villagers. “We can’t get a read on them.”

  “They were headed toward the residentials in the south end. Said they wanted to see the Academy.”

  “We have to stop them,” Catherine stressed to James. “The entire school will be slaughtered if there’s not a Sage there to intercept.”

  “Let’s go then.”

  “Thank you,” Catherine said to the villagers. “Now, I’m going to have to ask you to move towards the meadow. There’s a couple of Sages there that will take care of you. Stick to the roads. The Terrs will have a harder time tracking you amongst the smoke and will primarily hunt on the roofs.”


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