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Hell's Flower

Page 17

by SL Schiefer

  My orgasm sneaks up on me; I don’t even get time to warn her before I’m shooting my seed down her throat. She looks up at me with a smile right after she lets my dick fall out of her mouth.

  “God, Angel, you couldn’t be any more perfect if you tried.”

  “I know this,” she tells me with a straight face, which she’s almost able to pass off for about two seconds before loses herself, laughing.

  Crawling back up the bed to lie next to me, I press a kiss to her forehead. “Are you hungry? I can go downstairs and make us breakfast, if you want.”

  “Is there actual food in this place that isn’t spoiled?” she asks jokingly.

  “Yes, smartass. The prospects keep the fridge stocked up pretty good. Do you want something or not?” I push out of bed, crawling over her.

  I walk to my dresser and grab some clean clothes. Turning back toward the bed to see her, I start to get dressed. When I glance up to see if she’s going to answer me sometime today, she’s staring at my body.

  “See something you like, Angel?”

  She sneers at me. “Stop teasing me. I swear that’s, like, all you fucking do!”

  “Are you getting hangry on me?”

  “Hangry? What the fuck is that?” she asks with a confused look on her face.

  Well, shit. “It’s when you’re hungry and angry because you’re hungry. You know, hangry.”

  She’s just looking at me blinking. “Nothing? Not even a smile?”

  “No, now get out of here and start making me food. I’ll be down in a little bit to eat.”

  Shaking my head, I toss an “I love you” over my shoulder and head downstairs to start her highness some food.

  The hallway leading downstairs is littered with beer cans and the main room is scattered with bodies. The guys must have stayed up last night to celebrate blowing up Jake’s clubhouse.

  It’s like a fucking maze walking around this house the morning after parties. Everyone just drops where they are and falls asleep.

  Finally reaching the kitchen, I walk to the cupboard with the skillet and take it out. Grabbing all the ingredients to make a couple of omelets, I set about making breakfast.

  I’m in my zone, watching the food in the skillet sizzle away, when my pops walks in.

  “Good morning, son. How’s it hanging?” he asks me after he grabs a beer from the fridge.

  “How’s it hanging? And you’re drinking a beer before ten in the morning? Old habits die hard, huh?”

  “I don’t remember you being so fucking mouthy when I was still around.” He takes a long pull of his beer before adding, “In fact, I remember you begging me to help you get justice for Trina, which you never followed through with.”

  “You know, Pops? I don’t need this shit from you. It’s always the same shit, just a different god damned month.”

  “One would think you could act a little grateful I’m here to help.”

  “Help with what? I don’t see you doing shit while you’re here, except fuck things up. And would it kill you to check in at all if you decide to take off for more than a day?”

  “Boy, you may be the President of this club, but you will never fucking treat me this way. I raised you the best I could after your mom took off. I’m sorry I’ve made you into this heartless guy.” He shakes his head as he stares into the bottle.

  “You see, that’s where you’re wrong.” We both turn to see Raven standing there wearing the sexiest scowl I’ve ever seen. “Gunner is one of the best men I’ve ever met. He’s been nothing but a perfect gentleman to me. He has more heart and determination than a lot of people I know. So you’re taking credit for the person he’s become? Why don’t you take a step back and evaluate yourself before you start looking for faults in other people.”

  She walks over to the skillet and takes over making the food. “I hate to cut this short, Pops, but while I can spend time with her, I’m going to, so if you’ll excuse us…”

  He turns and walks away without a second glance. It’s funny when you find out how you rank on people’s lists. And it doesn’t hurt at all.

  Chapter Thirty-Three – Raven

  “YOU OKAY?” I ASK while spooning the eggs and bacon onto plates for each of us.

  I see him out of the corner of my eye as he walks to the coffee pot with two mugs in his hands. “Yeah, Angel. I’m good.”

  I know I should take his word for it, but the tone of his voice sounds almost… defeated. “It’s okay if you’re not, babe. No offense, but your dad sounds like a complete asshole.”

  “That’s because he is.”

  I bring the plates to the small table in the kitchen, setting them down and then shoving everything else littering the space to the side. I smile in thanks when he places a cup of freshly brewed coffee down in front of me.

  I decide to leave the topic of his father alone for the time being. We eat in silence for a bit, but I can feel the tension radiating off of him.


  He stops mid-chew and looks up from his plate at me.

  “You know you can talk to me about anything, right? Whether you think I want to hear it or not, or if you’re trying to protect me. I mean, I get it, but I want you to know I’m here if you need me.” I’m trying to read his face but he keeps it neutral, not showing anything. We sit and stare at each other for what feels like forever before a sexy smirk takes over his face.

  “Yeah, Angel. I know. And that,” he says, pointing at me with his fork, “is why I fucking love you.”

  “Oh, really? Is that the only reason?” I cock a brow at him.

  “No. That’s not even close to the entire list of reasons why.”

  “Better not be,” I wink.

  “So we’re all going out today. After breakfast, I need you to get ready. Wear jeans, your boots, and you can wear my vest.”

  Umm…what? “Like, your leather vest?”

  “Yeah,” he laughs. “Pretty sure I just said that.”

  “Like the one the ol’ ladies wear?”

  “Yeah. We are committed, right?”

  “Well…yeah, but…I…”

  “What? You don’t have to,” he says with distaste.

  “No,” I say quickly, reaching across the table to grab his hand. “I just… I don’t know. You threw me off a bit, that’s all. I’d love to wear your leather.”

  “Good.” He nods as he sits back and smiles like he just won something.

  “So, what are we doing today?”

  “Well, I want to show you the good things we do, too. I know yesterday freaked the shit outta you. Today, I want to show you the other side of what being part of a club means.”

  “Okay. And what exactly are we doing?”

  “The entire club is going riding from bar to bar. We won’t be home until late.”

  “Why are you being so damn vague, Gunner?”

  “Sorry, I’m not trying to. We’re doing a poker run.”

  “I’m good at Texas Hold ‘Em, but I kind of suck at five card.”

  Tipping his head back, he laughs. “No, babe. We aren’t really going to play poker, but remind me of that fact when I want you to agree to something you don’t want to agree to,” he winks.

  “Ha ha ha. So what’s a poker run?”

  “We have collection jars at different bars across a few of the counties, so we all ride together and have a beer at each place we collect.”

  “What kind of collection?” I’m intrigued. I never would have thought they’d do something like this.

  “It varies, but this one is for the state children’s hospital.”

  “Aww! And here I thought you all were just a bunch of fucking badasses,” I joke. “Seriously, Gunner, I think that’s the coolest shit ever.”

  “Good. Let’s go get ready.”


  We’ve been at it for hours. We’re at our eighth bar, I think. I don’t even know anymore. I’m hot with all these damn clothes on, but I could tell that wearing Gunner’s vest
was a big deal for him.

  “Oh my God, Rave!” Jazz giggles as she wraps me in her arms. “I’m kind of drunk.”

  “Yeah, me, too,” I laugh.

  “Drunk enough for me, yet, bitches?” Big Bertha says as she, Ginger, and Mouse join us at the bar.

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever be drunk enough to do that!” I laugh.

  “What’s so funny, Angel?” Gunner asks as he wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

  “Nothing,” I tell him, shaking my head.

  “How you feeling?”

  “A bit intoxicated, if I do say so myself.”

  The girls bust out laughing. “So proper! Since when?” Jazz pipes in.

  “How are we going to finish the run and get home if we’re all fucking wasted?” I ask Gunner, turning my face toward him.

  “Us guys can handle our beers. That’s why we have the one beer rule for each place we go.”

  “Oh. Glad someone’s responsible,” I giggle. “Why’d your dad come?” I whisper into his ear.

  “I’m not sure on that one. I’ve been wondering the same thing myself. Can I just say how sexy you look in leather? Why don’t you wear leather every day?” he whispers back into my ear.

  “Because I never thought I could pull it off,” I shrug.

  “So, Raven, how’s your dad been?” Gunner’s dad asks as he joins us.

  “He’s good.” How the hell does he know Dad? Hesitantly, I ask him.

  “He’s a runner for the club. You know, drugs and shit.”

  What. The. Fuck?

  “I think you have the wrong Anders,” I correct him. I can feel Gunner’s arms tighten around my waist but I continue. “My mom died from a drug overdose. He’s pretty strict when it comes to narcotics.”

  The fucker laughs. Laughs! And I can feel my blood boil to an all-time high. “I’m the one who hired him. I’ve known of you for over a decade, Raven. I’m surprised, though, that you and Mace became an item. So serious, too.”

  “Dad, it’s time for you to shut the fuck up,” Gunner growls from behind me.

  “I heard some of the guys had to teach him a lesson. I sure hope he’s fully healed.” He fakes concern. A fake fucking sympathy smile like he actually gives a shit. Wait. This club? I try to push out of Gunner’s embrace but his arms constrict around me, holding me to the front of his body. My heart feels like someone just smashed it with a sledge hammer and my head begins to spin. I need space. Now.

  “Gunner, let me go!”

  “Angel, you need to give me a chance to explain.”

  I kick him in the shin but he doesn’t budge.

  “Please, let me explain,” he pleads softly into my ear.

  “You’ve got twenty seconds and then I’m going to rip your dick off with my bare fucking hands,” I snarl.

  This’ll be good.

  Chapter Thirty-Four – Mace

  IF HE WASN’T my old man I would bury him six feet under myself. I would rip my gun out of my holster and shoot him in between the eyeballs, but he’s my dad. I can’t exactly off him because he lets something out he should have taken to the grave.

  I give him a look so sinister, I can feel everyone cowering away from us. Except Raven. She stands tall right beside me, although she’s trying to escape the iron-like hold I have on her arm.

  “I’ll fucking deal with you later, Pops. Angel, we need to get out of here.” I lead her out of the bar and over to my bike. I have sweat dripping down the back of my neck, whether it’s from nerves or the heat, I don’t know.

  I hand Raven her helmet and she just stares at me with her arms crossed over her chest. “Put the helmet on, Angel. Please.”

  The old saying ‘if looks could kill’ comes to mind with the glare she’s giving me. “C’mon. If you want to go talk, just put the fucking helmet on.”

  She drops her arms and takes the helmet from me. Strapping it on, she says, “I really don’t want to hear your excuses as to why you hid from me the fact that my dad ran drugs for you guys. The only reason I’m going is I’m more pissed at my dad right now than I am at you.”

  “I know, Angel, but before you get on that bike I need you to know two things.” I start tucking her hair back from her face. Even if she’s pissed at me, I need to touch her. “I had nothing to do with hiring your dad to do anything for us. And the minute I knew you were it for me, I started figuring out a way to release him from ever having to work with us again.”

  I throw my leg over the bike and wait for her to climb on behind me. I keep myself from looking at her, too. I don’t want to see the look she would give me right now, not knowing if I could handle the rejection from her.

  I feel her hand land on my shoulder to help her get on the bike. When I feel her settle behind me and wrap her arms around me, I fire the bike up. Peeling out of the parking lot, I drive in the direction of my house.

  When we reach my house, she jumps off the back of my bike before I even come to a complete stop and goes in to the house through the garage. I park my bike in its usual spot, turn her off, and hop off myself. I stand there for a few minutes, steeling myself for whatever this talk might bring on.

  Walking into my house, I find her sitting in the same chair she chose the first day I brought her back here. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No. Will you please just sit down so you can tell me shit I don’t even want to know?” She has both of her hands in her lap, folded together.

  “Just want to get straight to it, huh?” She nods her head but doesn’t say anything.

  “Okay, we need to start at back at the night I met you. Everything for me has unfolded from that night.”

  Her eyebrows draw in, marring her face in confusion. “Whatever gets me the truth is where I want to start.”

  “I know you remember that night at the club. When I saw you across the room on the dance floor, the floor felt like it fell right out from under my feet. You were so beautiful. So naïve about to you were about to get wrapped up in. You were so unaware of me watching you, it was hard to not run up to you, grab you, and yank you into the office so all of those other assholes couldn’t look at you.

  ”But then we talked and you told me your last name. That’s why I pushed you away so suddenly. I knew I couldn’t get involved with you because of your dad. I didn’t want to mix business and pleasure. I didn’t want to hurt you, because I knew I eventually would if I started something with you.”

  Raven narrows her eyes at me, making me wonder if she’s even letting any of this sink in. “That’s great and all, but what does that have to do with my dad running drugs for you?”

  “If you don’t interrupt me, I’ll get to it, but I need you to actually listen to me. I need you to understand what it is I’m telling you. Can you do that for me?” My nerves are going to be shot after this. I’m going to need a bunch of alcohol tonight if she leaves here without me.

  I know better than to push a woman too far when she’s in this mood. Especially when I’ve fucked up.

  She nods her head, crossing her arms over her chest again, which does nothing but draw my attention to her breasts every single time. “Mace. My eyes are up here.”

  “Ouch, Angel. You wound me. Please don’t punish me for something I didn’t start.”

  “We’ll see. Get to explaining, Lucy.”

  Containing my growl of frustration, I continue on. “My dad basically blackmailed yours into doing this shit for us. My dad and yours never really got along, but he wanted to open the shop and needed a little help in getting the money to make it happen. My dad gave him the money, and in order for him to actually get the money in hand, he had to agree to be at my dad’s disposal. Basically, anything my dad needed done your dad would do.

  ”But when it came time for him to start, he wasn’t following through with anything. My dad knew how you’re mom died and used it against your dad. I never wanted to be in the drug business. Guns? Okay, sure. I don’t want to be the reason
some young kid is OD’ing. I don’t want to have that over my head.”

  “Then when you became President, why didn’t you just stop?”

  “You know how we are always doing stuff for kids?” At my question, she nods her head. “We wouldn’t be able to do as much for them if we stopped everything. We need to keep it going for a little bit. Like, right now, we’re stocking up on school supplies and backpacks. We’re giving away a backpack filled with a bunch of school supplies to each kid who needs one.”

  Her expression is softening a little bit. “You really do that for the kids?”

  I get up from the couch and start walking around the living room. Ignoring her question, I continue with explaining. “Like I told you earlier, when I knew you were mine, I figured out how to get your dad out of doing what he was. We needed to find someone to replace him. I need to continue to be able to give to these kids. Some of them would even go without food if we didn’t help.”

  “I understand that. I don’t have to like the method you guys use to help, but you are doing great things with what you’re doing. So, what did your dad mean when he said he knew someone had roughed Dad up?”

  “Your dad decided he was going to try to get protection from another club. He didn’t want to deal with us anymore. We went down and informed him he shouldn’t do that. Sometimes, other methods are used in convincing some people.”

  “So you beat him up AFTER you knew he was my dad?” she yells with an incredulous look on her face.

  “Angel, I wasn’t going to keep seeing you. You and I were done. Why did it matter to me how you felt about your dad getting put in the hospital? But then you went to the police. And then Jake hit on you at the store. Then we made out here. I was done for. You’re not someone who can easily disappear from my thoughts.

  “I don’t like this at all. Not one fucking bit. It’s a good thing you let him go before I found out about all of this. If it would have been after, it would’ve looked so damn bad.”

  Nodding, I tell her, “I know, believe me.”

  She scrutinizes me before saying, “I do believe you. God help me, I shouldn’t, but I do.”


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